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List of works by Raanan Gillon

"Futility"--too ambiguous and pejorative a term?

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

"It's all too subjective": scepticism about the possibility or use of philosophical medical ethics

scientific article published in May 1985

"Primum non nocere" and the principle of non-maleficence.

scientific article published on July 1985

"The patient's interests always come first"? Doctors and society

scientific article published on February 1986

'Wrongful life' claims

scientific article published on December 1998

A simple and inexpensive device for pooling cryoprecipitate

scientific article

A startling 19,000-word thesis on the origin of AIDS: should the JME have published it?

scientific article published on March 1992

AIDS and medical confidentiality

scientific article

Acts and omissions, killing and letting die.

scientific article published in January 1986

Advertising and medical ethics

scientific article published in June 1989

After 20 years, some reflections and farewell!

scientific article published in April 2001

An introduction to philosophical medical ethics: the Arthur case

scientific article

Autonomy and the principle of respect for autonomy.

scientific article published on June 1985

Autonomy, respect for autonomy and weakness of will

scientific article published in December 1993

Beneficence: doing good for others

scientific article published on July 1985

Biomedical ethics in Europe--a need for the POBS?

scientific article published in March 1993

Brain transplantation, personal identity and medical ethics

scientific article published in June 1996

Caring, men and women, nurses and doctors, and health care ethics

scientific article

Case studies and medical education

scientific article published in February 1996

Clinical ethics committees--pros and cons

scientific article published on August 1, 1997

Commerce and medical ethics

scientific article published in April 1997

Competition in medical ethics

scientific article published on March 1, 1988

Conscience, good character, integrity, and to hell with philosophical medical ethics?

scientific article

Consequences for research if use of anonymised patient data breaches confidentiality

scientific article

Covert surveillance by doctors for life-threatening Munchausen's syndrome by proxy

scientific article published on June 1, 1995

Deceit, principles and philosophical medical ethics

scientific article published in June 1990

Deciding not to resuscitate

scientific article published on December 1989

Defending 'the four principles' approach to biomedical ethics

scientific article published in December 1995

Defending the four principles approach as a good basis for good medical practice and therefore for good medical ethics

scientific article published in January 2015

Deontological foundations for medical ethics?

scientific article published in May 1985

Dictionary of Medical Ethics

scientific article published in June 1981

Do doctors owe a special duty of beneficence to their patients?

scientific article published on December 1986

Doctors and patients

scientific article

Doctors should not try to ban boxing--but boxing's own ethics suggests reform

scientific article published on February 1, 1998

End-of-life decisions

scientific article published on December 1999

Ethics and clinical practice.

scientific article

Ethics in health promotion and prevention of disease

scientific article published on December 1990

Ethics needs principles--four can encompass the rest--and respect for autonomy should be "first among equals"

scientific article published on October 1, 2003

Ethics of fetal brain cell transplants

scientific article published on April 1988

Ethics of genetic screening: the first report of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics

scientific article

Ethnography, medical practice and moral reflective equilibrium

scientific article published in October 1996

Eugenics, contraception, abortion and ethics

scientific article published on August 1, 1998

Euthanasia in The Netherlands--down the slippery slope?

scientific article

Euthanasia, withholding life-prolonging treatment, and moral differences between killing and letting die.

scientific article

Four scenarios

scientific article published on October 1, 2003

Funding and efficiency in the National Health Service

scientific article

Futile care treatment: perspectives from the United States and United Kingdom.

scientific article

Genetic counselling, confidentiality, and the medical interests of relatives

scientific article published on December 1988

Health education and health promotion

scientific article

Helping doctors become better doctors: Mary Lobjoit—an unsung heroine of medical ethics in the UK

scientific article published on April 19, 2012

Human embryos and the argument from potential

scientific article

Imagination, literature, medical ethics and medical practice

scientific article published in February 1997

Imposed separation of conjoined twins--moral hubris by the English courts?

scientific article published on February 2001

Inadequate proof reading.

scientific article published in January 2004

Include medical ethics in the Research Excellence Framework

scientific article published on 19 July 2011

Is there a 'new ethics of abortion'?

scientific article

Is there an important moral distinction for medical ethics between lying and other forms of deception?

scientific article published in September 1993

Justice and allocation of medical resources.

scientific article

Justice and medical ethics

scientific article published in July 1985

Living wills, powers of attorney and medical practice

scientific article published on June 1988

Medical confidentiality and multidisciplinary work: child sexual abuse and mental handicap registers.

