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List of works by Leo Tolstoy


1891 Adolphus Norraikow translation of Tolstoy novella

A Calendar of Wisdom

book by Leo Tolstoj

A Confession

1882 work by Leo Tolstoy

A Confession

paperback edition (en)

A Dialogue Among Clever People

short story

A Dialogue among Clever People

1899 translation of Tolstoy short story by Nathan Dole

A Letter to a Hindu

letter from Leo Tolstoy about the Indian independence movement in 1908

A Letter to the Liberals

article by Leo Tolstoy

A Lost Opportunity

1891 Adolphus Norraikow translation of Tolstoy story

A Lost Opportunity

short story by Leo Tolstoy

A Morning of a Landed Proprietor

short story of Tolstoy

A Prisoner in the Caucasus

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy novella

A Spark Neglected Burns the House

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

Aandens stridsmænd : kristne martyrer i Rusland


Bienstock's translation of Tolstoy's work


Arvède Barine's French translation of Tolstoy's work

After the Ball

short story by Leo Tolstoy


short story by Leo Tolstoy

Alyosha the Pot

translation by Wright of work by Tolstoy

Alyosha the Pot

short story by Leo Tolstoy

An Appeal to Russians: To the Government

An Old Acquaintance

translation of work by Leo Tolstoy

Ana Karenine

1887 edition, volume 1

Ana Karenine

188 edition, volume 2

Anantha Rathriya

1996 film by Prasanna Vithanage

Anna Karenina

Polish translation

Anna Karenina

1899 English translation by Nathan Haskell Dole

Anna Karenina

novel by Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina

1948 film by Julien Duvivier

Anna Karenina

1985 film by Simon Langton

Anna Karenina

1953 film by Tatyana Lukashevich

Anna Karenina

19556 German translation by Asemissen

Anna Karenina

1920 German translation by Hans Moser

Anna Karenina

1917 English translation by C. Garnett

Anna Karenina : roman i åtta delar (Agrell)

Anna Karenina. Roman i åtta böcker (Nachman)

Anna Karenina: A Russian Realistic Novel

Tolstoy, Count Leo 1887

Anna Kareninová

1964 Czech book edition

Anna Karénine

French translation of Tolstoy's work, by J.-W. Bienstock

Anna Karénine

French translation of Tolstoy's work

Appeal to Social Reformers

edition of an essay by Tolstoy in Man or the State?

Au Caucase

French edition of Tolstoy's short stories

Barndom og Drengeaar : en Fortælling

Berättelser för folket

Bethink Yourselves!

Betänken Eder! Ett bref till krigets män och tsaren


novel by Leo Tolstoy

Carstvo mraka

theatre play staged at the National theatre of Serbia

Chambe Dian Kalian

a book by Leo Tolstoy

Chambe Diyan Kaliya

1933 edition of the Punjabi book by Leo Tolstoy


first published novel by Leo Tolstoy


1912 translation of work by Tolstoy

Childhood and Youth: A Tale

Count Leo Tolstoy 1862

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth

book by Leo Tolstoy

Church and State

essay by Leo Tolstoy


Leo Tolstoy



Critique de la théologie dogmatique

French translation of Tolstoy's essay

Critique of Dogmatic Theology

Tolstoy's essay

Croesus and Fate

short story by Leo Tolstoy

De la vie

edition of Tolstoy's work

De l’éducation religieuse

edition of Tolstoy's work

Dernières Paroles

collection of Tolstoy's works

Desire Stronger than Necessity

Döda icke!

Döda icke! Det tal som skulle hållits på Fredskongressen i Stockholm

E Yuger Abhishap


Bienstock's translation of Tolstoy's work


Arvède Barine's translation of Tolstoy's work

Evil Allures, But Good Endures

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

Evil Allures, But Good Endures

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Fables for Children

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Fader og Søn

Family Happiness

Family Happiness

novella by Leo Tolstoy

Family Happiness

paperback edition (en)

