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List of works by Berthold Laufer

A correlation of the Mayan and European calendars

Chicago:Field Museum Press,1927. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Agate : physical properties and origin, archaeology and folk-lore

Chicago :Field Museum Press,1927. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Agate, physical properties and origin

Chicago, Ill. :Field Museum of Natural History,1927. | Museums Victoria

Arabs of central Iraq, their history, ethnology, and physical characters

Chicago :Field Museum Press ,1935. | Field Museum of Natural Hi

Archaeological explorations in Peru. Part I. Ancient pottery from Trujillo

Chicago :Field Museum Press,1926. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Archaeological explorations in Peru. Part II. The northern coast

Chicago :Field Museum of Natural History,1930. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Archaeological investigations in the southern Cayo district, British Honduras

Chicago,1931. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Archaeology of Santa Marta, Colombia; the Tairona culture. --

Chicago:Field Museum Press,1931-1939 | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Chinese baskets

Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1925.

Chinese clay figures. Part I. Prolegomena on the history of defensive armor

Chicago:Field Museum of Natural History,1914 | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Chinese pottery in the Philippines

Chicago, 1912.

Decorative art of New Guinea, incised designs

Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1925.

Ethnology of the Mayas of southern and central British Honduras

Chicago:Field Museum Press,1930. | Field Museum of Natural History Library


Chicago: Field Museum Press, 1930.

Insect-musicians and cricket champions of China

Chicago:Field Museum of Natural History,1927. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Introduction of tobacco into Europe

Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1924.

Ivory in China

Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1925.

Jade: a study in Chinese archaeology and religion

Chicago, 1912.

Japan, as represented in Field Museum of Natural History

Chicago :Field Museum of Natural History,1924. | University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign View Bo

Japanese collections : Frank W. Gunsaulus Hall

Chicago :Field Museum of Natural History,1922. | University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign View Bo

Japanese sword-mounts in the collections of Field Museum

Chicago, 1923.

Notes on turquois in the East

Chicago, 1913.

Ostrich egg-shell cups of Mesopotamia and the ostrich in ancient and modern times

Chicago:Field Museum of Natural History,1926. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

Prehistoric man, Hall of the Stone Age of the Old World

Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1933.

Roentgenologic studies of Egyptian and Peruvian mummies

Chicago:Field Museum Press,1931. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

The American plant migration. The potato. / Part I:

Chicago: Field Museum Press, 1938

The Chinese gateway

Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1922.

The Hopewell mound group of Ohio

Chicago, 1922.

The Indian tribes of the Chicago region, with special reference to the Illinois and the Potawatomi

Chicago:Field Museum of Natural History,1926. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

The Ovimbundu of Angola

Chicago:Field Museum Press,1934. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

The beginnings of porcelain in China

Chicago,1917. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

The decorative art of the Amur tribes

[New York]: The Museum, 1902

The decorative art of the Amur tribes. Memoirs of the AMNH ; v. 7, [pt.] 1

[New York] 1902

The diamond : a study in Chinese and Hellenistic folk-lore

Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1915.

The domestication of the cormorant in China and Japan

Chicago: Field Museum Press, 1931.

The giraffe in history and art

Chicago:Field Museum of Natural History,1928. | Field Museum of Natural History Library

The races of mankind: an introduction to Chauncey Keep Memorial Hall

Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1933.