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List of works by Margarita Alegría

"Just be straight with me:" an exploration of Black patient experiences in initial mental health encounters

scientific article published on October 2011

"Where It Falls Apart": Barriers to Retention in HIV Care in Latino Immigrants and Migrants

scientific article published on September 2017

A Multiple-Group Path Analysis of the Role of Everyday Discrimination on Self-Rated Physical Health among Latina/os in the USA

scientific article published on February 1, 2013

A mixed-methods approach to developing a self-reported racial/ethnic discrimination measure for use in multiethnic health surveys

scientific article

A qualitative study of clinicians' use of the cultural formulation model in assessing posttraumatic stress disorder

scientific article

ADHD correlates, comorbidity, and impairment in community and treated samples of children and adolescents

scientific article published on December 2007

AcademyHealth 25th Annual Research Meeting chair address: From a science of recommendation to a science of implementation

scientific article published on February 2009

Acculturation and drug use disorders among Hispanics in the U.S.

scientific article

Activation, self-management, engagement, and retention in behavioral health care: a randomized clinical trial of the DECIDE intervention

scientific article

Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Intervention for Disability Prevention, Implemented by Community Health Workers Serving Ethnic Minority Elders

scientific article published on 30 July 2020

Addressing Youth-Focused Research Questions in a Community Context: Collecting and Integrating Mixed Methods Data at Multiple Ecological Levels With the <i>PhotoStories</i> Project

scientific article published on 24 November 2020

Addressing the context and consequences of substance use, misuse, and dependence: A global imperative

scientific article published on 26 November 2019

An exploration of how psychotic-like symptoms are experienced, endorsed, and understood from the National Latino and Asian American Study and National Survey of American Life

scientific article published on 12 June 2014

Antidepressant use in a nationally representative sample of community-dwelling US Latinos with and without depressive and anxiety disorders

scientific article

Assessing Diversity among Latinos: Results from the NLAAS.

scientific article published on January 2007

Assessing racial/ethnic differences in the social consequences of early-onset psychiatric disorder

scientific article

Assessment of co-occurring depression and substance use in an ethnically diverse patient sample during behavioral health intake interviews

scientific article published on June 12, 2012

Assessment of physical illness by mental health clinicians during intake visits

scientific article

Association between language proficiency and the quality of primary care among a national sample of insured Latinos

scientific article

Associations Between Trauma, Sleep, and Cognitive Impairment Among Latino and Asian Older Adults

scientific article published on 05 January 2021

Associations of Sociodemographic Factors and Psychiatric Disorders With Type of School-Based Mental Health Services Received by Youth

scientific article published on 18 April 2020

Associations of physical symptoms with perceived need for and use of mental health services among Latino and Asian Americans

scientific article published on May 26, 2012

Asthma disparities in the prevalence, morbidity, and treatment of Latino children

scientific article published on 7 September 2006

Ataque de nervios as a marker of social and psychiatric vulnerability: results from the NLAAS.

scientific article

Barriers to Mental Health Service Use and Predictors of Treatment Drop Out: Racial/Ethnic Variation in a Population-Based Study

scientific article published on 19 February 2020

Barriers to and Correlates of Retention in Behavioral Health Treatment Among Latinos in 2 Different Host Countries: The United States and Spain

scientific article

Bridging community intervention and mental health services research

scientific article published on June 2004

Centering the Voice of the Client: On Becoming a Collaborative Practitioner with Low-Income Individuals and Families

scientific article published on 06 August 2020

Characteristics of community mental health clinics associated with treatment engagement

scientific article published in August 2014

Childhood Trauma and Psychiatric Disorders as Correlates of School Dropout in a National Sample of Young Adults

scientific article published on March 9, 2011

Childhood maltreatment among Hispanic women in the United States: an examination of subgroup differences and impact on psychiatric disorder.

