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List of works by Marcia G Ory

A Cross-Sectional Examination of Patients' Perspectives About Their Pain, Pain Management, and Satisfaction with Pain Treatment

scientific article published on 01 February 2020

A Multi-Level, Mobile-Enabled Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Older Adults in the Primary Care Setting (iCanFit 2.0): Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on 12 September 2017

A pilot walking program for Mexican-American women living in colonias at the border

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

A proposal for a new screening paradigm and tool called Exercise Assessment and Screening for You (EASY).

scientific article

A qualitative case study examining intervention tailoring for minorities

scientific article

A systematic review of special events to promote breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening in the United States

scientific article

Accessing physical activity among young adults attending a university: the role of sex, race/ethnicity, technology use, and sleep.

scientific article published on 18 September 2017

Active commuting to school: a test of a modified integrative model

scientific article published on November 2014

Active for life: final results from the translation of two physical activity programs

scientific article published in October 2008

Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship Educational Programming: A Qualitative Evaluation

scientific article

Adoption, reach, implementation, and maintenance of a behavioral and mental health assessment in primary care

scientific article

Advanced Practice Nurses' Perspectives on the Use of Health Optimization Strategies for Managing Chronic Disease Among Older Adults in Different Care Settings: Pushing the Boundaries of Self-Management Programs

scientific article published on November 4, 2011

Advanced practice nurses and program evaluation: Can solicitation of an e-mail address lead to longitudinal selection bias?

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

Anatomy of culturally sensitive interventions promoting nutrition and exercise in hispanics: a critical examination of existing literature

scientific article published on 04 February 2009

Apps seeking theories: results of a study on the use of health behavior change theories in cancer survivorship mobile apps

scientific article published on 27 March 2015

Assessing Costs and Potential Returns of Evidence-Based Programs for Seniors

scientific article published on December 30, 2010

Assessing Diabetes and Factors Associated with Foregoing Medical Care among Persons with Diabetes: Disparities Facing American Indian/Alaska Native, Black, Hispanic, Low Income, and Southern Adults in the U.S. (2011-2015).

scientific article

Assessing diabetes practices in clinical settings: precursor to building community partnerships around disease management

scientific article published in December 2009

Assessing healthful eating among community dwelling rural older adults using self-reported fruit and vegetable consumption via a community-wide mail-out health status assessment

scientific article published on 01 January 2005

Association between Recent Falls and Changes in Outdoor Environments near Community-Dwelling Older Adults' Homes over Time: Findings from the NHATS Study

scientific article published on 04 September 2019

Associations Between Health Care Factors and Self-Reported Health Status Among Individuals with Diabetes: Results from a Community Assessment

scientific article published on April 1, 2011

Attitudes, Beliefs, and Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence Among Adults Aged 65 or Older With Chronic Diseases

BMI and lifestyle changes as correlates to changes in self-reported diagnosis of hypertension among older Chinese adults

scientific article published on 26 January 2011

Barriers to health care among Bell County residents with health insurance medical aid.

scientific article published in August 2013

Behavioral and mental health risk factor profiles among diverse primary care patients.

scientific article published on 22 December 2017

Behavioral and technological interventions targeting glycemic control in a racially/ethnically diverse population: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Beyond screening: tailoring physical activity options with the EASY tool

scientific article published on June 2012

Bridging Research and Policy to Address Childhood Obesity Among Border Hispanics

scientific article (publication date: March 2013)

C-B4-04: Underuse of Aspirin in Women for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Events.

scientific article published in December 2010

C-C3-03: Indicators of Lifetime and Annual Mammography Screening in the Brazos Valley.

scientific article

Can an Internet-based health risk assessment highlight problems of heart disease risk factor awareness? A cross-sectional analysis

scientific article

Can chronic disease management programs for patients with type 2 diabetes reduce productivity-related indirect costs of the disease? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Cancer prevention among adults aged 45-64 years: setting the stage

scientific article

Challenges and opportunities for implementing diabetes self-management guidelines.

