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List of works by Marc B. Schenker

"We just have to continue working": farmworker self-care and heat-related illness

journal article published in 2016

A Composite Seyfert 2 X-Ray Spectrum: Implications for the Origin of the Cosmic X-Ray Background

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A Pilot Binational Study of Health Behaviors and Immigration

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

A pilot study of respiratory and dermal symptoms in California cannabis cultivation workers

journal article published in 2023

Acculturation and its association with health-risk behaviors in a rural Latina population

journal article published in 2005

Acculturation and smoking patterns among Hispanics: a review

journal article published in 2005

Acculturation-related predictors of very light smoking among Latinos in California and nationwide

journal article published in 2015

Acculturation-related risk factors of low-level and intermittent smoking among Latinos in California

abstract published in 2012

Acute change in FEV1 and FVC associated with work in large-scale dairies

abstract published in 2010

Acute pulmonary function change associated with work on large dairies in California

journal article published in 2013

Acute restrictive effect associated with working on large California dairies

abstract published in 2011

Adherence to dietary recommendations is associated with acculturation among Latino farm workers

journal article published in 2013

Agricultural Injury in California Hispanic Farm Workers: MICASA Follow-up Survey

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Agricultural dust exposure and respiratory symptoms among California farm operators

journal article published in 2005

Agricultural respiratory disease: synthesis

journal article published in 1998

Agricultural work and chronic musculoskeletal pain among Latino farm workers: the MICASA study

journal article published in 2013

Agricultural work exposures and pulmonary function among hired farm workers in California (the MICASA study)

journal article published in 2014

Airborne particles in the San Joaquin Valley may affect human health

journal article published in 2010

An American Thoracic Society/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute workshop report: addressing respiratory health equality in the United States

journal article published in 2017

An analysis of occupational injury and illness reports in the semiconductor manufacturing industry during 1984

chapter published in 1989

Anemia, weight status, and fatigue among farmworkers in California: a cross-sectional study

journal article published in 2022

Application of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the analysis of paraquat in human-exposure samples

journal article published in 2005

Are Cal/OSHA regulations protecting farmworkers in California from heat-related illness?

journal article published in 2021

Are respiratory decrements associated with exposure to particles including endotoxins on large California dairies?

abstract published in 2011

Assessment of azinphosmethyl exposure in California peach harvest workers

journal article published in 1994

Association of spontaneous abortion and other reproductive effects with work in the semiconductor industry

journal article published in 1995

Asthma mortality in California, 1960-1989. Demographic patterns and occupational associations

journal article published in 1993

Atopic symptoms among California veterinarians

journal article published in 2003

Biostatistics & epidemiology

chapter published in 2006

Cage versus noncage laying-hen housings: worker respiratory health

journal article published in 2015

Cannabis industry worker health and safety: time for action

publication published in 2023

Case report: potential arsenic toxicosis secondary to herbal kelp supplement

journal article published in 2007

Characteristics of low-level cigarette smoking in a California Hispanic farm worker cohort

abstract published in 2011

Characterization of endotoxin collected on California dairies using personal and area-based sampling methods

journal article published in 2012

Chronic disease burden among Latino farmworkers in California

journal article published in 2022

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality in diesel-exposed railroad workers

journal article published in 2006

Cohort study of physical activity and injury among Latino farm workers

journal article published in 2015

Comparative in vitro toxicity of grape- and citrus-farm dusts

journal article published in 2007

Compensation incentives and heat exposure affect farm worker effort

journal article published in 2021

Concentrations of the urinary pyrethroid metabolite 3-phenoxybenzoic acid in farm worker families in the MICASA study

journal article published in 2014

Conference on migrant labor and global health: demographic, occupational and economic factors

final grant report published in 2017

Correlates of fruit and vegetable intake and fat consumption in a Latino farm worker community in central California