scientific article

Clinician descriptions of communication strategies to improve treatment engagement by racial/ethnic minorities in mental health services: A systematic review

scientific article published on 3 September 2015

Co-occurrence of mental and physical illness in US Latinos

scientific article published on 29 September 2006

Community-based partnered research: new directions in mental health services research

scientific article published on January 2011

Comparative prevalence, correlates of impairment, and service utilization for eating disorders across US ethnic groups: Implications for reducing ethnic disparities in health care access for eating disorders

scientific article published on July 27, 2010

Comparing Cognitive Interviewing and Psychometric Methods to Evaluate a Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Scale.

scientific article published on 25 August 2011

Comparison of Mental Health Treatment Adequacy and Costs in Public Hospitals in Boston and Madrid

scientific article published on 7 March 2018

Conclusion: mental health in the mainstream of public policy

scientific article published in November 2009

Concordance of reports of mental health functioning by adolescents and their caregivers: a comparison of European, African and Latino Americans

scientific article published on August 2005

Considering context, place and culture: the National Latino and Asian American Study

scientific article

Coping With Racism: Moderators of the Discrimination-Adjustment Link Among Mexican-Origin Adolescents

scientific article published on 21 June 2017

Correlates Associated with Unipolar Depressive Disorders in a Latino Population

scientific article published on September 21, 2012

Correlates of past-year mental health service use among Latinos: results from the National Latino and Asian American Study

scientific article published on 30 November 2006

Cost-effectiveness of a randomized trial to treat depression among Latinos

scientific article published in June 2014

Crowd-out and exposure effects of physical comorbidities on mental health care use: implications for racial-ethnic disparities in access

scientific article

Cultural adaptation and health literacy refinement of a brief depression intervention for Latinos in a low-resource setting

scientific article published on 03 March 2014

Cultural beliefs and mental health treatment preferences of ethnically diverse older adult consumers in primary care

scientific article

Cultural relevance and equivalence in the NLAAS instrument: integrating etic and emic in the development of cross-cultural measures for a psychiatric epidemiology and services study of Latinos

scientific article published on January 2004

Denial and its association with mental health care use


Denial and its association with mental health care use: a study of island Puerto Ricans

scientific article published on July 2005

Developing systems interventions in a school setting: an application of community-based participatory research for mental health

scientific article

Development of a Mixed Methods Investigation of Process and Outcomes of Community-Based Participatory Research

scientific article

Developmental Contexts and Mental Disorders Among Asian Americans

scientific article

Diagnostic validity across racial and ethnic groups in the assessment of adolescent DSM-IV disorders

scientific article published on 13 November 2012

Discontinuation of antidepressant medication among Latinos in the USA.

scientific article published on 15 June 2007

Disparities in Mental Health Service Use of Racial and Ethnic Minority Elderly Adults

scientific article published on December 18, 2012

Disparities in defining disparities: statistical conceptual frameworks

scientific article published on September 2008

Disparities in treatment for substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders for ethnic/racial minority youth

scientific article

Disparity in depression treatment among racial and ethnic minority populations in the United States

scientific article

Do post-migration perceptions of social mobility matter for Latino immigrant health?

scientific article

Does anger regulation mediate the discrimination-mental health link among Mexican-origin adolescents? A longitudinal mediation analysis using multilevel modeling

scientific article published on 28 November 2016

Does place of education matter? Contextualizing the education and health status association among Asian Americans

scientific article

Drug treatment, health, and social service utilization by substance abusing women from a community-based sample

scientific article

Effectiveness of the DECIDE Interventions on Shared Decision Making and Perceived Quality of Care in Behavioral Health With Multicultural Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article published on 21 February 2018

Effectiveness of the Engagement and Counseling for Latinos (ECLA) intervention in low-income Latinos

scientific article

Effects of eliminating drug caps on racial differences in antidepressant use among dual enrollees with diabetes and depression

scientific article

English Language Proficiency and Mental Health Service Use Among Latino and Asian Americans With Mental Disorders

scientific article published on December 1, 2010

Ethnic differences in perceived impairment and need for care

scientific article

Evaluation of a patient activation and empowerment intervention in mental health care

scientific article published on March 2008

Evaluation of the AC-OK mental health and substance abuse screening measure in an international sample of Latino immigrants

scientific article

Evaluation of the Integrated Intervention for Dual Problems and Early Action Among Latino Immigrants With Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Misuse Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial


Examination of the Role of Implicit Clinical Judgments During the Mental Health Intake

scientific article published on January 2, 2013

Examining implementation of a patient activation and self-management intervention within the context of an effectiveness trial

scientific article

Examining racial/ethnic differences in patterns of benzodiazepine prescription and misuse

scientific article published on 26 March 2018

Factors associated with mental health services referrals for children investigated by child welfare

scientific article published on 20 March 2018

Family Cohesion and its Relationship to Psychological Distress among Latino Groups

scientific article published on January 2008

Food insecurity and mental disorders in a national sample of U.S. adolescents

scientific article published on 6 November 2012

Framework for Understanding and Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Children's Mental Health

scientific article published in April 2022

HIV among Haitian-born persons in the United States, 1985-2007.

scientific article

Health behavior change benefits: Perspectives of Latinos with serious mental illness

scientific article published on 12 February 2016

Health insurance coverage for vulnerable populations: contrasting Asian Americans and Latinos in the United States

scientific article published on January 2006

How missing information in diagnosis can lead to disparities in the clinical encounter

scientific article

How patients and clinicians make meaning of physical suffering in mental health evaluations

scientific article published on 26 July 2016

How the relationship of attitudes toward mental health treatment and service use differs by age, gender, ethnicity/race and education

scientific article published on 17 November 2009

Immigration and Mental Health.

scientific article

Immigration and mental health: diverse findings in Asian, black, and Latino populations

scientific article published on 30 November 2006

Immigration-related factors and mental disorders among Asian Americans

scientific article published on 30 November 2006

Impact of Patient Language Proficiency and Interpreter Service Use on the Quality of Psychiatric Care: A Systematic Review

scientific article published on August 1, 2010

Implementation of Massachusetts Health Insurance Reform with Vulnerable Populations in a Safety-Net Setting

scientific article published on May 1, 2012

Implementing the Institute of Medicine definition of disparities: an application to mental health care

scientific article

Improving drug treatment services for Hispanics: research gaps and scientific opportunities

scientific article published on 15 June 2006

Improving health-related quality of life in older African American and non-Latino White patients

scientific article

Improving the linkage between research and system change: making it real

scientific article published in March 2010

Increasing equity in access to mental health care: a critical first step in improving service quality

scientific article published in February 2018

Inequalities in use of specialty mental health services among Latinos, African Americans, and non-Latino whites

scientific article published on December 2002

Interpersonal complementarity in the mental health intake: A mixed-methods study

scientific article published on January 23, 2012

Intersection of race-ethnicity and gender in depression care: screening, access, and minimally adequate treatment

scientific article published on December 2014

Investigation of racial and ethnic disparities in service utilization among homeless adults with severe mental illnesses

scientific article

Lessons from the Use of Vignettes in the Study of Mental Health Service Disparities

scientific article published on December 8, 2011

Lessons learned from the clinical reappraisal study of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview with Latinos

scientific article published on June 2009

Lifetime and 12-month intermittent explosive disorder in Latinos

scientific article published in January 2008

Looking Beyond Nativity: The Relation of Age of Immigration, Length of Residence, and Birth Cohorts to the Risk of Onset of Psychiatric Disorders for Latinos

scientific article published on January 2007

MEASURING EVERYDAY RACIAL/ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION IN HEALTH SURVEYS: How Best to Ask the Questions, in One or Two Stages, Across Multiple Racial/Ethnic Groups?

