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List of works by Russell W. Cooper

Autos and the National Industrial Recovery Act: Evidence on Industry Complementarities

scientific article published in June 1992

Balladurette and Juppette: A Discrete Analysis of Scrapping Subsidies

scientific article published in May 1997

Bank Runs: Liquidity and Incentives

scientific article published in November 1991

Business Cycles: Theory, Evidence and Implications

scientific article published in April 1997

Capital Reallocation and Aggregate Productivity

scientific article published in December 2013

Consumption Smoothing and Portfolio Rebalancing: The Effects of Adjustment Costs

scientific article published in April 2011

Costly Labor Adjustment: Effects of China's Employment Regulations

scientific article published in March 2012

Costly Labor Adjustment: General Equilibrium Effects of China's Employment Regulations

scientific article published in August 2013

Costly Portfolio Adjustment

scientific article published in August 2009

Debt Fragility and Bailouts

scientific article published in September 2012

Deposit Insurance Without Commitment: Wall St. Versus Main St

scientific article published in January 2011

Deposit Insurance and Orderly Liquidation without Commitment: Can we Sleep Well?

scientific article published in June 2013

Designing Stabilization Policy in a Monetary Union

scientific article published in March 2000

Dynamic Behavior of Imperfectly Competitive Economies with Multiple Equilibria

scientific article published in September 1987

Dynamic Complementarities: A Quantitative Analysis

scientific article published in July 1996

Dynamic Labor Demand in China: Public and Private Objectives

scientific article published in October 2010

Entry and Exit, Product Variety and the Business Cycle

scientific article published in December 1993

Establishing a Monetary Union

scientific article published in November 1998

Estimation and Identification of Structural Parameters in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria

scientific article published in May 2002

Euler-Equation Estimation for Discrete Choice Models: A Capital Accumulation Application

scientific article published in January 2010

Evidence on Macroeconomic Complementarities

scientific article published in December 1993

Exhuming Q: Market Power vs. Capital Market Imperfections

scientific article published in March 2001

Exit from a Monetary Union through Euroization: Discipline without Chaos

scientific article published in March 2012

Exporting from China: The Determinants of Trade Status

scientific article published in December 2020

Financial Fragility and the Great Depression

scientific article published in July 1997

Financial Intermediation and Aggregate Fluctuations: A Quantative Analysis

scientific article published in August 1994

Financial Intermediation and The Great Depression: A Multiple Equilibrium Interpretation

scientific article published in May 1995

Government Debt and Banking Fragility: The Spreading of Strategic Uncertainty

scientific article published in August 2013

Household Finance in China

scientific article published in August 2017

Household Finance over the Life-Cycle: What does Education Contribute?

scientific article published in November 2014

Household Finance: Education, Permanent Income and Portfolio Choice

scientific article published in September 2013

Implications of Search Frictions: Matching Aggregate and Establishment-level Observations

scientific article published in May 2007

Insulation Impossible: Fiscal Spillovers in a Monetary Union

Inventories and the Propagation of Sectoral Shocks

Is It Is or Is It Ain't My Obligation? Regional Debt in a Fiscal Federation

scientific article published in October 2005

Is it is or is it Ain't my Obligation? Regional Debt in Monetary Unions

Labor Market Implications of Education MisMatch

scientific article published in December 2020

Learning by Doing and Aggregate Fluctuations

scientific article published in January 1999

MPC Heterogeneity in Europe: Sources and Policy Implications

scientific article published in September 2018

Machine Replacement and the Business Cycle: Lumps and Bumps

scientific article published in September 1995

Macroeconomic Implications of Production Bunching

scientific article published in May 1989

MisMatch in Human Capital Accumulation

scientific article published in February 2016

Monetary Policy and Debt Fragility

scientific article published in November 2014

Money or Grit? Determinants of MisMatch

scientific article published in October 2016

On the Nature of Capital Adjustment Costs

scientific article published in September 2000

Optimal Labor Contracts, Imperfect Competition and Underemployment Equilibria: A Framework for Analysis

scientific article published in October 1986

Participation Dynamics: Sunspots and Cycles

scientific article published in September 1990

Political Activism and the Provision of Dynamic Incentives

Rationalizing Trading Frequency and Returns

scientific article published in May 2010

Rationalizing Trading Frequency and Returns: Maybe Trading is Good for You

scientific article published in May 2019

Sharing Some Thoughts on Weitzman's The Share Economy

scientific article published in October 1985

TFPR: Dispersion and Cyclicality

scientific article published in December 2020

The Aggregate Implications of Machine Replacement: Theory and Evidence

scientific article published in December 1990

The Collateral Trap

scientific article published in November 2014

The Cost of Labor Adjustment: Inferences from the Gap

The Dynamics of Car Sales: A Discrete Choice Approach

scientific article published in July 2000

The Economics of Labor Adjustment: Mind the Gap

The Employment and Output Effects of Short-Time Work in Germany

scientific article published in August 2017