Father Serge

1945 film by Lucien Ganier-Raymond

Father Sergius

Russian edition

Father Sergius

short story by Tolstoy

First Russian Book for Reading

children's book by Leo Tolstoy

Furst Nechljudof : Kosackerna

Fyrst Nekliudoff : fortælling

God Sees the Right, Though He Be Slow to Speak

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

God Sees the Truth, But Waits

God Sees the Truth, but Waits

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

God Sees the Truth, but Waits

short story by Leo Tolstoy

God is Love

1892 Norraikow translation of Tolstoy short story

Guerre et Paix

French translation by J.-W. Bienstock of Tolstoy's work

Guerre et Paix

edition or translation of a theatrical play in the saison 2016-2017 in Quebec

Guerre et paix

Wikisource version of J.-Wladimir Bienstock's French translation of Tolstoy's novel

Guerre et paix

French translation of Tolstoy's work by Irène Paskévitch

Hadji Murad

Hadji Murat

novel by Leo Tolstoy

Hadji Murat

paperback edition (en)

Hadsji-Murat och andra berättelser och utkast (Efterlämnade skrifter III)

Histoire d’un pauvre homme

French edition of Tolstoy's short story

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

short story by Leo Tolstoy

How Much Land Does a Man Require?

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

How the Little Demon Earned his Stolen Crust of Bread

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

I Kamp for Lykken : Livsbilleder


1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story


short story by Leo Tolstoy


Industry, or the Farmer's Triumph

Ivan Iljitj' död

Ivan the Fool

1891 short story collection

Ivan the Fool

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Ivan the Fool

Norraikow translation of short story

Iván Ilyitch and Other Stories

1887 Tolstoy short story collection translated by Dole


Arvède Barine's translation of Tolstoy's work

Kala Mhanaje Kay?

Translated work by Pandurang Sadashiv Sane

Khodynka: An Incident of the Coronation of Nicholas II

short story by Leo Tolstoy


literary work

Kosackerna : berättelser

Kreutzer-Sonaten : en Fortælling

Kreutzersonaten : Ivan Iljitjs död : Tre dödsfall

La Fin de notre ère

French translation of Leo Tolstoy's book

La Foi universelle

La Sonate à Kreutzer

French translation of Leo Tolstoy's novel by Bienstock

La Sonate à Kreutzer

French translation of Leo Tolstoy's novel

La Sonate à Kreutzer

French translation of Leo Tolstoy's novel by Rosny and Pavlovsky

La Tolérance religieuse

edition of Tolstoy's work

La morte di Ivan Il’ič - Tre morti

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Labor and Bondareff's Theory

Labour: The Divine Command

Le Cadavre vivant

theatrical production

Le Lion et le renard

Leo Tolstoy's translation of Aesop's fable

Le Patriotisme et le gouvernement

edition of Tolstoy's work

Le Prince Nekhlioudov

French translation of Tolstoy's novellas

Le Prince Nekhlioudov

collection of 3 short stories by Tolstoy

Le Père Serge

French edition of Tolstoy's short story

Le Renard et le Bouc

Leo Tolstoy's translation of Aesop's fable

Le lion, l’ours et le renard

Leo Tolstoy's translation of Aesop's fable

Le salut est en vous

French edition of Tolstoy's work

Les Rayons de l’aube

French edition of several of Tolstoy's essays

Les Révolutionnaires

Les fables d’Ésope

1906 French edition of the collection by Leo Tolstoy translated by Wladimir Bienstock

Les Événements actuels en Russie

French edition of Tolstoy's essay

Les Événements actuels en Russie

edition of Tolstoy's essay in French

Letter to a Chinese Gentleman

Life Is Worth Living

1892 Norraikow translation of Tolstoy short story

Life Is Worth Living and Other Stories

1892 short story collection

Little Girls Wiser Than Men

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

Livsspørgsmaal : Blandede Skrifter


short story by Leo Tolstoy


French edition of Tolstoy's short story


L’Alcool et le Tabac

French edition of Tolstoy's essay

L’Esclavage contemporain

French edition of Tolstoy's essay

L’Esprit chrétien et le patriotisme

French edition of Tolstoy's essay

L’Église et l’État

French edition of Tolstoy's essay

L’Église et l’État

French edition of Tolstoy's essay, transl. Bienstock


French edition of Tolstoy's short story


short story by Tolstoy

Manual Labor and Intellectual Activity

private letter written by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole

