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List of works by Marcel Proust

Albertine disparue

Novel by Marcel Proust

Alla ricerca del tempo perduto

1978 Einaudi edition


first part of Proust's novel Swann's Way

Contre Sainte-Beuve

collection of literary criticism by Marcel Proust (published posthumously in 1954)

Contre Sainte-Beuve (Gallimard Idées)

collection of literary criticism by Marcel Proust, 1973 Gallimard Idées edition

Dans l'ombre des jeunes filles fleuries

individual book

Du côté de chez Swann (1946 Gallimard ed.)

1946 French edition of the novel by Marcel Proust

Du côté de chez Swann : édition ELTeC

(2021) edition of work by Marcel Proust

I Guermantes

individual book

Il tempo ritrovato

individual book

In Search of Lost Time

novel sequence by Marcel Proust

Jean Santeuil

book by Marcel Proust

La fuggitiva

individual book

La fuggitiva


La prigioniera

individual book

La prigioniera

Einaudi 1978

Les Plaisirs et les Jours

book by Marcel Proust

Les plaisirs et les jours (1896)

French edition, 1896

Morceaux choisis de Marcel Proust ; précédés d'une préface par Ramon Fernandez


Morceaux choisis de Marcel Proust ; précédés d'une préface par Ramon Fernandez


Pastiches et mélanges

literary work

Sodom and Gomorrah

novel by Marcel Proust

Sodoma and Gomorra

individual book

Sodoma e Gomorra

Giulio Einaudi Editore 1978

Swann in Love

second part of Proust's novel Swann's Way

Swann's Way

novel by Marcel Proust

Swann's Way

individual book

Swann's Way (1922 ed.)

1922 English edition of the novel by Marcel Proust, translated by Charles Kenneth Scott-Moncrieff

The Captive

novel by Marcel Proust

The Guermantes Way

novel by Marcel Proust

The Pleasure of Reading

essay by Marcel Proust

Time Regained

1927 novel by Marcel Proust

À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs

novel by Marcel Proust

Hledání ztraceného času

book edition published in 2020

Otázky Marcela Prousta O.F. Bablerovi

book edition published in 1991

Plameny v zrcadle: francouzské básně v próze

book edition published in 2015

Swannova láska

book edition published in 2017