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List of works by L. Ruby Leung

21st century United States emissions mitigation could increase water stress more than the climate change it is mitigating

scientific article

A Comparison of Three Different Modeling Strategies for Evaluating Cloud and Radiation Parameterizations

scientific article

A Generalized Subsurface Flow Parameterization Considering Subgrid Spatial Variability of Recharge and Topography

A Global Data Analysis for Representing Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Yield in Earth System Models

scholarly article

A New Global Storage-Area-Depth Dataset for Modeling Reservoirs in Land Surface and Earth System Models

A Physically Based Runoff Routing Model for Land Surface and Earth System Models


A generic biogeochemical module for Earth system models: Next Generation BioGeoChemical Module (NGBGC), version 1.0

scientific article published in 2013

A high-resolution unified observational data product of mesoscale convective systems and isolated deep convection in the United States for 2004–2017

scientific article published in 2021

A modeling study of irrigation effects on global surface water and groundwater resources under a changing climate


A new global river network database for macroscale hydrologic modeling


A physically based estimate of radiative forcing by anthropogenic sulfate aerosol

scientific article

A subbasin-based framework to represent land surface processes in an Earth system model


A subgrid parameterization of orographic precipitation

A substantial role of soil erosion in the land carbon sink and its future changes

scientific article published on 08 January 2020

Accelerating the spin-up of the coupled carbon and nitrogen cycle model in CLM4


Aerosol and Urban Land Use Effect on Rainfall Around Cities in Indo-Gangetic Basin From Observations and Cloud Resolving Model Simulations

scholarly article

Aerosol impacts on clouds and precipitation in eastern China: Results from bin and bulk microphysics


Aerosol-cloud interactions constrain climatic trends in rainfall and temperature of India

scientific article published on 8 March 2024

An Introduction to the E3SM Special Collection: Goals, Science Drivers, Development, and Analysis

scientific article published on 13 October 2020

An observationally trained Markov Model for MJO propagation

scholarly article

An oceanic pathway for Madden–Julian Oscillation influence on Maritime Continent Tropical Cyclones

scientific article published in 2021

Application of a subgrid orographic precipitation/surface hydrology scheme to a mountain watershed

scientific article

Application of cloud microphysics to NCAR community climate model


Appreciation of Peer Reviewers for 2022

scientific article published on 4 May 2023

Appreciation of Peer Reviewers for 2023

scientific article published on 24 April 2024

Assessment of simulated water balance from Noah, Noah-MP, CLM, and VIC over CONUS using the NLDAS test bed

scholarly article

Assessment of uncertainties in the response of the African monsoon precipitation to land use change simulated by a regional model

Attributing runoff changes to climate variability and human activities: uncertainty analysis using four monthly water balance models

article published in 2015

Changing circulation structure and precipitation characteristics in Asian monsoon regions: greenhouse warming vs. aerosol effects


Characterizing Tropical Cyclones in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1

scientific article published in 2020

Classification of hydrological parameter sensitivity and evaluation of parameter transferability across 431 US MOPEX basins

Climate–soil–vegetation control on groundwater table dynamics and its feedbacks in a climate model


Comparison of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates From Slab Ocean, 150‐Year, and Longer Simulations

scientific article published in 2020

Conservation of Dry Air, Water, and Energy in CAM and Its Potential Impact on Tropical Rainfall

scientific article published in 2022

Contrasting Phase Changes of Precipitation Annual Cycle Between Land and Ocean Under Global Warming

scientific article published in 2020

Contribution of hurricane-induced sediment resuspension to coastal oxygen dynamics

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Contribution of urbanization to the increase of extreme heat events in an urban agglomeration in east China


Correction to: Sub-cloud moist entropy curvature as a predictor for changes in the seasonal cycle of tropical precipitation

scholarly article published in Climate Dynamics

Correction to: Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather: Current Understanding, Uncertainties, and Future Research Directions

scientific article published in 2022

Current and Future Global Lake Methane Emissions: A Process‐Based Modeling Analysis

scientific article published in 2023

Cyclone-cyclone interactions through the ocean pathway

scholarly article

Dam Construction in Lancang-Mekong River Basin Could Mitigate Future Flood Risk From Warming-Induced Intensified Rainfall


Datasets for characterizing extreme events relevant to hydrologic design over the conterminous United States

scientific article published in 2022

Development and Evaluation of an Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation System for Regional Reanalysis Over the Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Regions

scientific article published on 05 August 2019

Development of high resolution land surface parameters for the Community Land Model


