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List of works by Hamid-Reza Karimi

A Data-Based Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Vehicle Collision by LPV-ARMAX Models

A Fast Logdet Divergence Based Metric Learning Algorithm for Large Data Sets Classification

A Filtering Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking Based on Smoothing Spline Fitting

article published in 2014

A Frequency Compensation Algorithm of Four-Wheel Coherence Random Road

A Mahalanobis Hyperellipsoidal Learning Machine Class Incremental Learning Algorithm

A Mixed 0-1 Linear Programming Approach to the Computation of All Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria of a Finiten-Person Game in Normal Form

A New Adaptive LSSVR with Online Multikernel RBF Tuning to Evaluate Analog Circuit Performance

article by Aihua Zhang et al published 2013 in Abstract and Applied Analysis

A Novel Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis Algorithm Using Multivariate Dynamic Time Warping Measure

A Novel Evaluation Model for Hybrid Power System Based on Vague Set and Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory


A Novel Identification Method for Generalized T-S Fuzzy Systems

A Novel Mathematical Formula for Retrieval Algorithm


A Novel Research on Rough Clustering Algorithm

A Parameter-Dependent Approach to Observer-BasedH∞Control for Networked Control LPV Systems

A Partial Robust M-Regression-Based Prediction and Fault Detection Method

A Simplified Predictive Control of Constrained Markov Jump System with Mixed Uncertainties

article by Yanyan Yin et al published 2014 in Abstract and Applied Analysis

A mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation

Active Disturbance Rejection Station-Keeping Control of Unstable Orbits around Collinear Libration Points

Active Vibration Control in Mechanical Systems


Adaptive Finite-Time Control for a Flexible Hypersonic Vehicle with Actuator Fault

Adaptive Real-Time Estimation on Road Disturbances Properties Considering Load Variation via Vehicle Vertical Dynamics


Advanced Autonomous Machines and Design Developments

scientific article published in 2022

Advanced Control and Optimization with Applications to Complex Automotive Systems

Advanced Stochastic Control Systems with Engineering Applications

An Adaptive Metamodel-Based Optimization Approach for Vehicle Suspension System Design

An Algorithm for Discretization of Real Value Attributes Based on Interval Similarity

An Analytical Tire Model with Flexible Carcass for Combined Slips


An approximation lagrangian-based algorithm for the maximum clique problem via deterministic annealing neural network

scientific article published in 2022

Analog Circuit Design Optimization Based on Evolutionary Algorithms

scholarly article by Mansour Barari et al published 2014 in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Analysis of Electric Motor Magnetic Core Loss under Axial Mechanical Stress

scientific article published on 29 November 2020

Angle Displacement Robust Controller for the Port Plate of the Hydraulic Transformer

Approximate Analytic and Numerical Solutions to Lane-Emden Equation via Fuzzy Modeling Method

Attitude Stabilization Control of a Quadrotor UAV by Using Backstepping Approach

BIBO Stability Analysis for Delay Switched Systems with Nonlinear Perturbation


Collaborative Development Planning Model of Supporting Product in Platform Innovation Ecosystem


Consistency of Probability Decision Rules and Its Inference in Probability Decision Table

article by Zheng Pei et al published 2012 in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Control Design for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems with Disturbance Inputs via Delta Operator Approach

Control Strategy Based on Wavelet Transform and Neural Network for Hybrid Power System

article published in 2013

Control for Networked Control Systems with Time Delays and Packet Dropouts

article published in 2013

Corrigendum to “Observer-Based Sliding Mode Control for Stabilization of a Dynamic System with Delayed Output Feedback”

scholarly article published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

D-Optimal Design for Parameter Estimation in Discrete-Time Nonlinear Dynamic Systems

article published in 2012

D-stability for discrete-time t-s fuzzy descriptor systems with multiple delays

Data-Driven Adaptive Observer for Fault Diagnosis

article by Shen Yin et al published 2012 in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Deconvolution Filtering for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Randomly Occurring Sensor Delays via Probability-Dependent Method

article published in 2013

Delay-Dependent Control for Networked Control Systems with Large Delays

article published in 2013

Delay-Probability-Distribution-Dependent FIR Filtering Design with Envelope Constraints

Delay-dependent control for 2-D switched delay systems in the second FM model

Design of a TFT-LCD Based Digital Automobile Instrument

article published in 2014

Design on fuzzy control for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems

