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List of works by Fred N. Kissell

A Computer Model Study of Methane Migration in Coalbeds

publication (OP) published in 1973

A Longwall Dust Control Expert System

publication (OP) published in 1987

A Longwall Dust Control System

publication (OP) published in 1987

A spiral sequential sampler for air and liquids--preliminary results

report of investigations published in 1976

A spray fan to deliver more air to the coal face

publication (OP) published in 1978

A statistical analysis of methane concentration fluctuations produced by incomplete mixing of methane and air at a model coal mine working face

report of investigations published in 1974

Achieving 435-2540 Tonnes a Shift from Continuous Miner Sections - a Report on America's Most Productive Mines

publication (OP) published in 1988

Air diversion and dust control system for longwall shearers

patent published in 1982

Air movement and contaminant control from water sprays

publication published in 1988

An Update of the Reduced Standards Problem and Overview of Improved Control Technology for Respirable Coal Mine Dust

publication (OP) published in 1985

An evaluation of emergency inflatable stoppings for use in metal mine fire rescue and recovery operations

report of investigations published in 1976

An in-situ diffusion parameter for the Pittsburgh and Pocahontas No. 3 coalbeds

report of investigations published in 1972

Assessing the methane hazard of gassy coals in storage silos

report of investigations published in 1981

Assessing worker safety on longwall operations during coal mine fires

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Brattice window method for measuring leakage through mine stoppings

publication (IH) published in 1977

Building stoppings in mines with large openings

information circular published in 1975

Bureau of Mines damage-resistant brattice

publication (IH) published in 1978

Bureau of Mines new stoppings designs--an update

publication (OP) published in 1981

Coal mine explosions: seasonal trends

journal article published in 1973

Concepts for controlling quartz dust exposure of coal mine workers

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Continuous miner and roof bolter dust control

chapter published in 2003

Control and Distribution of Face Air by Water Sprays on Mining Machines

publication (OP) published in 1983

Control of dust in hard rock tunnels

journal article published in 2002

Control of dust in hard-rock tunnels

chapter published in 2003

Control of methane during coal mine shaft excavation and filling

chapter published in 2006

Control of methane in coal silos

chapter published in 2006

Control of respirable dust

book or book chapter published in 2001

Correction factors for low velocity airflow measurements in mines

publication (IH) published in 1979

Cut longwall ignitions by lowering methane concentrations around longwall shearers

journal article published in 1986

Determining Face Methane Liberation Patterns During Longwall Mining

publication (OP) published in 1985

Determining face methane-liberation patterns during longwall mining

information circular published in 1985

Diffusion of methane through coal

journal article published in 1973

Dust Control Systems

publication (OP) published in 1981

Dust Control in Longwall Shearer Faces Through Air Movement by Water Sprays

publication (OP) published in 1981

Dust control in stone mines

chapter published in 2003

Dust control methods in tunnels and underground mines

chapter published in 2003

Dust control methods in tunnels and underground mines

journal article published in 2002

Dust respirators in mines and tunnels

chapter published in 2003

Effect of Coal Breakage on Methane Emission

publication (OP) published in 1974

Effect of temperature variation on internal friction in rocks

journal article published in 1972

Evaluating Those Factors That Influence Escape from Coal Mine Fires

publication (OP) published in 1990

Evaluating Ventilation Parameters of Three Coal Mine Gobs

publication (OP) published in 1988

Evaluating ventilation parameters of three coal mine gobs

information circular published in 1986

Exhaust ventilation of deep cuts using a continuous-mining machine

report of investigations published in 1985

Extended Advance Face Ventilation Systems

publication (OP) published in 1985

Face ventilation analysis by probability plotting of transformed methane concentration data

journal article published in 1983

Face ventilation measurement with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

report of investigations published in 1980

Factors affecting methane emission and their implications regarding the selection of control techniques

