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List of works by Keith Worden

A Bayesian non-parametric clustering approach for semi-supervised Structural Health Monitoring

scientific article

A Brief Introduction to Recent Developments in Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring

scientific article

A Non-linear Manifold Strategy for SHM Approaches

scientific article

A Time Series Decomposition Method For Heteroskedastic Data In Structural Health Monitoring

scientific article

A cointegration approach for heteroscedastic data based on a time series decomposition: An application to structural health monitoring

scientific article

A multiresolution approach to cointegration for enhanced SHM of structures under varying conditions – An exploratory study

scientific article

A nonlinear cointegration approach with applications to structural health monitoring

scientific article

A principled multiresolution approach for signal decomposition

scientific article

A probabilistic compressive sensing framework with applications to ultrasound signal processing

scientific article

A probabilistic framework for online structural health monitoring: active learning from machining data streams

scientific article

A regime-switching cointegration approach for removing environmental and operational variations in structural health monitoring

scientific article

A transfer learning-based digital twin for detecting localised torsional friction in deviated wells

scientific article published on 22 March 2022

Acoustic emission for monitoring aircraft structures

An Exploratory Study on Removing Environmental and Operational Effects Using a Regime-Switching Cointegration Method

scientific article

Approaches to nonlinear cointegration with a view towards applications in SHM

scientific article

Approximation of the Duffing oscillator frequency response function using the FPK equation

Approximation of the Duffing oscillator frequency response function using the FPK equation

scientific article

Aspects of computational intelligence in structural dynamics: Structural health monitoring

scientific article

Aspects of structural health and condition monitoring of offshore wind turbines.

scientific article

Assessing the Likelihood of Damage at the Start of a Structural Health Monitoring Campaign

scientific article

Autonomous ultrasonic inspection using Bayesian optimisation and robust outlier analysis

scientific article

Bayesian Joint Input-State Estimation for Nonlinear Systems

scientific article

Bayesian and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for identifying nonlinear systems in the presence of uncertainty

scientific article

Bayesian sensitivity analysis of a model of the aortic valve

scientific article published on April 8, 2011

Bayesian sensitivity analysis of bifurcating nonlinear models

Bayesian system identification of dynamical systems using highly informative training data

scientific article

Clustering-based Crack Growth Characterisation using Synchronised Vibration and Acoustic Emission Measurements

scientific article

Cointegration and Nonstationarity in the Context of Multiresolution Analysis

scientific article

Cointegration and the Empirical Mode Decomposition for the Analysis of Diagnostic Data

scientific article

Cointegration and why it works for SHM

scientific article

Cointegration: a novel approach for the removal of environmental trends in structural health monitoring data

scientific article

Compressive Sensing for Direct Time of Flight Estimation in Ultrasound-based NDT

scientific article

Computational model of an infant brain subjected to periodic motion simplified modelling and Bayesian sensitivity analysis.

scientific article published in November 2011

Damage detection in operational wind turbine blades using a new approach based on machine learning

scientific article

Efficient parameter identification and model selection in nonlinear dynamical systems via sparse Bayesian learning

scientific article

Envelope Analysis Using the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator for Condition Monitoring of a Wind Turbine Bearing

scientific article

Equation discovery for nonlinear dynamical systems: A Bayesian viewpoint

scientific article

Evaluation of neural network robust reliability using information-gap theory

scientific article

Exploring Environmental and Operational Variations in SHM Data Using Heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes

scientific article

Features for damage detection with insensitivity to environmental and operational variations

scientific article

Filtering environmental load effects to enhance novelty detection on cable-supported bridge performance

scientific article

Foundations of population-based SHM, Part I: Homogeneous populations and forms

scientific article

Gaussian Processes for Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades

scientific article

Identification of Nonlinear Wave Forces Using Gaussian Process NARX Models

scientific article

Identification of a Duffing oscillator using particle Gibbs with ancestor sampling

scientific article

Identification of pre-sliding friction dynamics

scientific article published on 01 June 2004

In-Process Monitoring of Automated Carbon Fibre Tape Layup Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves

scientific article

Investigating Engineering Data by Probabilistic Measures

scientific article

Is it worth changing pattern recognition methods for structural health monitoring?

