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List of works by Cristina Becchio

A Methodological Framework for the Economic Assessment of ICT-Tools for Occupants’ Engagement

A Multi-criteria and Multi-domain Model to Support the Comprehensive Assessment of Building Performance

A Multi-dimensional Decision Support System for Choosing Solar Shading Devices in Office Buildings

A comprehensive cost-optimal approach for energy retrofit of existing multi-family buildings: Application to apartment blocks in Turkey

A decision-making process to support public administrations in defining local energy policies

A review of Nigerian energy access studies: The story told so far

A review of select human-building interfaces and their relationship to human behavior, energy use and occupant comfort

An advanced envelope retrofit option to increase solar gain and ventilation through facade for reducing energy demand of residence buildings

Application of the LEED PRM to an Italian Existing Building

Assessment of passive and active buildings resilience to gas supply disruption in winter across European climates

Calibration of a building energy model using operation conditions derived from monitoring

Cost optimality assessment of a single family house: Building and technical systems solutions for the nZEB target

Decision making for sustainable urban energy planning: an integrated evaluation framework of alternative solutions for a NZED (Net Zero-Energy District) in Turin

Design and Construction of an nZEB in Piedmont Region, North Italy

Designing IAQ-Resilient Post-Pandemic Buildings

Effects on energy savings and occupant health of an antibacterial filter

Energy Audit and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis to Identify Sustainable Strategies in the University Campuses: Application to Politecnico di Torino

Energy, economic and environmental modelling for supporting strategic local planning

Environmental Performances in Green Labels for Hotels – A Critical Review

Evaluating Health Benefits of Urban Energy Retrofitting: An Application for the City of Turin

Evaluating the Health-Related Social Costs Associated with the Thermal Uses of the Residential Sector: The Case of Turin

Exploitation of dynamic simulation to investigate the effectiveness of the Smart Readiness Indicator: application to the Energy Center building of Turin

Graphical visualization of behavioural patterns in relation to indoor environment quality and energy use

HVAC solutions for energy retrofitted hotel in Mediterranean area

Improving environmental sustainability of concrete products: Investigation on MWC thermal and mechanical properties

Influence of Occupant Behaviour Lifestyle on an Italian Social Housing

Integrated Assessments and Energy Retrofit: The Contribution of the Energy Center Lab of the Politecnico di Torino

Linking Dynamic Building Simulation with Long-Term Energy System Planning to Improve Buildings Urban Energy Planning Strategies

NZEB, cost- and comfort-optimal retrofit solutions for an Italian Reference Hotel

Occupant behavior lifestyles in a residential nearly zero energy building: Effect on energy use and thermal comfort

Occupant behaviour lifestyles and effects on building energy use: Investigation on high and low performing building features

Of comfort and cost: Examining indoor comfort conditions and guests’ valuations in Italian hotel rooms

Proposal for a Modified Cost-optimal Approach by Introducing Benefits Evaluation

Replicability of nZEBs on Real Estate Market in Mediterranean Countries

Supporting sustainability projects at neighbourhood scale: Green visions for the San Salvario district in Turin guided by a combined assessment framework

The Cost Optimal Methodology for Evaluating the Energy Retrofit of an ex-industrial Building in Turin

The Energy Center Initiative at Politecnico di Torino: Practical experiences on energy efficiency measures in the municipality of Torino

The Impact of Users’ Lifestyle in Zero-Energy and Emission Buildings: An Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Polyvalent heat pumps technology in retrofit of existing HVAC systems

The Role of Nearly-zero Energy Buildings in the Definition of Post- Carbon Cities

The cost-optimal methodology for the energy retrofit of an ex-industrial building located in Northern Italy

The effects of indoor and outdoor air pollutants on workers’ productivity in office building

The role of nearly-zero energy buildings in the transition towards Post-Carbon Cities

Toward NZEB by optimizing HVAC system configuration in different climates

nZEB Design: Challenging between Energy and Economic Targets