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List of works by Gustave Doré

"'Alas!' answered Sancho, 'I found him in his shirt, lean, pale, and almost starved, sighing for his Lady Dulcinea'" from Don Quixote

painting by Gustave Doré

"He spied upon the top of a stony crag just before him a man that skipped from rock to rock with wonderful agility." from Don Quixote

painting by Gustave Doré

A Family of Spanish Poachers

painting by Gustave Doré

A Highland Landscape

painting by Paul-Gustave-Louis-Christophe Doré

A Poor-House

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Museum of London

After the Shipwreck - Design for an Illustration of Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

After the Shipwreck - Design for an Illustration of Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Alpine Landscape with Beck

painting by Gustave Doré

Alpine Scene

painting by Gustave Doré

Alps Landscape

painting by Gustave Doré

An Englishman at Mabille

colorlithograph by Gustave Doré


painting by Gustave Doré

Aurore. Souvenir des Alpes

painting by Gustave Doré

Bájky Lafontaineovy

1928 Czech book edition


painting by Gustave Doré (Schorr Collection)

Christ Leaving the Court

painting by Gustave Doré

Christ Leaving the Praetorium

painting by Gustave Doré

Christ Leaving the Praetorium

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Christ at Calvary

painting by Gustave Doré

Christ on the Cross

painting by Gustave Doré

Christ's Entry into Jerusalem

painting by Gustave Doré

Christian Martyrs

painting by Gustave Doré

Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper

1901 translation of Perrault

Coin de cellier

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Condemned Christ

painting by Gustave Doré

Dante and Virgil in the Ninth Circle of Hell

painting by Gustave Doré

Death of Rossini

painting by Gustave Doré

Deer in a Pine Forest (Vosges) (Biches dans une forêt de sapins [Vosges])

painting by Gustave Doré

Dom Quixote (Gustave Doré)

series of 370 engravings/printings of Gustave Doré

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Entertained by Basil and Quiteria

painting by Gustave Doré

Doré English Bible

wood engraving illustrations for an 1866 version of the Bible

El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (1905)

1905 Barcelona edition with illustrations by Gustave Doré (watercolored by Salvador Graner)

Elaine (Doré)

Enid (Doré)


painting by Gustave Doré

Evening in Alsace

painting by Gustave Doré

Fire of Rome

painting by Gustave Doré

Flower Sellers of London

painting by Gustave Doré

Forest in the Alps

painting by Gustave Doré

Genius Kindled by Fame

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Glen Massan

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum


painting by Dore, Gustave

Guinevere (Doré)

Guitar Player

painting by Gustave Doré

Idylls of the King

edition of work by Alfred Tennyson

Illustration 14 for Miguel de Cervantes’s “Don Quixote“

illustration by Gustave Doré

Judith with the Head of Holofernes

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Künstler mit Palette vor Staffelei

gouache painting by Gustave Doré (2019/074)

L'Alsace meurtrie



painting by Gustave Doré

L'Espagne (1874)

L'ingénieux hidalgo don Quichotte de la Manche (1863)

1863 French edition

La Sainte Trinité

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

La Siesta, Memory of Spain

painting by Gustave Dore

La baigneuse (The Bather)

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

La confusion des langues

wood engraving engraving by Gustave Doré

Lake in Scotland after a Storm

painting by Gustave Doré


painting by Gustave Doré

Landscape in Scotland

painting by Gustave Doré

Landscape in the Alps

painting by Gustave Doré

Le Poème de la Vigne

sculpture after Gustave Doré

Les Saltimbanques

painting by Gustave Doré

Little Red Riding Hood

painting by Gustave Doré

Loch Carron, Scotland

painting by Paul-Gustave-Louis-Christophe Doré

Loch Leven

painting by Gustave Doré

Loch Lomond

painting by Gustave Doré

London: A Pilgrimage

1873 book by William Blanchard Jerrold and Gustave Doré

Madame Adelina Patti

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Mephistopheles and Gretchen

drawing by Gustave Doré

Michal lets David escape from the window

print by Gustave Doré

Mont Sainte-Odile with Pagan Wall

painting by Gustave Doré

Monument to Alexandre Dumas, father

statue by Gustave Doré in Paris, France

Mountain Landscape

painting by Gustave Doré

Mountain Landscape

Mountain View

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), The Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation

Mountain landscape

painting by Gustave Doré

Paolo and Francesca da Rimini

painting by Gustave Doré

Paolo and Francesca da Rimini in Hell

drawing by Gustave Doré

Paysage of Scotland

painting by Gustave Doré

Portrait of Colonel Teesdale, Equerry to the Prince of Wales

painting by Gustave Doré

Portrait of a Lady

painting by Gustave Doré

Pyrenean Landscape

painting by Gustave Doré

River in the Alps

painting by Gustave Doré

Rue de la Vieille lanterne [The Suicide of Gérard de Nerval]

lithograph in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 208198)

Satan falling from heaven

illustration by Gustave Doré

Scottish Highlands

painting by Gustave Doré

Slaget vid Inkerman

drawing by Gustave Doré

Soldier's Farewell

painting by Gustave Doré

Souvenir of Loch Carron

painting by Gustave Dore

Souvenir of Loch Lomond

painting by Gustave Doré

Stream in Mountains at Dusk

painting by Gustave Doré

Study for 'the Judas Kiss'

drawing by Gustave Doré

Study for a Block on the Road

gouache by Gustave Doré


painting by Gustave Doré

Sunset in Alsace

painting by Gustave Doré

Sunset in the Alps

painting by Gustave Doré

Sœur de la Charité sauvant un enfant. Épisode du siège de Paris

painting by Gustave Doré

The Angel of Tobias

painting by Gustave Doré

The Beggars of Burgos

painting by Gustave Doré

The Black Eagle of Prussia

painting by Gustave Doré

The Defense of Paris

painting by Gustave Doré

The Doré Bible Gallery

1886 illustration album written anonymously

The Doré Bible Gallery

1886 edition of work written anonymously

The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen

tabletop role-playing game and storygame

The Fall of the Rebel Angels

painting by Gustave Doré, Musée d’Art moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg

The Family of Street Acrobats: the Injured Child

The Golgotha

painting by Gustave Doré

The House of Caiaphas

painting by Gustave Doré

The Master Cat, or Puss in Boots

1901 translation

The Mocking of Christ

painting by Gustave Doré

The Murder of Riccio

painting by Gustave Doré

The Neophyte (First Experience of the Monastery)

painting by Gustave Dore

The Oceanids

painting by Gustave Doré

The Psalterion

painting by Paul-Gustave-Louis-Christophe Doré

The Pyrenees, a description of summer life at French Watering places

book by Henry Blackburn

The Raven

cover design by Gustave Dore

The Raven (1884)

Edition of Poe's "The Raven" illustrated by Gustave Doré

The Tales of Mother Goose

version of fairy tale book, 1901

The Vale of Tears

painting by Gustave Doré

Three Figures

painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Museums Sheffield

Torrent in the Alps

painting by Gustave Doré

Torrent in the Highlands

painting by Gustave Doré

Une bolera andalouse et sa mère

1874 engraving by Gustave Doré


print by Gustave Dore and C.Y. Turner

Valley in the Alps

painting by Gustave Doré

Viviane (Doré)

Výbor bajek

1922 Czech book edition


painting by Gustave Doré (1832–1883) (attributed to), The Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation

Young gypsy mother

painting by Gustave Doré

Čtrnáctero bájek Lafontainových

Čtrnáctero bájek Lafontainových

1873 Czech book edition

Biblické příběhy: Starý zákon pro mládež

book edition published in 2021

Biblické příběhy: starý zákon pro mládež

book edition published in 1940

Důmyslný rytíř Don Quijote de La Mancha

book edition published in 2015

Z růže kvítek vykvet nám: příběhy novozákonní pro mládež

book edition published in 1939

Z růže kvítek vykvet nám: příběhy novozákonní pro mládež

book edition published in 1940

Ztracený ráj

book edition published in 2015

Ztracený ráj

book edition published in 2018