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List of works by George Bentham

Bentham's taxonomic arrangement of Dryandra

CXLIV Graminae

scholarly article

Catalogue des plantes indigènes des Pyrénées et du Bas Languedoc

book by George Bentham

Commentationes de Leguminosarum Generibus

botanical reference


(1837) chapter of "Enumeratio plantarum quas in Novae Hollandiae ora austro-occidentali ad fluvium Cygnorum et in Sinu Regis Georgii collegit Carolus liber baro de Hügel"

Flora Australiensis

1863–1878 book by George Bentham

Flora Hongkongensis

London, L. Reeve, 1861.

Flora australiensis:a description of the plants of the Australian territory

London : L. Reeve and co., 1863-78. | Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library

Flora hongkongensis: a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the island of Hongkong


Flora hongkongensis: a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the island of Hongkong. By George Bentham. Published under the authority of Her Majesty's secretary of state for the colonies


Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita


George Bentham letters to Asa Gray

Harvard University Botany Libraries

Handbook of the British Flora

book by George Bentham

Handbook of the British flora : a description of the flowering plants and ferns indigenous to, or naturalized in, the British Isles


Handbook of the British flora: a description of the flowering plants and ferns indigenous to, or naturalised in, the British Isles. For the use of beginners and amateurs. By George Bentham


Handbook of the British flora: a description of the flowering plants and ferns indigenous to, or naturalized in, the British Isles. For the use of beginners and amateurs. By George Bentham


IX. Description of some New Genera and Species of Tropical Leguminosae.

scientific article

Illustrations of the British flora : a series of wood engravings, with dissections, of British plants

London: L. Reeve, 1887.

Illustrations of the British flora: a series of wood engravings, with dissections, of British plants

London,L. Reeve & co.,1880. | New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library

Illustrations of the British flora: a series of wood engravings, with dissections, of British plants,


Illustrations of the British flora: a series of wood engravings, with dissections, of British plants, drawn by W. H. Fitch, F. L. S., and W. G. Smith, F. L. S., forming an illustrated companion to Mr. Bentham's Handbook and other British floras


Labiatarum Genera et Species

publication published in 8 fasc., between 1832 and 1836

Niger flora; or, An enumeration of the plants of western tropical Africa

London,H. Bailliere; [etc., etc.]1849. | Multiple institutions

Note on the Genera Darwinia, Rudge, and Bartlingia, Ad. Brongn.

scientific article

Notes on Euphorbiaceae.

scientific article

Notes on Gramineae

[London: The Linnean Society, 1881].

Notes on Gramineae.

scientific article

Notes on Menispermaceae

scholarly article (1861)

Notes on Orchideae.

scientific article

Notes on the Classification, History, and Geographical Distribution of Compositae.

scientific article

On the Distribution of the Monocotyledonous Orders into Primary Groups, more especially in reference to the Australian Flora, with notes on some points of Terminology.

scientific article (publication date: February 1877)

Orders XLVIII. Myrtaceae- LXII. Compositae

chapter in Flora Australiensis Vol 3

Plantas Hartwegianas :imprimis mexicanas adjectis nonnullis Grahamianis enumerat novasque

Londini: [G. Pamplin, ]1839[-57].

Plantas Hartwegianas imprimis Mexicanas

botanical book by George Bentham

Revislon of the Suborder Mimoseae

scholarly article

Scrophularinaea Indicae :A synopsis of the East Indian Scrophylarineae contained in the collections presented by the East India Company to the Linnean Society of London, and in those of Mr. Royle and others; with some general observations on the affi

Scrophularineae Indicae

book by George Bentham

The Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur

book by George Bentham

The Flora australiensis

scientific article (publication date: December 1967)

The botany of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1836-42. Published under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty /Edited and superintended by Richard Brinsley Hinds, at

scholarly article by George Bentham published in January 1844

VII. On Brachynema and Phoxanthus, two new Genera of Brazilian Plants.


VII. Revision of the Suborder Mimoseae.

Velleia macrophylla

species of plant

XIII. Review of the Order of Hydrophylleae.

scientific article

XIV. Observations on some Genera of Plants connected with the Flora of Guiana.

scientific article

XLIX.—Enumeration of plants collected by Mr. Schomburgk, British Guiana


XVII. Observations on the Genus Hosackia and the American Loti.

scientific article

XVIII. Revision of the Genus Cassia.

scientific article

XXI. On the Erigoneae, a Tribe of the Order Polygonaceae.

scientific article

XXII. On the genus Henriquezia of Spruce.

scientific article

XXV. On the Heliamphora nutans, a new Pitcher-plant from British Guiana.


XXX. On African Anonaceae.

scientific article