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List of works by Nina Kraus

A Little Goes a Long Way: How the Adult Brain Is Shaped by Musical Training in Childhood

scientific article published on August 22, 2012

A dynamic auditory-cognitive system supports speech-in-noise perception in older adults

scientific article published on March 27, 2013

A neural basis of speech-in-noise perception in older adults

scientific article

A possible role for a paralemniscal auditory pathway in the coding of slow temporal information

scientific article published on November 20, 2010

Abnormal cortical processing of the syllable rate of speech in poor readers

scientific article

Aging Affects Neural Precision of Speech Encoding

scientific article published on October 10, 2012

Analyzing the FFR: A tutorial for decoding the richness of auditory function

scientific article published on 08 August 2019

Art and science: how musical training shapes the brain.

scientific article

Assistive listening devices drive neuroplasticity in children with dyslexia

scientific article

At-risk elementary school children with one year of classroom music instruction are better at keeping a beat.

scientific article

Audiovisual deficits in older adults with hearing loss: biological evidence

scientific article published in October 2009

Auditory Cortical Changes Precede Brainstem Changes During Rapid Implicit Learning: Evidence From Human EEG

scientific article published in 2021

Auditory Processing Differences in Toddlers With Autism Spectrum Disorder

scientific article published on 14 May 2020

Auditory Processing in Noise: A Preschool Biomarker for Literacy

scientific article

Auditory biological marker of concussion in children.

scientific article

Auditory brain stem response to complex sounds: a tutorial

scientific article

Auditory brainstem correlates of perceptual timing deficits

scientific article published in March 2007

Auditory brainstem response to complex sounds predicts self-reported speech-in-noise performance.

scientific article

Auditory brainstem timing predicts cerebral asymmetry for speech.

scientific article published in October 2006

Auditory brainstem's sensitivity to human voices

scientific article published on 22 January 2015

Auditory learning through active engagement with sound: biological impact of community music lessons in at-risk children.

scientific article

Auditory neurophysiological development in early childhood: A growth curve modeling approach

scientific article published in 2021

Auditory neurophysiology reveals central nervous system dysfunction in HIV-infected individuals

scientific article published on 22 May 2020

Auditory training improves neural timing in the human brainstem

scientific article

Auditory-motor entrainment and phonological skills: precise auditory timing hypothesis (PATH).

scientific article

Auditory-neurophysiological responses to speech during early childhood: Effects of background noise

scientific article

Author Correction: Sex differences in auditory processing vary across estrous cycle

correction of a scholarly article

Baseline profiles of auditory, vestibular, and visual functions in youth tackle football players

scientific article published on 14 January 2020

Beat Synchronization across the Lifespan: Intersection of Development and Musical Experience

scientific article

Beat synchronization predicts neural speech encoding and reading readiness in preschoolers

scientific article

Bigger is Not Better: Effects of Hearing Loss on Central Processing

scientific article

Bilingual enhancements have no socioeconomic boundaries

scientific article published on 16 November 2015

Bilingualism increases neural response consistency and attentional control: evidence for sensory and cognitive coupling

scientific article

Biological impact of auditory expertise across the life span: musicians as a model of auditory learning

scientific article

Biological impact of preschool music classes on processing speech in noise

scientific article

Brain stem response to speech: a biological marker of auditory processing

scientific article

Brainstem encoding of voiced consonant--vowel stop syllables

scientific article published on 24 September 2008

Brainstem responses to speech syllables

scientific article

Can you hear me now? Musical training shapes functional brain networks for selective auditory attention and hearing speech in noise

scientific article

Case studies in neuroscience: Cortical contributions to the frequency-following response depend on subcortical synchrony

scientific article published on 18 November 2020

Case studies in neuroscience: subcortical origins of the frequency-following response

scientific article published on 03 July 2019

Central Auditory Tests to Track Cognitive Function in People With HIV: Longitudinal Cohort Study

scientific article published in 2021

Children with autism spectrum disorder have unstable neural responses to sound

scientific article published on 6 January 2018

Clapping in Time With Feedback Relates Pervasively With Other Rhythmic Skills of Adolescents and Young Adults

scientific article published in 2021

Clapping in time parallels literacy and calls upon overlapping neural mechanisms in early readers

scientific article published on 12 May 2018

Cognitive factors shape brain networks for auditory skills: spotlight on auditory working memory

scientific article

Context-dependent encoding in the human auditory brainstem relates to hearing speech in noise: implications for developmental dyslexia

scientific article

Continued maturation of auditory brainstem function during adolescence: A longitudinal approach

scientific article

Continued maturation of the click-evoked auditory brainstem response in preschoolers

scientific article

Correction: At-Risk Elementary School Children with One Year of Classroom Music Instruction Are Better at Keeping a Beat.

