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List of works by Gina Brown-Guedira

: an -derived Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Common Wheat


A conserved locus conditioning Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus resistance on the long arm of chromosome 5D in common wheat

Allelic Variation in Developmental Genes and Effects on Winter Wheat Heading Date in the U.S. Great Plains

scientific article

Association study of resistance to Soilborne wheat mosaic virus in U.S. winter wheat

scientific article published in November 2011

Bearded or smooth? Awns improve yield when wheat experiences heat stress during grain fill in the southeastern United States

scientific article published in 2023

Characterization of Resistance to Stripe Rust in Contemporary Cultivars and Lines of Winter Wheat from the Eastern United States


Characterization of Stripe Rust Resistance in Wheat Lines with Resistance Gene Yr17 and Implications for Evaluating Resistance and Virulence

scientific article published on 16 March 2015

Characterization of Two Adult-Plant Stripe Rust Resistance Genes on Chromosomes 3BS and 4BL in Soft Red Winter Wheat

Characterization of a major QTL for adult plant resistance to stripe rust in US soft red winter wheat

scientific article published on 10 August 2011

Characterization of polyploid wheat genomic diversity using a high-density 90,000 single nucleotide polymorphism array

scientific article

Correction: SNP Discovery and Chromosome Anchoring Provide the First Physically-Anchored Hexaploid Oat Map and Reveal Synteny with Model Species.

scientific article

Determining the order of resistance genes against Stagonospora nodorum blotch, Fusarium head blight and stem rust on wheat chromosome arm 3BS.

scientific article published on 2 February 2016

Development and validation of a breeder-friendly KASPar marker for wheat leaf rust resistance locus Lr21


Development of Wheat Lines Having a Small Introgressed Segment Carrying Stem Rust Resistance Gene


Evaluation of Genomic Prediction Methods for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat

Exotic Scab Resistance Quantitative Trait Loci Effects on Soft Red Winter Wheat


Gene evolution at the ends of wheat chromosomes

scholarly article

Genes Conferring Sensitivity to Stagonospora nodorum Necrotrophic Effectors in Stagonospora Nodorum Blotch-Susceptible U.S. Wheat Cultivars


Genetic Diversity among Wheat Accessions from the USDA National Small Grains Collection

Genetic analysis and association of simple sequence repeat markers with storage root yield, dry matter, starch and β-carotene content in sweetpotato

scientific article

Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat using Genotyping-by-Sequencing

scientific article

Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Stem Rust Resistance in Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum

scientific article

Genome-Wide Association Studies to Identify Loci and Candidate Genes Controlling Kernel Weight and Length in a Historical United States Wheat Population


Genome-wide association study reveals novel quantitative trait Loci associated with resistance to multiple leaf spot diseases of spring wheat

scientific article

Genotyping of U.S. Wheat Germplasm for Presence of Stem Rust Resistance Genes , and


Heading Date QTL in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Coincide with Major Developmental Genes VERNALIZATION1 and PHOTOPERIOD1

scientific article

Identification of Malting Quality QTLs in Advanced Generation Breeding Germplasm

Identification of milling and baking quality QTL in multiple soft wheat mapping populations

scientific article published on 19 July 2015

Identification of simple sequence repeat markers for sweetpotato weevil resistance

Identifying Rare FHB-Resistant Segregants in Intransigent Backcross and F2 Winter Wheat Populations

scientific article published on 7 March 2016

Mapping of Head Blight Resistance Quantitative Trait Loci in Winter Wheat Cultivar NC-Neuse


Mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm53 introgressed from Aegilops speltoides into soft red winter wheat

scientific article published on 26 November 2014

Meeting the Challenges Facing Wheat Production: The Strategic Research Agenda of the Global Wheat Initiative

scientific article published on 7 November 2022

MlAG12: a Triticum timopheevii-derived powdery mildew resistance gene in common wheat on chromosome 7AL.

scientific article published on 18 September 2009

Molecular characterization of a new powdery mildew resistance gene Pm54 in soft red winter wheat

scientific article published on 23 December 2014

Molecular characterization of field resistance to Fusarium head blight in two US soft red winter wheat cultivars

scientific article

Morphological Traits Associated with Weed-Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat against Italian Ryegrass


Natural Genetic Variation Underlying Tiller Development in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L)

scientific article published on 09 April 2020

Novel QTL associated with the Fusarium head blight resistance in Truman soft red winter wheat


Population Structure, Linkage Disequilibrium, and Genetic Diversity in Soft Winter Wheat Enriched for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance


Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement

scientific article published on 01 November 2021

Post-anthesis moisture increased Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol levels in North Carolina winter wheat

scientific article

QTL and major genes influencing grain yield potential in soft red winter wheat adapted to the southern United States


Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Spike Characteristics in Hexaploid Wheat

scientific article published in July 2017

Registration of the Soft Red Winter Wheat Germplasm MD01W233–06–1 Resistant to Fusarium Head Blight


Registration of ‘Ambassador’ Wheat

Registration of ‘MSU E5024’ Wheat

Registration of ‘Red Amber’ Wheat

Registration of ‘Red Ruby’ Wheat

Relative Contributions of Allelopathy and Competitive Traits to the Weed Suppressive Ability of Winter Wheat Lines Against Italian Ryegrass


SNP discovery and chromosome anchoring provide the first physically-anchored hexaploid oat map and reveal synteny with model species

scientific article

Selection of Simple Sequence Repeat Markers Associated with Inheritance of Sweetpotato Virus Disease Resistance in Sweetpotato

Sequence-based mapping identifies a candidate transcription repressor underlying awn suppression at the B1 locus in wheat

scientific article published on 27 September 2019

Single nucleotide polymorphisms in a regulatory site of VRN-A1 first intron are associated with differences in vernalization requirement in winter wheat.

scientific article

Training population selection and use of fixed effects to optimize genomic predictions in a historical USA winter wheat panel


Validation of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance QTL in US Winter Wheat


Vernalization Duration Requirement in Soft Winter Wheat is Associated with Variation at the Locus
