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List of works by Shinya Yanagimachi

Analysis of Truncation Error for Dual-Mixer Time-Difference Measurement System Using Discrete Fourier Transformation

Atomic fountain clock with very high frequency stability employing a pulse-tube-cryocooled sapphire oscillator

scientific article

Autonomous cryogenic sapphire oscillators employing low vibration pulse-tube cryocoolers at NMIJ


Dark resonance in bichromatic linearly polarized optical field on Cs D 1 line

External cavity diode laser with frequency drift following natural variation in air pressure

scientific article published on June 2015

External cavity diode laser with very-low frequency drift

Generation of incoherent light from a laser diode subject to external optical injection from a superluminescent diode

scientific article

High-contrast dark resonances with linearly polarized light on the D_1 line of alkali atoms with large nuclear spin

scientific article published on 01 February 2009

Improved Frequency Measurement of the 1S0–3P0 Clock Transition in 87Sr Using a Cs Fountain Clock as a Transfer Oscillator

Measuring the frequency of a Sr optical lattice clock using a 120 km coherent optical transfer.

scientific article published in March 2009

Microwave Local Oscillator for a Cesium Frequency Standard Synthesized from a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator

Optical Frequency Synthesis From a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator Using a Fiber-Based Frequency Comb

Preliminary Evaluation of the Cesium Fountain Primary Frequency Standard NMIJ-F2

Progress of the fountain frequency standard at NMIJ in 2008

scholarly article published April 2009

Proposal of a truncated atomic beam fountain for reduction of collisional frequency shift

Recent progress of an atomic fountain frequency standard NMIJ-F1 (2006 – 2007)

Reference Signal Synthesized from a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator Improved by Power Control Servo

Short Term Frequency Stability Tests of Two Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators

Signal with Flat Phase Noise Using a Carrier and the Power Spectral Density of White Noise for Phase Noise Standards

Surface activated room-temperature bonding in Ar gas ambient for MEMS encapsulation

Uncertainty Evaluation of $-$100-dBc/Hz Flat Phase Noise Standard at 10 MHz