scientific article published in January 2013

Challenging aging stereotypesStrategies for creating a more active society

scientific article published on October 1, 2003

Change in health-related quality of life over the menopausal transition in a multiethnic cohort of middle-aged women: Study of Women's Health Across the Nation

scientific article published on September 2009

Changes in physical functioning in the Active Living Every Day program of the Active for Life Initiative®

scientific article published on 01 September 2011

Changes in quality of life indicators among Chronic Disease Self-Management Program participants: an examination by race and ethnicity

scientific article

Changing behavior throughout the life-course: Translating the success of aging research

scientific article published on June 2012

Changing organizational culture: using the CEO cancer gold standard policy initiatives to promote health and wellness at a school of public health

scientific article

Characteristics Associated with HPV Diagnosis and Perceived Risk for Cervical Cancer Among Unmarried, Sexually Active College Women

scientific article published on 28 November 2016

Characterizing evolving frameworks: issues from Esmail et al. (2020) review

scientific article published on 02 July 2020

Children's active commuting to school: an interplay of self-efficacy, social economic disadvantage, and environmental characteristics

scientific article

Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Program Delivery and Attendance among Urban-Dwelling African Americans

scientific article published on January 2014

Chronic disease self-management education courses: utilization by low-income, middle-aged participants.

scientific article

Chronic disease self-management program in the workplace: opportunities for health improvement

scientific article published on January 2014

College Students' Perceived Disease Risk Versus Actual Prevalence Rates

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

Commentary: Public Health System Perspective on Implementation of Evidence-Based Fall-Prevention Strategies for Older Adults

scientific article

Commentary: Working toward a Multi-Program Strategy in Fall Prevention

scientific article published on 13 February 2017

Community Case Study Article Type: Criteria for Submission and Peer Review

scientific article published on 14 April 2016

Complexities of fall prevention in clinical settings: a commentary

scientific article

Concordance between Self-Reports and Medicare Claims among Participants in a National Study of Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

scientific article

Conducting rapid, relevant research: lessons learned from the My Own Health Report project

scientific article

Confronting the diabetes disparity: a look at diabetes, nutrition, and physical activity programs in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

scientific article published on 19 December 2008

Correlates of CVD and discussing sexual issues with physicians among male military veterans

scientific article published on 8 August 2016

Correlates of Family Health History Discussions Between College Students and Physicians: Does Family Cancer History Make a Difference?

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

Correlates of Receiving a Recommendation for More Physical Activity From a Primary Care Provider.

scientific article

Correlates of chronic disease and patient–provider discussions among middle-aged and older adult males: Implications for successful aging and sexuality

scientific article published on December 28, 2011

Correlates of initiating colorectal cancer screening beginning at age 50.

scientific article

Correlates of sexual function among multi-ethnic middle-aged women: results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN)


Correlates of sexual function among multi-ethnic middle-aged women: results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN).

scientific article published on 21 July 2005

Correlates of volunteering among aging Texans: The roles of health indicators, spirituality, and social engagement

scientific article published on May 20, 2011

Cost of fall-related hospitalizations among older adults: environmental comparisons from the 2011 Texas hospital inpatient discharge data.

scientific article

Cost-Effectiveness of a Community Exercise and Nutrition Program for Older Adults: Texercise Select

scientific article

Cost-effectiveness of the chronic disease self-management program: implications for community-based organizations.

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Creating a tipping point: Texas obesity policy actions in review, 2000-2010.

scientific article published on January 2013

Delivery of Fall Prevention Interventions for At-Risk Older Adults in Rural Areas: Findings from a National Dissemination

scientific article published on 10 December 2018

Dementia caregiver intervention research: in search of clinical significance

scientific article

Depressive symptomology management and falls among middle aged and older adults

scientific article published on 20 March 2015

Designing a valid randomized pragmatic primary care implementation trial: the my own health report (MOHR) project

scientific article published on 25 June 2013

Designing iCanFit: A Mobile-Enabled Web Application to Promote Physical Activity for Older Cancer Survivors

scientific article published on February 14, 2013

Determinants of Walking among Middle-Aged and Older Overweight and Obese Adults: Sociodemographic, Health, and Built Environmental Factors.

scientific article

Determinants of self-management strategies to reduce out-of-pocket prescription medication expense in homebound older people

scientific article published on 01 April 2005

Determinants of variations in self-reported barriers to colonoscopy among uninsured patients in a primary care setting.