Marchez pendant que vous avez la lumière

French edition of Tolstoy's tale, transl. Smith

Marchez pendant que vous avez la lumière

French edition of Tolstoy's tale, transl. Bienstock

Master and Man

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

Master and Man

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Memoirs of a Madman

short story by Leo Tolstoy

More Tales from Tolstoi

1902 short story collection

Muqaddas xazina

collection of fairy tales, short stories and stories by Russian authors

Murakharaja and His Two Brothers

Mörkrets makt

Swedish translation of The Power of Darkness by Tolstoy

Neglect a Fire, and 'twill Overmaster Thee

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

On Labor and Luxury

essay by Leo Tolstoy

On Life

essay by Leo Tolstoy


Paadri Sergai

Punjabi translation of Father Sergius

Patriotism and Christianity

Patriotism and Government

essay by Leo Tolstoy

Plaisirs vicieux

French edition of several essays by Tolstoy


French edition of Tolstoy's short story


Karl Nötzel's German translation of the short story by Leo Tolstoy


short story by Leo Tolstoy

Promoting a Devil

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Qu’est-ce que l’art ?

edition of Tolstoy's work

Rasskazy i basni

collection of stories and fables by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy

Recollections of a Billiard-marker

short story by Tolstoy

Religion and Morality

essay by Leo Tolstoy


short story by Leo Tolstoy

Ressurrection: A Novel

Count Leo Tolstoy 1900


1899 novel by Leo Tolstoy


1918 American drama silent film directed by Edward José


1960 film by Mikhail Schweitzer


opera by Franco Alfano

Romaner og Noveller. Folkeudgave


French edition of Tolstoy's novel


French edition in 1911 of Tolstoy's novel

Sebastopol Sketches

short story collection

Singing In The Village

1910 novel by Leo Tolstoy


Soldaterliv i Kavkasus ; Albert


Arvède Barine's French translation of Tolstoy's works

Statkářovo jitro: povídka

1897 Czech book edition

Stories of my Dogs

short story

Sur la tolérance religieuse

French edition of Tolstoy's essay

Tales from Tolstoi

1901 R. Nisbet Bain translation collection

The Awakening: The Resurrection

book by Leo Tolstoj

The Bear Hunt

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Big Oven

short story attributed to Leo Tolstoy

The Candle

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

The Candle

1892 Norraikow translation of Tolstoy short story

The Candle

story by Leo Tolstoy

The Captive in the Caucasus

1902 Robert Nisbet Bain translation

The Cause of it All

play by Leo Tolstoy

The Children Wiser than the Elders

1902 Robert Nisbet Bain translation of Tolstoy short story

The Coffee-House of Surat

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Complete Works of Lyof N. Tolstoï