scientific article

Kernel based modelling of friction dynamics


Long-term monitoring and data analysis of the Tamar Bridge

Machine learning at the interface of structural health monitoring and non-destructive evaluation

scientific article published on 14 September 2020

Modelling environmental effects on the dynamic characteristics of the Tamar suspension bridge

Modelling of Guided Waves in a Composite Plate Through a Combination of Physical Knowledge and Regression Analysis

scientific article

Multivariate statistics process control for dimensionality reduction in structural assessment

scholarly article by Luis E Mujica et al published January 2008 in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

New Modes of Inference for Probabilistic SHM

scientific article

New results for the ADF statistic in nonstationary signal analysis with a view towards structural health monitoring

scientific article

On Digital Twins, Mirrors and Virtualisations

scientific article

On Digital Twins, Mirrors, and Virtualizations: Frameworks for Model Verification and Validation

scientific article

On Gaussian Process NARX Models and Their Higher-Order Frequency Response Functions

scientific article

On Metrics Assessing the Information Content of Datasets for Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring

scientific article

On Stationarity and the Interpretation of the ADF Statistic

scientific article

On a Grey Box Modelling Framework for Nonlinear System Identification

scientific article

On a meta-learning population-based approach to damage prognosis

scientific article published in 2024

On evolutionary system identification with applications to nonlinear benchmarks

scientific article

On robust regression analysis as a means of exploring environmental and operational conditions for SHM data

scientific article

On switching response surface models, with applications to the structural health monitoring of bridges

scientific article

On the Choice of Optimisation Scheme for Gaussian Process Hyperparameters in SHM Problems

scientific article

On the application of Gaussian process latent force models for joint input-state-parameter estimation: With a view to Bayesian operational identification

scientific article

On the confidence bounds of Gaussian process NARX models and their higher-order frequency response functions

scientific article

On the performance of a cointegration-based approach for novelty detection in realistic fatigue crack growth scenarios

scientific article

Outlier ensembles: A robust method for damage detection and unsupervised feature extraction from high-dimensional data

scientific article

Prediction of landing gear loads using machine learning techniques

scientific article

Probabilistic Inference for Structural Health Monitoring: New Modes of Learning from Data

scientific article

Probabilistic active learning: An online framework for structural health monitoring

scientific article

Probabilistic modelling of wind turbine power curves with application of heteroscedastic Gaussian Process regression

scientific article

Robust methods for outlier detection and regression for SHM applications

scientific article

Robust methods of inclusive outlier analysis for structural health monitoring

scientific article

Robust nonlinear system identification: Bayesian mixture of experts using the t-distribution

scholarly article by Tara Baldacchino et al published February 2017 in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Simulation of ultrasonic lamb wave generation, propagation and detection for a reconfigurable air coupled scanner

scientific article published on 03 November 2010

Some Recent Developments in SHM Based on Nonstationary Time Series Analysis

scientific article

Some Recent Developments in Structural Health Monitoring

scientific article

State-of-the-Art and Future Directions for Predictive Modelling of Offshore Structure Dynamics Using Machine Learning

scientific article

Structural Health Monitoring: from Structures to Systems-of-Systems ★ ★The support of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through grant reference numbers EP/J016942/1 and EP/K003836/2, and that of the EU Framework 7

Structured machine learning tools for modelling characteristics of guided waves

scientific article

Switching Response Surface Models for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges


Towards Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring, Part VII: EOV Fields – Environmental Mapping

scientific article

Use of the cointegration strategies to remove environmental effects from data acquired on historical buildings

scientific article

Variational Bayesian mixture of experts models and sensitivity analysis for nonlinear dynamical systems

scientific article