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List of works by Salvatore Plumari

"Chemical" composition of the Quark Gluon Plasma


Anisotropic Flow from Non-equilibrium Initial Condition with a Saturation Scale

Anisotropic flows and the shear viscosity of the QGP within a transport approach

Anisotropic flows and the shear viscosity of the QGP within an event by event transport approach

Astrophysical constraints on the confining models: The field correlator method

scholarly article

Boltzmann dynamics and temperature dependence of energy loss: Towards an understanding of theRAAandv2puzzle for D-Mesons

Collective Flows in a Transport Approach

Does the NJL chiral phase transition affect the elliptic flow of a fluid at fixed η / s ?

Dynamics of quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions

Electric Conductivity of the QGP

Electric conductivity from the solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation

scholarly article

Elliptic Flow Difference Between Particles and Antiparticles and the EOS of Baryon-rich Matter

Elliptic Flow from fKLN Initial Conditions

article published in 2014

Elliptic flow and shear viscosity of the shattered color glass condensate

article by Marco Ruggieri et al published 7 July 2014 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Elliptic flow and shear viscosity within a transport approach from RHIC to LHC energy

Elliptic flow from non-equilibrium initial condition with a saturation scale

Hadron-quark phase transition in asymmetric matter with dynamical quark masses

scholarly article

Hadron-quark phase transition in dense matter

Heavy Flavor Suppression, Flow and Azimuthal Correlation: Boltzmann vs Langevin

Heavy Flavor Suppression: Boltzmann vs Langevin

Heavy quark dynamics in the QGP: Towards a solution of theRAAandν2puzzle


Heavy-flavor in-medium momentum evolution: Langevin versus Boltzmann approach

scholarly article

Impact of nonequilibrium initial conditions with a saturation scale on elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions

Initial-state fluctuations from midperipheral to ultracentral collisions in an event-by-event transport approach

scholarly article

Isospin dynamics in heavy ion collisions: From Coulomb barrier to quark gluon plasma

Kinetic approaches to phase transitions in strongly interacting matter

Modeling early stages of relativistic heavy ion collisions: Coupling relativistic transport theory to decaying color-electric flux tubes

scholarly article

Modeling early time dynamics of relativistic heavy ion collisions

Modelling early stages of relativistic heavy-ion collisions

Neutron Star masses from the Field Correlator Method Equation of State

Partonic mean-field effects on matter and antimatter elliptic flows

Phase diagrams in the hadron–Polyakov–Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model

scholarly article

Polyakov loop and gluon quasiparticles in Yang-Mills thermodynamics

scholarly article

QCD equation of state and cosmological parameters in the early universe

scholarly article

Quark matter in neutron stars within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and confinement

scholarly article

Quark matter in neutron stars within the field correlator method

scholarly article

Quark-to-gluon composition of the quark-gluon plasma in relativistic heavy-ion collisions


Quarks production in the quark–gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy ion collisions

Quasiparticles and Z(N)-Lines in hot Yang-Mills theories

Recent thermodynamic results from lattice QCD analyzed within a quasiparticle model

scholarly article

Relativistic Boltzmann transport approach with Bose-Einstein statistics and the onset of gluon condensation

scholarly article

Shear viscosity and chemical equilibration of the QGP

Shear viscosity in hybrid stars

scholarly article

Shear viscosity of QGP and the anisotropic flows within an event by event transport approach

Shear viscosity of a strongly interacting system: Green-Kubo correlator versus Chapman-Enskog and relaxation-time approximations

scholarly article

Shear viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma in a kinetic theory approach

Shear viscosity to electric conductivity ratio of the QGP

Shear viscosity η to electric conductivity σ el ratio for the quark–gluon plasma

Structure of hybrid protoneutron stars within the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model

scholarly article

Symmetry energy effects on the mixed hadron-quark phase at high baryon density

scholarly article

The elliptic flow and the shear viscosity of the QGP within a kinetic approach

Thermalization, isotropization, and elliptic flow from nonequilibrium initial conditions with a saturation scale

scholarly article

Toward a simultaneous description of RAAand v2for heavy quarks

Toward a solution to the R AA and v 2 puzzle for heavy quarks

Toward an understanding of the RAA and v2 puzzle for heavy quarks

Transport approach to anisotropic flows from viscous hydro regime to highpT

Transport coefficients of Quark-Gluon Plasma in a Kinetic Theory approach

Universal strangeness production in hadronic and nuclear collisions


Viscous corrections to anisotropic flow and transverse momentum spectra from transport theory