Dominant role by vertical wind shear in regulating aerosol effects on deep convective clouds

scientific article published in 2009

Double‐ITCZ as an Emergent Constraint for Future Precipitation Over Mediterranean Climate Regions in the North Hemisphere

scientific article published in 2021

Downscaling hydroclimatic changes over the Western US based on CAM subgrid scheme and WRF regional climate simulations

scholarly article by Yun Qian et al published 2009 in International Journal of Climatology

Eddy fluxes and sensitivity of the water cycle to spatial resolution in idealized regional aquaplanet model simulations


Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Ground Surface Temperature: A Regional Modeling Study in the North China Plain

Effects of aerosols on the dynamics and microphysics of squall lines simulated by spectral bin and bulk parameterization schemes


Effects of cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles on precipitation processes and supercooled liquid in mixed-phase orographic clouds

scholarly article

Effects of soot-induced snow albedo change on snowpack and hydrological cycle in western United States based on Weather Research and Forecasting chemistry and regional climate simulations


Effects of spatially distributed sectoral water management on the redistribution of water resources in an integrated water model


Elevation Dependence of Winter Wheat Production in Eastern Washington State with Climate Change: A Methodological Study


Emergence of new hydrologic regimes of surface water resources in the conterminous United States under future warming


Enhancing the representation of subgrid land surface characteristics in land surface models

article by Y. Ke et al published 27 September 2013 in Geoscientific Model Development

Environment and the Lifetime of Tropical Deep Convection in a Cloud-Permitting Regional Model Simulation


Environments of Long-Lived Mesoscale Convective Systems Over the Central United States in Convection Permitting Climate Simulations

scientific article

Evaluating Global Streamflow Simulations by a Physically Based Routing Model Coupled with the Community Land Model


Evaluating regional cloud-permitting simulations of the WRF model for the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE), Darwin, 2006


Evaluating runoff simulations from the Community Land Model 4.0 using observations from flux towers and a mountainous watershed


Examining the Hydrological Variations in an Aquaplanet World Using Wave Activity Transformation

Exploratory Precipitation Metrics: Spatiotemporal Characteristics, Process-Oriented, and Phenomena-Based

scientific article published in 2022

Exploring a Multiresolution Approach Using AMIP Simulations

Exploring the effects of a nonhydrostatic dynamical core in high-resolution aquaplanet simulations

Future Changes in Seasonality of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Subtropical Highs

scholarly article by Fengfei Song et al published 5 October 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Future changes of subseasonal precipitation variability in North America during winter under global warming


Future hurricane storm surge risk for the U.S. gulf and Florida coasts based on projections of thermodynamic potential intensity

scientific article published in 2016

Global droughts connected by linkages between drought hubs

scientific article published on 10 January 2023

Global warming-induced upper-ocean freshening and the intensification of super typhoons

scientific article

High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP v1.0) for CMIP6


High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP)

High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Meeting Ongoing Community and Scientific Needs

scientific article published in 2020

How Do Microphysical Processes Influence Large-Scale Precipitation Variability and Extremes?

scholarly article by Samson Hagos et al published 10 February 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

How Might the May 2015 Flood in the U.S. Southern Great Plains Induced by Clustered MCSs Unfold in the Future?

scientific article published on 8 March 2024

Hurricanes in an aquaplanet world: Implications of the impacts of external forcing and model horizontal resolution


HyRiver: Hydroclimate Data Retriever

scientific article published on 27 October 2021

Hydroclimatic Variability and Predictability: A Survey of Recent Research

scientific article published on 25 July 2017

Hydroclimatic Variability and Predictability: A Survey of Recent Research

Hydrological Drought in the Anthropocene: Impacts of Local Water Extraction and Reservoir Regulation in the U.S

scientific article

Identifying Key Drivers of Wildfires in the Contiguous US Using Machine Learning and Game Theory Interpretation

scientific article published on 17 May 2021

Identifying the dominant controls on macropore flow velocity in soils: A meta-analysis

scholarly article

Impact of Rainfall on Tropical Cyclone‐Induced Sea Surface Cooling

scientific article published in 2022

Impact of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on stratocumulus and precipitation in the Southeast Pacific: a regional modelling study using WRF-Chem

scholarly article

Impact of numerical solution approach of a plant hydrodynamic model on vegetation dynamics

scientific article published on 3 June 2022

Impacts of Large‐Scale Urbanization and Irrigation on Summer Precipitation in the Mid‐Atlantic Region of the United States

scientific article published on 18 April 2022

Impacts of climate change, policy and Water-Energy-Food nexus on hydropower development

scholarly article by Xiao Zhang et al published February 2018 in Renewable Energy

