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List of works by Ken Resnicow

"I am not alone": the feasibility and acceptability of interactive voice response-facilitated telephone peer support among older adults with heart failure

scientific article published in May 2007

'Reducing Delays In Vaccination' (REDIVAC) trial: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a web-based, individually tailored, educational intervention to improve timeliness of infant vaccination

scientific article published on 22 May 2019

2-year tracking of children's fruit and vegetable intake

scientific article

A Clustered Randomized Trial Informing Patients on Dialysis About Their Ability to Donate Organs and Tissues

scientific article published on 22 June 2020

A Diet and Exercise Intervention during Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

A Glaucoma-Specific Brief Motivational Interviewing Training Program for Ophthalmology Para-professionals: Assessment of Feasibility and Initial Patient Impact

scientific article published on 20 December 2018

A Multicomponent Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Stroke Risk Factor Behaviors: The Stroke Health and Risk Education Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article

A Picture May Be Worth a Thousand Texts: Obese Adolescents' Perspectives on a Modified Photovoice Activity To Aid Weight Loss

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

A Randomized Trial of Motivational Interviewing: Cessation Induction Among Smokers With Low Desire to Quit

scientific article

A Values-Tailored Web-Based Intervention for New Mothers to Increase Infant Vaccine Uptake: Development and Qualitative Study

scientific article published on 05 March 2020

A chaotic view of behavior change: a quantum leap for health promotion

scientific article

A community based prevention of weight gain intervention (Mothers In Motion) among young low-income overweight and obese mothers: design and rationale

scientific article

A decade of tobacco control: the South African case of politics, health policy, health promotion and behaviour change

scientific article published on 30 September 2013

A diabetes peer support intervention that improved glycemic control: mediators and moderators of intervention effectiveness

scientific article published on 12 April 2013

A motivational interviewing intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intake through Black churches: results of the Eat for Life trial

scientific article published in October 2001

A new audience segmentation tool for African Americans: the black identity classification scale

scientific article

A pilot study of a Community Health Agent-led type 2 diabetes self-management program using Motivational Interviewing-based approaches in a public primary care center in São Paulo, Brazil

scientific article

A pilot study of the effects of a tailored web-based intervention on promoting fruit and vegetable intake in African American families

scientific article published on 03 December 2013

A qualitative study of a nutrition working group

scientific article

A randomized clinical trial evaluating online interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption

scientific article published on 17 December 2009

A randomized controlled trial to provide adherence information and motivational interviewing to improve diabetes and lipid control

scientific article

A randomized trial of an avatar-hosted multiple behavior change intervention for young adult smokers

scientific article published on December 2013

A randomized trial of targeted educational materials for smoking cessation in African Americans using transdermal nicotine

scientific article

A religiously-tailored, multilevel intervention in African American churches to increase HIV testing: Rationale and design of the Taking It to the Pews cluster randomized trial

scientific article published on 16 September 2019

A school-based harm minimization smoking intervention trial: outcome results.

scientific article published in May 2005

A self-help smoking cessation program for inner-city African Americans: results from the Harlem Health Connection Project

scientific article

A three-year evaluation of the know your body program in inner-city schoolchildren

scientific article published on January 1, 1992

Accuracy and precision of two short screeners to assess change in fruit and vegetable consumption among diverse populations participating in health promotion intervention trials


Action reflections: a client-centered technique to bridge the WHY-HOW transition in Motivational Interviewing

scientific article published on 14 March 2012

Adaptation of a counseling intervention to address multiple cancer risk factors among overweight/obese Latino smokers

scientific article published on 19 December 2014

Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low and middle-income countries: protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate 'Lifestyle Africa'

scientific article published on 11 November 2019

Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low- and middle-income countries: preliminary implementation findings from lifestyle Africa

scientific article published on 01 February 2020

Addressing personal parental values in decisions about childhood vaccination: Measure development

scientific article published on 14 August 2019

Adherence to antiretroviral medication regimens: a test of a psychosocial model

scientific article

Adult Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables and Fat Related Practices by Meal and Day

scientific article published on 01 January 1998

Advances and future directions for school-based health promotion research: commentary on the CATCH intervention Trial

scientific article published on July 1996

Advances in Motivational Interviewing for Pediatric Obesity: Results of the Brief Motivational Interviewing to Reduce Body Mass Index Trial and Future Directions.

