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List of works by Neil Christie

"Of sheep and men": castles and transhumance in the Sangro valley and in the Cicolano, Italy

chapter published in 2009

A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy. (Brill’s Companions to European History, Volume 9). Edited by Jonathan Arnold, Shane Bjornlie & Kristina Sessa. 16 × 24 cm. xii + 551 pp, 25 b&w pls and figs. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2016.

book review published in 2018

Ancient and modern pastoralism in central Italy: an interdisciplinary study in the Cicolano mountains


Anxious Abbots? Questions of Monastic Security and Insecurity in Early Medieval Europe

Archaeological Fieldwork Support: Excavations in the upper Sangro valley, Abruzzo

scholarly article by Neil Christie published in November 1999

Archaeological Fieldwork Support: The Sangro Valley Project

scientific article published in November 1999

Archaeological Fieldwork Support: Upper Sangro Valley Research Project

scholarly article by Neil Christie published in November 2000

Archeologia Urbana a Pavia: Parte Prima. Edited by Hugo Blake. 30 x 21 cm. 262 pp., 163 figs. and pls. Pavia: EMI Editrice in Pavia/Musei Civici, Comune di Pavia Assessorato Cultura, 1995. No ISSN number. Price: Lire 70,000pb.

book review published in 1999

Archeologia a Monte Barro. I-Il Grande Edificio e le Torri. Edited by G. P. Brogiolo and L. Castelletti. 22 x 31 cm. 267pp., 190 figs. and pls., 39 tables. Lecco: Editrice Stefanoni, 1991. No ISBN. Price not stated.

book review published in 1993

Archeologia urbana a Borgo Terra, Muro Leccese — I. Edited by Paul Arthur, Brunella Bruno & Stefania Alfarano. 21 × 29 cm. 168 pp, 151 colour and b&w pls and figs, 16 tables. Florence: All’Insegna del Giglio, 2017. ISBN 978-88-7814-773-7.

book review published in 2018

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Book reviews

Burh to Borough: Exploring the Saxon and Medieval Townscapes of Wallingford

article published in 2009

Byzantine Artefacts from Ephesos. A Catalogue. By Andrea M Pülz. 18 × 24 cm. 61 pp, 24 colour plate pages, 1 b&w fig. Vienna: Holzhausen GmbH, 2017. ISBN 978-3-903207-02-8. Price: €14.90 pb.

book review published in 2018

Byzantine Liguria: an imperial province against the Longobards, A.D. 568–643

Changing Lands in Changing Memories. Migration and Identity during the Lombard Invasions - by Irene Barbiera

scientific article published on 27 March 2007

Charting early medieval and medieval urban expansion and contraction at Wallingford

article published in 2009

Creating Defended Communities in Later Saxon Wessex

Defining and Understanding Defended Settlements in Early Medieval Europe: Structures, Roles, Landscapes and Communities

chapter published in 2016

Digging and Dealing in Eighteenth-Century Rome. Volume I. By Ilaria Bignamini and Clare Hornsby, with Irma Della Giovampaola and Jonathan Yarker. 270mm. Pp xxiv+440, 200 b&w illus, 50 col illus. New Haven and London: Yale University Press for the Pau

Empire without End. Antiquities Collections in Renaissance Rome, c 1350–1527. By Kathleen Wren Christian. 274mm. Pp 288, 270 ills, 50 col. New Haven (Conn) and London: Yale University Press, 2010. ISBN 9780300154214. $70 (hbk)

article by Neil Christie published September 2012 in Antiquaries Journal

Este, l’Adige e i Colli Euganei. Storie di Paesaggi. (Progetti di Archeologia). Edited by Gian Pietro Brogiolo. 21 × 30 cm. 254 pp, 178 colour and b&w pls and figs, 1 table. Mantua: SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l. , 2017. ISBN 978-88-99547-10-3.

book review published in 2018

Excavations and survey at the castle and villages of medieval Rascino (Cicolano, Central Italy)

scientific article published in 2000

Excavations at Amorium: 1992 Interim Report

article by R. M. Harrison & N. Christie et al published December 1993 in Anatolian Studies

Field Work Support: The Sangro Valley project

Fieldwork Grants

Fieldwork Grants: The Sangro Valley project

Fieldwork Grants: The Sangro Valley project

Forum Ware, the Duchy of Rome and incastellamento: problems in interpretation

article published in 1987

From Constantine To Charlemagne: An Archaeology of Italy, AD 300–800

book published in 2006

From the mountain to the plain: landscape evolution in the Abruzzo. An interim report on the Sangro Valley Project (1994–5)

scientific article published in November 1997

Further coins from Santa Cornelia (Rome)

scientific article published in November 1994

I Longobardi. Edited by G. C. Menis. 28 x 20cm. 492 pp., numerous b.&w. figs. and b.&w. and colour pis. Milan: Electa, 1990. ISBN 88-435-3210-3. Price: 92,000 lire.

book review published in 1991

I Palatino Nel Medioevo. Archeologia e Topografia (Secoli VI-XIII). By Andrea Augenti. 22 x 29 cm. 209 pp., figs., pls., tables. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1996. ISBN 88-7062-932-5. Price: not stated, hb.

