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List of works by Thomas M. Barczak

A Model of Shield-strata Interaction and Its Implications for Active Shield Setting Requirements

report of investigations published in 1991

A first step in developing standing roof support design criteria based on ground reaction data for Pittsburgh Seam longwall tailgate support

conference proceedings item published in 2008

A retrospective assessment of longwall roof support with a focus on challenging accepted roof support concepts and design premises

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Advanced guidelines for performance testing of two-legged longwall shields

information circular published in 1989

An overview of standing roof support practices and developments in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Analysis of support and strata reactions in a bump-prone eastern Kentucky coal mine

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Assessment of longwall roof behavior and support loading by linear elastic modeling of the support structure

report of investigations published in 1987

Attenuation and duration of seismic signals generated from controlled methane and coal dust explosions in an underground mine

journal article published in 2012

Canopy and base load distribution on a longwall shield

report of investigations published in 1992

Comparison of models to evaluate in situ shield loading

report of investigations published in 1990

Comparison of the transverse load capacities of various block ventilation stoppings under arch loading conditions

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Considerations in the design of longwall mining systems

publication (OP) published in 1982

Critical load studies of a shield support

report of investigations published in 1987

Current trends in reducing ground fall accidents in US coal mines

journal article published in 2011

Current trends in reducing groundfall accidents in U.S. coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Data acquisition of coal mining machine parameters

publication (OP) published in 1982

Design and Operation of Powered Supports for Longwall

publication published in 1993

Design and operation of powered supports for longwall

journal article published in 1993

Design considerations for the next generation of longwall shields

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Design methodology for standing secondary roof support in longwall tailgates

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Design methods to enhance the capacity, stiffness, and timber utilization of wood

report of investigations published in 1994

Design parameters of roof support systems for predriven longwall recovery rooms

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Design parameters of roof support systems for predriven longwall recovery rooms

journal article published in 2006

Development of ground response curves for longwall tailgate support design

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Development of new protocols to evaluate the transverse loading of mine ventilation stoppings

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Effect of load rate on wood crib behavior

report of investigations published in 1988

Engineering method for the design and placement of wood cribs

book or book chapter published in 1994

Engineering methods for the design and employment of wood cribs

information circular published in 1993

Evaluation of multitimbered wood crib supports

report of investigations published in 1991

Evaluation of support and ground response as longwall face advances into and widens pre-driven recovery room

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Evaluation of tailgate ground and support interaction in the Illinois basin for the development of a ground reaction curve based standing support design

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Evaluation of the impact of standing support on ground behavior in longwall tailgates

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Evaluation of the transverse load capacity of block stoppings for mine ventilation control

dissertation published in 2005

Examination of design and operation practices for longwall shields

information circular published in 1992

Examining longwall shield failures from an engineering design and operational perspective

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Factors affecting strength and stability of wood cribbing: height, configuration, and horizontal displacement

report of investigations published in 1988

Factors to consider when purchasing a new set of longwall shields

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Full-scale evaluation of the performance of grout column supports for mine subsidence abatement

conference proceedings item published in 1994

Full-scale evaluation of the strength and deformation of grout column supports for mine subsidence abatement

report of investigations published in 1994

Full-scale performance evaluation of mobile roof supports

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Fundamentals of coal mine roof support

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Ground response and support interaction in coal mine longwall gateroads subject to changing stress

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Ground response and support interaction in coal mine longwall gateroads subject to changing stress

conference proceedings item published in June 2020

Horizontal and vertical load transferring mechanisms in longwall roof supports

report of investigations published in 1988

Hydraulic prestressing units: an innovation in roof support technology

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Impact of Horizontal Load on Shield Supports

publication (OP) published in 1985

Impact of deformable materials and convergence on the transverse load capacity of mine ventilation stoppings

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Investigation of the jacking force capability of tunnel liners

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Link-N-Lock cribs

journal article published in 1998

Longwall Shield Support Research With a Mine Roof Simulator

publication (OP) published in 1989

Longwall shield and standing gateroad support designs - is bigger better?

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Longwall tailgate support-consideration, design and experience

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Longwall tailgates: the technology for roof support has improved, but optimization is still not there

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Material handling considerations for secondary roof support systems

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Mistakes, misconceptions, and key points regarding secondary roof support systems

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Modern shield technology: better than ever but still not perfect

conference proceedings item published in 1999

NIOSH safety performance testing protocols for standing roof supports and longwall shields

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

New support concepts for hard rock mining applications

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Numerical modeling for increased understanding of the behavior and performance of coal mine stoppings

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Optimizing secondary roof support with the NIOSH support technology optimization program (STOP)

conference proceedings item published in 2000

Optimizing secondary roof support with the NIOSH support technology optimization program (STOP)

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Performance and safety considerations of hydraulic support systems

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Peristaltic pumping: a new approach to pumping solids in slurry form

report of investigations published in 1978

Practical Considerations in Longwall Support Selection


Practical considerations in longwall face and gate road support selection and utilization

information circular published in 1989

Pumpable roof supports: an evolution in longwall roof support technology

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Pumpable roof supports: an evolution in longwall roof support technology

journal article published in 2008

Pumpable roof supports: developing design criteria by measurement of the ground reaction curve

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Relationship between radiated seismic energy and explosive pressure for controlled methane and coal dust explosions in an underground mine

journal article published in 2012

Resultant load vector studies on shield supports

publication (OP) published in 1985

Rigid-body and elastic solutions to shield mechanics

report of investigations published in 1987

Rock mass behavior and support response in a longwall panel pre-driven recovery room

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Safety Evaluations of Longwall Roof Supports


Safety evaluations of longwall roof supports

information circular published in 1989

Selecting the right shield support

journal article published in 1990

Shield design, construction and operation

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Shield mechanics and critical load studies for unsymmetric contact configurations

report of investigations published in 1990

Shield mechanics and resultant load vector studies

report of investigations published in 1986

Shield-loading studies at an eastern Appalachian minesite

report of investigations published in 1987

Significance of Specimen Stiffness and Post Yield Characteristics in Passive Roof Support Design

publication (OP) published in 1987

Stability of underground openings adjacent to the sink hole at the NIOSH Lake Lynn Research Laboratory

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Standing support alternatives in western United States longwalls

journal article published in 2006

Standing support alternatives in western United States longwalls

journal article published in 2007

Standing support alternatives in western longwalls

conference proceedings item published in 2005

State of the Art Testing of Powered Roof Supports

publication (OP) published in 1982

Stiffness characteristics of longwall shields

report of investigations published in 1988

Strata dynamics in underground mines: a comparison of European and U.S. coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Successes in research to practice from the NIOSH Office of Mine Safety and Health Research

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Support selection for the multi-lift mining method

publication (OP) published in 1981

The Evaluation of Wood Packwall Supports


The NIOSH shield hydraulics inspection and evaluation of leg data (SHIELD) computer program

conference proceedings item published in 2002

The effect of standing support stiffness on primary and secondary bolting systems

conference proceedings item published in 2003

The history and future of longwall mining in the United States

information circular published in 1992

The impact of ground control research on the safety of underground coal miners: 1910-2010

book or book chapter published in 2010

Think like a rock

conference proceedings item published in 2011

Three-dimensional shield mechanics

report of investigations published in 1987

Two-leg longwall shield mechanics

report of investigations published in 1989

Updating the NIOSH Support Technology Optimization Program (STOP) with new support technologies and additional design features

conference proceedings item published in 2001