Development of La3+Doped CeO2Thick Film Humidity Sensors


Direct Adaptive Tracking Control for a Class of Pure-Feedback Stochastic Nonlinear Systems Based on Fuzzy-Approximation

Discrete-Time Multioverlapping Controller Design for Structural Vibration Control of Tall Buildings under Seismic Excitation


Distributed Consensus for Discrete-Time Directed Networks of Multiagents with Time-Delays and Random Communication Links

Distributed Multitarget Probabilistic Coverage Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Dynamic Output Feedback Passive Control of Uncertain Switched Stochastic Systems with Time-Varying Delay

Edge Detector Design Based on LS-SVR

Effects of Surfactants on the Performance ofCeO2Humidity Sensor

Energy-efficient routing control algorithm in large-scale WSN for water environment monitoring with application to Three Gorges Reservoir area

scientific article published on 05 March 2014

Energy-saving analysis of hydraulic hybrid excavator based on common pressure rail

scientific article published on 30 September 2013

Entry-Item-Quantity-ABC Analysis-Based Multitype Cigarette Fast Sorting System

Experimental Study on Antivibration Control of Electrical Power Steering Systems

Exploring the Best Classification from Average Feature Combination

article published in 2014

Exponential Stability, Passivity, and Dissipativity Analysis of Generalized Neural Networks With Mixed Time-Varying Delays

scientific article published in 2019

Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Process Data Using Support Vector Machines

article published in 2014

Fault Detection for Network Control Systems with Multiple Communication Delays and Stochastic Missing Measurements

Fault Detection for Wireless Network Control Systems with Stochastic Uncertainties and Time Delays

Fault Detection for Wireless Networked Control Systems with Stochastic Switching Topology and Time Delay

Fault Detection of Networked Control Systems Based on Sliding Mode Observer

Fault-Reconstruction-Based Cascaded Sliding Mode Observers for Descriptor Linear Systems

Filtering for Discrete Fuzzy Stochastic Time-Delay Systems with Sensor Saturation

article published in 2013

Filtering with dissipativity for T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay: Reciprocally convex approach

Finite Frequency Vibration Control for Polytopic Active Suspensions via Dynamic Output Feedback

Finite-Time Control and Estimation for Complex and Practical Dynamical Systems

Finite-Time Control for Attitude Tracking Maneuver of Rigid Satellite

Finite-Time Distributed Energy-to-Peak Control for Uncertain Multiagent Systems

Finite-Timel1-Gain Control for Positive Switched Systems with Time-Varying Delay via Delta Operator Approach

article published in 2014

Firefly Optimization and Mathematical Modeling of a Vehicle Crash Test Based on Single-Mass

Full- and reduced-order filter design for discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay

Fuzzy Investment Portfolio Selection Models Based on Interval Analysis Approach

Fuzzy Modeling and Control for a Class of Inverted Pendulum System

Fuzzy Variable Structure Control for Uncertain Systems with Disturbance

General Output Feedback Stabilization for Fractional Order Systems: An LMI Approach

Global Conservative and Multipeakon Conservative Solutions for the Modified Camassa-Holm System with Coupling Effects

Identification of LTI Time-Delay Systems with Missing Output Data Using GEM Algorithm

Improved Switching Strategy for Selective Harmonic Elimination in DC-AC Signal Generation via Pulse-Width Modulation

Improving Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms with Application to Fuzzy Control of Truck Backer-Upper System

Improving the Performance Metric of Wireless Sensor Networks with Clustering Markov Chain Model and Multilevel Fusion


Induced ℓ 2 control of discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with time-varying delays via dynamic output feedback

Information Sharing and Channel Construction of Supply Chain under Asymmetric Demand Information

scholarly article by Guangdong Wu et al published 2014 in Journal of Applied Mathematics

Input-to-State Stability of Lur’e Hyperbolic Distributed Complex-Valued Parameter Control Systems: LOI Approach

LMI-Based Model Predictive Control for a Class of Constrained Uncertain Fuzzy Markov Jump Systems


LQG Control Design for Balancing an Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot

Macroscopic Expressions of Molecular Adiabatic Compressibility of Methyl and Ethyl Caprate under High Pressure and High Temperature

Mathematical Control of Complex Systems

Mathematical Control of Complex Systems 2013

Mathematical Modeling and Parameters Estimation of Car Crash Using Eigensystem Realization Algorithm and Curve-Fitting Approaches

article by Bernard B. Munyazikwiye et al published 2013 in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Advanced Control of Complex Dynamical Systems

Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Metric Learning Method Aided Data-Driven Design of Fault Detection Systems

Missing Value Estimation for Microarray Data by Bayesian Principal Component Analysis and Iterative Local Least Squares

article by Fuxi Shi et al published 2013 in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Model Reduction of Fuzzy Logic Systems


Modeling and Backstepping Control of the Electronic Throttle System

Modeling and Parameter Analysis of the OC3-Hywind Floating Wind Turbine with a Tuned Mass Damper in Nacelle

Modeling, Planning, and Control of Complex Logistic Processes

Motion Control of Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Ground Vehicles considering Tire Force Saturations

Multilevel Association Rule Mining for Bridge Resource Management Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm

Multivariate Methods Based Soft Measurement for Wine Quality Evaluation

article by Shen Yin et al published 2014 in Abstract and Applied Analysis

Neural Network Based Finite-Time Stabilization for Discrete-Time Markov Jump Nonlinear Systems with Time Delays

New Delay-Dependent Stability Conditions for Time-Varying Delay Systems

New Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Uncertain Neutral Systems with Mixed Time-Varying Delays and Nonlinear Perturbations

article published in 2009

New Developments in Mathematical Control and Information for Fuzzy Systems

New Results on Passivity Analysis for Uncertain Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay

article published in 2014

New Strategy for Analog Circuit Performance Evaluation under Disturbance and Fault Value

article published in 2014

Nonfragile Gain-Scheduled Control for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems with Randomly Occurring Sensor Saturations

article published in 2013

Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles: An Improved Result on Exponential Stabilization of Sampled-Data Fuzzy Systems

scientific article published in 2018

Novel Iris Biometric Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform

Observation of a Class of Disturbance in Time Series Expansion for Fractional Order Systems

Observer-Based Control Design for Nonlinear Networked Control Systems with Limited Information

article published in 2013

Observer-Based Robust Control for Hydraulic Velocity Control System

Observer-Based Robust Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous with Thrust Saturation

Observer-Based Robust Control for Switched Stochastic Systems with Time-Varying Delay

Observer-Based Sliding Mode Control for Stabilization of a Dynamic System with Delayed Output Feedback

Observer-Based Stabilization of Spacecraft Rendezvous with Variable Sampling and Sensor Nonlinearity

Observer-Based Stabilization of Stochastic Systems with Limited Communication

On Building a Universal and Compact Visual Vocabulary

On the Global Dissipative and Multipeakon Dissipative Behavior of the Two-Component Camassa-Holm System

On the Multipeakon Dissipative Behavior of the Modified Coupled Camassa-Holm Model for Shallow Water System


Optimal Design of Complex Passive-Damping Systems for Vibration Control of Large Structures: An Energy-to-Peak Approach


Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control of a Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Markovian Switching and Mode-Dependent Mixed Time Delays

Optimal control of discrete-time interval type-2 fuzzy-model-based systems with D -stability constraint and control saturation

scholarly article by Yabin Gao et al published March 2016 in Signal Processing

Optimization of Biodiesel Injection Parameters Based on Support Vector Machine

article published in 2013

Output Feedback Control of Discrete Impulsive Switched Systems with State Delays and Missing Measurements

Parameter Matching Analysis of Hydraulic Hybrid Excavators Based on Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Peak Power Demand and Energy Consumption Reduction Strategies for Trains under Moving Block Signalling System

Quality Evaluation Based on Multivariate Statistical Methods

Quantized State-Feedback Stabilization for Delayed Markovian Jump Linear Systems with Generally Incomplete Transition Rates

Reaction Wheel Installation Deviation Compensation for Overactuated Spacecraft with Finite-Time Attitude Control

Recent Advances on Mathematical Modeling and Control Methods for Complex Vehicle Systems

Recent advances in complex networks theories with applications

scientific article published on 23 July 2014

Research of Smart Car’s Speed Control Based on the Internal Model Control


Research on Amplifier Performance Evaluation Based onδ-Support Vector Regression

Research on Vocabulary Sizes and Codebook Universality

Residual Generator-Based Controller Design via Process Measurements

Robust Adaptive Neural Backstepping Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties

article published in 2014

Robust Anti-Windup Control Considering Multiple Design Objectives


Robust Control Allocation for Spacecraft Attitude Stabilization under Actuator Faults and Uncertainty

Robust Control for Autonomous Spacecraft Evacuation with Model Uncertainty and Upper Bound of Performance with Constraints


