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List of works by Julie Leask

"All manner of ills": The features of serious diseases attributed to vaccination.

scientific article

"Do-it-yourself": Vaccine rejection and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

scientific article

"It just forces hardship": impacts of government financial penalties on non-vaccinating parents

scientific article

"Will they just pack up and leave?" - attitudes and intended behaviour of hospital health care workers during an influenza pandemic.

scientific article

'The cold hard facts' immunisation and vaccine preventable diseases in Australia's newsprint media 1993-1998

scientific article published on 01 February 2002

A Consent Support Resource with Benefits and Harms of Vaccination Does Not Increase Hesitancy in Parents-An Acceptability Study

scientific article published on 02 September 2020

A Multidisciplinary Research Agenda for Understanding Vaccine-Related Decisions.

scientific article published on 18 July 2013

A Web Application About Herd Immunity Using Personalized Avatars: Development Study

scientific article published on 30 October 2020

A critical review of measures of childhood vaccine confidence

scholarly article published 2021

A systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness of decision aids for vaccination decision-making

scientific article published in 2021

A systematic review of studies that measure parental vaccine attitudes and beliefs in childhood vaccination

scientific article published on 17 August 2020

An audit of the quality of online immunisation information available to Australian parents

scientific article (publication date: 13 January 2017)

Annual influenza vaccination: coverage and attitudes of primary care staff in Australia

scientific article published on 12 October 2010

Are general practice registrars prepared for immunisation? A cross sectional survey

scientific article published on 01 August 2004

Associations Between Exposure to and Expression of Negative Opinions About Human Papillomavirus Vaccines on Social Media: An Observational Study

scientific article published on 10 June 2015

Attitudes about and access to influenza vaccination experienced by parents of children hospitalised for influenza in Australia

scientific article published on 27 August 2019

Attitudes amongst Australian hospital healthcare workers towards seasonal influenza and vaccination.

scientific article published on January 2010

Australia needs a vaccine injury compensation scheme: Upcoming COVID-19 vaccines make its introduction urgent

scientific article published on 09 September 2020

Australian caregivers' perceptions of influenza vaccination in pregnancy: A mixed methods exploration


Australian newspaper coverage of human papillomavirus vaccination, October 2006-December 2009.

scientific article published on 2 December 2011

Awareness, attitudes and behavior of hospital healthcare workers towards a mandatory vaccination directive: Two years on

scientific article published on March 31, 2011

Barriers to access to health care for newly resettled sub-Saharan refugees in Australia.

scientific article

Barriers to influenza vaccination of children hospitalised for acute respiratory illness: A cross-sectional survey

scientific article published on 22 October 2020

COVID-19 is rapidly changing: Examining public perceptions and behaviors in response to this evolving pandemic

scientific article published on 08 May 2020

COVID-19 is rapidly changing: Examining public perceptions and behaviors in response to this evolving pandemic

scientific article published on 23 June 2020

COVID-19 misinformation in Australia: key groups and trends over time in a national longitudinal survey

scientific article published on 09 December 2020

COVID-19: talk of ‘vaccine hesitancy’ lets governments off the hook

scientific article published on 22 February 2022

COVID‐19 testing decisions and behaviours in two Australian cities

scholarly article published 2022

Caregivers' intentions regarding pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza vaccination for their children

scientific article published on 01 October 2010

Communicating about risk: strategies for situations where public concern is high, but the risk is low

scientific article (publication date: 15 February 2017)

Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health professionals.

scientific article

Communicating with patients and the public about COVID‐19 vaccine safety: recommendations from the Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation

scholarly article published 2021

Community perceptions about infectious disease risk posed by new arrivals: A qualitative study.