scientific article published on June 2016

African American smokers interested and eligible for a smoking cessation clinical trial: predictors of not returning for randomization

scientific article published on April 2002

African-American physicians' and dentists' perceptions of smoking cessation: solo versus HMO practices

scientific article published on January 1, 1997

An overview of the Families Improving Together (FIT) for weight loss randomized controlled trial in African American families

scientific article published on 30 March 2015

Analysis of a multicomponent smoking cessation project: what worked and why.

scientific article published in May 1997

Are parents' self-reported total cholesterol levels useful in identifying children with hyperlipidemia? An examination of current guidelines.

scientific article published in September 1993

Are precontemplators less likely to change their dietary behavior? A prospective analysis

scientific article published on December 2003

Association between smoking cessation and weight gain in treatment-seeking African Americans

scientific article published on 3 February 2018

Association of Tobacco Use during Pregnancy, Perceived Stress, and Depression among Alaska Native Women Participants in the Healthy Pregnancies Project

scientific article published on 30 September 2019

Associations Between Internalized HIV Stigma and Tobacco Smoking Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV: The Moderating Role of Future Orientations

scientific article published on 01 January 2020

Associations between Culturally Relevant Recruitment Strategies and Participant Interest, Enrollment and Generalizability in a Weight-loss Intervention for African American Families

scientific article published on 21 July 2016

Baseline design elements and sample characteristics for seven sites participating in the Nutrition Working Group of the Behavior Change Consortium

scientific article

Body and soul. A dietary intervention conducted through African-American churches

scientific article published in August 2004

Body mass index as a predictor of systolic blood pressure in a multiracial sample of US schoolchildren

scientific article published on 01 January 1993

Challenges and opportunities using online portals to recruit diverse patients to behavioral trials

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

Challenges in researching racially sensitive topics in HMOs.

scientific article published on July 2009

Church-based health promotion interventions: evidence and lessons learned

scientific article published on January 2007

Cigarette Smoking Interventions among Diverse Populations

scientific article published on May 1, 2011

Cigarette smoking among marijuana users in the United States

scientific article published in June 2004

Clinical trial awareness among racial/ethnic minorities in HINTS 2007: sociodemographic, attitudinal, and knowledge correlates

scientific article

Cluster Randomized Trial of a Church-Based Peer Counselor and Tailored Newsletter Intervention to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening and Physical Activity Among Older African Americans

scientific article published on 29 October 2015

Communication preference moderates the effect of a tailored intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening among African Americans.

scientific article published on 3 September 2014

Comparison of two school-based smoking prevention programs among South African high school students: results of a randomized trial

scientific article published on 06 December 2008

Compliance with point-of-sale tobacco control policies and student tobacco use in Mumbai, India

scientific article published on 9 May 2018

Computer-delivered indirect screening and brief intervention for drug use in the perinatal period: A randomized trial

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

Conducting a comprehensive school health program

scientific article published on February 1996

Conducting health interventions in black churches: a model for building effective partnerships

scientific article published on January 1, 2001

Confirmatory factor analysis of the child-feeding questionnaire among parents of adolescents

scientific article published on 19 April 2006

Consultations about changing behaviour

scientific article

Correlates of occasional cigarette and marijuana use: are teens harm reducing?

scientific article published on March 1999

Correspondence of the NCI Fruit and Vegetable Screener to repeat 24-H recalls and serum carotenoids in behavioral intervention trials

scientific article

Corrigendum to "Study protocol: CareAvenue program to improve unmet social risk factors and diabetes outcomes - A randomized controlled trial" [Contemporary Clinical Trials 89 (2020) 105933]

scientific article published on 14 May 2020

Cultural sensitivity in public health: defined and demystified.

scientific article

Culturally specific versus standard group cognitive behavioral therapy for smoking cessation among African Americans: an RCT protocol

scientific article

Decision Regret following Treatment for Localized Breast Cancer: Is Regret Stable Over Time?

scientific article published on 22 December 2014

Demographic differences in and correlates of perceived body image discrepancy among urban adolescent girls: a cross-sectional study

scientific article published on 6 December 2017

Depressive symptoms and smoking cessation among inner-city African Americans using the nicotine patch

scientific article published on February 2003

Design of a randomized controlled trial for multiple cancer risk behaviors among Spanish-speaking Mexican-origin smokers

scientific article

Designing a smoking cessation intervention for the unique needs of homeless persons: a community-based randomized clinical trial

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

Developing health communication messaging for a social marketing campaign to reduce tobacco use in pregnancy among Alaska Native women

scientific article published on 16 July 2018

Development and implementation of the National Cancer Institute's Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey to assess correlates of fruit and vegetable intake in adults

scientific article

Development and psychometric properties of a brief measure of subjective decision quality for breast cancer treatment

scientific article

Development of a Nutrition Knowledge Scale for Elementary School Students: Toward a National Surveillance System