scientific article

Developing an evidence-based fall prevention curriculum for community health workers

scientific article published on January 2014

Diabetes Education Kiosks in a Latino Community

scientific article published on February 22, 2013

Diabetes Screening and Prevention in a High-Risk, Medically Isolated Border Community

scientific article

Difference in the risk of depressive symptoms associated with physical activity in persons with diabetes: Across age, gender, and race/ethnicity

scientific article published on 19 March 2020

Disparities in Surgical Treatment of Early-Stage Breast Cancer Among Female Residents of Texas: The Role of Racial Residential Segregation.

scientific article published on 19 October 2016

Disparities in diabetes management by race or ethnicity in a primary care clinic in central Texas

scientific article published on November 1, 2010

Disparities of food availability and affordability within convenience stores in Bexar County, Texas

scientific article published on July 2013

Disseminating the Otago Exercise Program in the United States

scientific article published on 27 October 2016

Dissemination of Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Programs in the United States: Intervention Delivery by Rurality.

scientific article

Does Parents' Social Cohesion Influence Their Perception of Neighborhood Safety and Their Children's Active Commuting to and From School?

scientific article published on 30 August 2016

Double strain of severe obesity and depression on perception of increased diabetes burden among homebound older women

scientific article published on 01 January 2006


scholarly article in Innovation in Aging, vol. 3, Suppl 1, November 2019

Editorial: Evidence-Based Practices to Reduce Falls and Fall-Related Injuries Among Older Adults


Effect of Study Design and Survey Instrument to Identify the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Physical Activity in Type 2 Diabetes, 2000-2018: A Systematic Review

scientific article published on 24 December 2019

Effect of multicomponent interventions on caregiver burden and depression: The REACH multisite initiative at 6-month follow-up

scientific article published on September 1, 2003

Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Intervention on Social Support, Self-Efficacy, and Physical Activity among Older Adults: Evaluation of Texercise Select

scientific article published on 30 January 2018

Effectiveness of a generic chronic disease self-management program for people with type 2 diabetes: a translation study

scientific article published on 19 June 2013

Effects of Sequential Participation in Evidence-Based Health and Wellness Programs Among Older Adults

scientific article published on 01 June 2018

Effects of an Evidence-Based Falls Risk-Reduction Program on Physical Activity and Falls Efficacy among Oldest-Old Adults

scientific article published on January 2014

Effects of chronic disease self-management programs for participants with higher depression scores: secondary analyses of an on-line and a small-group program

scientific article

Effects of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program on medication adherence among older adults

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Efficacy of a Mobile-Enabled Web App (iCanFit) in Promoting Physical Activity Among Older Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study

scientific article published on 26 June 2015

Emerging Issues of Intelligent Assistive Technology Use Among People With Dementia and Their Caregivers: A U.S. Perspective

scientific article published on 21 May 2020

Engaging the Underrepresented Sex: Male Participation in Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Programs.

scientific article

Ethnic and health correlates of diabetes-related amputations at the Texas-Mexico border

scientific article published on September 1, 2010

Ethnic differences in past hysterectomy for benign conditions

scientific article published in July 2005

Evaluating the Influence of the Revised Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Food Allocation Package on Healthy Food Availability, Accessibility, and Affordability in Texas.

scientific article A Toolkit to Support Evidence-Based Programming for Seniors

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Examination of sustainability indicators for fall prevention strategies in three states

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

Examining the Role of Income Inequality and Neighborhood Walkability on Obesity and Physical Activity among Low-Income Hispanic Adults.

scientific article

Expanding Access to Colorectal Cancer Screening: Benchmarking Quality Indicators in a Primary Care Colonoscopy Program

scientific article published on January 2015

Exploring sexual behaviors and health communication among older women

scientific article published on 11 May 2017

Extending cancer prevention to improve fruit and vegetable consumption

scientific article

Factors Affecting Acceptability and Usability of Technological Approaches to Diabetes Self-Management: A Case Study

scientific article published on September 26, 2012

Factors Associated With Injurious Falls in Residential Care Facilities.

scientific article

Factors Associated With Tobacco Smoking Practices Among Middle-Aged and Older Women in Texas

