Chapter in: Asian tigers, African lions : comparing the development performance of Southeast Asia and Africa, p. 289-315
journal article from 'International journal of the Commons' published in 2015
book section published in 2004
journal article from 'Geo : geography and environment' published in 2016
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2006
ASCL thematic map
ASCL infosheet 33
book section published in 2019
ASCL thematic map
ASCL thematic map
book section published in 2017
ASCL thematic map
ASCL thematic map
book section published in 2011
journal article from 'Daadkracht' published in 2013
ASCL thematic map
book section published in 2010
book section published in 2000 in 'Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken 2000+', Amsterdam: Interfacultaire Commissie Ontwikkelingsproblematiek van de Vrije Universiteit.
journal article from 'Trouw' published in 2011
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 1993
journal article from 'Internationale Samenwerking' published in 2011
journal article from 'Internationale Samenwerking' published in 2011
ASCL thematic map
publication by Ton Dietz, Dick Foeken, Sebastiaan Soeters & Wijnand Klaver ; in collab with Akinyinka Akinyoade
book section published in 1994 in 'Incorporation and integration in developing countries', Saarbrücken: Verlag fur Entwicklungspolitik Breitenbach.
publication by Ton Dietz and Annemieke van Haastrecht, Mirjam Schomaker ; assisted Albino Kotomei ; in cooperation with Hubert Hendrix
book section published in 2012
publication by Ton Dietz and Paul Lange
book section published in 2000 in 'Government and NGO interventions in dryland agriculture : a study of two projects in Andhra Pradesh', New Dehli: IDPAD/Manohar.
book section published in 2009
book section published in 2002
journal article from 'Philatelie' published in 2007
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2007
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2004
book section published in 2003 in 'Global environmental change and land use'
book section published in 1999
book section published in 2004
Article in: Journal of Peace Research, vol. 49, no. 1, 65-80 : graf., krt
book section published in 2004
book section published in 2010
publication by Susan Chebet and Ton Dietz
book section published in 1984 in 'Proceedings, of the West Pokot District seminar for ruraldevelopment', Kapenguria: D.C. 's Office
book section published in 2014
journal article from 'The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies' published in 2005
journal article from 'Knowledge for Development' published in 2005
journal article from 'Het tijdschrift voor de politie' published in 2018
book section published in 1992 in 'Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments', Amsterdam/Utrecht: KNAG.
publication edited by Henk Reitsma, Ton Dietz, Leo de Haan
Chapter in: Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought : proceedings of a colloquium at the University of Aberdeen, April 1990 / ed. by Jeffrey C. Stone. - Aberdeen : Aberdeen University, p. 86-108 : krt., tab
book section published in 2012
journal article from 'Clingendael Spectator' published in 2020
journal article from 'Tijdschrift voor Diplomatie' published in 1980
book section published in 2002 in 'Alles heeft zijn plaats : 125 jaar Geografie en Planologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam,1877-2002', Amsterdam: Aksant.
journal article from 'Limosa' published in 2019
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2009
journal article from 'Zone' published in 1977
journal article from 'Bird conservation international' published in 2013
publication on East African stamps by Ton Dietz
publication on Namibian stamps by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'IMWOO bulletin' published in 1990
journal article from 'Club of Amsterdam Journal' published in 2004
book section published in 2007
book section published in 1986 in 'District atlas Elgeyo Marakwet', Kapenguria: ASAL Programme, 1986.
book section published in 1986 in 'District atlas West Pokot', Kapenguria: ASAL Programme, 1986.
book section published in 1998 in 'The Arid frontier: interactive management of environment and development', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
journal article from 'Dutch geography and Africa' published in 2002
publication by Ad Boeren, Ton Dietz, Charlotte Simons and Nel de Vink [maps]
journal article from 'Derde Wereld' published in 1998
book section published in 1998 in 'Duurzame landbouw inontwikkelingslanden tussen theorie en toepassing', Utrecht/Zeist: CERES/ICCO.