scientific article published on 15 April 2011

Managed care and systems cost-effectiveness: treatment for depression

scientific article

Measuring Geographic "Hot Spots" of Racial/Ethnic Disparities: An Application to Mental Health Care

scientific article

Measuring disparities across the distribution of mental health care expenditures

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

Mental health and substance use disorders among Latino and Asian American lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults

scientific article published on October 2007

Mental health care for ethnic minority individuals and communities in the aftermath of disasters and mass violence

scientific article

Mental health in the mainstream of public policy: research issues and opportunities

scientific article published in September 2008

Mental health problems of adolescents as reported by their caregivers: a comparison of European, African, and Latino Americans

scientific article

Methodological challenges in assessing children's mental health services utilization

scientific article

Nativity and DSM-IV psychiatric disorders among Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and non-Latino Whites in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions

scientific article published in January 2006

Neighborhood characteristics and differential risk for depressive and anxiety disorders across racial/ethnic groups in the United States

scientific article published on 7 October 2013

Neighborhood context and hypertension outcomes among Latinos in Chicago

scientific article published in December 2012

Neighborhood context and substance use disorders: A comparative analysis of racial and ethnic groups in the United States

scientific article published on June 13, 2012

Neighborhood sociodemographic predictors of Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) in schools: demonstrating a small area estimation method in the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS-A) Adolescent Supplement

scientific article

One size does not fit all: taking diversity, culture and context seriously

scientific article

One-year treatment outcomes of African-American and Hispanic patients with bipolar I or II disorder in STEP-BD

scientific article

Pathways and correlates connecting Latinos' mental health with exposure to the United States

scientific article published on 15 October 2009

Patient initiation of information: exploring its role during the mental health intake visit

scientific article published on 04 December 2008

Patient--provider communication: understanding the role of patient activation for Latinos in mental health treatment

scientific article published on 15 April 2008

Patient-Provider Therapeutic Alliance Contributes to Patient Activation in Community Mental Health Clinics

scientific article published on 12 May 2015

Patient-clinician ethnic concordance and communication in mental health intake visits

scientific article published on 27 July 2013

Perspectives of Overweight Latinos with Serious Mental Illness on Barriers and Facilitators to Health Behavior Change.

scientific article

Political violence, psychosocial trauma, and the context of mental health services use among immigrant Latinos in the United States

scientific article

Predictors of Adherence to Treatment in Behavioral Health Therapy for Latino Immigrants: The Importance of Trust

scientific article published on 08 November 2019

Predictors of Research Assessment Completion in a Latino Sample with Dual Disorders

scientific article published on 28 April 2020

Preferences for relational style with mental health clinicians: A qualitative comparison of African American, Latino and Non‐Latino White patients

scientific article published on October 11, 2010

Prevalence and Correlates of Childhood-Onset Anxiety Disorders among Latinos and Non-Latino Whites in the United States

scientific article

Prevalence and Correlates of Everyday Discrimination among U.S. Latinos

scientific article published on May 2008

Prevalence and correlates of dual diagnoses in U.S. Latinos

scientific article published on 22 November 2008

Prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in Latinos in the United States

scientific article

Prevalence and correlates of lifetime suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among Latino subgroups in the United States

scientific article published on April 2007

Prevalence of mental illness in immigrant and non-immigrant U.S. Latino groups

scientific article published on February 2008

Prevalence of neurasthenia, comorbidity, and association with impairment among a nationally representative sample of US adults

scientific article published on February 17, 2012

Prevalence of physical symptoms and their association with race/ethnicity and acculturation in the United States

scientific article

Prevalence of psychiatric disorders across Latino subgroups in the United States

scientific article published on 30 November 2006

Prevalence of psychiatric illnesses in older ethnic minority adults

scientific article

Prevalence, risk, and correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder across ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States

scientific article

Provider turnover in public sector managed mental health care

scientific article published in July 2004

Psychiatric diagnosis - is it universal or relative to culture?

