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List of works by Hans Georg Dehmelt

A Single Atomic Particle Forever Floating at Rest in Free Space: New Value for Electron Radius

Axial, magnetron, cyclotron and spin-cyclotron-beat frequencies measured on single electron almost at rest in free space (geonium)

scientific article published in Nature

Bound onCPTand Lorentz Symmetry with a Trapped Electron

article by R. K. Mittleman et al published 13 September 1999 in Physical Review Letters

Cold kilo-electron ball as probe for charge-proportional cyclotron frequency shift in Penning trap cavity

scientific article published on 01 October 1995

Continuous Stern-Gerlach effect: Noise and the measurement process

scientific article published on May 1986

Continuous Stern-Gerlach effect: Principle and idealized apparatus

scientific article published on April 1986

Electron magnetic moment from geonium spectra: Early experiments and background concepts

scientific article published on 01 August 1986

Excitation transfer spectroscopy with two metastable 138Ba+ ions in same trap

scientific article

Experiments on the Structure of an Individual Elementary Particle

scientific article published in Science

Experiments with an isolated subatomic particle at rest

Geonium "K" experiment using spin dependency of cyclotron frequency supports g data of earlier geonium "S" work

scientific article

Isotope-shift measurement of the 6 (2)S1/2-5 (2)D5/2 transition in Ba+

scientific article published on 01 June 1995

Linewidth of single laser-cooled Mg ion in radiofrequency trap

scientific article

Localized visibleBa+mono-ion oscillator

Metastability transfer spectroscopy with two like ions in the same trap

scientific article

Microwave-cavity modes directly observed in a Penning trap

scientific article published on 01 October 1987

Miniature Paul-Straubel ion trap with well-defined deep potential well

scientific article

Monitoring electron spin by running geonium atom as microaccelerator

scientific article published on June 1992

New high-precision comparison of electron and positron g factors

scientific article published on 01 July 1987

Observation of a relativistic, bistable hysteresis in the cyclotron motion of a single electron

scientific article published on 01 February 1985

Observation of inhibited spontaneous emission

scientific article

Optical-Sideband Cooling of Visible Atom Cloud Confined in Parabolic Well

scientific article

Past Electron-Positron g − 2 Experiments Yielded Sharpest Bound on CPT Violation for Point Particles

scientific article

Paul-Straubel-Kingdon trap for true zero-point confinement of an individual ion and reservoir

scientific article published on September 1997

Practical zero-shift tuning in geonium

scientific article published on March 1992

Principles of the stored ion calorimeter

Quantum jump

scientific article published in Nature

Relativistic cyclotron resonance shape in magnetic bottle geonium

scientific article

Self-excited mono-ion oscillator

scientific article published on August 1986

Shelved optical electron amplifier: Observation of quantum jumps

scientific article published on 01 June 1986

Stark shift of a single barium ion and potential application to zero-point confinement in a rf trap

scientific article published on 01 September 1994

The 31S0-33P0 transition in the aluminum isotope ion 26A1+: a potentially superior passive laser frequency standard and spectrum analyzer

scientific article

The 6S(0)-6P(0) transition in thallium isotope ion Tl: A superior atomic clock

scientific article

Trapped electron cloud bolometer relying on frequency shift

scientific article published on July 1994

Trapped individual ion at absolute zero temperature

scientific article

Triton,... electron,... cosmon,...: An infinite regression?

scientific article

Zero-shift tuning in geonium by variation of trapped charge

scientific article

g-Factor of electron centered in symmetric cavity

scientific article published on December 1984