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List of works by Anthony T. Iannacchione

100 Years of improvement in aggregate worker safety

journal article published in 2003

A case study of potential geologic factors affecting the occurrence of massive ground collapses at an underground limestone mine in Southwestern Pennsylvania

conference proceedings item published in 2022

An examination of the Loyalhanna limestone's structural features and their impact on mining and ground control practices

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Analysis of pillar design practices and techniques for U.S. limestone mines

journal article published in 1999

Analysis of seismic signatures from gas and dust based explosions at the Lake Lynn Experimental Mine

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Anticipating coal mining problems in Hartshorne Formation, East- Central Oklahoma, using sedimentary facies analysis

journal article published in 1980

Anticipating facies-related coal mining problems in Hartshorne Formation, Arkoma Basin

journal article published in 1982

Assessing roof fall hazards for underground stone mines: a proposed methodology

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Assessment of methane hazards in an anomalous zone of a Gulf Coast salt dome

report of investigations published in 1984

Behavior of a coal pillar prone to burst in the Southern Appalachian Basin of the United States

conference proceedings item published in 1988

Behavior of a coal pillar prone to burst in the southern Appalachian Basin of the United States

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Best practices to mitigate injuries and fatalities from rock falls

conference proceedings item published in 2000

Characteristics of mining-induced seismicity associated with roof falls and roof caving events

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Characterization of the occurrence of methane in gulf coast domal salt mines

publication (OP) published in 1985

Characterizing roof fall signatures from underground mines

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Clay Dikes in the Lower Kittaning Seam in Northern West Virginia

publication (OP) published in 1983

Coal mine burst prevention controls

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Considerations for using roof monitors in underground limestone mines in the U.S.A

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Controlling crosscut damage in response to excessive levels of horizontal stress: case study at the Subtropolis Mine, Petersburg, OH

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Controlling crosscut damage in response to excessive levels of horizontal stress: case study at the Subtropolis Mine, Petersburg, OH

journal article published in 2021

Controlling crosscut damage in response to excessive levels of horizontal stress: case study at the Subtropolis Mine, Petersburg, OH

abstract published in 2021

Controlling roof beam failures from high horizontal stresses in underground stone mines

conference proceedings item published in July 1998

Controlling roof beam failures from high horizontal stresses in underground stone mines

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Detecting strata fracturing and roof failures from a borehole based microseismic system

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Determination of velocity correction factors for real-time air velocity monitoring in underground mines

journal article published in 2017

Development of a comprehensive pillar and roof monitoring system at a steeply dipping underground limestone mine

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Development of a comprehensive pillar and roof monitoring system at a steeply dipping underground limestone mine

conference proceedings item published in February 2018

Effect of the dip and excavation orientation on roof stability in moderately dipping stone mine workings

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Evaluating Coal Pillar Mechanics Through Field Measurements

publication (OP) published in 1992

Evaluation of stress control layout at the Subtropolis Mine, Petersburg, Ohio

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Evaluation of stress-control layout at the Subtropolis Mine, Petersburg, Ohio

journal article published in 2020

Failure characteristics of roof falls at an underground stone mine in southwestern Pennsylvania

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Field observations and numerical studies of horizontal stress effects on roof stability in U.S. limestone mines

journal article published in 2008

Field observations and numerical studies of horizontal stress effects on roof stability in U.S. limestone mines

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Field verification of the roof fall risk index: a method to assess strata conditions

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Forecasting roof falls with monitoring technologies: a look at the Moonee Colliery experience

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Fundamental studies of coal mine bumps in the eastern United States

conference proceedings item published in 1987

Geologic Factors Affecting the Mining of the Lower Kittanning Coalbed in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

publication (OP) published in 1978

Geologic factors in predicting coal mine roof-rock stability in the Upper Kittanning coalbed. Somerset County, Pennsylvania

report of investigations published in 1981

Geological Association of Coalbed Gas and Natural Gas from the Hartshorne Formation in Haskell and Leflore Counties, Oklahoma

publication (OP) published in 1985

Geological Association of Coalbed Gas and Natural Gas from the Hartshorne Foundation in Haskell and Leflore Counties, Oklahoma

publication (OP) published in 1985

Geology of the Lower Kittanning coalbed, and related mining and methane emission problems in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

report of investigations published in 1979

Geology, mining, and methane content of the Freeport and Kittanning coalbeds in Indiana and surrounding counties, Pennsylvania

report of investigations published in 1979

Ground control issues for safety professionals

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

High stress mining under shallow overburden in underground U.S. stone mines

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Investigation of methane emissions from an advancing race in the Belle Isle domal salt mine, Louisiana

report of investigations published in 1982

Investigation of pillar-roof contact failure in northern Appalachian stone mine workings

conference proceedings item published in 2004

LiDAR mapping of ground damage in a heading re-orientation case study

journal article published in 2021

LiDAR mapping of ground damage in a heading reorientation case study

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Major hazard risk assessment applied to pillar recovery operations