scientific article published in December 2006

Condition-specific quality of life questionnaires for caregivers of children with pediatric conditions: a systematic review

scientific article

Consent and public engagement in an era of expanded childhood immunisation

scientific article published on 01 September 2011

Crowdsourcing interventions to promote uptake of COVID-19 booster vaccines

scholarly article published 2022

Designing a multi-component intervention (P3-MumBubVax) to promote vaccination in antenatal care in Australia

scientific article published on 03 July 2020

Do they accept compulsory vaccination? Awareness, attitudes and behaviour of hospital health care workers following a new vaccination directive

scientific article published on 07 April 2009

Effects of a web based decision aid on parental attitudes to MMR vaccination: a before and after study.

scientific article

Epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in children enrolled in a study of influenza vaccine effectiveness

scientific article

Estimates and determinants of economic impacts from influenza-like illnesses caused by respiratory viruses in Australian children attending childcare: a cohort study.

scientific article

Ethical issues in immunisation

scientific article published on 19 November 2008

Evaluating a web-based MMR decision aid to support informed decision-making by UK parents: A before-and-after feasibility study

Examining the knowledge of and attitudes to pandemic influenza among general practice staff.

scientific article

Face-to-face interventions for informing or educating parents about early childhood vaccination

article by Jessica Kaufman et al published 8 May 2018 in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Factors Influencing Australian Healthcare Workers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Intentions across Settings: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Feasibility and acceptability of the multi-component P3-MumBubVax antenatal intervention to promote maternal and childhood vaccination: A pilot study

scientific article published on 19 April 2020

Financial incentives for childhood immunisation - a unique but changing Australian initiative

scientific article published on 01 June 2013

HPV vaccine coverage in Australia and associations with HPV vaccine information exposure among Australian Twitter users

scientific article published on 12 April 2019 study protocol: a cluster randomised controlled evaluation of education, decisional support and logistical strategies in school-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of adolescents

scientific article published on 15 September 2015

How do general practitioners persuade parents to vaccinate their children? A study using standardised scenarios

scientific article published on 01 July 2009

How heuristics and cognitive biases affect vaccination decisions

scientific article published on 20 November 2020

How organisations promoting vaccination respond to misinformation on social media: a qualitative investigation

scientific article published on 23 October 2019

How risk communication could have reduced controversy about school closures in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic

scientific article published on 30 June 2020

How the experience of medical trauma shapes Australian non-vaccinating parents' vaccine refusal for their children: A qualitative exploration

scholarly article published 2022

Identification of the determinants of incomplete vaccination in Australian children

scientific article published on 29 January 2019

Immunisation attitudes, knowledge and practices of health professionals in regional NSW.

scientific article

Immunisation status screening in the emergency department: Why are we forgetting the elderly?

scientific article published on 23 November 2019

Impact of children's influenza-like illnesses on parental quality of life: a qualitative study

scientific article

Implementation of mandatory immunisation of healthcare workers: observations from New South Wales, Australia.

scientific article published on 21 February 2011

Implementation of the Australian HPV vaccination program for adult women: Qualitative key informant interviews


Imposing penalties for vaccine rejection requires strong scrutiny.

scientific article

Improving child immunisation rates in a disadvantaged community in New South Wales, Australia: a process evaluation for research translation

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Improving uptake of MMR vaccine

scientific article

Increasing Vaccination: Putting Psychological Science Into Action.

scientific article published in December 2017

Influenza disease and vaccination in children in Australia

scholarly article published 2021

Influenza vaccine efficacy in young children attending childcare: A randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Instruments that measure psychosocial factors related to vaccination: a scoping review protocol

scientific article published on 09 December 2019

Journalists' views about reporting avian influenza and a potential pandemic: a qualitative study

scientific article

Lessons from an online debate about measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) immunization.

scientific article published on 7 November 2011

Limited Role of Bots in Spreading Vaccine-Critical Information Among Active Twitter Users in the United States: 2017-2019

scientific article published on 01 October 2020

MMR, Wakefield and The Lancet: what can we learn?