scientific article published on 8 January 2014

Cortical response variability as a developmental index of selective auditory attention

scientific article

Cross-phaseogram: Objective neural index of speech sound differentiation

scientific article published on January 26, 2011

Deficits in auditory brainstem pathway encoding of speech sounds in children with learning problems

scientific article published in February 2002

Development of subcortical speech representation in human infants.

scientific article

Developmental changes in resting gamma power from age three to adulthood

scientific article

Developmental plasticity in the human auditory brainstem

scientific article

Difficulty hearing in noise: a sequela of concussion in children

scientific article published on 8 March 2018

Distinct rhythmic abilities align with phonological awareness and rapid naming in school-age children

scientific article published on 30 June 2020

Effects of hearing loss on the subcortical representation of speech cues.

scientific article

Effects of noise and cue enhancement on neural responses to speech in auditory midbrain, thalamus and cortex

scientific article published in July 2002

Emotion and the auditory brainstem response to speech

scientific article

Emotion modulates early auditory response to speech

scientific article

Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

scientific article

Evidence for Multiple Rhythmic Skills.

scientific article

Evolving perspectives on the sources of the frequency-following response

scientific article published on 06 November 2019

Experience-induced malleability in neural encoding of pitch, timbre, and timing.

scientific article

Getting back on the beat: links between auditory-motor integration and precise auditory processing at fast time scales

scientific article published on 10 January 2016

Got Rhythm? Better Inhibitory Control Is Linked with More Consistent Drumming and Enhanced Neural Tracking of the Musical Beat in Adult Percussionists and Nonpercussionists

scientific article published on 26 September 2017

Harmonic relationships influence auditory brainstem encoding of chords.

scientific article

Hearing it again and again: on-line subcortical plasticity in humans

scientific article

Hemispheric Asymmetry of Endogenous Neural Oscillations in Young Children: Implications for Hearing Speech In Noise

scientific article

High school music classes enhance the neural processing of speech.

scientific article

How Rhythmic Skills Relate and Develop in School-Age Children.

scientific article published on 12 June 2019

Impairments in musical abilities reflected in the auditory brainstem: evidence from congenital amusia.

scientific article

Incorporation of feedback during beat synchronization is an index of neural maturation and reading skills.

scientific article published in October 2016

Individual Differences in Human Auditory Processing: Insights From Single-Trial Auditory Midbrain Activity in an Animal Model

scientific article published in November 2017

Individual Differences in Rhythm Skills: Links with Neural Consistency and Linguistic Ability.

scientific article published on 27 January 2017

Individual differences in speech-in-noise perception parallel neural speech processing and attention in preschoolers

scientific article

Inferior colliculus contributions to phase encoding of stop consonants in an animal model

scientific article published on September 16, 2011

Integration of heard and seen speech: a factor in learning disabilities in children

scientific article published on November 6, 2003

Intertrial auditory neural stability supports beat synchronization in preschoolers

scientific article

Learning impaired children exhibit timing deficits and training-related improvements in auditory cortical responses to speech in noise

scientific article published on 6 April 2004

Listening in the Moment: How Bilingualism Interacts With Task Demands to Shape Active Listening

scientific article published on 10 December 2021

Long-term Follow-up of a Patient With Auditory Neuropathy and Normal Hearing Thresholds

scientific article published on 12 March 2020

Longitudinal effects of group music instruction on literacy skills in low-income children.

scientific article

Longitudinal maturation of auditory cortical function during adolescence.

scientific article

Multiple Cases of Auditory Neuropathy Illuminate the Importance of Subcortical Neural Synchrony for Speech-in-noise Recognition and the Frequency-following Response

scientific article published in 2021

Music enrichment programs improve the neural encoding of speech in at-risk children.

scientific article

Music training alters the course of adolescent auditory development.

scientific article

Music training enhances the automatic neural processing of foreign speech sounds

scientific article published on 3 October 2017

Music training for the development of reading skills.

scientific article

Music training improves speech-in-noise perception: Longitudinal evidence from a community-based music program.

scientific article

Music training relates to the development of neural mechanisms of selective auditory attention.

scientific article

Musical experience and neural efficiency: effects of training on subcortical processing of vocal expressions of emotion.

scientific article

Musical experience and the aging auditory system: implications for cognitive abilities and hearing speech in noise

scientific article

Musical experience limits the degradative effects of background noise on the neural processing of sound.

scientific article

Musical experience offsets age-related delays in neural timing

scientific article published on January 9, 2012

Musical experience promotes subcortical efficiency in processing emotional vocal sounds

scientific article

Musical experience shapes top-down auditory mechanisms: evidence from masking and auditory attention performance.

scientific article

Musical experience strengthens the neural representation of sounds important for communication in middle-aged adults

scientific article published on November 23, 2012

Musical training during early childhood enhances the neural encoding of speech in noise

scientific article published on October 25, 2012

Musical training enhances neural processing of binaural sounds.

