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List of works by Robert Fosbury

A 0035 'the cartwheel' a large southern ring galaxy

scientific article published in January 1977

A blue and polarized source along the radio axis of PKS 2152-69

A blue, polarized continuum source near radio galaxy PKS2152–69

scientific article published in Nature

A complete sample of radio galaxies - I. The radio data

scientific article published in January 1989

A conspicuous tangential alignment of galaxies in a STIS Parallel Shear Survey field: A new dark-lens candidate?

scientific article

A radio and optical study of the galaxy PKS 1718-649

scientific article

A search for broad infrared recombination lines in NGC 1068

scholarly article

A spectroscopic and radio survey of 'Tololo' galaxies

scholarly article

A survey of chemical compositions of H II regions in the Magellanic Clouds

scientific article published in January 1978

A weak lensing analysis of a STIS dark-lens candidate

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

An ultraviolet and optical study of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 382

scientific article published in January 1986

Anisotropic [OIII] emission in radio loud AGN

scientific article

Astronomical applications of quantum optics for extremely large telescopes

Astronomical quantum optics with Extremely Large Telescopes

Beamed ionizing radiation in radio galaxies

Building up a database of spectro-photometric standard stars from the UV to the near-IR: a status report

Ca II absorption lines in the spectrum of the quasar PKS 2020-370 due to galactic material in the group Klemola 31

scientific article published in January 1980

Color-coordinate system from a 13th-century account of rainbows

scientific article

Comparing dynamical and photometric-stellar masses of early-type galaxies at z ~ 1

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Cosmic Shear from STIS pure parallels. III. Analysis of Cycle 9 pure parallels

scientific article published in January 2005

Cosmic shear analysis of archival HST/ACS data. I. Comparison of early ACS pure parallel data to the HST/GEMS survey

scientific article published in January 2007

Cosmic shear from STIS pure parallels. I. Data

scientific article published in January 2001

Cosmic shear from STIS pure parallels. II. Analysis

scientific article published in January 2002

Deep U band and R imaging of Goods-South: observations, data reduction and first results

scientific article

Detached nuclear-like activity in the radio galaxy PKS 2152–69

scientific article published in Nature

Early-type galaxies at z ~ 1.3. III. On the dependence of formation epochs and star formation histories on stellar mass and environment

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Effect of the stellar absorption line centre-to-limb variation on exoplanet transmission spectrum observations

scientific article published in January 2017

Emission line imaging of 3CR quasars and radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1996

Emission-line activity in radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1987

Emission-line galaxies from the NICMOS/Hubble space telescope grism parallel survey

scientific article published in January 1999

Erratum: Radio galaxies at $z\sim$ 2.5: Results from Keck spectropolarimetry

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Evidence for a BL Lac nucleus in Centaurus A

scientific article

Far ultraviolet line profiles in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151

scientific article published in January 1979

Far-infrared/millimetre emission in 3C sources. Dust in radio galaxies and quasars

scientific article published in January 2002

Flares and spots on dwarf M stars

journal article; published in Nature on 1974-11-01

Formation epochs, star formation histories, and sizes of massive early-type galaxies in cluster and field environments at z = 1.2: insights from the rest-frame ultraviolet

scientific article published in January 2010

GOODS' look at galaxies in the young universe

scientific article published in January 2005

Giant low surface brightness haloes in distant radio galaxies: USS0828+193

scholarly article

High-z nebulae: Ionization by stars or by an obscured QSO?

scientific article published in January 2003

IUE observations of Fe II galaxies

scientific article published in January 1980

IUE observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxies I Zw 1, II Zw 136, and Mk 231

IUE observations of two (non-Seyfert) radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1980

Imaging polarimetry of high redshift radio galaxies with EFOSC

scholarly article

Imaging polarimetry of high-redshift radio galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Investigating beaming and orientation effects using a complete sample of radio sources

scholarly article

Ionization of large-scale absorbing haloes and feedback events from high-redshift radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 2006

Is the high- z Lynx Arc Nebula ionized by an obscured QSO?

scientific article published in January 2005

Kinematically quiet haloes around z 2.5 radio galaxies. Keck spectroscopy

scientific article

Ly$\mathsf{\alpha}$ emitters in the GOODS-S field

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Massive Star Formation in a Gravitationally Lensed HiiGalaxy atz= 3.357

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Measurements of the sky background using the HST Faint Object Camera

scholarly article

Misdirected quasars and evolved stars in distant radio galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Mitochondrial absorption of short wavelength light drives primate blue retinal cones into glycolysis which may increase their pace of aging

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Neutral hydrogen in the Cartwheel

scientific article published in January 1977

New observations of the optical spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151

scientific article published in January 1975

Obscured AGN across cosmic time

scientific article

Optical observations of Pictor A

scholarly article

Optical polarization in distant radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1993

Optical spectroscopy of SN 1987A

scientific article published in January 1987

Optical spectroscopy of a complete sample of southern 2-Jy radio sources*

article by C. N. Tadhunter et al published 15 August 1993 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Origin of the Continuum in High Redshift Radio Galaxies

PKS 0400-181: a classical radio double from spiral galaxy ?

scientific article published in January 1983

Polarization and kinematics in Cygnus A

scientific article published in January 2003

Polarized extended Ly{alpha} emission from a z = 2.3 radio galaxy

Polarized light in high-redshift radio galaxies

scientific article published in Nature

Predicted UV properties of very metal-poor starburst galaxies

scientific article published in January 2010

QuantEYE, the quantum optics instrument for OWL

QuantEYE: a quantum optics instrument for extremely large telescopes

RX J0848+4456: disentangling a moderate redshift cluster

scholarly article

Radio galaxies at $z\sim$ 2.5: Results from Keck spectropolarimetry

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Radio jet interactions in the radio galaxy PKS 2152—699

scientific article

Radio, optical and X-ray observations of PKS 2250-41: a jet/galaxy collision?