scientific article published in July 2010

Making influenza vaccination mandatory for health care workers: the views of NSW Health administrators and clinical leaders

scientific article published on September 1, 2010

Mandate vaccination with care

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Mandating influenza vaccination in health-care workers.

scientific article published in November 2011

Mandatory infant & childhood immunization: Rationales, issues and knowledge gaps

scientific article published on 22 August 2018

Mandatory vaccination and no fault vaccine injury compensation schemes: An identification of country-level policies

scientific article published on 15 April 2019

Mapping information exposure on social media to explain differences in HPV vaccine coverage in the United States.

scientific article published on 28 April 2017

Media coverage of anthrax vaccination refusal by Australian Defence Force personnel

scientific article published on 01 December 2004

Media coverage of health issues and how to work more effectively with journalists: a qualitative study

scientific article

Media researchers must understand the audience too

scientific article published on 15 February 2016

Midwife attitudes: an important determinant of maternal postpartum pertussis booster vaccination.

scientific article

Midwifery care of non-vaccinating families - Insights from the Byron Shire

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

Midwives' attitudes, beliefs and concerns about childhood vaccination: A review of the global literature.

scientific article

Much ado about flu: a mixed methods study of parental perceptions, trust and information seeking in a pandemic.

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

National survey of general practitioners' experience of delivering the National Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Program.

scientific article published on September 2010

No Jab, No Pay and vaccine refusal in Australia: the jury is out

scientific article published on 01 May 2017

No Jab, No Pay and vaccine refusal in Australia: the jury is out.

scientific article published in November 2017

Opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 for vaccination decisions.

scientific article published on 22 February 2012

Paid celebrity endorsement in health promotion: a case study from Australia.

scientific article published in December 2001

Parental Immunisation Needs and Attitudes Survey in paediatric hospital clinics and community maternal and child health centres in Melbourne, Australia

scientific article published on 23 November 2017

Parental attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and concerns towards childhood vaccinations in Australia: A national online survey

scientific article published in March 2017

Parental decisions about vaccination: collective values are important

scientific article published on 01 October 2008

Parental disease prevention health beliefs and triggers for keeping children home from childcare-a qualitative study in Sydney, Australia.

scientific article published on 15 June 2017

Parenting and the vaccine refusal process: A new explanation of the relationship between lifestyle and vaccination trajectories

scientific article published on 05 August 2020

Parents' attitudes towards the influenza vaccine and influencing factors

scientific article published on 18 February 2011

Pertussis vaccination coverage among Australian women prior to childbirth in the cocooning era: a two-hospital, cross-sectional survey, 2010 to 2013.

scientific article published on 11 January 2016

PhD thesis opposing immunisation: Failure of academic rigour with real-world consequences

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Physician Communication With Vaccine-Hesitant Parents: The Start, Not the End, of the Story

scientific article published on 01 June 2015

Policy considerations for mandatory COVID‐19 vaccination from the Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation

scholarly article published 2021

Pregnant women's intention to take up a post-partum pertussis vaccine, and their willingness to take up the vaccine while pregnant: a cross sectional survey.

scientific article published on 15 June 2013

Preparing the public for COVID-19 vaccines: How can general practitioners build vaccine confidence and optimise uptake for themselves and their patients?

scientific article published on 01 October 2020

Public opponents of vaccination: a case study

scientific article (publication date: December 2003)

Quality of life for parents of children with influenza-like illness: development and validation of Care-ILI-QoL.

scientific article published on October 2013

Refusal of parents to vaccinate: dereliction of duty or legitimate personal choice?

scientific article published on 01 February 2003

Respiratory vaccine uptake during pregnancy.

scientific article published on 4 March 2013

Risk Communication Should be Explicit About Values. A Perspective on Early Communication During COVID-19

scientific article published on 09 November 2020

Risk communication in public health

scientific article published on 01 April 2011

School-Level Variation in Coverage of Co-Administered dTpa and HPV Dose 1 in Three Australian States

scientific article published on 19 October 2021

School-based HPV vaccination positively impacts parents’ attitudes toward adolescent vaccination

scholarly article published 2021

Shared decision making in Australia in 2017.

