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List of works by Walter Federle

A Novel Type of Nutritional Ant–Plant Interaction: Ant Partners of Carnivorous Pitcher Plants Prevent Nutrient Export by Dipteran Pitcher Infauna

scientific article published on May 22, 2013

An Integrative Study of Insect Adhesion: Mechanics and Wet Adhesion of Pretarsal Pads in Ants

scientific article published on December 1, 2002

Ants swimming in pitcher plants: kinematics of aquatic and terrestrial locomotion in Camponotus schmitzi

scientific article published on April 17, 2012

Arachnids Secrete a Fluid over Their Adhesive Pads

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

Beetle adhesive hairs differ in stiffness and stickiness: in vivo adhesion measurements on individual setae

scientific article published on 5 April 2011

Bio-inspired hierarchical polymer fiber-carbon nanotube adhesives.

scientific article

Biomechanics of ant adhesive pads: frictional forces are rate- and temperature-dependent

scientific article published in January 2004

Biomechanics of plant–insect interactions

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Biomechanics of shear-sensitive adhesion in climbing animals: peeling, pre-tension and sliding-induced changes in interface strength.

scientific article

Biomechanics of smooth adhesive pads in insects: influence of tarsal secretion on attachment performance

scientific article published on 12 July 2006

Comparison of smooth and hairy attachment pads in insects: friction, adhesion and mechanisms for direction-dependence

scientific article

Coping with the climate: Cuticular hydrocarbon acclimation of ants under constant and fluctuating conditions.

scientific article published on 3 April 2018

Disentangling the role of surface topography and intrinsic wettability in the prey capture mechanism of Nepenthes pitcher plants

scientific article published on 12 November 2020

Division of labour and sex differences between fibrillar, tarsal adhesive pads in beetles: effective elastic modulus and attachment performance

scientific article

Dynamic biological adhesion: mechanisms for controlling attachment during locomotion

scientific article published on 09 September 2019

Effect of pitcher age on trapping efficiency and natural prey capture in carnivorous Nepenthes rafflesiana plants.

scientific article published on 22 March 2009

Effect of shear forces and ageing on the compliance of adhesive pads in adult cockroaches

scientific article published on 23 July 2015

Elasto-capillarity in insect fibrillar adhesion

scientific article published on August 2016

Enhanced adhesion of bioinspired nanopatterned elastomers via colloidal surface assembly

scientific article published in January 2015

Evidence for alternative trapping strategies in two forms of the pitcher plant, Nepenthes rafflesiana

scientific article (publication date: June 2011)

Evidence for self-cleaning in fluid-based smooth and hairy adhesive systems of insects

scientific article

Extreme positive allometry of animal adhesive pads and the size limits of adhesion-based climbing

scientific article

Foraging grass-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) maintain stability by balancing their loads with controlled head movements

scientific article published on 16 May 2010

Friction ridges in cockroach climbing pads: anisotropy of shear stress measured on transparent, microstructured substrates

scientific article published in July 2009

Froghoppers jump from smooth plant surfaces by piercing them with sharp spines

scientific article published on 04 February 2019

Functional morphology and efficiency of the antenna cleaner in Camponotus rufifemur ants

scientific article

Functionally different pads on the same foot allow control of attachment: stick insects have load-sensitive "heel" pads for friction and shear-sensitive "toe" pads for adhesion

scientific article

Grip and slip: mechanical interactions between insects and the epidermis of flowers and flower stalks

scientific article

Harmless nectar source or deadly trap: Nepenthes pitchers are activated by rain, condensation and nectar

scientific article published in February 2008

How Load-Carrying Ants Avoid Falling Over: Mechanical Stability during Foraging in Atta vollenweideri Grass-Cutting Ants

scientific article published on January 2, 2013

How a sticky fluid facilitates prey retention in a carnivorous pitcher plant (Nepenthes rafflesiana)

scientific article published in 2021

How to catch more prey with less effective traps: explaining the evolution of temporarily inactive traps in carnivorous pitcher plants.