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 1988 in 'Rural development in Third World countries : case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America', Amsterdam/Utrecht: KNAG.
book section published in 2009
publication compiled by Ton Dietz, Nel de Vink and Wilfried Admiraal
journal article from 'Vice versa : vakblad ontwikkelingssamenwerking' published in 2008
journal article from 'Management scope' published in 2012
journal article from 'Nieuwskrant GPIO' published in 2008
journal article from 'De Bazuin' published in 1996
ASCL working paper
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Internationale spectator' published in 2011
book section published in 1992 in 'Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments', Amsterdam/Utrecht: KNAG.
journal article from 'The European journal of development research' published in 1998
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'IS' published in 2009
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2003
journal article from 'Geografisch Tijdschrift' published in 1991
journal article from 'Society & natural resources: an international journal' published in 2014
book section published in 2001
publication by Ton Dietz and John Houtkamp
book section published in 1998 in 'The global crisis in foreign aid', Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
journal article from 'Agriculture, forestry and fisheries' published in 2014
book section published in 1990 in 'Eten met Gerrit, een bloemlezing van eet- en drinkervaringen van Nederlandse afrikanisten, gegarneerd met toepasselijke recepten'
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 1987 in 'Postmoderne aardrijkskunde : de sociografische traditie voortgezet', Muiderberg: Coutinho.
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2008
book section published in 2008
publication by Ton Dietz
publication on Togolese stamps by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2000 in 'Verslag nationaal symposium llimaatverandering 31 maart 2000 Doorwerth', Bilthoven: Programma Bureau NOP-MLK.
journal article from 'Journal of Global Initiatives' published in 2011
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2002
book section published in 1992 in 'Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments', Amsterdam/Utrecht: KNAG.
book section published in 1991 in 'Ontwikkelingsgeografie met of versus ontwikkelingsbeleid', Amsterdam: ISG, UvA
journal article from 'De Groene Amsterdammer' published in 2008
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2003
ASCL infosheet 11
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book published in 2005
journal article from 'Change, research and policy newsletter on global change from the Netherlands' published in 2001
publication by AJ Dietz, A Verhagen, R Ruben
book section published in 1999 in 'Proceedings of the First NRP-II Symposium on Climate Change Research', Amsterdam: Agdis.
book section published in 1998 in 'Proceedings of the First NRP-II Symposium on Climate Change Research', Amsterdam: Agdis.
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz and Paul Lange
book section published in 1991in 'Making haste slowly : strengthening local environmental management in agricultural development', Amsterdam: KIT Press, 1991.
book section in "Indonesië toen en nu", published in 1980
journal article from 'Nieuwsbrief Duurzame Aarde' published in 2009
journal article from 'Journal of ecology and the natural environment' published in 2015
book section published in 1988 in 'Spatial sciences, research in progress', Amsterdam: KNAG/UvA, 1988.
journal article from 'ETFRN news' published in 2012
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Natural resources forum' published in 2004
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 1999
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 1999
journal article from 'Revista de agricultura urbana' published in 2018
publication on Cameroonian stamps by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz and Annemieke van Haastrecht, Mirjam Schoemaker ; ass Simon Lopeyok in coop with Hubert Hendrix
publication by Ton Dietz and Annemieke van Haastrecht, Mirjam Schomaker ; ass Simon Lopeyok in coop with Hubert Hendrix
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2008
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz [et al.]
publication by Ton Dietz, Dick Foeken, Annemieke van Haastrecht ; [cartogr: J ter Haar et al]
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Geographica' published in 2000
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2010
book section published in 2018 in ‘Klimaatbeleid : kosten, kansen en keuzes’
journal article from 'Internationale Samenwerking' published in 2011
journal article from 'Internationale spectator' published in 2012
Article in: Geografie : vaktijdschrift voor geografen, jrg. 3, nr. 1, p. 30-34 : fig., foto's, krt., tab
publication by Ton Dietz and Annemieke van Haastrecht, Mirjam Schomaker ; assisted Rachel Andiema and Joyce Tumkou ; in cooperation with Hubert Hendrix
book section published in 1992 in 'Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments', Amsterdam/Utrecht: KNAG.
journal article from 'Internationale Samenwerking' published in 2011
journal article from 'Morning Life South Africa' published in 2006
book section published in 1997 in 'The diversity of development : essays in honour of Jan Kleinpenning', Assen: Van Gorcum.