scientific article published on 17 May 2017

Sharing knowledge about immunisation (SKAI): An exploration of parents' communication needs to inform development of a clinical communication support intervention.

scientific article published on 29 January 2018

Should influenza immunisation be mandatory for healthcare workers? No

scientific article published on 28 October 2008

Should we do battle with antivaccination activists?

scientific article published on 30 March 2015

Tailoring immunisation service delivery in a disadvantaged community in Australia; views of health providers and parents.

scientific article published on 6 April 2018

Tapping midwives' views about the neonatal hepatitis B vaccine: how welcome is a move towards a health promoting orientation?

scientific article published on August 2008

Target the fence-sitters

scientific article published on May 26, 2011

Ten considerations for effectively managing the COVID-19 transition

scientific article published on 24 June 2020

The MMR vaccination and autism controversy in United Kingdom 1998-2005: inevitable community outrage or a failure of risk communication?

scientific article published on 3 March 2006

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians immunisation position statement.

scientific article published on 17 May 2013

The WHO Tailoring Immunization Programmes (TIP) approach: Review of implementation to date.

scientific article published on 26 December 2017

The big picture in addressing vaccine hesitancy

scientific article

The impact of a vaccine scare on parental views, trust and information needs: a qualitative study in Sydney, Australia.

scientific article

The impact of influenza-like illness in young children on their parents: a quality of life survey.

scientific article published on 27 December 2013

To close the childhood immunization gap, we need a richer understanding of parents' decision-making

scientific article

Toward effective government communication strategies in the era of COVID-19

scholarly article published 2021

Trends and patterns in vaccination objection, Australia, 2002-2013.

scientific article

Underpinning of the sharing knowledge about immunisation (SKAI) communication approach: A qualitative study using recorded observations

scientific article published on 26 December 2019

Understanding non-vaccinating parents' views to inform and improve clinical encounters: a qualitative study in an Australian community

scientific article published on 28 May 2019

Understanding pregnant women's attitudes and behavior toward influenza and pertussis vaccination

scientific article published on 22 September 2014

Understanding the perceived logic of care by vaccine-hesitant and vaccine-refusing parents: A qualitative study in Australia.

scientific article published on 12 October 2017

Uptake of influenza vaccine by pregnant women: a cross-sectional survey.

scientific article

Vaccination hesitancy in the antenatal period: a cross-sectional survey.

scientific article published on 2 May 2018

Vaccination uptake by vaccine-hesitant parents attending a specialist immunization clinic in Australia.

scientific article published on 14 September 2015

Vaccine Champions Training Program: Empowering Community Leaders to Advocate for COVID-19 Vaccines

Vaccine Rejecting Parents' Engagement With Expert Systems That Inform Vaccination Programs

scientific article published on December 2016

Vaccine decision-making begins in pregnancy: Correlation between vaccine concerns, intentions and maternal vaccination with subsequent childhood vaccine uptake

scientific article published on 12 August 2017

Vaccine discussions with parents: The experience of Australian paediatricians

scientific article published on 31 May 2017

Vaccine hesitancy, refusal and access barriers: The need for clarity in terminology

scientific article published on 19 August 2017

Vaccine myopia: adult vaccination also needs attention.

scientific article

Vaccines - lessons from three centuries of protest

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

Water fluoridation and the quality of information available online.

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

What maintains parental support for vaccination when challenged by anti-vaccination messages? A qualitative study

scientific article published on 23 May 2006

When parents won't vaccinate their children: a qualitative investigation of australian primary care providers' experiences

scientific article

‘An attempt to swindle nature’: press anti-immunisation reportage 1993-1997

scientific article published on 01 February 1998

‘Get your own house in order’: Qualitative dialogue groups with nonvaccinating parents on how measles outbreaks in their community should be managed

scientific article published in 2022