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List of works by Alessandro Ghio

A Hardware-friendly Support Vector Machine for Embedded Automotive Applications

A Learning Analytics Methodology to Profile Students Behavior and Explore Interactions with a Digital Electronics Simulator

A Novel Procedure for Training L1-L2 Support Vector Machine Classifiers

A support vector machine classifier from a bit-constrained, sparse and localized hypothesis space

scholarly article published August 2013

A support vector machine with integer parameters

An improved analysis of the Rademacher data-dependent bound using its self bounding property

scientific article

Developments in computational intelligence and machine learning

scientific article published in December 2015

Energy Load Forecasting Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Support Vector Regression

Fast convergence of extended Rademacher Complexity bounds

Fully Empirical and Data-Dependent Stability-Based Bounds

scientific article

Global Rademacher Complexity Bounds: From Slow to Fast Convergence Rates

Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones Using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine

scientific article published in 2012

Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones with Awareness of Basic Activities and Postural Transitions

In-sample Model Selection for Trimmed Hinge Loss Support Vector Machine

In-sample and out-of-sample model selection and error estimation for support vector machines

scientific article

In-sample model selection for Support Vector Machines


Learning Resource-Aware Classifiers for Mobile Devices: From Regularization to Energy Efficiency


Local Rademacher Complexity: sharper risk bounds with and without unlabeled samples

scientific article

Long-term energy load forecasting using Auto-Regressive and approximating Support Vector Regression

Machine learning for wear forecasting of naval assets for condition-based maintenance applications

scholarly article published March 2015

Maximal Discrepancy for Support Vector Machines

Model selection for support vector machines: Advantages and disadvantages of the Machine Learning Theory


Nested Sequential Minimal Optimization for Support Vector Machines

Out-of-Sample Error Estimation: The Blessing of High Dimensionality

Rademacher Complexity and Structural Risk Minimization: An Application to Human Gene Expression Datasets


Selecting the hypothesis space for improving the generalization ability of Support Vector Machines

Shrinkage learning to improve SVM with hints

Smart Plankton: a Nature Inspired Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

Smart underwater wireless sensor networks

Smartphone battery saving by bit-based hypothesis spaces and local Rademacher Complexities

article published in 2014

Some results about the Vapnik-Chervonenkis entropy and the rademacher complexity

Support vector machines and strictly positive definite kernel: The regularization hyperparameter is more important than the kernel hyperparameters

Test error bounds for classifiers: A survey of old and new results

Training Computationally Efficient Smartphone–Based Human Activity Recognition Models

scientific article published in 2013

Unlabeled patterns to tighten Rademacher complexity error bounds for kernel classifiers

scholarly article by Davide Anguita et al published February 2014 in Pattern Recognition Letters

Using Variable Neighborhood Search to improve the Support Vector Machine performance in embedded automotive applications