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List of works by Martin Gardner

A Möbius band has a finite thickness, and so it is actually a twisted prism / Martin Gardner. - (8.1978)


A New Kind of Cipher that Would Take Millions of Years to Break / Martin Gardner. - (8.1977)


A book for burning

scientific article published in Nature

A collection of puzzles involving numbers, logic and probabilities / Martin Gardner. - (10.1962)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on October 1962

A mathematical zoo of astounding critters, imaginary and otherwise / Martin Gardner. - (6.1978)


A pride of problems, including one that is virtually impossible / Martin Gardner. - (12.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on December 1979

About rectangling rectangles, parodying Poe and many another pleasing problem / Martin Gardner. - (02.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on February 1979

Advertising premiums to beguile the mind; classics by Sam Loyd, master puzzle-poser / Martin Gardner. - (11.1971)

article in "Scientific American" published November 1971

Aha ! Insight

collection of mathematical puzzles

Checkers, a game that can be more interesting than one might think / Martin Gardner. - (1.1980)

article from "Scientific American" published January 1980

Chess problems on a higher plane, including mirror images, rotations and the superqueen / Martin Gardner. - (6.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on June 1979

Combinatorial possiblities in a pack of shuffled cards / Martin Gardner. - (06.1968)

Article in "Scientific American" published Juni 1968

Count Dracula, Alice, Portia and many other consider various twists of logic / Martin Gardner. - (3.1978)


Das gespiegelte Universum

Douglas R. Hofstadter's "Gödel, Escher, Bach" / Martin Gardner. - (7.1979)


Dr. Matrix finds numerological wonders in the King James Bible / Martin Gardner. - (9.1975)


Dr. Matrix goes to California to apply punk to rock study / Martin Gardner. - (12.1977)


Dr. Matrix poses some heteroliteral puzzles while peddling perpetual motion in Houston / Martin Gardner. - (02.1972)

article in "Scientific American" published February 1972

Extraordinary nonperiodic tiling that enriches the theory of tiles / Martin Gardner. - (01.1977)

article in "Scientific American" published in January 1977

Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science

book by Martin Gardner

Fantastic pattern traced by programmed "worms" / Martin Gardner . - (11.1973)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on November 1973

Flexagons / Martin Gardner. - (12.1956)


Fun with eggs: uncooked, cooked and mathematical / Martin Gardner. - (4.1980)


Geometric constructions with a compass and a straightedge, and also with a compass alone / Martin Gardner. - (9.1969)


Graphs that can help cannibals, missionaries, wolves, goats and cabbages get there from here / Martin Gardner. - (3.1980)

article from "Scientific American" published March 1980

Hexaflexagons / Martin Gardner . - (2012)


How three modern mathematicians disproved a celebrated conjecture of Leonhard Euler / Martin Gardner. - (11.1959)

article in "Scientific American" published November 1959

How to be a psychic, even if you are a horse or some other animal / Martin Gardner. - (5.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on May 1979

In some patterns of numbers or words there may be less than meets the eye / Martin Gardner. - (9.1979)


In which a mathematical aesthetic is applied to modern minimal art / Martin Gardner. - (11.1978)

Article in "Scientific American" published November 1978

In which joining sets of points by lines leads into diverse (and diverting) paths / Martin Gardner. - (11.1977)

Article in "Scientific American" published November 1977

In which players of Tic-tac-toe are taught to hunt bigger game / Martin Gardner. - (4.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on April 1979

Is it a superintelligent robot or does Dr. Matrix ride again? / Martin Gardner. - (12.1978)

Article from "Scientific American", published Dezember 1978

Jakou barvu má medvěd?: nejlepší matematické a logické hádanky

2017 Czech book edition

John Horton Conway's book covers an inifity of games / Martin Gardner. - (9.1976)


Logic Machines / Martin Gardner. - (03.1952)

Article from 'Scientific American', published in March 1952

Logic Machines and Diagrams

book by Martin Gardner

Magic squares cornered

scientific article published in Nature

Making no apologies

scientific article published in Nature

Mathematical Circus

Mathematical Circus

Mathematical Games

column in the journal Scientific American

Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions

Pelican Books edition

Mathematical circus: More games, puzzles, paradoxes & other mathematical entertainments from Scientific American : with thoughts from readers, ... from the author, and 105 drawings & diagrams

