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List of works by Han van Dijk

'The one with the purse makes policy': Power, problem definition, framing and maternal health policies and programmes evolution in national level institutionalised policy making processes in Ghana

scientific article published on 31 August 2016

A pastoral society in crisis after the droughts : who cares for social security?

book section published in 1994 in 'Proceedings of the Conference on Social security in Sub-Saharan Africa: old age, accident and unemployment. Berlin, 7-21 november 1993'

Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: Realist evaluation of the Leadership Development Programme for district manager decision-making in Ghana

scientific article

Arid ways : cultural understandings of insecurity in Fulbe society, Central Mali

thesis published in 1995; Wageningen: CERES, CERES-series ; no. 1 1995

Changing Fulani-society and social security

book section published in 1992 in 'Law as a resource in agrarian struggles'

Changing population mobility in West Africa : Fulbe pastoralists in central and south Mali

journal article from 'African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society' published in 2003

Climate change and climate variability in West Africa; Variabilité et changement climatique en Afrique Occidentale

book section published in 2006 in 'Responding to cimate change; Solutions aux changements climatiques'

Climate change and climatic variability in West Africa

ASCL infosheet 2

Climate change and food security in the drylands of West Africa

book section published in 2003 in 'Global environmental change and land use'

Cultures of travel : Fulbe pastoralists in central Mali and Pentecostalism in Ghana

book section published in 2001 in 'Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond'

De Fulbe: een oefening in ecologische en culturele diversiteit

book section published in 2000 in ‘ Finatawa, Fotoreportages 1996-2000 over de Peul, een multidisciplinair project over de Peul, nomaden uit de Sahel’

De betrekkingen tussen Peul en Dogon in centraal-Mali

book section published in 2003 in ‘Dogon : mythe en werkelijkheid in Mali’

Drought and coping strategies in Fulbe Society in the Hayre (Central Mali) : a historical perspective

journal article from 'Cahiers d'Etudes africaines' published in 1994


journal article from 'The journal of African history' published in 2001

Environmental drivers of human migration in drylands – A spatial picture

Fulbe mobility: migration and travel into Mande

journal article from 'Mande studies' published in 1999

Improvisation and harm avoidance: An ethnographic study of adherence to postnatal care protocols in two hospitals in Southern Ghana

scientific article published on 13 December 2019

Insecurity and pastoral development in the Sahel

journal article from 'Development and change' published in 1999

Introduction : Changing Frontiers

journal article from 'Mande studies' published in 1999

L'environnement Dogon

book section published in 2004 in 'Regards sur les Dogon du Mali'

Landgebruik en landbouwstrategieën in het Dogongebied

book section published in 2003 in ‘Dogon : mythe en werkelijkheid in Mali'

Leadership styles in two Ghanaian hospitals in a challenging environment

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Les droits des femmes sur les ressources naturelles, en particulier la terre et l'eau

book published in 1997 ; La Haye: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Document de Travail 2, Femmes et Dèveloppement 1997

Les rapports entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali central

book section published in 2004 in 'Regards sur les Dogon du Mali'

Mothers' reproductive and medical history misinformation practices as strategies against healthcare providers' domination and humiliation in maternal care decision-making interactions: an ethnographic study in Southern Ghana.

scientific article published on 3 July 2018

Pastoralists, chiefs and bureaucrats : a grazing scheme in dryland Central Mali

book section published in 1995 in ‘Local resource management in Africa’

Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali: the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared

book section published in 2004 in : 'The impact of climate change on drylands. With a focus on West Africa'

Rechten van vrouwen op de natuurlijke hulpbronnen land en water

book published in 1996; DGIS DST/VR, Den Haag

Resistance to Fulbe hegemony in nineteenth-century West Africa

book section published in 2003 'Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history'

Resistencia a la hegemonia fulbe en el Africa occidental durante el siglo XIX

book section published in 2008 in 'A Propósito de Resistir: Repensar la Insurgencia en Africa'

Rights of women to the natural resources land and water

book published in 1997 ; The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Working paper 2, Women and Development 1997

Risk positions and local politics in a Sahelian society. The Fulbe of the Hayre in Central Mali

book section published in 2003 '(Inter)National Political Economies and Local Ecologies: Rural African Livelihoods in a Political Ecology Context'

Sahelian pathways: climate and society in Central and South Mali

book published in 2005

Socio-cultural differences

book section published in 2001 in 'The Impact of Climate Change on Drylands: With a Focus on West Africa'

State formation and the decline of pastoralism : the Fulani in Central Mali

book section published in 1993 in 'Conflict and the decline of pastoralism in the Horn of Africa'

Technical analysis, contestation and politics in policy agenda setting and implementation: the rise and fall of primary care maternal services from Ghana's capitation policy

scientific article

Temporal trends in childhood mortality in Ghana: impacts and challenges of health policies and programs

scientific article published on 23 August 2016

The importance of socio-cultural differences and of pathway analysis for understanding local actors' responses

book section published in 2004 in 'The impact of climate change on drylands : with a focus on West Africa'

The multiple experiences of civil war in the Guera region of Chad, 1965-1990

journal article from 'Sociologus' published in 2007

The path dependence of district manager decision-space in Ghana

scientific article published on 28 August 2015

The role of policy actors and contextual factors in policy agenda setting and formulation: maternal fee exemption policies in Ghana over four and a half decades

scientific article published on 30 May 2015

Towards an explanatory framework for national level maternal health policy agenda item evolution in Ghana: an embedded case study

scholarly article

Ways forward in livelihood research

book section published in 2004 in 'Globalization and development: themes and concepts in current research'

What Governs District Manager Decision Making? A Case Study of Complex Leadership in Dangme West District, Ghana

scientific article published on 01 February 2015

Your health our concern, our health whose concern?': Perceptions of injustice in organizational relationships and processes and frontline health worker motivation in Ghana

scientific article