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List of works by Kewen Wang

A DBpedia-based Benchmark for Ontology-mediated Query Answering

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2021 posters, demos and industry tracks: from novel ideas to industrial practice

A System for Reasoning-based Link Prediction in Large Knowledge Graphs

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2019 satellite tracks (posters & demonstrations, industry, and outrageous ideas)

A reliable sewage quality abnormal event monitoring system

scientific article published on 20 May 2017

An Embedding-based System to Constructing OWL ontologies

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2018 posters & demonstrations, industry and blue sky ideas tracks

Belief Change in Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems

scientific article published in 2013

Combining Description Logic and Defeasible Logic for the Semantic Web

scientific article published in 2004

Concept and Role Forgetting in ${\mathcal {ALC}}$ Ontologies

scientific article published in 2009

DL-Lite Contraction and Revision

scientific article published on 29 June 2016

Default Logic

scientific article published in 2007


scientific article published on 26 June 2012

Extending Logic Programs with Description Logic Expressions for the Semantic Web

scientific article published in ISWC 2011

Forgetting for Defeasible Logic

scientific article published in 2012

Forgetting under the Well-Founded Semantics

scientific article published in 2013

Incosistency-Tolerant Forgetting in DL-lite

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2017 posters & demonstrations and industry tracks

Learning Ontology Axioms over Knowledge Graphs via Representation Learning

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2019 satellite tracks (posters & demonstrations, industry, and outrageous ideas)

Mining Discriminative Visual Features Based on Semantic Relations

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2019 satellite tracks (posters & demonstrations, industry, and outrageous ideas)

Ontology-Based Event Detection for Wastewater Treatment

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2019 satellite tracks (posters & demonstrations, industry, and outrageous ideas)

Revising Possibilistic Knowledge Bases via Compatibility Degrees

scientific article published in 2016

Semantic Cooperation and Knowledge Reuse by Using Autonomous Ontologies

scientific article published in ISWC 2007

Three Methods for Revising Hybrid Knowledge Bases

scientific article published in 2017

Type-enhanced Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion

scientific article published in proceedings of the iswc 2023 posters, demos and industry tracks: from novel ideas to industrial practice

Uniform Interpolation for $\mathcal{ALC}$ Revisited

scientific article published in 2009