Mathematical circus: more games, puzzles, paradoxes, and other mathematical entertainments from 'Scientific American'

Mathematical entertainments

Article from The Mathematical Intelligencer

Mathematical puzzles and diversions

Mathematics, magic and mystery


Mental tunnels

scientific article published in Nature

On Charles Sanders Peirce: philospher and gamesman / Martin Gardner. - (7.1978)


On altering the past, delaying the future and other ways of tampering with time / Martin Gardner. - (3.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on March 1979

On checker jumping, the amazon game, weird dice, card tricks and other playful pastimes / Martin Gardner. - (2.1978)


On the cyclical curves generated by wheels that roll alon wheels / Martin Gardner. - (9.1970)


On the fabric of inductive logic, and some probability paradoxes / Martin Gardner. - (3.1976)

article in "Scientific American" published March 1976

Playing new-eleusis, game that simulates search for truth

journal article from 'Scientific American' published in 1977

Problems involving questions of probability and ambiguity / Martin Gardner. - (10.1959)

article in "Scientific American" published October 1959

Propheteering business

scientific article published in Nature

Puns, palindromes and other word games that partake of the mathematical spirit / Martin Gardner. - (9.1964)

article in "Scientific American" published September 1964

Puzzles and number-theory problems arising from the curios fractions of ancient Egypt / Martin Gardner. - (10.1978)


Puzzling over a problem-solving matrix, cubes of many colors and three-dimensional dominoes / Martin Gardner. - (9.1978)


Science Fiction Puzzle Tales

book by Martin Gardner

Science, good, bad, and bogus / Martin Gardner. - 1981


Serial Isogons of 90 Degrees

Sixth book of mathematical games from Scientific American


Some packing problems that cannot be solved by sitting on the suitcase / Marzin Gardner. - (10.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on October 1979

Teória relatívity pre milióny

1969 Slovak book edition

The "superellipse": a curve that lies between the bellips and the rectangle / Martin Gardner. - (9.1965)


The Ambidextrous Universe

written work by Martin Gardner

The Asymmetric Propeller / Martin Gardner


The Bells: versatile numbers that can count partitions of a set, primes and even rhymes / Martin Gardner. - (5.1978)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on May 1978

The Capture of the Monster: A Mathematical Group With a Ridiculous Number of Elements

article from Scientific American published June 1980

The Hermit Scientist

journal article from 'The Antioch Review' published in 2016

The Hermit Scientist.

book published in 2011

The Kruskal Principle / Martin Gardner and Karl Fulves. - 1975


The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix / Martin Gardner. - (1985)


The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles & Diversions


The Ultimate Turtle

book review

The celebrated four-color map problem of topology / Martin Gardner. - (9.1960)


The coloring of ununsual maps leads into uncharted territory / Martin Gardner. - (2.1980)

article from "Scientific American" published in February 1980

The diverse pleasures of circles that are tangent to one another / Martin Gardner. - (1.1979)

Article from "Scientific American", published January 1979

The fantastic combinations of John Conway's new solitaire game "life" / Martin Gardner. - (10.1970)

article in "Scientific American" published October 1970

The imaginableness of the imaginary numbers / Martin Gardner. - (8.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on August 1979

The problem of Mrs. Perkins' quilt, and answers to last month's puzzles / Martin Gardner. - (9.1966)


The random number omega bids fair to hold the mysteries of the universe / Martin Gardner. - (11.1979)

Article from 'Scientific American' published on November 1979

The remarkable lore of the prime numbers / Martin Gardner. - (03.1964)

article in "Scientific American" published March 1964

The sculpture of Miguel Berrocal can be taken apart like an interlocking mechanical puzzle / Martin Gardner. - (1.1978)


The unexpected hanging : and other mathematical diversions

written work by Martin Gardner

Through the looking glass / Martin Gardner

scientific article published in Nature

Visitors from Oz

book by Martin Gardner

What unifies dinner guests, strolling schoolgirls and handcuffed prisoners? / Martin Gardner. - (5.1980)

Article from "Scientific American", published May 1980

When superstition displaces science

scientific article published in Nature

White and brown music, fractal curves and one-over-f fluctuations / Martin Gardner. - (4.1978)

article in "Scientific American" published April 1978

Zábavné matematické hádanky

2018 Czech book edition

Did Adam and Eve Have Navels