The Cossacks

novel by Leo Tolstoy

The Cossacks

1961 film by Vasily Pronin

The Cutting of the Forest

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilych

Louise and Aylmer Maude's English translation of Tolstoy's novella

The Death of Ivan Ilych/I

The Death of Ivan Ilych/II

The Death of Ivan Ilych/III

The Death of Ivan Ilych/IV

The Death of Ivan Ilych/IX

The Death of Ivan Ilych/V

The Death of Ivan Ilych/VI

The Death of Ivan Ilych/VII

The Death of Ivan Ilych/VIII

The Death of Ivan Ilych/X

The Death of Ivan Ilych/XI

The Death of Ivan Ilych/XII

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

1886 novella by Leo Tolstoy

The Decembrists

planned novel by Leo Tolstoy, who finished three chapters

The Devil

novella by Leo Tolstoy

The Emigration of the Doukhobors

1898 work by Leo Tolstoy

The First Distiller

edition of play by Leo Tolstoy

The First Distiller

play by Leo Tolstoy

The Forged Coupon

novella by Leo Tolstoy

The Fruits of Culture

play by Leo Tolstoy

The Fruits of Culture

Hopkins's translation of play by Leo Tolstoy

The Fruits of Enlightenment

1890 play written by Leo Tolstoy

The Godfather

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

The Godson

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

The Godson

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Gospel in Brief

translation of Tolstoy work by the Maudes

The Gospel in Brief

story by Leo Tolstoy

The Grain

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Grain That Was Like an Egg

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

The Guest

1951 short drama directed by Harve Foster

The Kingdom of God Is Within You

philosophical treatise by Leo Tolstoy

The Kingdom of God Is Within You

English edition of Tolstoy's essay

The Kreutzer Sonata

novella by Leo Tolstoy

The Light Shines in the Darkness

play by Leo Tolstoy

The Living Corpse

play written by Leo Tolstoy

The Meaning of the Russian Revolution

English edition of Tolstoy's essay

The Novels and Other Works of Lyof N. Tolstoï

1902 edition of Tolstoy's works

The Penitent Sinner

1902 Robert Nisbet Bain translation of Tolstoy short story

The Port

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Posthumous Notes of the Starets Feodor Kuzmich

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Power of Darkness

Hopkins's translation of Tolstoy's play

The Power of Darkness

five-act play by Lev Tolstoy

The Prisoner of the Caucasus

1872 novella written by Leo Tolstoy

The Raid

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Relations of the Sexes

1901 edition of work by Leo Tolstoy

The Repentant Sinner

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

The Russian Revolution

1907 translation of Tolstoy essays

The School at Yasnaya Polyana

book by Leo Tolstoy

The Slavery of Our Times

essay by Leo Tolstoy

The Snowstorm

1902 Robert Nisbet Bain translation

The Snowstorm

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Story of Iván the Fool

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

The Three Bears

Leo Tolstoy's adaptation

The Three Hermits

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

The Three Hermits

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Three Questions

short story

The Two Brothers and the Gold

translation of work by Tolstoy

The Two Brothers and the Gold

translation of story in More Tales from Tolstoi

The Two Brothers and the Gold

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Wood-Felling

short story by Leo Tolstoy

The Young Tsar

short story by Leo Tolstoy

There Are No Guilty People

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Thou Shalt Not Kill

article by Leo Tolstoy

Three Deaths

1902 Robert Nisbet Bain translation of Tolstoy short story

Three Deaths

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Three Old Men

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

To The Working People

To Women

Essay by Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoi-boki : ymse stykke

Tolstoy letter on Suicide

Tolstoyer Galpo

Too Dear!

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Total Dictation

annual Russian literacy test organized worldwide

Trois Morts

French edition of Tolstoy's short story

Twenty-three Tales

short story collection by Leo Tolstoy

Twenty-three Tales/Esarhaddon, King of Assyria

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Twenty-three Tales/The Empty Drum

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Two Hussars

translation of work of Leo Tolstoy

Two Hussars

novella by Leo Tolstoy

Two Jacks

2012 film by Bernard Rose

Two Old Men

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

Two Old Men

1892 Norraikow translation of Tolstoy short story

Two Old Men

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

Two Old Men

story by Leo Tolstoy

Une Coupe en forêt

French edition of a short story by Leo Tolstoy


Walk in the Light While There is Light

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Walk in the Light While There is Light

English edition of Tolstoy's tale

War and Peace

1869 novel by Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace

1967 Soviet film by Sergei Bondarchuk

War and Peace

Greek stage production of Tolstoy's play, 2000/01

War and Peace

Louise and Aylmer Maude's English translation of Tolstoy's novel

What Is Art?

book by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy

What Is to Be Done?

essay by Leo Tolstoy

What Men Live By

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

What Men Live By

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

What Men Live By

short story by Leo Tolstoy

What is art?

English translation of a book by Leo Tolstoy

What is my faith

essay by Leo Tolstoy

What to Do?

book of essays by Leo Tolstoy

What's To Be Done?

Where Love Is There God Is Also

1901 Bain translation of Tolstoy's short story

Where Love Is, God Is

1906 Maude translation of Tolstoy short story

Where Love Is, God Is

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Where Love Is, There God Is Also

1887 Dole translaton of Tolstoy short story

Who should learn Writing of whom; Peasant Children of us, or we of Peasant Children?