conference proceedings item published in 1971

Facts about methane that are important to mine safety

chapter published in 2006

Fixed-point and personal sampling of respirable dust for coal mine face workers

conference proceedings item published in 1993

Forecasting methane hazards in metal and nonmetal mines

report of investigations published in 1979

Gas and dust control

publication published in 1993

Handbook for methane control in mining

NIOSH information circular published in 2006

Hazards of underground coal mine fires

journal article published in 1993

High-pressure shrouded water sprays for dust control

report of investigations published in 1981

Historical perspective of personal dust sampling in coal mines

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2002

How U.S. longwalls are achieving the 2.0 milligram standard-past trends and future technology

publication (OP) published in 1983

How smoke hinders escape from coal mines

journal article published in 1992

How to control air contaminants during tunnel construction

information circular published in 1995

How to evaluate longwall dust sources with gravimetric personal samplers

information circular published in 1982

How to find the major dust sources

chapter published in 2003

How to improve the accuracy of coal mine dust sampling

journal article; op published in 1986

Hydraulic stimulation of a surface borehole for gob degasification

report of investigations published in 1977

Important Factors for Escaping a Mine Fire

publication (OP) published in 1990

Improved Face Ventilation Lowers Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in 1984

Improved Face Ventilation Lowers Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in January 1983

Improved Face Ventilation Lowers Longwall Dust Levels

publication (OP) published in 1983

Improved Face Ventilation by Spray Jet Systems

publication (OP) published in 1979

Improved shearer-clearer system for double-drum shearers on longwall faces

report of investigations published in 1985

Improving ventilation in underground stone mines

journal article published in 2002

Inaccuracy of area sampling for measuring the dust exposure of mining machine operators in coal mines

journal article published in 2002

Increasing coal output will require better dust control

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Insights on technology transfer from the Bureau of Mines

journal article published in 2000

Jet fan effectiveness as measured with SF6 tracer gas

report of investigations published in 1978

Longwall Dust Control. An Overview of Progress in Recent Years

publication (OP) published in 1987

Longwall Shearer Performance Using Water-jet-assisted Cutting

publication (OP) published in January 1986

Longwall Shearer Performance Using Water-jet-assisted Cutting

publication (OP) published in 1986

Longwall dust control

chapter published in 2003

Longwall dust control: an overview of progress in recent years

journal article published in 1986

Longwall gob degasification with surface ventilation boreholes above the Lower Kittanning coalbed

report of investigations published in 1976

Measuring the Methane Content of Coalbeds for Resource Evaluation

publication (OP) published in January 1975

Measuring the Methane Content of Coalbeds for Resource Evaluation

publication (OP) published in 1975

Measuring the methane content of bituminous coalbeds

report of investigations published in 1975

Methane Encountered At the Bureau of Mines Oil Shale Shaft

publication (OP) published in 1979

Methane absorption in oil shale and its potential mine hazard

report of investigations published in 1977

Methane accumulations in coal mine roof cavities

report of investigations published in 1978

Methane buildup hazards caused by dust scrubber recirculation at coal mine working faces, a preliminary estimate

report of investigation published in 1975

Methane control at continuous miner sections

chapter published in 2006

Methane control in highwall mining

chapter published in 2006

Methane control in metal/nonmetal mines

chapter published in 2006

Methane control in tunneling

publication (IH) published in 1989

Methane diffusion parameters for sized coal particles. A measuring apparatus and some preliminary results

report of investigations published in 1972

Methane emissions from gassy coals in storage silos

report of investigations published in 1978

Methane migration characteristics of the Pocahontas No. 3 coalbeds

report of investigations published in 1972

Methods for controlling explosion risk at coal mine working faces

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Methods to improve the accuracy of coal mine dust sampling

conference proceedings item published in 1985

Modify spray heads to reduce the dust roll-back on miners

journal article published in 1984

New Developments in Mine Ventilation

publication (OP) published in 1982

New Ventilation Stoppings for Metal and Nonmetal Mines

publication (OP) published in 1979

New laboratory measurement method for water spray dust control effectiveness

journal article published in 1985

New methods for more efficient use of ventilation air

conference proceedings item published in 1979

Parachute-type Stoppings - USBM Develops Different Designs for Day- to-day and Emergency Ventilation Control