scientific article

Medical ethics and law as a core subject in medical education. A core curriculum offers flexibility in how it is taught-but not that it is taught

scientific article published on May 1998

Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the 1998 Consensus Statement updated

scientific article published in January 2010

Medical ethics education

scientific article

Medical ethics in Britain

scientific article published on October 1988

Medical ethics: Author's reply

scientific article published in October 1994

Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope

scientific article

Medical oaths, declarations, and codes

scientific article

Medical treatment, medical research and informed consent

scientific article published on March 1989

More on professional ethics

scientific article published on June 1986

No-fault compensation for victims of non-therapeutic research--should government continue to be exempt?

scientific article published on June 1, 1992

Nursing ethics and medical ethics

scientific article

On giving preference to prior volunteers when allocating organs for transplantation

scientific article published in August 1995

On refusing resuscitation by ambulance staff

scientific article published in March 1991

On sickness and on health.

scientific article published on February 1986

On sterilising severely mentally handicapped people

scientific article

Ordinary and extraordinary means

scientific article published on January 1986

Palliative care ethics: non-provision of artificial nutrition and hydration to terminally ill sedated patients

scientific article published in September 1994

Paternalism and medical ethics

scientific article

Patients in the persistent vegetative state: a response to Dr Andrews

scientific article

Persistent vegetative state and withdrawal of nutrition and hydration

scientific article published in June 1993

Persistent vegetative state, withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration, and the patient's "best interests"

scientific article published on April 1, 1998

Philosophical medical ethics.

scientific article published in June 1985

Philosophical medical ethics. Conclusion: the Arthur case revisited

scientific article published on February 1986

Philosophical medical ethics. Rights

scientific article

Philosophy and the teaching of health care ethics

scientific article published on December 1, 1991

Physician assisted suicide--sympathy and skepticism

scientific article published in January 1998

Pregnancy, obstetrics and the moral status of the fetus

scientific article published on March 1, 1988

Professional ethics: on transmitting complaints to one's colleagues

scientific article published in September 1990

Recruitment for clinical trials: the need for public-professional co-operation

scientific article published in March 1994

Refusal of potentially life-saving blood transfusions by Jehovah's Witnesses: should doctors explain that not all JWs think it's religiously required?

scientific article published in October 2000

Refusal to treat AIDS and HIV positive patients.

scientific article

Research into emergency treatments--could the offer of 'advance directives' help?

scientific article published on August 1999

Resuscitation policies--action required

scientific article published on September 1, 1992

Sanctity of life law has gone too far

scientific article published on July 12, 2012

Should patients be allowed to look after their own medical records?

scientific article

Surgical intervention in dementia

scientific article published in December 1987

Telling the truth and medical ethics

scientific article

Testing for HIV without permission

scientific article published on March 1987

The Journal of Medical Ethics and Medical Humanities: offsprings of the London Medical Group

scientific article

The function of criticism.

scientific article

The principle of double effect and medical ethics.

scientific article published on January 1986

Thinking about a medical school core curriculum for medical ethics and law.

scientific article published in December 1996

To what do we have moral obligations and why? I.

scientific article

To what do we have moral obligations and why? II.

scientific article published on June 1985

Toleration and healthcare ethics.

scientific article published in January 2005

Tracking Down the Flu Epidemics

scientific article published in January 1970

Transplantation: a framework for analysis of the ethical issues

scientific article published in June 1990

Twenty years of the JME--reflections. Journal of Medical Ethics

scientific article published on February 1995


scientific article published on May 1985

Wanted: a social contract for the practice of medicine

scientific article published on July 2001

Welcome to medical humanities--and why.

scientific article published in June 2000

What attributes should clinical ethics committees have?

scientific article published on 14 June 2010

What is it to do good medical ethics? A kaleidoscope of views

scientific article published in January 2015

When doctors might kill their patients: foreseeing is not necessarily the same as intending

scientific article published on May 1999

When four principles are too many: a commentary

scientific article published on April 1, 2012

Where respect for autonomy is not the answer

scientific article published on January 1986

White coat ceremonies for new medical students

scientific article published on September 2000

White coat ceremonies for new medical students

scientific article published in April 2000

Why I wrote my advance decision to refuse life-prolonging treatment: and why the law on sanctity of life remains problematic

scientific article

Why Won't They Talk to me?

scientific article published in September 1986

Why the GMC is right to appeal over life prolonging treatment

scientific article published on October 2004

Withholding and withdrawing life-prolonging treatment--moral implications of a thought experiment

scientific article published in December 1994