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List of works by Lukas Worschech

A novel half-adder circuit based on nanometric ballistic Y-branched junctions

Acetylene measurement using quantum cascade lasers at 14μm

AlGaInAs quantum dot solar cells: tailoring quantum dots for intermediate band formation

Amorphous-Te-mediated self-organization of CdSe/ZnSe nanostructures

An electrically pumped polariton laser

scientific article

Annealing induced inversion of quantum dot fine-structure splitting

Associative learning with Y-shaped floating gate transistors operated in memristive modes


Ballistic transport in nanoscale field effect transistors revealed by four-terminal DC characterization


Bias Voltage Controlled Memory Effect in In-Plane Quantum-Wire Transistors With Embedded Quantum Dots


Bias-voltage-induced asymmetry in nanoelectronic Y-branches


Bloch-wave engineered submicron diameter micropillars with quality factors exceeding 10,000

Bloch-wave engineered submicron-diameter quantum-dot micropillars for cavity QED experiments

Cascaded quantum wires and integrated designs for complex logic functions: nanoelectronic full adder

Cavity quantum electrodynamics studies with site-controlled InGaAs quantum dots integrated into high quality microcavities

Cavity-enhanced resonant tunneling photodetector at telecommunication wavelengths

scholarly article by Andreas Pfenning et al published 10 March 2014 in Applied Physics Letters

CdSe quantum dot microdisk laser

CdSe/ZnSe heteroepitaxy: Aspects of growth and self organization of nanostructures

Characterization of GaAs/AlGaAs resonant tunneling diodes with a GaInNAs absorption layer as 1.3 μm photo sensors

Characterization of Three-Terminal Junctions Operated as In-Plane Gated Field-Effect Transistors


Characterization of spin-state tuning in thermally annealed semiconductor quantum dots

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 20, November 2010

Characterization of two-threshold behavior of the emission from a GaAs microcavity

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 85 no. 7, February 2012

Charging dynamics of a floating gate transistor with site-controlled quantum dots


Coherent and ballistic switching effects in GaAs/AlGaAs nanojunctions

Coherent dynamics of locally interacting spins in self-assembledCd1−xMnxSe∕ZnSequantum dots

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 73 no. 8, February 2006

Compact logic NAND-gate based on a single in-plane quantum-wire transistor


Comparative study of self-assembled CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots grown by variants of conventional MBE

Contactless electroreflectance of optical transitions in tunnel-injection structures composed of an In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.53Ga0.23Al0.24As quantum well and InAs quantum dashes

Current and Voltage gain in a monolithic GaAs/AlGaAs TTJ at room temperature

DFB lasers for sensing applications in the 3.0-3.5 um wavelength range

Density and size control of InP/GaInP quantum dots on GaAs substrate grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy

scientific article published on 8 December 2011

Distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers at 13.8 μm on indium phosphide

Drain voltage induced barrier increasing of quantum-wire transistors


Dynamic-gate operation in nanoelectronic amplifiers due to reduced screening

Dynamical d-wave condensation of exciton–polaritons in a two-dimensional square-lattice potential

Electrical and optical switching in the bistable regime of an electrically injected polariton laser

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 96 no. 4, July 2017

Electrically driven exciton-polariton lasers

Electrically driven quantum dot micropillar single photon sources

Electro-Photo-Sensitive Memristor for Neuromorphic and Arithmetic Computing

Electron Y-branch switches

Enhanced Zn–Cd interdiffusion and biexciton formation in self-assembled CdZnSe quantum dots in thermally annealed small mesas

Erratum for ‘Room temperature memory operation of electron Y-branch switch with embedded quantum dots’

scholarly article published in Electronics Letters

Erratum: “Distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers at 13.8 µm on indium phosphide” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 211118 (2011)]

scholarly article published in Applied Physics Letters

Exciton kinetics and few particle effects in self-assembled GaAs-based quantum dashes

article published in 2010

Exciton spin state mediated photon-photon coupling in a strongly coupled quantum dot microcavity system

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 12, September 2010

Exciton-polariton laser diodes

Exciton-polariton topological insulator

scientific article published in Nature

Experimental Verification of the Very Strong Coupling Regime in a GaAs Quantum Well Microcavity

scientific article published on 12 July 2017

Experimental and theoretical analysis of Landauer erasure in nano-magnetic switches of different sizes

Experimental and theoretical investigation of quantum point contacts for the validation of models for surface states

Extraction of parameters of surface states from experimental test structures

Extrapolation of the intensity autocorrelation function of a quantum-dot micropillar laser into the thermal emission regime

article published in 2011

Fabrication of quantum point contacts by imprint lithography and transport studies

Formation mechanism and properties of CdSe quantum dots on ZnSe by low temperature epitaxy and in situ annealing

From micro- to nanomagnetic dots: evolution of the eigenmode spectrum on reducing the lateral size

