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List of works by Robert A. Jankowski

4,000 Ton-per-shift Longwalls: How Do They Do It?

publication (OP) published in 1988

A Longwall Dust Control Expert System

publication (OP) published in 1987

A Longwall Dust Control System

publication (OP) published in 1987

An Update of the Reduced Standards Problem and Overview of Improved Control Technology for Respirable Coal Mine Dust

publication (OP) published in 1985

An update on face ventilation research for improved longwall dust control

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Atomization of water sprays for quartz dust control

journal article published in 1988

Characteristics of Dust Clouds At Longwall Faces

publication (OP) published in 1991

Coal Mine Quartz Dust Control, an Overview of Current Regulation and Recent Research Results

publication (OP) published in 1987

Coal Mine Quartz Dust Control, an Overview of Current U.S. Regulations and Recent Research Results

publication (OP) published in 1987

Computer model for evaluating the dust reduction potential of various mining practices for a continuous miner section

journal article published in 1987

Concepts for controlling quartz dust exposure of coal mine workers

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Considerations for estimating remote operator dust exposure using fixed-point samples on continuous mining sections

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Correlations between measurements with Ram-1 and gravimetric samplers on longwall shearer faces

journal article published in 1984

Cut longwall ignitions by lowering methane concentrations around longwall shearers

journal article published in 1986

Determining Face Methane Liberation Patterns During Longwall Mining

publication (OP) published in 1985

Determining face methane-liberation patterns during longwall mining

information circular published in 1985

Dust considerations when using belt entry air to ventilate work areas

report of investigations published in 1992

Dust control considerations for deep-cut mining when utilizing exhaust ventilation and a scrubber

report of investigations published in 1996

Dust controls to improve quality of longwall intake air

information circular published in 1986

Dust sources and controls on the six U.S. longwall faces having the most difficulty complying with dust standards

information circular published in 1983

Emerging regulatory and control issues for silica dust in mining

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Evaluation of a two-phase flow system for dust control in a model- mine

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Evaluation of homotropal ventilation for longwall dust control

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Experimental Studies on Dust Dispersion in Mine Airways

publication (OP) published in 1987

Experimental studies on dust dispersion in mine airways

journal article published in 1988

Extended Longwall Considerations

publication (OP) published in 1992

Extended Longwalls: Is Bigger Better

publication (OP) published in 1992

Factors affecting respirable dust generation from longwall roof supports

information circular published in 1985

Fundamental Approaches to Longwall Dust Control

conference proceedings item published in 1983

Fundamental Approches to Longwall Dust Control

publication (OP) published in 1983

Fundamental Approches to Longwall Dust Control

publication (OP) published in January 1983

Fundamental investigation into the interactions and limitations of primary dust controls for continuous miners

conference proceedings item published in 1992

Guidelines for dust control in small underground coal mines

publication (IH) published in 1987

Health and safety issues related to extended longwalls

conference proceedings item published in 1991

High-pressure Water-powered Scrubbers for Continuous Miner Dust Control

publication (OP) published in 1989

Homotropal ventilation for longwall dust control

journal article published in 1985

How the Six Cleanest U.S. Longwalls Stay in Compliance

publication (OP) published in 1982

How the six cleanest U.S. longwalls stay in compliance

publication (OP) published in March 1982

How to Lower Methane Concentrations Around Longwall Shearers

publication (OP) published in 1986

How to evaluate longwall dust sources with gravimetric personal samplers

information circular published in 1982

How to improve the accuracy of coal mine dust sampling

journal article; op published in 1986

Improved Face Ventilation Lowers Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in 1984

Improved Face Ventilation Lowers Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in January 1983

Improved Face Ventilation Lowers Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in 1983