publication (OP) published in 1979

Peak methane concentrations during coal mining, an analysis

report of investigations published in 1974

Performance of a light-scattering dust monitor in underground mines

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Performance of a light-scattering dust monitor in underground mines

journal article published in 2007

Potential Hazards of Methane Gas in Oil Shale Mines

publication (OP) published in 1975

Practical techniques for longwall dust suppression

journal article published in 1982

Preventing methane gas explosions during tunnel construction

chapter published in 2006

Preventing methane ignitions at longwall faces

chapter published in 2006

Quick-fix blowout stoppings for hardrock mines

publication (IH) published in 1976

Ranking factors impacting survival during coal mine fires

journal article published in 1993

Recent experience with the spray fan

conference proceedings item published in 1980

Reducing dust at longwall shearers by confining the dust cloud to the face

publication (IH) published in 1981

Reducing longwall ignitions by lowering methane concentrations around longwall shearers

journal article published in 1986

Replacing brattice cloth at coal faces with air curtains and diffuser fans. A preliminary study

report of investigations published in 1975

Research and development

journal article published in 1987

Sampling for methane in mines and tunnels

chapter published in 2006

Self-sealing brattice for coal mine rescue and recovery

publication (IH) published in 1976

Sideboard device for improved face ventilation in coal mines

publication (IH) published in 1979

Silica dust control in hard rock tunnels

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Some New Approaches to Improved Ventilation of the Working Face

publication (OP) published in 1976

Some continuous sections can cut more than 1,000 tons per unit shift

journal article published in 1987

Some new developments in mine ventilation from the U.S. Bureau of Mines

publication (OP) published in 1978

State of the art in monitoring respirable mine aerosols

conference proceedings item published in July 2005

State of the art in monitoring respirable mine aerosols

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Surface mine dust control

chapter published in 2003

Taking the Dust Out of Longwalls

publication (OP) published in 1982

Ten Ways to Reduce Longwall Dust

publication (OP) published in 1982

Test report on the machine-mounted continuous respirable dust monitor

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

The direct method of determining methane content of coalbeds for ventilation design

report of investigations published in 1973

The effect of an insertion lubricant on the noise attenuation of foam earplugs

conference proceedings item published in 2008

The methane migration and storage characteristics of the Pittsburgh, Pocahontas No. 3, and Oklahoma Hartshorne coalbeds

report of investigations published in 1972

The parachute stopping--preliminary experiments

publication (IH) published in 1975

Three Expert Systems Which Give Advice on Coal Mine Methane and Dust Control

publication (OP) published in 1988

Three coal mine gob degasification studies using surface boreholes and a bleeder system

report of investigations published in 1980

Three coal mine ventilation studies using sulfur hexafluoride tracer gas

report of investigations published in 1976

Tracer gas as an aid in mine ventilation analysis

report of investigations published in 1974

Tracer gas methods for measuring leakage through mine stoppings

report of investigations published in 1978

Two-phase flow in coalbeds

report of investigations published in 1975

USBM develops damage-resistant brattice

publication (OP) published in 1978

Underground hard-rock dust control

chapter published in 2003

Update of Dust Standards Problem and Overview of Improved Control Technology for Respirable Coal Mine Dust

publication (OP) published in 1985

Update on continuous miner dust scrubber applications

journal article published in 1990

Update on the development of person-wearable dust monitors

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Using Confirming Events to Detect Coal Mine Fires More


Using inflatable stoppings during production in noncoal mines

report of investigations published in 1976

Using sulfur hexafluoride as a gaseous tracer to study ventilation systems in mines

report of investigations published in 1974

Using sulphur hexafluoride tracer gas for mine ventilation analysis

journal article published in 1975

Ventilation Monitoring Instrumentation. Ch. 5 in Underground Mining Methods Handbook

publication (OP) published in 1982

Ventilation System for Automated Mining Machines

patent published in 1980

Ventilation eddy zones at a model coal mine working face

report of investigations published in 1974

Water spray vent tube cooler for hot stopes--a preliminary report

publication (IH) published in 1979

Water-jet-assist for rock cutting

journal article published in 1986

Window Method for Measuring Leakage

patent published in 1977