book review published in 1997

Il caso studio delle necropli longobarde in area danubiana. Un contributo archeologico alla questione storia dell’etnogenesi. (British Archaeological Reports International Series 2851). By Federica Codromaz.

book review published in 2018

Introduzione all'archeologia medievale: Storia e ricerea in Italia. By Sauro Gelichi. 12 x 22 cm. 180 pp., 77 figs. Rome: La Nuova Italia Scientifica (Studi Superiori, 350), 1997. ISBN 880430-0552-9. Price: Lire 36,000 pb.

book review published in 1999

Isotopic reconstruction of human diet at the Roman site (1st-4th c. AD) of Carrer Ample 1, Barcelona, Spain


Koimesis. Recenti esplorazioni nelle catacombe siracusane e maltesi. Recent Explorations in the Siracusan and Maltese Catacombs. Edited by Mariarita Sgarlata & Davide Tanasi.

book review published in 2017

La Monetazione nell'Italia Normanna. (Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, Nuovi Studi Storici - 28). By Lucia Traviani. 18 x 25 cm. viii +487 pp., 44 figs., 3 maps, 25 pis. Rome: Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 1995

book review published in 1995

La Necropoli Longobarda di Trezzo Sull'adda (Ricerche di Archeologia Altomedievale e Medievale 12-13). Edited by E. Roffia. 29 x 21 cm. 286 pp. + 204 b.&w. figs. and pis. Florence: AlI'Insegna del Giglio, 1986. No ISBN. Price: 80,000 lire.

book review published in 1991

La basilica di S. Apollinare Nuovo di Ravenna attraverso i secoli by E. Penni Iacco

scientific article published on 18 January 2007

Late Roman and Late Antique Italy


Les populations carolingiennes (France, Nord-Ouest, VIIIe–Xe siècles). Approche archéo-anthropologique. (BAR International Series 2831). By Carole Fossurier. 21 x 30 cm. xv + 173 pp, 190 b&w pls and figs, 45 tables.

book review published in 2017

L’isola di domani. Cultura materiale e contesti archeologici a San Giacomo in Paludo (Venezia). (Serie dell’Insegnamento di Archeologia Medievale, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia). By Margherita Ferri & Cecilia Moine

book review published in 2017

Mapping Wallingford castle

article published in 2010

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2006

scientific article published in November 2007

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2011

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2012

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2013

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2016

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2017

scientific article published on 3 July 2018

Medieval Britain and Ireland in 2018

scientific article published on 3 July 2019

Medieval land remediation of a quarry site at Wallingford, Oxfordshire, revealed by microfossil analysis

Micropalaeontology reveals the source of building materials for a defensive earthwork (English Civil War?) at Wallingford Castle, Oxfordshire

Monselice. Archeologia e architetture tra Longobardi e Carraresi. (Progetti di Archeologia). Edited by Gian Pietro Brogiolo & Alexandra Chavarría Arnau. 21 × 30 cm. 416 pp, 416 colour and b&w pls and figs, 10 tables. 38 Tavole.

book review published in 2018

Multi-proxy study of Holocene environmental change and human activity in the Central Apennine Mountains, Italy


New Directions in Early Medieval European Archaeology: Spain and Italy Compared. Essays for Riccardo Francovich. (Collection Haut Moyen Âge, 24). Edited by Sauro Gelichi & Richard Hodges.

book review published in 2017

Ocriculum (Otricoli, Umbria). An Archaeological Survey of the Roman Town. ByHay Sophie,Keay Simon andMillett Martin. 280mm. Pp xviii + 169, 108 b&w pls, figs and tables. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 22,British School at Rom

Oggetti di ornamento personale dall’Emilia Romagna bizantina: I contesti di rinvenimento - By Cinzia Cavallari

scientific article published on 31 March 2008

On bells and bell-towers: origins and evolutions in Italy and Britain

scientific article published in 2004

Oro sacro. Aspetti religiosi ed economici da Atene a Bisanzio

Peopling the Recent Past in the Serra de L’Altmirant: Shepherds and Farmers at the Margins

scientific article


scientific article published in January 2007

Ricerche archeologiche a Sant’Andrea di Loppio (Trento, Italia). Il castrum tardoantico-altomedievale. (Archaeopress Archaeology). By Barbara Maurina. 21 x 29 cm. xiii + 793 pp, 765 b&w pls, figs and tables. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016.

book review published in 2017

Ricerche sul centro episcopale di Padova. Scavi 2011–2012. (Progetti di Archeologia). Edited by Alexandra Chavarría Arnau. 21 × 30 cm. 408 pp, 251 colour and b&w pls and figs, 41 tables, 36 Tavole. Mantua: SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l., 2017.

book review published in 2018

Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges. III, Le rempart de l'antiquité tardive de la ville haute. (Études d'archéologie urbaine). By A.S. Esmonde Cleary and J. Wood. Éditions de la Fédération Aquitania, Pessac, 2006. 2 vols: pp. 340, pls and figs 302, tab