abstract published in 2010

Costs of hepatitis C

journal article published in 2001

Costs of occupational COPD and asthma

journal article published in 2002

Costs of occupational injuries in agriculture

journal article published in 2001

Creatinine measurements in 24 h urine by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

journal article published in 2008

Cumulative incidence of acute kidney injury in California's agricultural workers

journal article published in 2016

Cumulative incidence of acute kidney injury in California's agricultural workers

abstract published in 2015

Current health effects of agricultural work: respiratory disease, cancer, reproductive effects, musculoskeletal injuries and pesticide-related illnesses

journal article published in 2002

Danger in the (farm) dust

journal article published in 2004

Demographic and migration-related risk factors for low-level smoking in a farm working sample of Latinos (the MICASA study)

journal article published in 2014

Depression, perceived stress and nervios associated with injury in the MICASA Study, a California farm worker population

journal article published in 2014

Determinants of Personal Dust Exposure During Field Crop Operations in California Agriculture

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Determinants of disability in illnesses related to agricultural use of organophosphates (OPs) in California

journal article published in 1995

Diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes among agricultural workers in California

journal article published in 2019

Distribution of particulate matter and tissue remodeling in the human lung

journal article published in 2000

Dust exposures in manual harvest of California citrus and grapes

abstract published in 2001

Effectiveness of a worksite lifestyle intervention to reduce BMI among farmworkers in California: a cluster randomised controlled trial

journal article published in 2022

Engaging a Hard-to-Reach Population in Research: Sampling and Recruitment of Hired Farm Workers in the MICASA Study

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

Environmental asbestos exposure and mesothelioma

journal article published in 2000

Environmental exposure and health effects from concentrated animal feeding operations

journal article published in 2007

Environmental medicine

book published in 1995

Epidemiologic methods for prospective assessment of menstrual cycle and reproductive characteristics in female semiconductor workers

journal article published in 1995

Examining Nervios Among Immigrant Male Farmworkers in the MICASA Study: Sociodemographics, Housing Conditions and Psychosocial Factors

scientific article published on February 1, 2015

Examining the Impact of Two Dimensions of Precarious Employment, Vulnerability and Insecurity on the Self-Reported Health of Men, Women and Migrants in Australia

scientific article published on 16 October 2020

Exploring the role of depression as a moderator of a workplace obesity intervention for Latino immigrant farmworkers

journal article published in 2019

Exposure to Dust and its Particle Size Distribution in California Agriculture

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Exposure to amorphous silica fibers and other particulate matter during rice farming operations

journal article published in 1995

Exposure to dust, noise, and pesticides, their determinants, and the use of protective equipment among California farm operators

journal article published in 1996

Exposures and health effects from inorganic agricultural dusts

journal article published in 2000

Factors associated with agricultural work performed by adolescents from an immigrant farm worker population (MICASA study)

journal article published in 2013

Farm-related fatalities among children in California, 1980 to 1989

journal article published in 1995

Farming and asthma

journal article published in 2005

Finding invisible farm workers: the Parlier Survey

book published in 1997

Gender differences in respiratory health outcomes among farming cohorts around the globe: findings from the AGRICOH consortium

journal article published in 2021

General health status and epidemiologic considerations in studying migrant and seasonal farmworkers

conference proceedings item published in 1995

Hazard perceptions of California farm operators

journal article published in 1995

Health and safety in Western agriculture: Research to Practice (r2p)

final grant report published in 2006

Health policy and climate change: who's responsible for this portfolio?

abstract published in 2015

Heat strain, volume depletion and kidney function in California agricultural workers

journal article published in 2017

Heat strain, volume depletion and kidney function in California agricultural workers

abstract published in 2016

Hired and contract agricultural workforce - sustainable solutions

publication published in 2021

How does environmental temperature affect farmworkers' work rates in the California Heat Illness Prevention Study?