1899 Nathan Haskell Dole translation of Tolstoy

Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves?

essay by Leo Tolstoy

Wisdom of Children

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Wojna i pokój

1894 Polish translation of Tolstoy's War and Peace

Work, Death, and Sickness

short story by Leo Tolstoy

Yermak, The Conqueror of Siberia

short story


translation by C. J. Hogarth of Youth by Tolstoy


Leo Tolstoy novel

Za co?

1995 film by Jerzy Kawalerowicz

correspondence between Tolstoy and Gandhi

seven letters exchanged between Mohandas Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy

À la recherche du bonheur

Œuvres complètes

complete French translation of Tolstoy's works

Два гусара

edition of work by Tolstoy


edition of work by Tolstoy

Патриотизм и правительство

edition of Tolstoy's work


Russian edition of Tolstoy's short story

ଯୁଦ୍ଧ ଓ ଶାନ୍ତି (ଭାଗ ୧)

book published in 1983

ଯୁଦ୍ଧ ଓ ଶାନ୍ତି (ଭାଗ ୨)

book published in 1985

ଯୁଦ୍ଧ ଓ ଶାନ୍ତି (ଭାଗ ୩)

book published in 1986

Anna Karenina

book edition published sometime between 1912–1914

Anna Karenina

book edition published in 1923

Anna Karenina

book edition published in 2021

Anna Karenina: román o osmi částech

book edition published in 1929

Anna Kareninová

Anna Kareninová

book edition published in 1976

Anna Kareninová: román o třech knihách

book edition published in 1931

Chozjain i rabotnik

book edition published in 1945

Co jest umění?

book edition published in 1924


1903 edition of some Tolstoy's tales, first series


1903 edition of some Tolstoy's tales, second series


book edition published in 1955

Hraběte Lva N. Tolstého Ruské povídky

book edition published in 1909–1911

Hraběte Lva N. Tolstého Ruské povídky

book edition published in 1909

Kavkazský zajatec

book edition published in 1950

Kreutzerova sonata a jiné povídky

book edition published in 1912

Kreutzerova sonáta

book edition published in 1974

Kreutzerova sonáta

book edition published in 2018

Kreutzerova sonáta

book edition published in 2022

Království Boží ve vás

book edition published in 2016

L.N. Tolstého Druhá čítanka

book edition published in 1900

L.N. Tolstého První čítanka

book edition published in 1903

L.N. Tolstého: Čtvrtá čítanka

book edition published in 1903

La muerte de Ivan Ilich. Hadyi Murad

translation by Juan López-Morillas

Několik listů Tolstého

book edition published in 1900

O smysle života

book edition published in 1909

O životě

book edition published in 1904

Posle bala

book edition published in 1973

Posmrtná díla

book edition published in 1911–1912


book edition published in 1953

Povídky o přírodě

book edition published in 1955

Rodinné šťastie

book edition published in 1967

Sevastopolské povídky

book edition published in 1950

Smrt Ivana Iljiče

book edition published in 2018

Sonata Kreutzerova: s doslovem autorovým

book edition published in 1909

Sonata Kreutzerova: s doslovem autorovým

book edition published in 1927

Spisy Hraběte Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého. Dětství, chlapectví a jinošství Svazek 3

book edition published in 1889

Spisy hraběte Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého. Spisy hr. Lva Nikol. Tolstého Svazek 2.

book edition published in 1889

Tolstoj mládeži: výbor ze spisů L.N. Tolstého

book edition published in 1909

Vláda tmy, čili, Jen drápek uváz', a ztracen je celý ptáček: drama o pěti dějstvích

book edition published sometime between 1919–1931

Vláda tmy, čili, Jen drápek uváz', a ztracen je celý ptáček: drama o pěti dějstvích.

book edition published in 1900

Vojna a mír

book edition published in 1949

Vojna a mír

book edition published in 1928–1929

Vojna a mír

book edition published in 2016

Vojna a mír

book edition published in 2018

Vojna a mír: román o čtyřech dílech

book edition published in 1928


book edition published in 1951


book edition published in 1928

Vzpomínky a listy L.N. Tolstého: jeho dílo a život

book edition published sometime between 1905–1910

Vzpomínky a listy L.N. Tolstého: jeho dílo a život

book edition published in 1925

Zákon násilí a zákon lásky

book edition published in 2016