San Liberato: a medieval church near Bracciano

chapter published in 1991

Santa Cornelia: the excavation of an early medieval papal estate and a medieval monastery

chapter published in 1991

Settlement and Defence of Byzantine and Longobard Northern and Central Italy


Settlement and Pottery in the Vinalopó Valley (Alicante, Spain), A.D. 400-700. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 588.) By Paul Reynolds. 22 x 30 cm. xiii + 404 pp., 123 figs., 150 'pottery plates', 3 fiches.

book review published in 1995

Spolia in Fortifications and the Common Builder in Late Antiquity. (Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, Volume 389). By Jon M Frey. 16 x 24 cm. xii + 222 pp, 74 b&w pls and figs. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2016.

book review published in 2017


scholarly article by Neil Christie published in November 1992

Tecniche murarie e cantieri del romanico nell’Italia settentrionale. Atti del Convegno (Trento, 25-26 ottobre 2012): Tecniche costruttive e cicli edilizi tra VI e IX secolo, fra Oriente e Occidente. Atti del Seminario (Padova, 25 ottobre 2013)


scientific article published in 1991

The Archaeology of Byzantine Italy: A Synthesis of Recent Research

scientific article published in December 1989

The Archaeology of Wallingford Castle: a summary of the current state of knowledge

chapter published in 2015

The Basilica at Soli, Cyprus: a survey of the buildings and mosaics. By David S Neal. 300mm. Pp 102, 104 col pls and figs, 3 fold-out plans, cd-rom. [Cyprus]: SAVE, International Resources Group, 2010. ISBN 9789963970209. Price not stated (pbk)

The Cicalano Castle project: second interim report, 1992

The Cicolano Castles Project : 1993 interim report, con contributi di P. Boyer, T. Hylton, T. Simpson, C. Skinner, C. Taylor, L. Travaini

scientific article published in 1994

The Cicolano Castles Project: preliminary excavation report, 1991

scientific article published in 1992

The City Walls of Ravenna

The Danubian Lands between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas (7th Century BC – 10th Century AD). Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Belgrade – 17–21 September 2013)

book review published in 2017

The Dodecanese and the Eastern Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, ad 300–700. (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology). By Georgios Deligiannakis. 22 x 28 cm. xxi + 232 pp, 185 b&w pls and figs. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

book review published in 2017

The Fall of Cities in the Mediterranean. Commemoration in Literature, Folk-Song, and Liturgy. Edited by Mary R Bachvarova, Dorota Dutsch & Ann Suter. 16 × 24 cm. xvii + 277 pp, 2 b&w maps. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016

book review published in 2017

The Survival of Roman Antiquities in the Middle Ages. By Michael Greenhalgh. 17 x 24 cm. 288 pp. London: Duckworth Press, 1989. ISBN 0-7156-2129-7. Price: £35.00 hb. Pavia: La Tradizione dell'Antico nella Citta Medievale. By Claudia Maccabruni

book review published in 1992

The Wallingford Burgh to Borough Research Project: 2003 Fieldwork

article published in 2003

The Wallingford Burh to Borough Research Project

article published in 2009

The Wallingford Burh to Borough Research Project: 2002 interim report

article published in 2003

The Wallingford Burh to Borough Research Project: 2009 interim report

article published in 2010

The Wallingford burh to borough research project

article published in 2002

The Wallingford burh to borough research project: 2003 interim report

article published in 2004

The Wallingford burh to borough research project: 2008. Interim report

article published in 2009

The last stand: Wallingford castle and the Civil War. Images and insights from archaeology

chapter published in 2015

The late antique and early medieval habitat and church on the Monte S. Martino, Riva del Garda district, North Italy

article published in 2013

Transforming Townscapes: From burh to borough: the archaeology of Wallingford, AD 800–1400

book published in 2013

Trasformazioni dell’habitat periurbano di Firenze nel Medioevo

Urban Identities in Northern Italy, 800–1100 ca. (Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, 5). Edited by Maria Cristina La Rocca & Piero Majocchi.

book review published in 2017

Urban fortification and defensive strategy in fifth and sixth century Italy: the case of Terracina

scientific article published in 1988

Wallingford burh to borough research project & the Wallingford Historical and Archaeological Society. Civil War Bastion at the Barbican at Wallingford Castle, South Oxfordshire

article published in 2012

Wallingford burh to borough research project: first interim report

article published in 2003

Wallingford, South Oxfordshire

article published in 2004

Wallingford, South Oxfordshire

article published in 2005

Wallingford: Place, Space, and Defence

Wallingford: charting early medieval and medieval expansion and contraction

article published in Medieval Settlement Research in 2008

Walls and Memory: The Abbey of San Sebastiano at Alatri (Lazio) from Late Roman Monastery to Renaissance Villa and Beyond by Elizabeth Fentress, Caroline J

scientific article published on 5 October 2006

Was there a Byzantine model of settlement in Italy?

article published in 1989

‘Have you found anything interesting?’ Exploring Late-Saxon and Medieval urbanism at Wallingford: sources, results and questions

article published in 2010