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List of works by Ívar Örn Benediktsson

A pre-LGM sandur at Fiskarheden in NW Dalarna, central Sweden - sedimentology and glaciotectonic deformation

scholarly article by Anne-Cécile Flindt et al published 11 January 2018 in Boreas

Active drumlin field revealed at the margin of Múlajökull, Iceland: A surge-type glacier

scholarly article by Mark D. Johnson et al published October 2010 in Geology

Architecture and structural evolution of an early Little Ice Age terminal moraine at the surge-type glacier Múlajökull, Iceland

scholarly article

Climatic control of the surge periodicity of an Icelandic outlet glacier

scholarly article

Formation of submarginal and proglacial end moraines: implications of ice-flow mechanism during the 1963-64 surge of Brúarjökull, Iceland

scientific article

Glacial geological studies of surge-type glaciers in Iceland — Research status and future challenges

scholarly article

Glacial geomorphological mapping: A review of approaches and frameworks for best practice

scholarly article

Glacial history and palaeo-environmental change of southern Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia, during the Middle and Late Pleistocene

Ice-Marginal Environments: Geomorphic and Structural Genesis of Marginal Moraines at Mýrdalsjökull

scholarly article

Instantaneous end moraine and sediment wedge formation during the 1890 glacier surge of Brúarjökull, Iceland

scholarly article

Progressive formation of modern drumlins at Múlajökull, Iceland: stratigraphical and morphological evidence


Spatial distribution of erosion and deposition during a glacier surge: Brúarjökull, Iceland

scholarly article by Niels Jakup Korsgaard et al published December 2015 in Geomorphology

Subglacial decoupling at the sediment/bedrock interface: a new mechanism for rapid flowing ice

scientific article

Submarginal drumlin formation and late Holocene history of Fláajökull, southeast Iceland

The Eyjabakkajökull glacial landsystem, Iceland: Geomorphic impact of multiple surges

scientific article

The drumlin field and the geomorphology of the Múlajökull surge-type glacier, central Iceland

scholarly article