journal article published in 2023

Hydration choices, sugary beverages, and kidney injury in agricultural workers in California

journal article published in 2020

Identification of agricultural tasks important to cumulative exposures to inhalable and respirable dust in California

journal article published in 2003

Improving health and safety in the agricultural workplace

chapter published in 2000

Incident respiratory symptoms in older California farmers

abstract published in 2005

Interaction of tobacco smoking with occupational and environmental factors

chapter published in 1995

Interstitial lung disease

journal article published in 1998

Introduction: rationale for an update

journal article published in 1994

MICASA: farm worker family cohort study final technical report

final grant report published in 2014

Maternal blood pressure and birth weight associations in U.S.-born and foreign-born Latinas

journal article published in 2024

Migration & self-rated health: comparing occupational cohorts in California & Spain (MICASA and ITSAL projects)

journal article published in 2014

Migration and occupational health: shining a light on the problem

editorial published in 2010

Mortality in Agricultural Workers After Compensation Claims for Respiratory Disease, Pesticide Illness, and Injury

scientific article published on February 1, 1995

Mortality in the California Farmer Health Study Cohort

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

Nonfatal occupational injury among California farm operators

journal article published in 2004

Occupational Health in the Dairy Industry Needs to Focus on Immigrant Workers, the New Normal

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Occupational and environmental respiratory disease

book published in 1995

Occupational exposure to endotoxin in PM2.5 and pre- and post-shift lung function in California dairy workers

journal article published in 2015

Occupational exposure to particulate matter and endotoxin for California dairy workers

journal article published in 2013

Occupational exposure to particulate matter from three agricultural crops in California

journal article published in 2014

Occupational exposures and migration factors associated with respiratory health in California Latino farm workers: the MICASA study

journal article published in 2015

Occupational exposures estimated by means of job exposure matrices in relation to lung function in the PAARC survey

journal article published in 1995

Occupational health problems among migrant and seasonal farm workers

journal article published in 1992

Occupational risk factors for incident respiratory symptoms in a California farmer cohort

abstract published in 2001

Occupationally induced airways obstruction

journal article published in 1996

Optical Spectroscopy of Supernova 1993J During Its First 2500 Days

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Organic solvents

chapter published in 1995

Particulate matter, endotoxin, and worker respiratory health on large Californian dairies

journal article published in 2015

Pasos Saludables: a pilot randomized intervention study to reduce obesity in an immigrant farmworker population

journal article published in 2015

Pay, power, and health: HRI and the agricultural conundrum

journal article published in 2019

Personal exposure of dairy workers to dust, endotoxin, muramic acid, ergosterol, and ammonia on large-scale dairies in the high plains Western United States

journal article published in 2018

Personal exposures to inorganic and organic dust in manual harvest of California citrus and table grapes

journal article published in 2004

Personal fluoride and solvent exposures, and their determinants, in semiconductor manufacturing

journal article published in 2000

Pesticide deaths in California, 1990 - 1996

publication published in 2001


chapter published in 2006

Pesticides, adverse effects

chapter published in 2005

Pneumoconiosis from agricultural dust exposure among California farmworkers

conference abstract published in 2002

Pneumoconiosis from agricultural dust exposure among young California farmworkers

journal article published in 2009

Population-based study of asthma in immigrant farm worker families: the role of home environment and social context (MICASA Study)

abstract published in 2013

Preventive medicine and health promotion are overdue in the agricultural workplace

journal article published in 1996

Prospective assessment of fecundability of female semiconductor workers

journal article published in 1995

Prospective monitoring of early fetal loss and clinical spontaneous abortion among female semiconductor workers

journal article published in 1995

Prospective surveillance of semen quality in the workplace

scientific article published on April 1, 1988

Prospectively assessed menstrual cycle characteristics in female wafer-fabrication and nonfabrication semiconductor employees

journal article published in 1995

Protection against breathing dust: behavior over time in Californian farmers

journal article published in 2008

Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial to study the effectiveness of an obesity and diabetes intervention (PASOS) in an immigrant farmworker population

