List of works by Franklyn Quinlan

A high-resolution atlas of uranium-neon in the H band

scholarly article

A near-infrared frequency comb for Y+J band astronomical spectroscopy

An optical frequency comb for infrared spectrograph calibration

Analysis of shot noise in the detection of ultrashort optical pulse trains

Attosecond timing in optical-to-electrical conversion

Broadband noise limit in the photodetection of ultralow jitter optical pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Demonstration of on-sky calibration of astronomical spectra using a 25 GHz near-IR laser frequency comb

scientific article

High-Power and High-Linearity Photodetector Modules for Microwave Photonic Applications

Jitter reduction by intracavity active phase modulation in a mode-locked semiconductor laser

scientific article

Low-noise, low repetition rate, semiconductor-based mode-locked laser source suitable for high bandwidth photonic analog-digital conversion

scientific article

Measurement of the comb dynamics for feedback control of an etalon-based coupled optoelectronic oscillator

scientific article

Microresonator frequency comb optical clock

Optical amplification and pulse interleaving for low-noise photonic microwave generation

scientific article

Photonic microwave generation with high-power photodiodes

scientific article

Pulse-amplitude equalization by negative impulse modulation for rational harmonic mode locking

scientific article

State-of-the-art RF signal generation from optical frequency division.

scientific article

Stellar spectroscopy in the near-infrared with a laser frequency comb

scientific article published on 20 February 2019

The effects of filtering RF source phase noise by a low noise, high quality factor actively modelocked laser on the laser's absolute and relative phase noise

scientific article

Two-mode beat phase noise of actively modelocked lasers

scientific article

Ultralow phase noise microwave generation with an Er:fiber-based optical frequency divider

scientific article

Ultralow-jitter and -amplitude-noise semiconductor-based actively mode-locked laser

scientific article