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List of works by Stefan Lalkovski

Coexisting structures inRu105

scholarly article

EXILL—a high-efficiency, high-resolution setup for γ-spectroscopy at an intense cold neutron beam facility


Electromagnetic transition rates in theN=80nucleus58138Ce

scholarly article

Fast-timing study of the l-forbidden 1/2+→3/2+ M1 transition in 129Sn

scholarly article

First results of the (n,γ) EXILL campaigns at the Institut Laue Langevin using EXOGAM and FATIMA


Gamma-ray Spectroscopy in the Vicinity of $^{108}$Zr

Half-life of the yrast2+state in188W: Evolution of deformation and collectivity in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes

scholarly article

Half-life of the15/2+state ofI135: A test ofE2seniority relations


High-resolution study of excited0+states in200Hg and202Hg

scholarly article

High-spin level scheme ofPb194

scholarly article

Investigation of 0+states in mercury isotopes after two-neutron transfer

Investigation of0+states in198Hg after two-neutron pickup

scholarly article

K selection in the decay of the (ν52[532]⊗32[411])4− isomeric state in Zr102

scholarly article

Lifetime measurements in the Yrast magnetic band in 193Pb

Lifetime measurements of the first2+states in 104,106 Zr: Evolution of ground-state deformations

Observation of positive-parity bands in109Pd and111Pd: Enhancedγsoftness

scholarly article

Observation of the Ground State Bands in109Pd and111Pd

Octupole collectivity inMo98,100,102

scholarly article

Precision Lifetime Measurements Using LaBr3Detectors With Stable and Radioactive Beams

Structure of the neutron mid-shell nuclei Ag64,66111,113

scholarly article

The (n,γ) campaigns at EXILL


The boundary of the N=90 shape phase transition: 148Ce
