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List of works by James Taylor

2.1 microm continuous-wave Raman laser in GeO2 fiber.

scientific article

20-kW peak power all-fiber 1.57-microm source based on compression in air-core photonic bandgap fiber, its frequency doubling, and broadband generation from 430 to 1450 nm.

scientific article

4x repetition-rate multiplication and Raman compression of pulses in the same optical fiber

scientific article published on 01 July 2002

50-fs pulse generation from a self-starting cw passively mode-locked Cr:LiSrAlF6 laser.

scientific article

All-fiber dispersive transmission filters based on fiber grating reflectors

scientific article published on 01 July 1995

All-fiber format compression of frequency chirped pulses in air-guiding photonic crystal fibers

scientific article published on 01 September 2004

Argon-ion-pumped and diode-pumped all-solid-state femtosecond Cr:LiSrAlF(6) regenerative amplifiers

scientific article published on 01 January 1995

Cascade Raman soliton fiber ring laser.

scientific article

Characterization of nonlinear saturation and mode-locking potential of ionically-doped colored glass filter for short-pulse fiber lasers.

scientific article

Chirped pulse Raman amplification with compression in air-core photonic bandgap fiber

scientific article published on 01 April 2005

Comblike dispersion-profiled fiber for soliton pulse train generation

scientific article published on 01 April 1994

Compact, synchronously diode-pumped tunable fiber Raman source of subpicosecond solitons around 1.6 microm.

scientific article published in February 2004

Continuous-wave mode-locked Cr(4+):YAG laser.

scientific article

Continuous-wave, high-power, Raman continuum generation in holey fibers

scientific article published on 01 August 2003

Continuous-wave, totally fiber integrated optical parametric oscillator using holey fiber

scientific article published on 01 May 2004

Continuous-wave-pumped Raman-assisted fiber optical parametric amplifier and wavelength converter in conventional dispersion-shifted fiber

scientific article published on 01 October 2001

Continuously self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser that produces sub-50-fs pulses.

scientific article

Copropagating and counterpropagating pumps in second-order- pumped discrete fiber Raman amplifiers

scientific article published on 01 October 2002

Diode-pumped Cr:LiSAF all-solid-state femtosecond oscillator and regenerative amplifier

scientific article published on 01 November 1995

Direct continuous-wave measurement of n(2) in various types of telecommunication fiber at 1.55 microm

scientific article published on 01 December 1996

Duration-tunable 0.2-20-ps 10-GHz source of transform-limited optical pulses based on an electroabsorption modulator

scientific article published on 01 December 1995

Efficient second-harmonic generation at 384 nm in periodically poled lithium tantalate by use of a visible Yb--Er-seeded fiber source

scientific article published on 01 September 2000

Femtosecond pulse generation from a titanium-doped sapphire laser using nonlinear external cavity feedback.

scientific article

Femtosecond pulses at 20 GHz repetition rate through spectral masking of a phase modulated signal and nonlinear pulse compression.

scientific article

Femtosecond soliton generation in a praseodymium fluoride fiber laser

scientific article published on 01 June 1994

Gain-flattened fiber Raman amplifiers with nonlinearity-broadened pumps

scientific article published on 01 December 2003

Generation of 33-fsec pulses at 1.32 microm through a high-order soliton effect in a single-mode optical fiber.

scientific article

Generation of femtosecond soliton pulses by passive mode locking of an ytterbium-erbium figure-of-eight fiber laser

scientific article published on 01 September 1993

Generation of multiwatt, broadband continua in holey fibers

scientific article published on 01 January 2002

Generation of pulses as short as 93 fs from self-starting femtosecond Cr:LiSrAlF(6) lasers by exploiting multiple-quantum-well absorbers.

scientific article

Generation of subpicosecond pulses from a continuous-wave mode-locked Nd:YAG laser using a two-stage optical compression technique

scientific article published on 01 July 1985

High-peak-power femtosecond pulse compression with polarization-maintaining ytterbium-doped fiber amplification.

scientific article

Intensity dependent time-resolution and dynamic range of Photochron picosecond streak-cameras

scientific article published on 01 February 1978

Kerr-lens mode-locked visible transitions of a Pr:YLF laser.

scientific article

Low-threshold self-induced modulational instability ring laser in highly nonlinear fiber yielding a continuous-wave 262-GHz soliton train.

scientific article

Measurement of normalization factor of n(2) for random polarization in optical fibers

scientific article published on 01 October 1996

Mid-infrared Raman-soliton continuum pumped by a nanotube-mode-locked sub-picosecond Tm-doped MOPFA.

scientific article published in October 2013

Mode-locked all-solid-state diode-pumped Cr:LiSAF laser.

scientific article published in November 1993

Multi-kilowatt, all-fiber integrated chirped-pulse amplification system yielding 40x pulse compression using air-core fiber and conventional erbium-doped fiber amplifier

scientific article published on 01 February 2004

Narrow-line, 1178nm CW bismuth-doped fiber laser with 6.4W output for direct frequency doubling.

scientific article

Optical coherence tomography using a continuous-wave, high-power, Raman continuum light source

scientific article

Optical pulse compression in dispersion decreasing photonic crystal fiber

scientific article published on 01 October 2007

Passive mode locking and dispersion measurement of a sub-100-fs Cr(4+):YAG laser.

scientific article

Passive mode locking of a continuous-wave energy-transfer dye laser operating in the near infrared around 750 nm.

scientific article

Passively mode-locked cw Coumarin 6 ring dye laser.

scientific article

Picosecond pulse generation from a continuous-wave diode laser through cross-phase modulation in an optical fiber.

scientific article

Raman amplification of modulational instability and solitary-wave formation

scientific article published on 01 November 1988

Short-pulse, all-fiber, Raman laser with dispersion compensation in a holey fiber.

scientific article

Soliton generation through Raman amplification of noise bursts

scientific article published on 01 October 1989

Soliton self-frequency shift in highly nonlinear fiber with extension by external Raman pumping

scientific article published on 01 December 2003

Solitons in the region of the minimum group-velocity dispersion of single-mode optical fibers

scientific article published on 01 September 1988

Source of spectral and temporal instability in soliton fiber lasers.

scientific article

Spectral filtering of solitons by means of a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror

scientific article published on 01 August 1995

Stimulated Brillouin scattering of visible light in small-core photonic crystal fibers.

scientific article

Subpicosecond-pulse generation through cross-phase-modulation-induced modulational instability in optical fibers

scientific article published on 01 October 1988

Supercontinuum self-Q-switched ytterbium fiber laser.

scientific article

Suppression and manipulation of the soliton self-frequency shift

scientific article published on 01 May 1989

Temperature-dependent gain and noise in fiber Raman amplifiers

scientific article published on 01 December 1999

Tm-doped fiber laser mode-locked by graphene-polymer composite.

scientific article

Toward visible cw-pumped supercontinua.

scientific article

Visible continuous-wave laser transitions in Pr(3+):YLF and femtosecond pulse generation.

scientific article

Watts-level frequency doubling of a narrow line linearly polarized Raman fiber laser to 589nm.

scientific article

Widely tunable polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber based parametric wavelength conversion

scientific article published on 01 July 2013

Ytterbium gain band self-induced modulation instability laser

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Zero-dispersion wavelength decreasing photonic crystal fibers for ultraviolet-extended supercontinuum generation

scientific article published on 01 June 2006