scientific article

Psychiatric disorders and labor market outcomes: Evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication

scientific article published on July 1, 2011

Psychiatric disorders and labor market outcomes: evidence from the National Latino and Asian American Study

scientific article published on October 2007

Psychometrics of shared decision making and communication as patient centered measures for two language groups

scientific article published on September 2016

Race/ethnicity, nativity, and lifetime risk of mental disorders in US adults

scientific article published on 13 December 2018

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pediatric Mental Health

scientific article published on October 1, 2010

Racial and Ethnic Variation in Perceptions of VA Mental Health Providers are Associated With Treatment Retention Among Veterans With PTSD.

scientific article published on September 2017

Racial and ethnic differences in individual-level and area-based socioeconomic status and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders

scientific article published on 14 September 2019

Racial and ethnic disparities in the treatment of a Medicaid population with schizophrenia

scientific article published on 24 September 2009

Racial and ethnic service use disparities among homeless adults with severe mental illnesses receiving ACT

scientific article published on June 2011

Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Substance Abuse Treatment: The Role of Criminal History and Socioeconomic Status

scientific article published on November 1, 2011

Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Mental Health in Mexican-Origin Youths and Their Parents: Testing the "Linked Lives" Hypothesis

scientific article published on 21 December 2017

Racial/ethnic differences in 12-month prevalence and persistence of mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders: Variation by nativity and socioeconomic status

scientific article published on 19 December 2018

Racial/ethnic differences in general physical symptoms and medically unexplained physical symptoms: Investigating the role of education

scientific article published on 12 March 2020

Racial/ethnic differences in perceived need for mental health care and disparities in use of care among those with perceived need in 1990-1992 and 2001-2003.

scientific article

Racial/ethnic differences in the effects of psychiatric disorders on employment

scientific article published on September 2009

Racial/ethnic differences in video game and Internet use among US adolescents with mental health and educational difficulties

scientific article published on 9 October 2012

Racial/ethnic variation in trauma-related psychopathology in the United States: a population-based study

scientific article published on 31 October 2018

Reducing racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use among emerging adults: community-level supply factors

scientific article published on 02 September 2020

Relationship Between General Illness and Mental Health Service Use and Expenditures Among Racially-Ethnically Diverse Adults ≥65 Years

scientific article published on 16 March 2015

Remission from drug dependence symptoms and drug use cessation among women drug users in puerto rico

scientific article

Removing Obstacles To Eliminating Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Behavioral Health Care

scientific article published on June 2016

Retention in depression treatment among ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States

scientific article

Retention in mental health care of Portuguese-speaking patients

scientific article published on February 20, 2013

Rethinking a universal framework in the psychiatric symptom-disorder relationship

scientific article published on September 1, 2003

Role of referrals in mental health service disparities for racial and ethnic minority youth

scientific article published on June 2012


scientific article

School mental health resources and adolescent mental health service use.

scientific article published on 03 April 2013

Self-reliance, mental health need, and the use of mental healthcare among island Puerto Ricans

scientific article published in September 2002

Shifting the HIV Training and Research Paradigm to Address Disparities in HIV Outcomes

scientific article published on 08 August 2016

Significance of endorsement of psychotic symptoms by US Latinos

scientific article published on May 2009

Simulations Test Impact Of Education, Employment, And Income Improvements On Minority Patients With Mental Illness

scientific article published on June 2017

Sleep disturbance as a predictor of time to drug and alcohol use treatment in primary care

scientific article published on 9 January 2018

Social Relationships, Social Assimilation, and Substance-Use Disorders among Adult Latinos in the U.S.