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

Factors Associated with College Students' Intentions to Vaccinate Their Daughters Against HPV: Protecting the Next Generation

scientific article published on 4 May 2016

Factors Associated with Pain Frequency among Adults with Chronic Conditions

scientific article

Factors Associated with Successful Completion of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program among Middle-Aged and Older Asian-American Participants: A National Study.

scientific article published on January 2014

Factors Associated with Women's Chronic Disease Management: Associations of Healthcare Frustrations, Physician Support, and Self-Care Needs

scientific article published on 02 October 2013

Factors Influencing Health Care Utilization in Older Hispanics with Diabetes along the Texas-Mexico Border

scientific article published on February 7, 2012

Factors associated with ADL and IADL dependency among Korean centenarians: reaching the 100-year-old life transition

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

Factors associated with Hispanic adults attending spanish-language disease self-management program workshops and workshop completion

scientific article published on January 2014

Factors associated with ageist attitudes among college students.

scientific article

Factors associated with healthcare-related frustrations among adults with chronic conditions

scientific article published on 6 January 2017

Factors associated with successful completion of the chronic disease self-management program by adults with type 2 diabetes

scientific article published on 01 April 2013

Fall prevention in community settings: results from implementing stepping on in three States

scientific article published on January 2014

Fall prevention in community settings: results from implementing tai chi: moving for better balance in three States

scientific article published on January 2014

Falls efficacy among older adults enrolled in an evidence-based program to reduce fall-related risk: sustainability of individual benefits over time

scientific article published in July 2012

Fear of Outdoor Falling Among Community-Dwelling Middle-Aged and Older Adults: The Role of Neighborhood Environments

scientific article

Food-shopping environment disparities in Texas WIC vendors: a pilot study.

scientific article published on September 2014

Forward: Contextualizing rurality for family and community health research

scientific article published on 01 April 2011

Frequency and prioritization of patient health risks from a structured health risk assessment

scientific article


scholarly article in Innovation in Aging, vol. 3, Suppl 1, November 2019

Gait Speed among Older Participants Enrolled in an Evidence-Based Fall Risk Reduction Program: A Subgroup Analysis

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Geographic variations in access and utilization of cancer screening services: examining disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native Elders

scientific article

Geospatial distribution of fall-related hospitalization incidence in Texas.

scientific article published on 7 February 2015

HPV Vaccination Status and Mandate Support for School-Aged Adolescents Among College Females

scientific article published on 28 July 2016

Health and Health Care Utilization among Obese and Diabetic Baby Boomers and Older Adults

scientific article published on 01 November 2012

Health indicators associated with falls among middle-aged and older women enrolled in an evidence-based program

scientific article published on 28 October 2014

Health-related quality of life among Mexican Americans living in colonias at the Texas-Mexico border

scientific article published on 7 February 2008

Health-related quality of life in a multiethnic sample of middle-aged women: Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN).

scientific article published in November 2003

Healthcare cost savings estimator tool for chronic disease self-management program: a new tool for program administrators and decision makers

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Healthcare providers' perceptions and self-reported fall prevention practices: findings from a large new york health system

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Hypercholesterolemia in youth: opportunities and obstacles to prevent premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

scientific article

Hypertension Awareness and Associated Factors among Older Chinese Adults

scientific article published on 06 December 2013

Impact of Diabetes Self-Management Education on Psychological Distress and Health Outcomes Among African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos With Diabetes

scientific article published on 01 November 2019

Impact of a Behavioral Intervention on Diet, Eating Patterns, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support

scientific article published on 17 September 2019

Impact of a Gardening and Physical Activity Intervention in Title 1 Schools: The TGEG Study

scientific article published on 01 August 2020

Impact of chronic disease self-management programs on type 2 diabetes management in primary care

scientific article

Impact of complementary and alternative medicine offerings on cancer patients' emotional health and ability to self-manage health conditions

scientific article published on 16 January 2019

Impact of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network: Accelerating the Translation of Research Into Practice

scientific article published in March 2017

Implementation of a diabetes education kiosk in a low-income clinical setting: a community implementation process

scientific article

Implementing a Diabetes Education Program to Reduce Health Disparities in South Texas: Application of the RE-AIM Framework for Planning and Evaluation

