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List of works by Miryam Bar-Matthews

A high resolution and continuous isotopic speleothem record of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from 90 to 53 ka from Pinnacle Point on the south coast of South Africa

scholarly article

A high spatial resolution δ18O profile of a speleothem using an ion-microprobe

scholarly article

A new research strategy for integrating studies of paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and paleoanthropology

scientific article published in March 2015

Accounting for kinetic isotope effects in Soreq Cave (Israel) speleothems

scientific article

Ancient Environment and Human Interaction at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath

scientific article published in 2017

Anoxic development of sapropel S1 in the Nile Fan inferred from redox sensitive proxies, Fe speciation, Fe and Mo isotopes

scholarly article

Archaeological horizons and fluvial processes at the Lower Paleolithic open-air site of Revadim (Israel).

scientific article

Authenticity examination of the inscription on the ossuary attributed to James, brother of Jesus

Broken speleothems reveal Holocene and Late Pleistocene paleoearthquakes in Northern Calabria, Italy

scientific article published in September 2017

Carbon and oxygen isotope study of the active water-carbonate system in a karstic Mediterranean cave: Implications for paleoclimate research in semiarid regions

scholarly article

Climate deterioration in the Eastern Mediterranean as revealed by ion microprobe analysis of a speleothem that grew from 2.2 to 0.9 ka in Soreq Cave, Israel

scholarly article by Ian J. Orland et al published January 2009 in Quaternary Research

Climate stability and societal decline on the margins of the Byzantine empire in the Negev Desert

scientific article published on 30 January 2020

Climatic and environmental conditions in the Western Galilee, during Late Middle and Upper Paleolithic periods, based on speleothems from Manot Cave, Israel

scientific article published on 15 June 2019

Climatic changes and social transformations in the Near East and North Africa during the ‘long’ 4th millennium BC: A comparative study of environmental and archaeological evidence


Climatic variability during the last ∼90ka of the southern and northern Levantine Basin as evident from marine records and speleothems

scholarly article

Comparison of climate and environment on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain to the Little Karoo (South Africa) in Marine Isotope Stages 5–3 as indicated by speleothems

scientific article

Constraints on hydrological and paleotemperature variations in the Eastern Mediterranean region in the last 140ka given by the δD values of speleothem fluid inclusions

scholarly article

Corrigendum to “Comparison of climate and environment on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain to the Little Karoo (South Africa) in Marine Isotope Stage 5–3 as indicated by speleothems” [Quat. Sci.Rev. 235 (2020) 105803]

scientific article published in 2021

Corrigendum to “Late Pleistocene palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Dead Sea area (Israel), based on speleothems and cave stromatolites” [Quat. Sci. Rev. 29 (2010) 1201–1211]

scientific article published in April 2013

Corrigendum to “Middle-Late Quaternary paleoclimate of northern margins of the Saharan-Arabian Desert: reconstruction from speleothems of Negev Desert, Israel” [Quat. Sci. Rev. 29 (2010), 2647–2662]

scientific article published in April 2013

D/H ratios of fluid inclusions of Soreq cave (Israel) speleothems as a guide to the Eastern Mediterranean Meteoric Line relationships in the last 120 ky

scholarly article

Dating large infrequent earthquakes by damaged cave deposits

scholarly article by Elisa J. Kagan et al published 2005 in Geology

Desert speleothems reveal climatic window for African exodus of early modern humans


Early human use of marine resources and pigment in South Africa during the Middle Pleistocene

scientific article published on 18 October 2007

Evidence for a humid interval at ∼56-44 ka in the Levant and its potential link to modern humans dispersal out of Africa


Fluid speciation controls of low temperature copper isotope fractionation applied to the Kupferschiefer and Timna ore deposits

scholarly article

Glacial/interglacial temperature variations in Soreq cave speleothems as recorded by ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry

scientific article

Global climate instability reflected by Eastern Mediterranean marine records during the late Holocene

scholarly article

Gravitational deformations and fillings of aging caves: The example of Qesem karst system, Israel

scholarly article by Amos Frumkin et al published May 2009 in Geomorphology

Holocene wet episodes recorded by magnetic minerals in stalagmites from Soreq Cave, Israel

scientific article published on 22 November 2021

In-situ dating of ancient quarries and the source of flowstone (‘calcite-alabaster’) artifacts in the southern Levant

Last Glacial warm events on Mount Hermon: the southern extension of the Alpine karst range of the east Mediterranean

scholarly article

Late Pleistocene palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Dead Sea area (Israel), based on speleothems and cave stromatolites

scholarly article

Late Pleistocene records of speleothem stable isotopic compositions from Pinnacle Point on the South African south coast


Late Quaternary Paleoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region from Stable Isotope Analysis of Speleothems at Soreq Cave, Israel


Levantine cranium from Manot Cave (Israel) foreshadows the first European modern humans

scientific article

Mid-Holocene climate variations revealed by high-resolution speleothem records from Soreq Cave, Israel and their correlation with cultural changes

Middle and Late Pleistocene paleoscape modeling along the southern coast of South Africa


Middle-Late Quaternary paleoclimate of northern margins of the Saharan-Arabian Desert: reconstruction from speleothems of Negev Desert, Israel

scholarly article

Paleoanthropologically significant South African sea caves dated to 1.1–1.0 million years using a combination of U–Pb, TT-OSL and palaeomagnetism

scholarly article by Robyn Pickering et al published April 2013 in Quaternary Science Reviews

Paleoclimatology of the Levant from Zalmon Cave speleothems, the northern Jordan Valley, Israel

scientific article published in September 2019

Petrography, strontium, barium and uranium concentrations, and strontium and uranium isotope ratios in speleothems as palaeoclimatic proxies: Soreq Cave, Israel

scholarly article

Pliocene–Pleistocene palaeoclimate reconstruction from Ashalim Cave speleothems, Negev Desert, Israel

scientific article published on 15 December 2017

Resolving seasonal rainfall changes in the Middle East during the last interglacial period

scientific article published on 25 November 2019

Response to Comment on "The earliest modern humans outside Africa"

scientific article published in Science

Seasonal climate signals (1990–2008) in a modern Soreq Cave stalagmite as revealed by high-resolution geochemical analysis

scientific article

Seasonal resolution of Eastern Mediterranean climate change since 34ka from a Soreq Cave speleothem

scholarly article

Sea–land oxygen isotopic relationships from planktonic foraminifera and speleothems in the Eastern Mediterranean region and their implication for paleorainfall during interglacial intervals

scholarly article

Stable isotopic compositions of waters in the karst environments of China: Climatic implications


Stromatolites in caves of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment: implications to latest Pleistocene lake levels and tectonic subsidence

scholarly article

The Eastern Mediterranean paleoclimate as a reflection of regional events: Soreq cave, Israel

scholarly article

The earliest modern humans outside Africa.

scientific article

The stratigraphy of the Middle Stone Age sediments at Pinnacle Point Cave 13B (Mossel Bay, Western Cape Province, South Africa).

scientific article published in September 2010

Timing and hydrological conditions of Sapropel events in the Eastern Mediterranean, as evident from speleothems, Soreq cave, Israel

scholarly article

Timing and mechanism of late-Pleistocene calcite vein formation across the Dead Sea Fault Zone, northern Israel

scholarly article by Perach Nuriel et al published March 2012 in Journal of Structural Geology

Use of 230Th/U ages of striated carnotites for dating fault displacements

scientific article