Impacts of compound extreme weather events on ozone in the present and future

scientific article published in 2018

Impacts of regional climate change on biogenic emissions and air quality


Implementing and Evaluating Variable Soil Thickness in the Community Land Model, Version 4.5 (CLM4.5)

Improving bulk microphysics parameterizations in simulations of aerosol effects

Improving the representation of hydrologic processes in Earth System Models


Increases in Future AR Count and Size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Experiment

Increasing Magnitude of Hurricane Rapid Intensification in the Central and Eastern Tropical Atlantic

scholarly article by Karthik Balaguru et al published 3 May 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Influence of Superparameterization and a Higher-Order Turbulence Closure on Rainfall Bias Over Amazonia in Community Atmosphere Model Version 5


Intercomparison of regional climate simulations of the 1991 summer monsoon in eastern Asia

scientific article

Inverse modeling of hydrologic parameters using surface flux and runoff observations in the Community Land Model


Investigating coastal backwater effects and flooding in the coastal zone using a global river transport model on an unstructured mesh

scientific article published on 25 July 2022

Investigation of aerosol indirect effects using a cumulus microphysics parameterization in a regional climate model


Is land use producing robust signals in future projections from Earth system models, all else being equal?

scientific article published on 14 July 2023

Isolating the modulation of mean warming and higher-order temperature changes on ozone in a changing climate over the contiguous United States

scientific article published in 2022

Large Contribution of Coarse Mode to Aerosol Microphysical and Optical Properties: Evidence from Ground-Based Observations of a Transpacific Dust Outbreak at a High-Elevation North American Site

Linking deep convection and phytoplankton blooms in the northern Labrador Sea in a changing climate

scientific article

Links between flood frequency and annual water balance behaviors: A basis for similarity and regionalization

Mechanisms Contributing to Suppressed Precipitation in Mt. Hua of Central China. Part I: Mountain Valley Circulation


Mechanisms for an Amplified Precipitation Seasonal Cycle in the U.S. West Coast under Global Warming

scientific article published on 24 May 2019

Mesoscale Convective Systems in DYAMOND Models: A Feature Tracking Intercomparison

scientific article published on 8 March 2024

Meteorological Environments Associated With California Wildfires and Their Potential Roles in Wildfire Changes During 1984–2017

scientific article published on 08 February 2021

Metrics as tools for bridging climate science and applications

scientific article published in 2022

Microphysical effects determine macrophysical response for aerosol impacts on deep convective clouds

scientific article

Modeling Sediment Yield in Land Surface and Earth System Models: Model Comparison, Development, and Evaluation


Modeling stream temperature in the Anthropocene: An earth system modeling approach

Modeling surface water dynamics in the Amazon Basin using MOSART-Inundation v1.0: impacts of geomorphological parameters and river flow representation


Modeling the Effects of Groundwater-Fed Irrigation on Terrestrial Hydrology over the Conterminous United States


Modeling the Joint Effects of Vegetation Characteristics and Soil Properties on Ecosystem Dynamics in a Panama Tropical Forest

scientific article published on 05 December 2021

Modeling the effects of irrigation on land surface fluxes and states over the conterminous United States: Sensitivity to input data and model parameters


Modeling the topographic influence on aboveground biomass using a coupled model of hillslope hydrology and ecosystem dynamics

scientific article published in 2022

Modeling the topographic influence on aboveground biomass using a coupled model of hillslope hydrology and ecosystem dynamics

scientific article published on 20 June 2022

More frequent intense and long-lived storms dominate the springtime trend in central US rainfall

scientific article

Multi-year application of WRF-CAM5 over East Asia-Part I: Comprehensive evaluation and formation regimes of O 3 and PM 2.5


Neutral modes of surface temperature and the optimal ocean thermal forcing for global cooling

scientific article published in 2020

Next-Generation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Hydrologic Design in Snow-Dominated Environments

Nonlinear Filtering Effects of Reservoirs on Flood Frequency Curves at the Regional Scale