publication by T. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, R. Scheffer
journal article from 'Joint implementation quarterly' published in 2008
Chapter in: Rural development in northern Ghana, p. 17-36 : fig., graf., krt
journal article from 'Athenaeum Illustre' published in 1997
journal article from 'Vice Versa' published in 2011
publication by Fred Zaal and Ingrid van Tienhoven, Mirjam Schomaker ; assisted Rachel Andiema and Leonard Molo ; in cooperation with Ton Dietz and Annemiek van Haastrecht, Hubert Hendrix
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
Article in: Geografie, jrg. 21, no. 2, p. 25-27 : foto's, krt
book section published in 1996 in 'Een vakgroep om te onthouden: bundel over de vakgroep Sociale Geografie van Ontwikkelingslanden (Nijmegen)', Nijmegen: Vakgroep Sociale Geografie voor Ontwikkelingslanden.
journal article from 'Volkskrant Forum' published in 2005
book section published in 2008
journal article from 'Environment and Urbanization' published in 2010
journal article from 'Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie' published in 1986
journal article from 'Worldconnectors weblog' published in 2007
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2020
book section published in 2001 in 'Hulp in ontwikkeling: bouwstenen voor de toekomst van internationale samenwerking', Assen: Van Gorcum.
book section published in 1997 in 'Er zijn grenzen: een Farewell voor Henk Reitsma', Amsterdam: ISG.
publication by Irene Dubel and Marjanne de Kwaasteniet, Annemieke van Haastrecht ; in cooperation with Ton Dietz
publication on Moroccon stamps by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz, Annemieke van Haastrecht, and Mirjam Schomaker ; assisted Rachel Andiema ; in cooperation with Hubert Hendrix
book section in ‘Towards negotiated comanagement of natural resources in Africa’, published in 1999
journal article from 'Indian Geographical Journal' published in 2000
journal article from 'IMWOO bulletin' published in 1988
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Africa environmental journal' published in 2015
book section published in 2012
journal article from 'Collect' published in 2006
book section in "Het andere Indonesië: ontwikkeling en hulp van onderaf bekeken", published in 1978
journal article from 'IMWOO bulletin:' published in 1988
ASCL infosheet 49
publication by Ton Dietz and Nel de Vink [maps]
publication by Ton Dietz, Charlotte Simons and Nel de Vink [maps]
book section published in 1991
book section published in 1991
book section published in 2000 in 'Election Observation and Democratization in Africa', London / New York: MacmIllan Press / St. Martin Press.
book section published in 1999 in 'Election Observation and Democratization in Africa', Basingstoke: Macmillan Press.
Chapter in: The poor are not us: poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa / ed. by David M. Anderson & Vigdis Broch-Due. - Oxford : James Currey ; Athens [etc.] : Ohio University Press [etc.], p. 163-198 : graf., krt., tab
book section published in 1994 in 'No easy way out: essays on Third World development in honour of Jan Hinderink', Utrecht: KNAG Utrecht.
journal article from 'International development policy/revue internationale de politique de développement' published in 2018
article published in 2018
book section published in 1980 in 'Brochure bij de akties tegen IGGI', Amsterdam: Komitee Indonesia
journal article from 'Trouw' published in 2007
journal article from 'Urban Agriculture Magazine' published in 2018
book section published in 2009
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2012
journal article from 'African studies' published in 2012
journal article from 'American Journal of Evaluation' published in 2017
book section published in 2008
book section published in 1997 in 'Grenzen aan de hulp: beleid en effectenvan ontwikkelingssamenwerking', Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
publication by Ton Dietz, A Kazimierczuk and Nel de Vink [maps]
book section published in 2001 in 'African pastoralism : conflict, institutions and government', London & Sterling Virginia: Pluto Press/OSSREA.