Improved Face Ventilation Techniques Reduce Quartz Levels on Continuous Mining Operations

publication (OP) published in 1989

Improved shearer-clearer system for double-drum shearers on longwall faces

report of investigations published in 1985

Improving Dust Control on Longwall Shearers

publication (OP) published in 1984

Improving Dust and Methane Control

publication (OP) published in 1987

Improving Health, Safety, and Productivity Through the Use of Machine-mounted Scrubbers

publication (OP) published in 1987

Increasing coal output will require better dust control

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Innovations in Shearer Technology

publication (OP) published in 1992

Investigation of dust sources and control technology for longwall plow operations

information circular published in 1988

Laboratory evaluation of quartz dust capture of irrigated-filter collection systems for continuous miners

report of investigations published in 1990

Longwall Dust Control. An Overview of Progress in Recent Years

publication (OP) published in 1987

Longwall Shearers Reverse Drum Rotation and Show Production and Health Benefits

publication (OP) published in 1988

Longwall cuts dust build-up

journal article published in 1982

Longwall dust control research

conference proceedings item published in 1981

Longwall dust control, a perspective view of how U.S. mine operators are coping with the problem

publication (OP) published in 1983

Longwall dust control-where we are and where we need to go in the 21st century

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Longwall dust control: an overview of progress in recent years

journal article published in 1986

Longwall dust trends and developments in longwall dust controls

conference proceedings item published in 1993

Longwall shearers gain in power and efficiency

publication published in 1993

Maintaining filters, bits can control respirable quartz dust during roof drilling

journal article published in 1987

Methane and dust controls for headgate cutouts

publication (OP) published in 1987

Methods for dust removal in roadway sections

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Methods to improve the accuracy of coal mine dust sampling

conference proceedings item published in 1985

Mine aerosol measurement

chapter published in 1993

Mine stringent dust standards--recent compliance statistics and technology for quartz dust control

publication (OP) published in 1985

Optimal spray system designs for continuous miner dust control

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Optimizing Face Ventilation and Shearer Water Consumption to Reduce Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in 1987

Optimizing continuous miner scrubbers for dust control in high coal seams

conference proceedings item published in 1992

Practical techniques for longwall dust suppression

journal article published in 1982

Precision of personal sampling of respirable dust in coal mines

report of investigations published in 1983

Reducing Longwall Tailgate Workers' Dust Exposure Utilizing Water- powered Scrubbers

publication (OP) published in 1983

Reducing dust at longwall shearers by confining the dust cloud to the face

publication (IH) published in 1981

Reducing longwall face ignitions

journal article published in 1985

Reducing longwall ignitions by lowering methane concentrations around longwall shearers

journal article published in 1986

Reducing longwall tailgate workers' dust exposure utilizing water- powered scrubbers

report of investigations published in 1983

Reducing quartz dust with flooded-bed scrubber systems on continuous miners

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Relationship of coal seam parameters and airborne respirable dust at longwalls

report of investigations published in 1992

Research allays longwall dust

journal article published in 1984

Research needs for controlling hazardous substances and toxic materials in the mining industry

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Respirable dust control in coal preparation

journal article published in 1988

Respirable dust sources and controls on continuous auger miner sections

report of investigations published in 1989

Silica collection concerns when using flooded-bed scrubbers

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Sources and characteristics of quartz dust in coal mines

information circular published in 1990

Sources and characteristics of quartz dust in coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Status of dust control technology on U.S. longwalls

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Substantial time savings achieved through computer dust analysis

journal article published in 1988

Taking the Dust Out of Longwalls

publication (OP) published in 1982

Ten Ways to Reduce Longwall Dust

publication (OP) published in 1982

Thoracic dust exposures on longwall and continuous mining sections

publication (OP) published in 1990

Update of Dust Standards Problem and Overview of Improved Control Technology for Respirable Coal Mine Dust

publication (OP) published in 1985

Update on Longwall Dust Control Research

publication (OP) published in 1992

Update on face-ventilation research for improved longwall-dust control

journal article published in 2000

Update on ventilation for longwall mine dust control

information circular published in 1993

Use lower shearer drum speeds to achieve deeper coal cutting

journal article published in 1984

Use of Instantaneous Samplers to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Respirable Dust Control Methods in Underground Mines

publication (OP) published in 1981

Using barriers to reduce dust exposure of longwall face workers

report of investigations published in 1986

Ventilated Cutting Drum for Longwall Dust Control

publication (OP) published in 1987

Ventilated Drum Controls Longwall Dust and Methane

publication (OP) published in 1987

Water Spray Systems for Reducing the Quartz Dust Exposure of the Continuous Miner Operator

publication (OP) published in 1987

Water infusion for coal mine dust control: three case studies

report of investigations published in 1987