scientific article published on 30 August 2020

Implementing and disseminating an evidence-based program to prevent falls in older adults, Texas, 2007-2009

scientific article published on October 15, 2010

Improvements in sleep problems among the chronic disease self-management program participants

scientific article published in October 2014

Improving diabetes self-care with a PDA in ambulatory care

scientific article

Incorporating PDA use in diabetes self-care: a central Texas Primary Care Research Network (CenTexNet) study

scientific article

Increasing the Availability of Physical Activity Programs for Older Adults: Lessons Learned From Texercise Stakeholders

scientific article published on 18 May 2015

Increasing uptake of Gardasil among American adolescents: comparisons with the history of Hepatitis B vaccination

scientific article published on February 2011

Internet-Based Resources for Disease Self-Care Among Middle-Aged and Older Women with Chronic Conditions

scientific article

Intervention taxonomy (ITAX): describing essential features of interventions

scientific article

Introduction to the special section on Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH).

scientific article published on September 2003

Levels and correlates of exercise in a border mexican american population

scientific article published on 01 March 2007

Leveraging Administrative Data for Program Evaluations: A Method for Linking Data Sets Without Unique Identifiers

scientific article

Lifestyle discussions during doctor-older patient interactions: the role of time in the medical encounter

scientific article published on 04 December 2007

Linking evidence-based program participant data with medicare data: the consenting process and correlates of retrospective participant consents

scientific article published on January 2014

Longitudinal changes in sexual functioning as women transition through menopause: results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation

scientific article

Maintenance of change in the Active-for-Life initiative

scientific article published on 01 December 2009

Measurement of leisure time satisfaction in family caregivers

scientific article published in September 2004

Measuring physical activity in older adults: use of the Community Health Activities Model Program for Seniors Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Yale Physical Activity Survey in three behavior change consortium studies

scientific article published on 14 January 2008

Measuring success: evaluation article types for the public health education and promotion section of frontiers in public health

scientific article

Medical Students and Childhood Obesity: Health Disparity and Implication for Education

scientific article published on 19 July 2019

Meeting the challenge of cancer survivorship in public health: results from the evaluation of the chronic disease self-management program for cancer survivors

scientific article published on January 2014

Meeting the geriatric workforce shortage for long-term care: opinions from the field.

scientific article published in October 2013

Methods for streamlining intervention fidelity checklists: an example from the chronic disease self-management program.

scientific article published on January 2014

Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes: perspectives on definitions, motivators, and programs of physical activity.

scientific article published on 15 March 2007

Mexican-American children's perspectives: neighborhood characteristics and physical activity in Texas-Mexico border colonias

scientific article published on October 2013

Motivations, Barriers, and Behaviors Related to Obtaining and Discussing Family Health History: A Sex-Based Comparison Among Young Adults

scientific article

Multilevel Comparisons of Hospital Discharge among Older Adults with a Fall-Related Hospitalization

scientific article published on 31 August 2017

National Working Group on the RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Goals, Resources, and Future Directions

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

National dissemination of chronic disease self-management education programs: an incremental examination of delivery characteristics

scientific article published on January 2014

National dissemination of multiple evidence-based disease prevention programs: reach to vulnerable older adults

scientific article published on January 2014

National study of chronic disease self-management: 6-month and 12-month findings among cancer survivors and non-cancer survivors

scientific article

National study of chronic disease self-management: age comparison of outcome findings

scientific article published in October 2014

National study of chronic disease self-management: six-month outcome findings

scientific article published in October 2013

Neighborhood Walking Among Overweight and Obese Adults: Age Variations in Barriers and Motivators

scientific article published on February 1, 2013

Neighborhood influences on physical activity in middle-aged and older adults: a multilevel perspective.

scientific article

Neighborhood safety factors associated with older adults' health-related outcomes: A systematic literature review

scientific article

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Needs of Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Rural-Urban Comparison in Delaware, USA.

scientific article published on 10 February 2017

Obesity and perceived severity of obstructive sleep apnea-related conditions

scientific article published in October 2014

Older Women in a State-Wide, Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Program: Who Enrolls and What Benefits Are Obtained?