Nonlinear effect of compound extreme weather events on ozone formation over the United States

scientific article published in 2020

Observed Increase in Tropical Cyclone‐Induced Sea Surface Cooling Near the U.S. Southeast Coast

scientific article published on 19 July 2024

Observed Scaling in Clouds and Precipitation and Scale Incognizance in Regional to Global Atmospheric Models


Ocean barrier layers' effect on tropical cyclone intensification

scientific article

On an improved sub-regional water resources management representation for integration into earth system models


On the Diffusivity of Moist Static Energy and Implications for the Polar Amplification Response to Climate Warming

scientific article published in 2022

On the variable effects of climate change on Pacific salmon

scientific article published on 15 February 2019

One-way coupling of an integrated assessment model and a water resources model: evaluation and implications of future changes over the US Midwest


Pacific Northwest Climate Sensitivity Simulated by a Regional Climate Model Driven by a GCM. Part I: Control Simulations

scientific article

Pacific Northwest Climate Sensitivity Simulated by a Regional Climate Model Driven by a GCM. Part II: 2×CO2 Simulations

scientific article

Parameterizing Subgrid Orographic Precipitation and Surface Cover in Climate Models

scientific article

Parametric sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in the version 1 of E3SM Atmosphere Model based on short Perturbed Parameters Ensemble simulations

Pollution from China increases cloud droplet number, suppresses rain over the East China Sea


Potential aerosol indirect effects on atmospheric circulation and radiative forcing through deep convection

scientific article published in May 2012

Potential regional climate change and implications to U.S. air quality

scholarly article by L. Ruby Leung published 2005 in Geophysical Research Letters

Precipitation‐Moisture Coupling Over Tropical Oceans: Sequential Roles of Shallow, Deep, and Mesoscale Convective Systems

scientific article published in 2022

Prediction of cloud droplet number in a general circulation model


Projected increases in wildfires may challenge regulatory curtailment of PM<sub>2.5</sub> over the eastern US by 2050

scientific article published in 2023

Pronounced Impact of Salinity on Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones

scientific article published in 2020

Publisher Correction: An oceanic pathway for Madden–Julian Oscillation influence on Maritime Continent Tropical Cyclones

correction of a scholarly article

PyFLEXTRKR: a flexible feature tracking Python software for convective cloud analysis

scientific article published in 2023

Regional Downscaling for Air Quality Assessment


Regional Extreme Monthly Precipitation Simulated by NARCCAP RCMs


Regionalization of subsurface stormflow parameters of hydrologic models: Derivation from regional analysis of streamflow recession curves

Regionalization of subsurface stormflow parameters of hydrologic models: Up-scaling from physically based numerical simulations at hillslope scale

Remote Drying in the North Atlantic as a Common Response to Precessional Changes and CO2 Increase Over Land

scholarly article by Patrick Kelly et al published 16 April 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Representation of Plant Hydraulics in the Noah‐MP Land Surface Model: Model Development and Multiscale Evaluation

scientific article published on 06 February 2021

Representing Global Soil Erosion and Sediment Flux in Earth System Models

scientific article published in 2022

Representing surface heterogeneity in land–atmosphere coupling in E3SMv1 single-column model over ARM SGP during summertime

scientific article published in 2022

Response of Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers on the U.S. West Coast to Local Sea Surface Temperature Perturbations

scientific article

Response of U.S. West Coast Mountain Snowpack to Local Sea Surface Temperature Perturbations: Insights from Numerical Modeling and Machine Learning

scientific article

Response of the Hydrological Cycle in Asian Monsoon Systems to Global Warming Through the Lens of Water Vapor Wave Activity Analysis


Robust spring drying in the southwestern U.S. and seasonal migration of wet/dry patterns in a warmer climate


Role of Troposphere-Convection-Land Coupling in the Southwestern Amazon Precipitation Bias of the Community Earth System Model Version 1 (CESM1)


Scalability of grid- and subbasin-based land surface modeling approaches for hydrologic simulations

scholarly article

Seasonally and Regionally Dependent Shifts of the Atmospheric Westerly Jets under Global Warming

scientific article published on 22 July 2022

Seasonally dependent responses of subtropical highs and tropical rainfall to anthropogenic warming


Sensitivity of U.S. summer precipitation to model resolution and convective parameterizations across gray zone resolutions


Sensitivity of global terrestrial gross primary production to hydrologic states simulated by the Community Land Model using two runoff parameterizations


Sensitivity of surface flux simulations to hydrologic parameters based on an uncertainty quantification framework applied to the Community Land Model