scientific article published on January 2008

Social capital, acculturation, mental health, and perceived access to services among Mexican American women

scientific article published on 13 February 2012

Social cohesion, social support, and health among Latinos in the United States

scientific article

Social determinants of mental health treatment among Haitian, African American, and White youth in community health centers

scientific article

Sources of Interactional Problems in a Survey of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination

scientific article published in January 2015

Stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illness among racial/ethnic older adults in primary care

scientific article published on January 29, 2013

Strengthening psychology's workforce for older adults: Implications of the Institute of Medicine's report to Congress

scientific article published on April 2015

Substance risk, prevention treatments and the role of the environmental and cultural context in addressing Latinos and other ethnic/racial populations

scientific article published in September 2012

Survey conditioning in self-reported mental health service use: randomized comparison of alternative instrument formats

scientific article

Taking the Measure of Health Care Disparities

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

Testing language effects in psychiatric epidemiology surveys with randomized experiments: results from the National Latino and Asian American Study

scientific article published on 10 June 2008

The DSM-IV rates of child and adolescent disorders in Puerto Rico: prevalence, correlates, service use, and the effects of impairment

scientific article published on January 2004

The Happy Older Latinos are Active (HOLA) health promotion and prevention study: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial

scientific article

The Impact of Insurance Coverage in Diminishing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Behavioral Health Services

scientific article published on March 30, 2012

The National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities Reflection


The Role Of Public Policies In Reducing Mental Health Status Disparities For People Of Color

scientific article published on September 1, 2003

The challenge of acculturation measures: what are we missing? A commentary on Thomson & Hoffman-Goetz

scientific article published on 05 August 2009

The clinical encounter as local moral world: shifts of assumptions and transformation in relational context

scientific article published on 07 February 2009

The development of the DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview-Fidelity Instrument (CFI-FI): a pilot study

scientific article

The economy of risk and respect: accounts by Puerto Rican sex workers of HIV risk taking

scientific article published on November 2002

The effect of race-ethnicity and geography on adoption of innovations in the treatment of schizophrenia

scientific article published on December 2012

The effect of race-ethnicity on the comparative effectiveness of clozapine among Medicaid beneficiaries

scientific article published on March 2013

The impact of computer use on therapeutic alliance and continuance in care during the mental health intake

scientific article

The impact of managed care on psychiatric hospitalizations and length of stay in Puerto Rico

scientific article published on March 2010

The prevalence and comorbidity of social anxiety disorder among United States Latinos: a retrospective analysis of data from 2 national surveys

scientific article

The relationship between obesity and psychiatric disorders across ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States

scientific article

The role of patient activation on patient-provider communication and quality of care for US and foreign born Latino patients

scientific article

The role of provider supply and organization in reducing racial/ethnic disparities in mental health care in the U.S

scientific article published on February 13, 2013

The role of sociocultural information in mental health intake sessions

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

Training for research in mental health and HIV/AIDS among racial and ethnic minority populations: meeting the needs of new investigators

scientific article published on 26 February 2009

Translating disparities research to policy: a qualitative study of state mental health policymakers' perceptions of mental health care disparities report cards

scientific article

Transnational ties and past-year major depressive episodes among Latino immigrants

scientific article

Treatment moderators and effectiveness of Engagement and Counseling for Latinos intervention on worry reduction in a low-income primary care sample

scientific article

Understanding caregivers' help-seeking for Latino children's mental health care use.

scientific article published in May 2004

Understanding differences in past year psychiatric disorders for Latinos living in the US.

scientific article

Understanding hard-core drug use among urban Puerto Rican women in high-risk neighborhoods

scientific article published on June 2004

Unmet need for treatment for substance use disorders across race and ethnicity

scientific article published on June 2, 2012

Uptake of depression treatment recommendations among Latino primary care patients

scientific article

Use and quality of mental health services for Haitian youth

scientific article published on 21 June 2011

Use of mental health-related services among immigrant and US-born Asian Americans: results from the National Latino and Asian American Study

scientific article published on 30 November 2006

Valuing health in a racially and ethnically diverse community sample: an analysis using the valuation metrics of money and time

scientific article published on August 1, 2010

Whether medically unexplained or not, three or more concurrent somatic symptoms predict psychopathology and service use in community populations

scientific article

Who, and what, causes health inequities? Reflections on emerging debates from an exploratory Latin American/North American workshop

scientific article published on 27 June 2010