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List of works by Crain Arthur Soudien

'Race' and Its Contemporary Confusions: Towards a Re-statement

(Re)Framing Education Exclusion and Inclusion Discourses

A brief engagement with some conceptual challenges in the discussion about ‘race’ and racism

A politics of intellectual engagement: Six key debates

Accent on Desire: Desire and Race in the Production of Ideological Subjectivities in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Africa-Centred Knowledge: Crossing Fields & Worlds, written by Brenda Cooper & Robert Morrell, Co-Editors. Foreword by Crain Soudien

An Introduction

chapter in "Nelson Mandela: Comparative Perspectives of his Significance for Education"

Bearding the Capability Deprivation Machine: The Pedagogical Deal for Post-apartheid Young South Africa

Becoming UWC: Reflections, Pathways and Unmaking Apartheid’s Legacy

Bodies of Language and Languages of Bodies

Bodies of Language and Languages of Bodies: South African Puzzles and Opportunities

Book ReviewEducation, Equity and Transformation edited by Crain Soudien and Peter Kallaway, with, Mignonne Breier. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. 621 pp. $73.00 (paper). ISBN 0‐7923‐6157‐1

Book reviews

COMPAREForum: The post-2015 education and development agenda

Caste, Class and Race: Continuities and Discontinuities across Indian and South African Schools

Certainty and Ambiguity in Youth Identities in South Africa: Discourses in transition

Chapter 9. Emerging Multiculturalisms in South African Museum Practice Some Examples from the Western Cape

Coming to self-awareness – in search of an education for non-violence

Complex Alliances: The Institutionalization of Comparative Education in South Africa in the Context of Apartheid and the Cold War

Curriculum, knowledge, and the idea of South Africa

Dealing with race: Laying down patterns for multiculturalism in South Africa

scholarly article by Crain Arthur Soudien published in September 1994

Decentralisation and the construction of inclusion education policy in South Africa

Disaffected or displaced? A brief analysis of the reasons for academic failure amongst young South Africans

article by Crain Arthur Soudien published 1 January 2006 in The International Journal on School Disaffection

Discourses of Exclusion and Inclusion in the South: Limits and Possibilities



Editorial Introduction

Education in the Global Order

Education in the network age: globalisation, development and the World Bank

Education, Equity and Transformation

Educational Change and the Quality Challenge in South African Schooling

Equality and Equity in South Africa: Multicultural Education and Change

Finding the Words – an Anthropology of Educational Becoming

scholarly article published 2014


Global Education Inc: new policy networks and the neo-liberal imaginary

Globalisation and Its Malcontents: In Pursuit of the Promise of Education

Globalisation and Its Malcontents: In pursuit of the promise of education

Guest Editors' Comments: Introduction and Overview. The Birth of a New Nation


Inside but Below: The Puzzle of Education in the Global Order

scholarly article

Institutionalising racial segregation in the South African school: the School Board Act, 1905

Instructional technologies in social science instruction in South Africa

Integrating South African Schools?

Interrogating the nature of the ‘universal’ in South Africa's new educational order


essay in the South African Journal of Higher Education

Learning and equitable access in the Western Cape, South Africa

Managing heritage in District Six, Cape Town

scholarly article

Memory and critical education: Approaches in the District Six Museum

Nelson Mandela

book exploring the significance of Nelson Mandela in the context of education

Nelson Mandela, Robben Island and the Imagination of a New South Africa


Neville Alexander: Political philosopher (1936–2012)

New Accents on the Social: Thinking on South Africa’s History at UWC

Obituary: Dr Dimitri Tassiopoulos

scientific article

Race, Culture and Curriculum Development in the USA: a study of the process of introducing a multicultural dimension into the curriculum

Renaissances, African and Modern:

scholarly article

Review symposium

Re‐imagining, remaking or imposing identity: South Africa in a connected world

Routes to Adulthood:

South Africa, Multicultural Education in

South Africa: The Struggle for Social Justice and Citizenship in South African Education

scholarly article published 2016


Teacher Development and Political Transformation: Reflections from the South African Experience

Teacher as Public Intellectual

Teacher responses to rationalisation: transformation and adaptation in the Western Cape, South Africa

Teachers and Structural Adjustment in South Africa

The Character of the Multicultural Education Discussion in South Africa

The Colour of Our Future

The Ethics of Self-Rule: Violence and Masculinity in Contemporary South Africa

The Influence of Rankings and Incentive Systems on Academic Publishing in South African Universities

The Reconstitution of Privilege: Integration in Former White Schools in South Africa

The Shifting Sands of Academic Output: University of Cape Town Research Output in Education and Social Anthropology—1993–2013

article by Crain Arthur Soudien & Derek Gripper published 16 August 2016 in Higher Education Policy

The World Bank and Education

The asymmetries of contact: an assessment of 30 years of school integration in South Africa

The challenge of comparison: understanding global educational standards

The contribution of radical Western Cape intellectuals to an indigenous knowledge project in South Africa

The modern seduction of race: whither social constructionism?

The significance of new humanism for education and development

The “A” factor: Coming to terms with the question of legacy in South African education

Then and Now: The Significance of the Legacy of June 16, 1976 for Youth Development in South Africa

Thinking about the significance of Nelson Mandela for education

Transformation and Outcomes-Based Education in South Africa: Opportunities and Challenges

Unscripted modernities: Critical questions in working with indigenous knowledges in a time of bounded cultural hegemony

Who takes responsibility for the ‘Reitz four’? Puzzling our way through higher education transformation in South Africa

‘Knowledge in the Blood?’: Race, Consciousness and Understanding in South African Higher Education

‘The life and times of Neville Alexander’

article published in 2014

‘We Know Why We're Here’: the experience of African children in a ‘coloured’ school in Cape Town, South Africa

article by Crain Arthur Soudien published March 1998 in Race, Ethnicity and Education

“Quality’s ‘others’?” The politics of bordering and re-bordering our educational standards

“Quality’s ‘others’?” The politics of bordering and re-bordering our educational standards

“Quality’s” Horizons

“What to Teach the Natives”: A Historiography of the Curriculum Dilemma in South Africa