Robust Coordinated Control Algorithm for Multiple Marine Vessels with External Disturbances

Robust Decentralized Adaptive Neural Control for a Class of Nonaffine Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems with Unknown Dead Zones

Robust Estimation for Discrete Markov System with Time-Varying Delay and Missing Measurements

Robust Fault Detection of Linear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems Using Unknown Input Observers

article published in 2013

Robust H∞ filtering for a class of complex networks with stochastic packet dropouts and time delays.

scientific article published on 27 March 2014

Robust Model Predictive Control of Networked Control Systems under Input Constraints and Packet Dropouts

Robust Observer Design for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Mixed Neutral and Discrete Delays and Unknown Inputs

article published in 2012

Robust Production Planning in Fashion Apparel Industry under Demand Uncertainty via Conditional Value at Risk


Robust Redundant Input Reliable Tracking Control for Omnidirectional Rehabilitative Training Walker

Robust Reliable Control of Uncertain Discrete Impulsive Switched Systems with State Delays

Robust Sampled-DataH∞Control for Vibration Mitigation of Offshore Platforms with Missing Measurements


Robust Stability andH∞Stabilization of Switched Systems with Time-Varying Delays Using Delta Operator Approach

Robust Stabilization of Delayed Neural Networks: Dissipativity-Learning Approach.

scientific article published on 2 August 2018

Robust Switching Rule Design for Boost Converters with Uncertain Parameters and Disturbances

Robust Tracking Control for Rendezvous in Near-Circular Orbits

Robust l2-gain control for 2D nonlinear stochastic systems with time-varying delays and actuator saturation

Robustl2-l∞Filtering for Discrete-Time Delay Systems

article published in 2013

Robustℋ∞Dynamic Output Feedback Control Synthesis with Pole Placement Constraints for Offshore Wind Turbine Systems

Sampled-Data Control of Spacecraft Rendezvous with Discontinuous Lyapunov Approach

Sampling Based Average Classifier Fusion

Sliding Intermittent Control for BAM Neural Networks with Delays

article published in 2013

Stability Analysis and Stabilization of T-S Fuzzy Delta Operator Systems with Time-Varying Delay via an Input-Output Approach


Stability Analysis for Uncertain Neural Networks of Neutral Type with Time-Varying Delay in the Leakage Term and Distributed Delay

Stability and -Gain Control of Positive Switched Systems with Time-Varying Delays via Delta Operator Approach

Stability andl1-Gain Analysis for Positive 2D Systems with State Delays in the Roesser Model


Stability in Mean of Partial Variables for Coupled Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Systems on Networks: A Graph Approach

Stabilization and Controller Design of 2D Discrete Switched Systems with State Delays under Asynchronous Switching

Stabilization of a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems

State Estimation for Wireless Network Control System with Stochastic Uncertainty and Time Delay Based on Sliding Mode Observer

article published in 2014

State-Feedback Sampled-Data Control Design for Nonlinear Systems via Passive Theory

article published in 2013

State-Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Stochastic Feedforward Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems

article published in 2013

Static Output-Feedback Control for Vehicle Suspensions: A Single-Step Linear Matrix Inequality Approach

article by Josep Rubió-Massegú et al published 2013 in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Structural Vibration Control for a Class of Connected Multistructure Mechanical Systems

scientific article

Study on Support Vector Machine-Based Fault Detection in Tennessee Eastman Process

article published in 2014

Study on the Characteristics of Electromagnetic Noise of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

Switched Dynamics with Its Applications


The Finding and Dynamic Detection of Opinion Leaders in Social Network

The Identification of Convex Function on Riemannian Manifold

The Impact of the Subsidy Policy on Total Factor Productivity: An Empirical Analysis of China's Cotton Production


The Unbalanced Linguistic Aggregation Operator in Group Decision Making

Tracking Mobile Robot in Indoor Wireless Sensor Networks

Transformation Algorithm of Dielectric Response in Time-Frequency Domain

Vibration Control of a Semiactive Vehicle Suspension System Based on Extended State Observer Techniques


Wind Turbine Pitch Control and Load Mitigation Using anL1Adaptive Approach

ℋ∞Control for Two-Dimensional Markovian Jump Systems with State-Delays and Defective Mode Information

ℋ∞Filter Design with Minimum Entropy for Continuous-Time Linear Systems

article published in 2013

ℋ∞Model Reduction for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems with Deficient Mode Information