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List of works by Thomas Nuttall

A manual of the ornithology of the United States and of Canada

Cambridge [Mass.]: Hilliard and Brown, 1832.

A manual of the ornithology of the United States and of Canada : the land birds

Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Co., 1840.

A popular Handbook of the Ornithology of Eastern North America

London: Truslove and Hanson, 1894.

A popular handbook of the birds of Canada and the United States

Toronto :Musson Book Co.,1907, c1903. | University of Toronto - Tho

A popular handbook of the birds of the United States and Canada

Boston: Little, Brown, 1905, c1903.

A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America

Boston: Little, Brown, 1891.

A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America

Boston: Little, Brown, 1897.

A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America

Boston,Little, Brown, and Company,1896. | American Museum of Natural H

A popular handbook of the ornithology of the United States and Canada : based on Nuttall's Manual

Boston: Little, B., & Co., 1903.

A popular handbook of the ornithology of the United States and Canada, based on Nuttall's Manual

Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1891.

An introduction to systematic and physiological botany

Cambridge [Mass.]Hilliard amd Brown;1827. | New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library

Asa Gray correspondence. Senders N

Harvard University Botany Librarie

Bird life stories, comp. from the writings of Audubon, Bendire, Nuttall, and Wilson

Chicago [etc.]Rand, McNally & Company[1904-]

Catalogue of New and Interesting Plants Collected in Upper Louisiana

written work

Catalogue of the crustacea brought by Thomas Nuttall and J.K. Townsend from the west coast of North America and the Sandwich Islands

book published in 1839

Descriptions of plants collected by William Gambel, M.D., in the Rocky Mountains and Upper California

Philadelphia :The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,1848? | Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library

Jorney to Heaven

a book by Thomas Ntumy

The Genera of North American Plants

book by Thomas Nuttall

The North American Sylva

book by Thomas Nuttall