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz ; terj [dari bah Inggris]: Roem Topatimasang ; kata pengantar: Mansour Fakih
book section published in 1995 in 'Verslag Afrika Studiemiddag PSO 23 maart 1995'.
journal article from 'Development' published in 1999
book section published in 2001
book section published in 2004
journal article from 'Geographische Rundschau : international edition' published in 2007
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Filatelie' published in 2006
journal article from 'Spaarnepost' published in 2006
journal article from 'Studiegroep Particuliere Postbezorging' published in 2006
book section published in 2000
book section published in 2000 in 'Government and NGO interventions in dryland agriculture : a study of two projects in Andhra Pradesh', New Dehli: IDPAD/Manohar.
journal article from 'Water Policy' published in 2004
book section published in 2012
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2002
book section published in 2005
journal article from 'Vice versa : vakblad ontwikkelingssamenwerking' published in 2003
journal article from 'IMWOO bulletin' published in 1988
journal article from 'Politiek en ruimte' published in 1982
publication by Ton Dietz and Jack Koninx
book section published in 1991 in 'Sectorprogramma Plattelandsontwikkeling: een programma-evaluatie met projectonderzoek in Indonesië, Soedan, Rwanda, Tanzania en Nicaragua', 's Gravenhage: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
book section published in 2008
book section published in 2007
journal article from 'Conservation and Society' published in 2005
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2001
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Nieuwskrant GPIO' published in 2009
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2004
book section published in 2004
journal article from 'Economic and political weekly' published in 2003
journal article from 'Horn of Africa Bulletin' published in 2009
journal article from 'Worldconnectors weblog' published in 2007
Chapter in: Seasons, food supply and nutrition in Africa : contributions to a workshop held in Wageningen on December 14, 1988 / Dick W.J. Foeken and Adel P. den Hartog (eds.). - Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum, p. 89-110 : fig., graf., tab
publication by Ton Dietz, Annemieke van Haastrecht, Mirjam Schomaker ; ass Simon Lopeyok and Paul Mertens ; in coop with Hubert Hendrix
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz and Annemieke van Haastrecht ; Mirjam Schomaker ; assisted Rachel Andiema and Simon Lopeyok ; in cooperation with Hubert Hendrix
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2008
journal article from 'The Broker' published in 2009
ASCL thematic map
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2005
publication on Moroccan stamps by Ton Dietz
publication on Tanzanian stamps by Ton Dietz
publication on Tanzanian stamps by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
book section published in 2017
book section published in 2004
publication by Ton Dietz and Jack Koninx
book section published in 1993 in 'Conflict and the decline of pastoralism in the Horn of Africa', London: Macmillan.
book section published in 2001
book section published in 1999
book section published in 2001 in: 'The territorial factor: political geography in a globalising world', Amsterdam: Vossiuspers.
book section published in 1997 in 'Environmental impact assessment in Kenya: theory and practice', Eldoret: Moi University School of Environmental Studies.
book section published in 2009
book section published in 2000 in 'Proceedings of the international symposium on climate change and variability, and their impacts'.
book section published in 1999
journal article from 'Journal of Bamboo and Rattan' published in 2001
Chapter in: Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of G.A. de Bruijne, p. 309-328 : krt., tab
book section in "Research in Political Economy, an annual compilation of research 2", published in 1979
book section published in 2004
journal article from 'Nieuwskrant GPIO' published in 2008
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Economisch Statistische Berichten' published in 2017
journal article from 'Folia' published in 2007
journal article from 'Sustainability science' published in 2013
journal article from 'Vice versa : vakblad ontwikkelingssamenwerking' published in 2009
publication by Ton Dietz, Marcel Rutten, Michiel van den Bergh, Dick Foeken, Sander Hees, Roeland Hemsteede, Francis Jarawura, Laurens Nijzink, Germa Seuren, Fenneken Veldkamp
publication by Ton Dietz, Laurens Nijzink, Germa Seuren, Fenneken Veldkamp
publication by Ton Dietz, Francis Jarawura, Germa Seuren, Fenneken Veldkamp
publication by Ton Dietz, Michiel van den Bergh, Germa Seuren, Fenneken Veldkamp
publication by Ton Dietz, Roeland Hemsteede, Germa Seuren, Fenneken Veldkamp
publication by Ton Dietz, Sander Hees, Germa Seuren, Fenneken Veldkamp
journal article from 'Geografie' published in 2018
publication by Ton Dietz
journal article from 'Human Ecology' published in 2008
book section published in 2006
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
publication by Ton Dietz
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About Paulina