scientific article published in January 1997

Recurrent outbursts in the broad-line region of NGC 1566

scientific article

Reindeer eyes seasonally adapt to ozone-blue Arctic twilight by tuning a photonic tapetum lucidum

scientific article published in 2022

Rotation of the large lenticular galaxy NGC 612

scientific article published in January 1980

Scattered nuclear continuum and broad h{alpha} in Cygnus A

scientific article published in January 1997

Seyfert galaxies as X-ray sources

scientific article

Soft X-Ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Radio Sources

Some misclassification planetary nebulae

scientific article published in January 1975

Spectrophotometric and neutral hydrogen observations of Michigan 160

scientific article published in January 1988

Spectrophotometry of three radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1978

Spectrophotometry with the ACS wide field camera

scientific article published in January 2000

Spectropolarimetry of 3C 265, a misaligned radio galaxy

scholarly article

Spectroscopic observations of Lyman break galaxies at redshifts ~4, 5, and 6 in the GOODS-South Field

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Spectroscopic observations of the X-ray Nova A 0620-00

scientific article published in January 1977

Stellar and scattered light in a radio galaxy at Z = 2.63

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Stellar chromospheric velocity fields and the width luminosity relations

scientific article published in January 1973

Stellar dynamics of Cen A

scientific article published in January 1986

Stellar dynamics of Cen A

scientific article published in January 1983

Stellar properties ofz ~ 1 Lyman-break galaxies from ACS slitless grism spectra

scientific article

Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Support for a unified model of radio galaxies and quasars from isotropic [O II] emission

scientific article published in Nature

The Fe 9+ region in active galactic nuclei

scientific article published in January 1984

The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South Field

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Massive Hosts of Radio Galaxies across Cosmic Time

scholarly article

The N V/C IV Ratio in High Redshift Radio Galaxies

The STIS parallel survey: introduction and first results

scientific article

The UV Radiation from [FORMULA][F]z∼2.5[/F][/FORMULA] Radio Galaxies: Keck Spectropolarimetry of 4C 23.56 and 4C 00.54

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The UV spectrum of the BL Lac object PKS 0521-36

scientific article

The WFC3 infrared spectroscopic parallel (WISP) survey

scientific article

The active elliptical galaxy NGC 1052

scientific article

The centre-to-limb variations of solar Fraunhofer lines imprinted upon lunar eclipse spectra. Implications for exoplanet transit observations

scientific article published in January 2015

The effects of resonance scattering and dust on the UV line spectrum of radio galaxies

scientific article

The extended nebulosity in the radio galaxy 3C 227

scientific article published in January 1993

The great observatories origins deep survey VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South Field: Part II

scientific article

The great observatories origins deep survey VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South field: Part III

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The great observatories origins deep survey VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in the GOODS-south field

scientific article

The high-ionization optical spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy Tololo 0109-383

scholarly article

The identification and nature of the powerful radio galaxy PKS 1934-63

scientific article published in January 1987

The jet--cloud interacting radio galaxy PKS B2152-699 -- I. Structures revealed in new deep radio and X-ray observations

scientific article published in January 2012

The kinematics of the ionized gas around powerful radio galaxies

scholarly article

The multi-faceted active galaxy PKS 0521-36

scientific article published in January 1985

The nature of the extreme kinematics in the extended gas of high redshift radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1999

The nature of the optical filaments in Centaurus A. Evidence for a beamed ionizing continuum⋆


The nature of the optical-radio correlations for powerful radio galaxies

scientific article published in January 1998

The optical spectrum and morphology of the probable X-ray galaxy NGC 5506 (3U 1410-03)

scientific article published in January 1976

The radio and optical axes of radio elliptical galaxies

scientific article published in January 1987

The radio and optical properties of the BL Lac object PKS 0521-36

scholarly article

The redshift of the BL Lacertae object PKS 0548-322

The remarkable Seygert galaxy Markarian 231

scientific article published in January 1977

The role of composition: natural materials vs. synthetic composites: general discussion

scientific article published on 12 October 2020

The soft X-ray properties of a complete sample of radio sources

article by J. Siebert et al published 11 April 1996 in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The ultraviolet spectrum of the active elliptical galaxy NGC 1052

scientific article published in January 1981

The unusual radio galaxy NGC 6240

scientific article published in January 1979

UV rest frame spectroscopy of four high redshift (z>2) active galaxies

scientific article

UV/optical properties of z∼2.5 radio galaxies

Using the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect to observe the transmission spectrum of earth's atmosphere

scientific article published in January 2015

VLBI observations of NGC 4151, MK 231 and other galaxies with broad emission line nuclei

scientific article published in January 1983

VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South field

Very extended ionized gas in radio galaxies - III. Emission along the radio axis of PKS 0634-20

scientific article published in January 1984

Very extended ionized gas in radio galaxies - IV. PKS 2152-69

scientific article

Very extended ionized gas in radio galaxies- I. A radio, optical and ultraviolet study of PKS 2158-380

scientific article published in January 1982

Very extended ionized gas in radio galaxies. II. An optical and radiostudy of PKS 0349-27

scholarly article

Very strong emission-line galaxies in the WFC3 infrared spectroscopic parallel survey and implications for high-redshift galaxies

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Why aye-ayes see blue

scientific article