scientific article published on November 1, 2010

Older adults' participation in a community-based falls prevention exercise program: relationships between the EASY tool, program attendance, and health outcomes

scientific article published on 12 September 2011

Older adults' perspectives on screening prior to initiating an exercise program

scientific article published on September 2005

Otago Exercise Program in the United States: Comparison of 2 Implementation Models

scientific article published on February 2017

Outcomes of online support and resources for cancer survivors: A systematic literature review

scientific article published on July 27, 2011

PS1-02: Factors Associated with Medication Adherence and Emergency Room Visits in the Brazos Valley.

scientific article published in December 2010

Parental safety concerns and active school commute: correlates across multiple domains in the home-to-school journey.

scientific article published on 06 March 2014

Patient–physician discussion of physical activity and environmental barriers

scientific article published on July 22, 2011

Patterns of therapeutic prescription medication category use among community-dwelling homebound older adults

scientific article

People living in disadvantaged areas faced greater challenges in staying active and using recreational facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

scientific article published on 17 April 2022

Perceived Utility of the RE-AIM Framework for Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Initiatives for Older Adults: A Case Study from the U.S. Evidence-Based Disease Prevention Initiative

scientific article published on January 2014

Perceived barriers to children's active commuting to school: a systematic review of empirical, methodological and theoretical evidence

scientific article

Perceived risk of developing diabetes in early adulthood: beliefs about inherited and behavioral risk factors across the life course

scientific article published on June 27, 2011

Perceived risks of transit use during COVID-19: Correlates and strategies from a case study in El Paso, Texas

scientific article published in 2022

Perceptions about community applications of RE-AIM in the promotion of evidence-based programs for older adults

scientific article published on 11 July 2014

Personal and Cultural Influences on Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors Among Older Hispanics Born in the U.S. and Mexico

scientific article published on December 1, 2012

Personal and delivery site characteristics associated with intervention dosage in an evidence-based fall risk reduction program for older adults

scientific article published on June 2012

Physical activity and associated medical cost savings among at-risk older adults participating a community-based health & wellness program.

scientific article published on 12 June 2018

Physician Recommendation of Diabetes Clinical Protocols

scientific article published on 01 January 2016

Physician discussion about social activities in primary care encounters with older adults

scientific article

Physicians’ Discussions About Body Weight, Healthy Diet, and Physical Activity With Overweight or Obese Elderly Patients

scientific article published on August 22, 2012

Physiologic markers of chronic stress in premenopausal, middle-aged women

scientific article published in May 2002

Practical and relevant self-report measures of patient health behaviors for primary care research

scientific article

Predictors of Body Mass Index among Low-Income Community-Dwelling Older Adults

scientific article published on November 1, 2011

Predictors of increased physical activity in the Active for Life program.

scientific article published on 15 December 2008

Prevalence and correlates of doctor-geriatric patient lifestyle discussions: analysis of ADEPT videotapes.

scientific article published on 9 August 2006

Primary care physicians' perceptions of diabetes treatment protocols

Programmatic influences on outcomes of an evidence-based fall prevention program for older adults: a translational assessment

scientific article published on September 2011

Programs and Place: Risk and Asset Mapping for Fall Prevention.

scientific article published on 16 March 2017

Promoting public health through state cancer control plans: a review of capacity and sustainability

scientific article

Protective and Risk Factors for 5-Year Survival in the Oldest Veterans: Data from the Veterans Health Administration

scientific article

Protective and Risk Factors for Physical Activity and Falls Among Oldest-Old Adults Enrolled in an Evidence-Based Fall Risk Reduction Program

journal article; published in Activities, Adaptation & Aging in 2016

Provision of counseling on diabetes self-management: are there any age disparities?

scientific article

Psychosocial and Cognitive Health Differences by Caregiver Status Among Older Mexican Americans

scientific article published on February 7, 2012

Psychotropic medication discussions in older adults’ primary care office visits: So much to do, so little time

scientific article published on July 1, 2011

Quality of primary care processes for individuals with chronic diseases associated with the metabolic syndrome: a comparative study

scientific article published on 21 July 2011

RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Adapting to New Science and Practice With a 20-Year Review

article by Russell E Glasgow et al published 2019 in Frontiers in Public Health

RE-AIM in Clinical, Community, and Corporate Settings: Perspectives, Strategies, and Recommendations to Enhance Public Health Impact.