journal article published in 2018

Pulmonary function and exercise-associated changes with chronic low-level paraquat exposure

journal article published in 2004

Pyrethroids in house dust from the homes of farm worker families in the MICASA study

journal article published in 2013

Recruitment, methods, and descriptive results of a physiologic assessment of Latino farmworkers: the California Heat Illness Prevention Study

journal article published in 2017

Reduced FVC among California Grape Workers

journal article published in 1992

Region of birth, sex, and agricultural work of immigrant Latino farm workers: the MICASA study

journal article published in 2014

Region of birth, sex, and reproductive health in rural immigrant Latino farmworkers: the MICASA study

journal article published in 2015

Region-related risk factors for respiratory symptoms in European and Californian farmers

journal article published in 2003

Reproductive and other health effects of semiconductor work: the semiconductor health study

journal article published in 1995

Reproductive health effects of glycol ether exposure in the semiconductor industry

journal article published in 1996

Reproductive health pilot study of female migrant and seasonal farm workers in Parlier, California

final grant report published in 1995

Residential proximity to naturally occurring asbestos and mesothelioma risk in California

journal article published in 2005

Respiratory cancer and other chronic disease mortality among silicotics in California

journal article published in 1995

Respiratory effects of organic solvent exposure

journal article published in 1996

Respiratory health associated with dairy work in California

abstract published in 2009

Respiratory health hazards in agriculture

journal article published in 1998

Respiratory health of California rice farmers

journal article published in 1996

Respiratory risks associated with agriculture

journal article published in 1991

Risk factors for occupational illnesses associated with the use of paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridylium dichloride) in California

journal article published in 1995

Risk factors for systemic illnesses following agricultural exposures to restricted organophosphates in California, 1984-1988

journal article published in 1997

Risk of dehydration: California Latino farmworkers' knowledge of and actions taken to prevent dehydration

abstract published in 2016

Risk of depression in a cohort of older working Californian farmers 2004

abstract published in 2006

Risk of heat related illness in Latino agricultural workers: core body temperature and work task

abstract published in 2017

Risk of heat related illness in Latino agricultural workers: work exposures and increase in core body temperature: California Heat Illness Prevention Study (CHIPS)

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Risk of heat related illness: differences between male and female farmworkers with respect to hydration practices

abstract published in 2017

Self-reported dermatitis and skin cancer in California farm operators

journal article published in 2004

Self-reported stress and reproductive health of female lawyers

scientific article published on June 1, 1997

Silicosis and lung cancer: preliminary results from the California Silicosis Registry

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Silicosis and pulmonary cancer

final grant report published in 1994

Small airways disease and pneumoconiosis among California farmworkers

conference abstract published in 2003

Smoking, respiratory symptoms, and pulmonary function among a population of Hispanic farmworkers

journal article published in 1992

Systematic review of respiratory health among dairy workers

journal article published in 2013

The Evolution of Agricultural Health and Safety in the United States


The U. C. Davis Agricultural Health and Safety Center: a multidisciplinary center for research and outreach

abstract published in 1992

The Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety

final cooperative agreement report published in 2017

The relation between subjective dust exposure estimates and quantitative dust exposure measurements in California agriculture

scientific article published on October 1, 1997

The semiconductor health study: methods for prospectively assessing reproductive function in wafer fabrication employees

abstract published in 1994

University of California, Davis Farmer Health Study: 1993-2006

abstract published in 2006

Use of protective equipment among California farmers

journal article published in 2002

Western Agricultural Safety & Health Conference - Cultivating Collaborations

final cooperative agreement report published in 2020

Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (WCAHS): protecting farmers, farmworkers, farm families and their communities - annual report - Sept 30, 2014 - Sept 29, 2015

publication published in 2015

Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety close-out report - January 2012

final cooperative agreement report published in 2012

Work patterns and self-reported exposure of California farm operators

journal article published in 1997