From polariton condensates to highly photonic quantum degenerate states of bosonic matter

scientific article

GaAs/AlGaAs resonant tunneling diodes with a GaInNAs absorption layer for telecommunication light sensing

scholarly article by F. Hartmann et al published 23 April 2012 in Applied Physics Letters

GaSb/AlAsSb resonant tunneling diodes with GaAsSb emitter prewells

Gate leakage induced gating in low-dimensional conductors

Gate-tunable, normally-on to normally-off memristance transition in patterned LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces

Glass supported ZnSe microring strongly coupled to a single CdSe quantum dot

Half adder capabilities of a coupled quantum dot device

scientific article published on 15 April 2016

Impact of the localized wetting layer states on carrier relaxation processes in GaAs-based quantum dash structures

Influence of GaSb and AlGaInAsSb as Barrier Material on $\sim$ 2.8- $\mu$ m GaSb-Based Diode Laser Properties

Intrinsic feedback and bistable switching in Y-branched nanojunctions

scientific article published in April 2010

Inversion of hysteresis in quantum dot controlled quantum-wire transistor


Inverted and non-inverted hysteretic switching in GaAs∕AlGaAs-based electron Y-branch switches

Investigation of switching effects between the drains of an electron Y-branch switch

article published in 2001

Large threshold hysteresis in a narrow AlGaAs/GaAs channel with embedded quantum dots

Layer-by-layer growth and island formation in CdSe/ZnSe heteroepitaxy

Light controlled spin properties and radiative coupling of CdSe based quantum dots

Light sensitive memristor with bi-directional and wavelength-dependent conductance control

article published in 2016

Light-induced stochastic resonance in a nanoscale resonant-tunneling diode

Linewidth broadening and emission saturation of a resonantly excited quantum dot monitored via an off-resonant cavity mode

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 4, July 2010

Logic AND∕NAND gates based on three-terminal ballistic junctions

Logical Stochastic Resonance with a Coulomb-Coupled Quantum-Dot Rectifier


Magnetic-field asymmetry of nonlinear mesoscopic transport in channels coupled to a single metallic gate

Magnetic-field asymmetry of nonlinear transport in narrow channels with asymmetric hybrid confinement

Magnetic-field interaction of spatially confined quantum-well exciton-polaritons

Magnetic-field-controlled noise-activated switching in a nonlinear three-terminal nanojunction

Magneto-exciton-polariton condensation in a sub-wavelength high contrast grating based vertical microcavity

scientific article published on 3 March 2014

Magneto-optical cavity quantum electrodynamics effects in quantum dot - micropillar systems

Magneto-optical investigations of single self-assembled InAs/InGaAlAs quantum dashes

Memory inhibition in quantum-wire transistors controlled by quantum dots


Memristive operation mode of a site-controlled quantum dot floating gate transistor


Microwave rectification in ballistic nanojunctions at room temperature

Mid-infrared semiconductor heterostructure lasers for gas sensing applications

Mimicking of pulse shape-dependent learning rules with a quantum dot memristor

Monolithically Integrated Logic nor Gate Based on GaAs/AlGaAs Three-Terminal Junctions

Nanoscale Tipping Bucket Effect in a Quantum Dot Transistor-Based Counter

scientific article published on 15 March 2017

Nanothermometer Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes: From Cryogenic to Room Temperatures

scientific article published on 8 June 2015

Nanowatt logic stochastic resonance in branched resonant tunneling diodes

Narrow spectral linewidth from single site-controlled In(Ga)As quantum dots with high uniformity

Near-infrared semiconductor-nanostructured light detectors

Negative magnetopolarization in thermally annealed self-assembled quantum dots

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 77 no. 7, February 2008

Nonlinear Transport Properties of Electron Y-Branch Switches

Nonlinear photoluminescence spectra from a quantum-dot–cavity system: Interplay of pump-induced stimulated emission and anharmonic cavity QED

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 81 no. 3, January 2010

Nonlinear properties of ballistic nanoelectronic devices

Numerical and Experimental Study of the $Q$ Factor of High-$Q$ Micropillar Cavities

Observing chaos for quantum-dot microlasers with external feedback

scientific article

Optical bistability in electrically driven polariton condensates

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 91 no. 8, February 2015

Optical characterization of ZnSe/ZnMgSSe microdisks with embedded CdSe quantum dots

article published in 2007

Optical characterization of thermally annealed self-assembled ZnCdSe quantum dots

Optical polarization of semimagnetic CdSe quantum dots with low manganese content

Optical probing of the Coulomb interactions of an electrically pumped polariton condensate

Optical properties of well-isolated single InP/InGaP quantum dots

Optical spectroscopy of single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots in a quantum well

Paramagnetic shift in thermally annealed CdxZn1−xSe quantum dots

Photocurrent-voltage relation of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors

Physics of micropillars with quantum dots - growth, patterning, and spectroscopy

Polarization-dependent strong coupling in elliptical high-Qmicropillar cavities

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 82 no. 23, December 2010

Power gain up to gigahertz frequencies in three-terminal nanojunctions at room temperature