scientific article published on 22 March 2018

RE-AIM in the Real World: Use of the RE-AIM Framework for Program Planning and Evaluation in Clinical and Community Settings

scientific article published on 22 November 2019

Reaching diverse participants utilizing a diverse delivery infrastructure: a replication study

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Relative Association of Multi-Level Supportive Environments on Poor Health among Older Adults.

scientific article

Reported Systems Changes and Sustainability Perceptions of Three State Departments of Health Implementing Multi-Faceted Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Efforts

scientific article

Research, practice, and policy perspectives on evidence-based programing for older adults

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Residential rurality and oral health disparities: influences of contextual and individual factors

scientific article

Restricted Social Engagement among Adults Living with Chronic Conditions

scientific article published on 19 January 2018

Results from the Active for Life process evaluation: program delivery fidelity and adaptations

scientific article published on 26 March 2009

Results of the first year of active for life: translation of 2 evidence-based physical activity programs for older adults into community settings


Screening, safety, and adverse events in physical activity interventions: Collaborative experiences from the behavior change consortium

scientific article published on 01 April 2005

Searching for maintenance in exercise interventions for cancer survivors

scientific article

Self-care difficulties and reliance on support among vulnerable middle-aged and older adults with chronic conditions: A cross-sectional study.

scientific article

Self-reported physical and mental health of older adults: The roles of caregiving and resources

scientific article published on December 3, 2011

Self‐Management at the Tipping Point: Reaching 100,000 Americans with Evidence‐Based Programs

scientific article published on 01 May 2013

Setting the stage: measure selection, coordination, and data collection for a national self-management initiative

scientific article published on January 2014

Severe elder obesity and 1-year diminished lower extremity physical performance in homebound older adults

scientific article published on September 2006

Sexual functioning and practices in a multi‐ethnic study of midlife women: Baseline results from swan

scientific article published on August 1, 2003

Social and environmental predictors of walking among older adults

scientific article

Social marketing as a framework for recruitment: illustrations from the REACH study.

scientific article published on November 2004

Sociodemographic and healthcare characteristics of Colonia residents: the role of life stage in predicting health risks and diabetes status in a disadvantaged Hispanic population

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

Socioecological factors and positive aspects of caregiving: findings from the REACH II intervention

scientific article published on 27 July 2015

State Fall Prevention Coalitions as Systems Change Agents: An Emphasis on Policy

scientific article published on 23 October 2015

Successes of a national study of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program: meeting the triple aim of health care reform

scientific article published in November 2013

Support for HPV vaccination mandates for both females and males

scientific article published on November 2014

Sustainability of evidence-based community-based physical activity programs for older adults: lessons from Active for Life.

scientific article published on June 2011

Systematic review and meta-analysis of fear of falling and fall-related efficacy in a widely disseminated community-based fall prevention program

scientific article published on 18 August 2020

TCOPPE school environmental audit tool: assessing safety and walkability of school environments

scientific article


scientific article published on 8 November 2019

Testing Usability and Acceptability of a Web Application to Promote Physical Activity (iCanFit) Among Older Adults.

scientific article published on 13 October 2014

Texercise Effectiveness: Impacts on Physical Functioning and Quality of Life

scientific article published on 16 January 2015

Texercise select effectiveness: an examination of physical activity and nutrition outcomes

scientific article

The Behavior Change Consortium: setting the stage for a new century of health behavior-change research

scientific article (publication date: October 2002)

The Caregiver Vigilance Scale: application and validation in the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) project

scientific article published in January 2003

The Healthy Aging Research Network: Modeling Collaboration for Community Impact.

scientific article

The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Diabetes Management

scientific article published on 24 October 2019

The Influence of Organizational Culture on School-Based Obesity Prevention Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Literature

scientific article published on 01 June 2018

The Otago Exercise Program: Innovative Delivery Models to Maximize Sustained Outcomes for High Risk, Homebound Older Adults

scientific article published on 23 March 2017

The Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH): project design and baseline characteristics

scientific article published on September 2003

The association of physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and body mass index classification in a cross-sectional analysis: are the effects homogenous?