scientific article

Musical training heightens auditory brainstem function during sensitive periods in development

scientific article

Musician enhancement for speech-in-noise

scientific article

Musicians change their tune: How hearing loss alters the neural code

scientific article published on April 6, 2013

Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music.

scientific article

Musicians' enhanced neural differentiation of speech sounds arises early in life: developmental evidence from ages 3 to 30.

scientific article

Native language shapes automatic neural processing of speech.

scientific article

Neural entrainment to the rhythmic structure of music.

scientific article

Neural plasticity following auditory training in children with learning problems

scientific article published in April 2003

Neural processing of speech in children is influenced by extent of bilingual experience

scientific article

Neural responses to sounds presented on and off the beat of ecologically valid music

scientific article published on May 10, 2013

Neural stability: A reflection of automaticity in reading

scientific article published on 20 July 2017

Neural timing is linked to speech perception in noise

scientific article

Neurophysiological, linguistic, and cognitive predictors of children's ability to perceive speech in noise

scientific article published on 06 August 2019

Older adults benefit from music training early in life: biological evidence for long-term training-driven plasticity.

scientific article

Part VIII introduction: new directions: cochlear implants.

scientific article published in July 2009

Partial maintenance of auditory-based cognitive training benefits in older adults.

scientific article

Performance on auditory, vestibular, and visual tests is stable across two seasons of youth tackle football

scientific article published on 29 October 2019

Peripheral Auditory Function in Young HIV-Positive Adults With Clinically Normal Hearing

scientific article published in 2021

Physiologic discrimination of stop consonants relates to phonological skills in pre-readers: a biomarker for subsequent reading ability?(†).

scientific article

Play Sports for a Quieter Brain: Evidence From Division I Collegiate Athletes

scientific article published on 09 December 2019

Population responses in primary auditory cortex simultaneously represent the temporal envelope and periodicity features in natural speech

scientific article

Prior experience biases subcortical sensitivity to sound patterns

scientific article

Rapid acoustic processing in the auditory brainstem is not related to cortical asymmetry for the syllable rate of speech

scientific article

Relationships between behavior, brainstem and cortical encoding of seen and heard speech in musicians and non-musicians

scientific article

Resting gamma power is linked to reading ability in adolescents.

scientific article

Reversal of age-related neural timing delays with training.

scientific article

Right-hemisphere auditory cortex is dominant for coding syllable patterns in speech

scientific article

Seeing speech affects acoustic information processing in the human brainstem

scientific article

Selective subcortical enhancement of musical intervals in musicians.

scientific article

Sensory-Cognitive Interaction in the Neural Encoding of Speech in Noise: A Review

scientific article published on October 1, 2010

Sex differences in auditory processing vary across estrous cycle

scientific article published in 2021

Sex differences in auditory subcortical function

scientific article published on September 8, 2011

Sex differences in subcortical auditory processing emerge across development

scientific article published on 06 July 2019

Sex differences in subcortical auditory processing only partially explain higher prevalence of language disorders in males

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

Sex, Brains, and Learning Disabilities

scientific article published in 2021

Speaking clearly for children with learning disabilities: sentence perception in noise

scientific article published in February 2003

Specialization among the specialized: auditory brainstem function is tuned in to timbre.

scientific article published on 6 April 2011

Speech-in-noise perception is linked to rhythm production skills in adult percussionists and non-musicians

scientific article published on 12 December 2017

Speech‐evoked auditory brainstem responses reflect familial and cognitive influences

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Stability and plasticity of auditory brainstem function across the lifespan.

scientific article

Stable auditory processing underlies phonological awareness in typically developing preschoolers

scientific article published on 30 July 2019

Subcortical differentiation of stop consonants relates to reading and speech-in-noise perception

scientific article

Subcortical encoding of sound is enhanced in bilinguals and relates to executive function advantages

scientific article published on April 30, 2012

Subcortical laterality of speech encoding

scientific article

Subcortical processing of speech regularities underlies reading and music aptitude in children

scientific article published on October 17, 2011

Test-retest consistency of speech-evoked auditory brainstem responses in typically-developing children

scientific article published on December 16, 2011

Test-retest reliability of the speech-evoked auditory brainstem response

scientific article

The Effects of Aging on Auditory Processing

scientific article published on January 2013

The Potential Role of the cABR in Assessment and Management of Hearing Impairment

scientific article

The ability to move to a beat is linked to the consistency of neural responses to sound.

scientific article

The impoverished brain: disparities in maternal education affect the neural response to sound.

scientific article published in October 2013

The neural legacy of a single concussion

scientific article published on 6 March 2017

Training changes processing of speech cues in older adults with hearing loss

scientific article

Unstable Representation of Sound: A Biological Marker of Dyslexia

scientific article published on February 20, 2013

Variations on the theme of musical expertise: cognitive and sensory processing in percussionists, vocalists and non-musicians.

scientific article

What subcortical-cortical relationships tell us about processing speech in noise

scientific article published on 24 January 2011