Shape of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks and the Indian Monsoon

scholarly article by Patrick Kelly et al published 10 October 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Significant impacts of irrigation water sources and methods on modeling irrigation effects in the ACMELand Model

scientific article

Simulating black carbon and dust and their radiative forcing in seasonal snow: a case study over North China with field campaign measurements

scholarly article

Simulating county-level crop yields in the Conterminous United States using the Community Land Model: The effects of optimizing irrigation and fertilization


Sources and pathways of the upscale effects on the Southern Hemisphere jet in MPAS-CAM4 variable-resolution simulations

article published in 2016

Southern Hemisphere dominates recent decline in global water availability

scientific article published on 3 November 2023

Spatial pattern of lake evaporation increases under global warming linked to regional hydroclimate change

scholarly article

Spring Land Temperature in Tibetan Plateau and Global-Scale Summer Precipitation: Initialization and Improved Prediction

scientific article published in December 2022

Steady state estimation of soil organic carbon using satellite-derived canopy leaf area index


Structural changes and variability of the ITCZ induced by radiation–cloud–convection–circulation interactions: inferences from the Goddard Multi-scale Modeling Framework (GMMF) experiments

scientific article published in 2019

Structure and Evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems: Sensitivity to Cloud Microphysics in Convection-Permitting Simulations Over the United States

Substantial contribution of anthropogenic air pollution to catastrophic floods in Southwest China


Summer Mean and Extreme Precipitation Over the Mid‐Atlantic Region: Climatological Characteristics and Contributions From Different Precipitation Types

scientific article published in 2021

Supplementary material to "Impact of numerical solution approach of a plant hydrodynamic model on vegetation dynamics"

scientific article published on 3 June 2022

The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Quantifying Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Climatology

The Community Land Model Version 5: Description of New Features, Benchmarking, and Impact of Forcing Uncertainty

scientific article published in December 2019

The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution

scientific article

The DOE E3SM v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration: Description and Simulated Ecosystem‐Climate Responses to Historical Changes in Forcing

scientific article published in September 2020

The Role of Climate Covariability on Crop Yields in the Conterminous United States

scientific article published on 12 September 2016

The de-correlation of westerly winds and westerly-wind stress over the Southern Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum

article published in 2015

The robust dynamical contribution to precipitation extremes in idealized warming simulations across model resolutions


The spatial distribution of mineral dust and its shortwave radiative forcing over North Africa: modeling sensitivities to dust emissions and aerosol size treatments

scholarly article

The uncertain role of rising atmospheric CO2 on global plant transpiration

scientific article published in July 2022

Thermodynamics of the Madden–Julian Oscillation in a Regional Model with Constrained Moisture


Threat by marine heatwaves to adaptive large marine ecosystems in an eddy-resolving model

scientific article published in 2022

Topological Relationship‐Based Flow Direction Modeling: Mesh‐Independent River Networks Representation

scientific article published in 2023

Toward the Dynamical Convergence on the Jet Stream in Aquaplanet AGCMs

article published in 2015

Trans-Pacific transport and evolution of aerosols: evaluation of quasi-global WRF-Chem simulation with multiple observations

scientific article published in 2016

Trends in surface equivalent potential temperature: A more comprehensive metric for global warming and weather extremes

scientific article published in 2022

Uncertainties in Projecting Future Changes in Atmospheric Rivers and Their Impacts on Heavy Precipitation over Europe

scientific article published in 2016

Uncertainty Analysis of Runoff Simulations and Parameter Identifiability in the Community Land Model: Evidence from MOPEX Basins


Uncertainty in modeling dust mass balance and radiative forcing from size parameterization

scholarly article

Uncertainty quantification and parameter tuning in the CAM5 Zhang-McFarlane convection scheme and impact of improved convection on the global circulation and climate

scientific article

Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather: Current Understanding, Uncertainties, and Future Research Directions

scientific article published in 2022

Using a surrogate-assisted Bayesian framework to calibrate the runoff-generation scheme in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) v1

scientific article published in 2022

Variation of the radiative properties during black carbon aging: theoretical and experimental intercomparison

scholarly article

Vegetation regulation on streamflow intra-annual variability through adaption to climate variations

scholarly article by Sheng Ye et al published 2 December 2015 in Geophysical Research Letters

Water Balance in the Amazon Basin from a Land Surface Model Ensemble


West African monsoon decadal variability and surface-related forcings: second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project Experiment (WAMME II)

scientific article published on 13 June 2016