scientific article published in February 2015

Impact of chemical manipulation of tarsal liquids on attachment in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata

scientific article published on 5 December 2009

In vivo dynamics of the internal fibrous structure in smooth adhesive pads of insects

scientific article published on 9 April 2012

Insect adhesion on rough surfaces: analysis of adhesive contact of smooth and hairy pads on transparent microstructured substrates.

scientific article

Insect aquaplaning: Nepenthes pitcher plants capture prey with the peristome, a fully wettable water-lubricated anisotropic surface

scholarly article

Insect tricks: two-phasic foot pad secretion prevents slipping

scientific article

Jumping without slipping: leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) possess special tarsal structures for jumping from smooth surfaces

scientific article

Locomotion and adhesion: dynamic control of adhesive surface contact in ants

scientific article published in January 2004

Mechanisms of fluid production in smooth adhesive pads of insects

scientific article published on January 5, 2011

Mechanisms of self-cleaning in fluid-based smooth adhesive pads of insects

scientific article published on 3 July 2012

Mechanotransduction: use the force(s).

scientific article published on 4 July 2015

Micromechanics of smooth adhesive organs in stick insects: pads are mechanically anisotropic and softer towards the adhesive surface

scientific article published on 25 January 2008

On Heels and Toes: How Ants Climb with Adhesive Pads and Tarsal Friction Hair Arrays

scientific article

Pruning of host plant neighbours as defence against enemy ant invasions: Crematogaster ant partners of Macaranga protected by "wax barriers" prune less than their congeners

scientific article published on July 2002

Pushing versus pulling: division of labour between tarsal attachment pads in cockroaches

scientific article published in June 2008

Rapid preflexes in smooth adhesive pads of insects prevent sudden detachment

scientific article published on February 27, 2013

Rate-dependence of 'wet' biological adhesives and the function of the pad secretion in insects

scientific article

Scaling of claw sharpness: mechanical constraints reduce attachment performance in larger insects

scientific article published on 12 December 2018

Setting the trap: cleaning behaviour ofCamponotus schmitziants increases long-term capture efficiency of their pitcher plant host,Nepenthes bicalcarata


Shear-sensitive adhesion enables size-independent adhesive performance in stick insects

scientific article published on 23 October 2019

Slippery ant-plants and skilful climbers: selection and protection of specific ant partners by epicuticular wax blooms in Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae).

scientific article

Sticking like sticky tape: tree frogs use friction forces to enhance attachment on overhanging surfaces

scientific article published on January 16, 2013

Strong Wet and Dry Adhesion by Cupped Microstructures

scientific article published on 09 July 2019

Surface contact and design of fibrillar 'friction pads' in stick insects (Carausius morosus): mechanisms for large friction coefficients and negligible adhesion

scientific article published on 19 February 2014

Surface contact and design of fibrillar ‘friction pads’ in stick insects (Carausius morosus): mechanisms for large friction coefficients and negligible adhesion.

scientific article

The energetics of running stability: costs of transport in grass-cutting ants depend on fragment shape

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

The insect-trapping rim of Nepenthes pitchers: surface structure and function

scientific article

The mechanics of nectar offloading in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris and implications for optimal concentrations during nectar foraging

scientific article published on 22 January 2020

Thrips pollination of the dioecious ant plant Macaranga hullettii (Euphorbiaceae) in Southeast Asia

scientific article

Venus flytrap trigger hairs are micronewton mechano-sensors that can detect small insect prey

scientific article published on 08 July 2019

Walking on smooth or rough ground: passive control of pretarsal attachment in ants

scientific article published on 28 November 2007

Why are so many adhesive pads hairy?

scientific article published in July 2006

With a flick of the lid: a novel trapping mechanism in Nepenthes gracilis pitcher plants

scientific article published on 13 June 2012

‘Insect aquaplaning’ on a superhydrophilic hairy surface: howHeliamphora nutansBenth. pitcher plants capture prey

scientific article published on December 19, 2012