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List of works by Vincent Robin d'Arba Desborough

(A.) Pieridis ὁ πρωτογεωμετρικὸς ῥυθμὸς ἑν Κύηρῳ. (Βιβλ. τῆς ἑν Ἀθηναīς ἀρχ. ἑτ., 77.) Athens: Ἀρχαιολογικὴ Ἑταιρεīα. 1973. Pp. [xiv] + 112, 35 plates, text figs. Pr

(C.-G.) Styrenius Submycenaean studies: examination of finds from mainland Greece, with a chapter on Attic Protogeometric graves. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 8°, vii.) Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup. 1967. Pp. 176. 6 maps. 63 text figur

(F. H.) Stubbings Cambridge ancient history. Vol. 2, ch. xxvii. The recession of Mycenaean civilization. Cambridge: the University Press. 1965. Pp. 21. 3s. 6d

(H. W.) Catling Cypriot bronzework in the Mycenaean world. Oxford: the Clarendon Press. 1964. Pp. xxxii + 361. 9 maps. 26 figures. 54 plates. £8

(J. M.) Cook Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. 2, ch. xxxviii. Greek Settlement in the Eastern Aegean and Asia Minor. Cambridge: The University Press. 1961. Pp.33. 6s


(N. M.) Verdhelis Ὁ πρωτογεωμετρικὸς ῥύθμος τῆς Θεσσαλίας. Athens: Athenian Archaeological Society. 1958. Pp. viii + 102. 15 plates. Price not stated

scholarly article by V. R. d'A. Desborough published in November 1960

A Euboean Centaur

A Group of Vases from Amathus

Die Gräber der Argolis, I: Lage und Form der Gräber. By R. Hägg (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Boreas 7.1). 10½ × 7¼. Pp. 172 + 43 figs. Uppsala, 1974. No price given

Kerameikos, Band 5, Teil 1. Die Nekropole des 10. bis 8. Jahrhunderts. Von Karl Kübler. 10½ × 8. Textband, pp. 310. Tafelband, Taf. 167. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1954. D.M. 178

Late Burials from Mycenae

Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age. By George E. Mylonas. 11¼ × 8¾. Pp. xvi + 251 + 153 pls. + 26 figs. Princeton University Press, 1966. £7. 8s

Mycenaean Pottery from the Levant. By F. H. Stubbings. Pp. xvi + 111, with 18 plates, 3 maps and 37 text figures. Cambridge: University Press, 1951. 25s

Part III. Two Tombs

Part V. Four Tombs

Part VI. Three Geometric Tombs

The Dark Age of Greece. By A. M. Snodgrass. 456 pages, 138 illustrations, 2 colour plates. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. 1971. Price £8

article by V. R. Desborough published December 1972 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

Thorikos. Thorikos 1968: rapport sur la cinquième campagne de fouilles. By H. F. Mussche and others. Thorikos 1969: rapport préliminaire sur la sixième campagne de fouilles. By H. F. Mussche. Brussels: Comité des Fouilles belges en Grèce. 1971?

What is Protogeometric?

article published in 1948