Power-law decay of the spatial correlation function in exciton-polariton condensates

scientific article published on 11 April 2012

Pronounced switching bistability in a feedback coupled nanoelectronic Y-branch switch

article published in 2003

Quantized conductance in extended electron waveguides fabricated on shallow etched modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

article by F Beuscher et al published May 2000 in Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Quantized rectification in a quantum dot nanojunction

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 80 no. 7, August 2009

Quantum dot microlasers with external feedback: a chaotic system close to the quantum limit

Quantum dot — Microlasers with external feedback — A chaotic system close to the quantum limit

Quantum efficiency and oscillator strength of site-controlled InAs quantum dots

Quantum-dot-induced phase shift in a pillar microcavity

Room Temperature Operation of an In-Plane Half-Adder Based on Ballistic Y–Junctions

Room temperature memory operation of a single InAs quantum dot layer in a GaAs∕AlGaAs heterostructure

Room temperature memory operation of electron Y-branch switch with embedded quantum dots

Room temperature operation of GaSb-based resonant tunneling diodes by prewell injection

Room temperature single-electron memory and light sensor with three-dimensionally positioned InAs quantum dots


Selective etching of independent contacts in a double quantum-well structure: Quantum-gate transistor


Self-gating controlled pronounced threshold hysteresis in electron Y-branch switch with quantum dots

Self-gating in an electron Y-branch switch at room temperature

Self-switching of branched multiterminal junctions: a ballistic half-adder

Semiconductor Exciton-Polariton Lasers

Sensitivity of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors

scientific article published on 25 July 2016

Short injector interband cascade lasers in the 3.3–3.6 µm spectral range

Shunt quantum capacitance induced source switching in an electron Y-branch switch

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 75 no. 12, March 2007

Sign reversal and light controlled tuning of circular polarization in semimagnetic CdMnSe quantum dots

Single InGaAs quantum dot flash memory

Single mode quantum cascade lasers with shallow-etched distributed Bragg reflector

scientific article

Single photon emission from InGaN/GaN quantum dots up to 50 K

Single photon emission from positioned GaAs/AlGaAs photonic nanowires

article published in 2010

Single site-controlled In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots: growth, properties and device integration

scientific article published on 2 October 2009

Single-photon emitters based on epitaxial isolated InP/InGaP quantum dots

Site-controlled In(Ga)As quantum dots with narrow emission linewidth for integration into nanophotonic devices

Site-controlled In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots for integration into optically and electrically operated devices

Site-controlled InP/GaInP quantum dots emitting single photons in the red spectral range

Space charge induced gating by a leaky gate

Spectral characteristics of single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots in a quantum well

Static memory element based on electron Y-branch switch

Stochastic resonance in a nanoscale Y-branch switch

Strong coupling in a quantum dot micropillar system under electrical current injection

Structural and optical properties of InGaN–GaN nanowire heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Subthreshold swings below 60 mV/dec in three-terminal nanojunctions at room temperature

article by C. R. Müller et al published 24 September 2012 in Applied Physics Letters

Superradiance of quantum dots

scientific article (publication date: 21 January 2007)

Switching characteristics and demonstration of logic functions in modulation doped GaAs/AlGaAs nanoelectronic devices

Thermal annealing of self-assembled CdZnSe quantum dots studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy

Time-resolved photoluminescence investigations on HfO2-capped InP nanowires

scientific article

Towards intermediate-band formation in solar cells with AlGaInAs quantum dots

Tunable Long Wavelength ($\sim$2.8 $\mu$m) GaInAsSb–GaSb Quantum-Well Binary Superimposed Grating Lasers

Tunable magnetic-field asymmetry of nonlinear mesoscopic transport: Field-effect controlled backscattering in a quantum wire

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 78 no. 11, September 2008

Tuning the magnetic properties of ZnCdSe/ZnSe quantum dots by thermal annealing

Ultrafast coherent control and suppressed nuclear feedback of a single quantum dot hole qubit

article by Kristiaan De Greve et al published 28 August 2011 in Nature Physics

Ultrafast tracking of second-order photon correlations in the emission of quantum-dot microresonator lasers

scientific article (publication date: 19 April 2010)

Universal and reconfigurable logic gates in a compact three-terminal resonant tunneling diode

Voltage fluctuation to current converter with Coulomb-coupled quantum dots

scientific article published on 10 April 2015

Whispering gallery mode lasing in electrically driven quantum dot micropillars

Whispering gallery mode lasing in high quality GaAs/AlAs pillar microcavities

Whispering gallery modes in high quality ZnSe∕ZnMgSSe microdisks with CdSe quantum dots studied at room temperature

Widely tunable quantum cascade lasers with coupled cavities for gas detection

Y-branch switch frequency bisection

Zeeman spectroscopy of single self-assembled InAs/InGaAlAs quantum dashes

Zeeman splitting and diamagnetic shift of spatially confined quantum-well exciton polaritons in an external magnetic field

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 84 no. 16, October 2011

cQED enhanced light detection and emission in electrically contacted quantum dot micropillars