scientific article published on December 2011

The cancer prevention and control research network: An interactive systems approach to advancing cancer control implementation research and practice.

scientific article published on 25 August 2014

The conversion of a practice-based lifestyle enhancement program into a formalized, testable program: from texercise classic to texercise select

scientific article

The engagement in physical activity for middle-aged and older adults with multiple chronic conditions: findings from a community health assessment

scientific article published on 05 September 2013

The impact of a communitywide smoke-free ordinance on smoking among older adults

scientific article published on 15 December 2008

The impact of a national strategy to increase physical activity among older adults on national organizations

scientific article published on 01 October 2010

The impact of behavioral and mental health risk assessments on goal setting in primary care

scientific article published on June 2016

The impact of chronic disease self-management programs: healthcare savings through a community-based intervention

scientific article

The longitudinal effects of behavioral, health, and socio-demographic factors on body mass index among older Chinese adults

scientific article published on April 8, 2011

The provision of diabetes-monitoring exams to older Latinos

scientific article

The reach of chronic-disease self-management education programs to rural populations.

scientific article published on January 2014

The role of health literacy and communication habits on previous colorectal cancer screening among low-income and uninsured patients.

scientific article

The role of improved social support for healthy eating in a lifestyle intervention: Texercise Select

scientific article published on 24 August 2020

The role of session zero in successful completion of chronic disease self-management program workshops

scientific article published on January 2014

The science of sustaining health behavior change: the health maintenance consortium

scientific article

The utility of rural and underserved designations in geospatial assessments of distance traveled to healthcare services: implications for public health research and practice

scientific article published on 13 June 2013

Transformation of a Rural Community for Active Living

scientific article published on April 1, 2011

Translating an evidence-based diabetes education approach into rural african-american communities: the "wisdom, power, control" program

scientific article published on May 2015

Translating science into public health practice: lessons from physical activity interventions

scientific article published on 01 April 2007

Translation of fit & strong! For middle-aged and older adults: examining implementation and effectiveness of a lay-led model in central Texas

scientific article published on January 2014

Translation of the otago exercise program for adoption and implementation in the United States

scientific article published on January 2014

Trends in Geospatial Drivers of Fall-Related Hospitalizations and Asset Mapping of Fall Prevention Interventions for Vulnerable Older Adults

scientific article published on 07 January 2019

Typing performance and body discomfort among overweight and obese office workers: A pilot study of keyboard modification.

scientific article published on 28 July 2014

Understanding primary care physicians' propensity to assess elderly patients for depression using interaction and survey data

scientific article

Understanding the challenges encountered and adaptations made by community organizations in translation of evidence-based behavior change physical activity interventions: a qualitative study

scientific article

Underuse of aspirin for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease events in women.

scientific article published on 3 February 2012

Use of Mini-Grant to Disseminate Evidence-Based Interventions for Cancer Prevention and Control.

scientific article published in September 2015

Using Family-Focused Garden, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Programs To Reduce Childhood Obesity: The Texas! Go! Eat! Grow! Pilot Study.

scientific article published on December 2015

Using Walk Score™ and Neighborhood Perceptions to Assess Walking Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults

scientific article

Using a new taxonomy to combine the uncombinable: integrating results across diverse interventions

scientific article published on September 2003

Using the iPod Touch for Patient Health Behavior Assessment and Health Promotion in Primary Care

scientific article

Utilization of Screening Mammography Among Middle-Aged and Older Women

scientific article published on July 22, 2011

Variation in cost of informal caregiving and formal-service use for people with Alzheimer's disease

scientific article published in September 2004

Variations in Body Mass Index Among Older Americans: The Roles of Social and Lifestyle Factors

scientific article published on September 29, 2010

Walking and neighborhood environments for obese and overweight patients: perspectives from family physicians

scientific article published on May 1, 2012

Well-being, appraisal, and coping in African-American and Caucasian dementia caregivers: findings from the REACH study

scientific article published in July 2004

What If Healthy Aging Is the 'New Normal'?

scientific article

Workshop characteristics related to chronic disease self-management education program attendance

scientific article published on 27 April 2015

Yours, mine, and ours: the importance of scientific collaboration in advancing the field of behavior change research

scientific article