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Mapping hazards with microseismic technology to anticipate roof falls: a case study

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Methane content and geology of the Hartshorne Coalbed in Haskell and Le Flore counties, Oklahoma

report of investigations published in 1979

Methane production potential from Hartshorne coal beds in deep parts of Pittsburg, Coal, and Hughes counties, Oklahoma

journal article published in 1981

Methods for determining roof fall risk in underground mines

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Methods for determining roof fall risk in underground mines

journal article published in 2007

Numerical Simulation of Coal Pillar Loading With the Aid of a Strain- softening Finite Difference Model

publication (OP) published in 1989

Numerical modeling for increased understanding of the behavior and performance of coal mine stoppings

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Occurrence and remediation of coal mine bumps: a historical review

book or book chapter published in 1995

Optimum Mine Designs to Minimize Coal Bump: A Review of Past and Present U.S. Practices

publication (OP) published in 1991

Optimum mine designs to minimize coal bumps: a review of past and present U.S. practices

conference proceedings item published in 1992

Physical properties of Kentucky's AML landslides: case studies analyzed

conference proceedings item published in 1994

Pillar design issues for underground stone mines

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Pillar mechanics of coal mine bursts: a control strategy

conference proceedings item published in 1995

Pillar stability issues based on a survey of pillar performance in underground limestone mines

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Poor Longwall Productivity and Claystone Roof Rock: A Need for Geotechnical Analysis

publication (OP) published in 1989

Possible mechanism for surface vibrations near Maxwell Hill, West Virginia

journal article published in 1990

Predicting zones of potentially unstable coal mine roof based on consideration of sedimentary facies: a case study

publication (OP) published in 1980

Preventing accidents caused by unrecognized roof beam failures in underground stone mines

conference abstract published in 1997

Preventing injuries caused by unrecognized stone mine roof beam failures with a proactive roof control plan

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Problems facing coal mining and gas production in the Hartshorne Coalbeds of the Western Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

report of investigations published in 1983

Proceedings of the Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 7, 1992

information circular published in 1992

Reactivation of landslides by surface subsidence from longwall mining

publication (OP) published in 1984

Relationship between radiated seismic energy and explosive pressure for controlled methane and coal dust explosions in an underground mine

journal article published in 2012

Relationship of roof movement and strata-induced microseismic emissions to roof falls

journal article published in 2004

Remote roof stability monitoring for underground nonmetal mines

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Remote sequential gas sampler for blasting areas

patent published in 1984

Rock damage characterisation from microseismic monitoring

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

Roof and rib hazard assessment for underground stone mines

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Roof and rib hazard assessment for underground stone mines

journal article published in 1998

Roof monitoring helps prevent injuries in stone mines

journal article published in 2000

Roof monitoring in limestone mines: experience with the roof monitoring safety system (RMSS)

conference proceedings item published in 2000

Roof stability issues in underground limestone mines in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Safer mine layouts for underground stone mines subjected to excessive levels of horizontal stress

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Safer mine layouts for underground stone mines subjected to excessive levels of horizontal stress

journal article published in 2003

Shear strength evaluation of clay-rock mixtures

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2000

Stop No. 21, Steeply Dipping Upper Freeport Coal

publication (OP) published in 1979

Stress and behavior of material under direct shear

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Structural Deformation of the Allegheny Group of Coalbeds in the Appalachian Plateau of Central Pennsylvania

publication (OP) published in 1985

Technique to assess hazards in underground stone mines: the roof fall risk index (RFRI)

journal article published in 2007

The Occurrence and Characterization of Geological Anomalies and Cutter Roof Failure: Their Effect on Gateroad Stability

publication (OP) published in 1984

The application of major hazard risk assessment (MHRA) to eliminate multiple fatality occurrences in the U.S. minerals industry

NIOSH information circular published in 2008

The effects of roof and floor interface slip on coal pillar behavior

conference proceedings item published in 1990

The relationship of roof movement and strata-induced microseismic emissions to roof falls

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Using major hazard risk assessment to appraise and manage escapeway instability issues: a case study

conference proceedings item published in 2007