Development of a coronavirus social distance attitudes scale

scientific article published on 24 November 2020

Development of a modified picture-sort food frequency questionnaire administered to low-income, overweight, African-American adolescent girls

scientific article published on 01 September 2000

Development of a psychosocial distress measure for Ugandan adolescents living with HIV.

scientific article

Development of a scale to measure African American attitudes toward organ donation.

scientific article

Development of an Ethnic Identity Measure for Americans of Middle Eastern and North African Descent: Initial Psychometric Properties, Sociodemographic, and Health Correlates

scientific article published on 24 September 2020

Diabetes Prevention for Pacific People in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Feasibility Study to Adapt the Diabetes Prevention Program With Samoan/Tongan Church Communities

scientific article published on 01 June 2020

Diet and serum lipids in vegan vegetarians: a model for risk reduction

scientific article published on 01 April 1991

Dietary change through African American churches: baseline results and program description of the eat for life trial

scientific article published in January 2000

Dietary pattern as a predictor of change in BMI z-score among girls

scientific article

Differences among African American light, moderate, and heavy smokers

scientific article published in February 2001

Direct and Mediated Effects of Two Theoretically Based Interventions to Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in the Healthy Body Healthy Spirit Trial

scientific article published on May 19, 2011

Disparities in age-appropriate child passenger restraint use among children aged 1 to 12 years

scientific article

Do-not-resuscitate orders and predictive models after intracerebral hemorrhage

scientific article

Does harm minimisation lead to greater experimentation? Results from a school smoking intervention trial

scientific article published in November 2007

Does menthol attenuate the effect of bupropion among African American smokers?

scientific article published on October 1, 2003

Does physician communication style impact patient report of decision quality for breast cancer treatment?

scientific article published on 22 June 2016

Effect of varying levels of disease management on smoking cessation: a randomized trial

scientific article

Effects of a culturally specific tobacco cessation intervention among African American Quitline enrollees: a randomized controlled trial.

scientific article published on 10 January 2018

Effects of a methodological infographic on research participants' knowledge, transparency, and trust

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Effects of self-transcendence on neural responses to persuasive messages and health behavior change

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Effects of the Girls on the Move randomized trial on adiposity and aerobic performance (secondary outcomes) in low-income adolescent girls

scientific article published on 03 July 2019

Efficient Allocation of Public Health and Behavior Change Resources: The "Difficulty by Motivation" Matrix

scientific article published on 01 January 2017

Electronic Brief Intervention and Text Messaging for Marijuana Use During Pregnancy: Initial Acceptability of Patients and Providers

scientific article published on 8 November 2017

Embracing chaos and complexity: a quantum change for public health

scientific article published on 12 June 2008

Enhancing the Evidence for Behavioral Counseling: A Perspective From the Society of Behavioral Medicine

scientific article

Ethnic Identity predicts loss-to-follow-up in a health promotion trial.

scientific article

Ethnic Identity, Questionnaire Content, and the Dilemma of Race Matching in Surveys of African Americans by African American Interviewers

scientific article

Ethnic differences in social correlates of diet

scientific article published in February 2002

Evaluating the dissemination of Body & Soul, an evidence-based fruit and vegetable intake intervention: challenges for dissemination and implementation research.

scientific article

Evaluation of a school-site cardiovascular risk factor screening intervention

scientific article published on 01 November 1993

Evaluation of a short dietary assessment instrument for percentage energy from fat in an intervention study

scientific article published on 01 January 2008

Evaluation of the American Cancer Society's Research Promotion Guide.

scientific article published on March 2001

Examining racism and firearm-related risks among Asian Americans in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic

scientific article published on 23 April 2022

Examining the relationship between psychological distress and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among Ugandan adolescents living with HIV.

scientific article published on 10 January 2016

Exercise Effects on Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Integrative Review

scientific article published on 13 March 2020

Factors associated with nonresponse to a computer-tailored asthma management program for urban adolescents with asthma

scientific article

Feasibility of using maternal cancer screening visits to identify adolescent girls eligible for human papillomavirus vaccination

scientific article

Food purchased away from home as a predictor of change in BMI z-score among girls

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Gimme 5 fruit and vegetables for fun and health: process evaluation

scientific article published on April 2000

Gimme 5 fruit, juice, and vegetables for fun and health: outcome evaluation

scientific article published on February 2000

Go Girls!: Results from a Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for Low-Income, Overweight African American Adolescent Females


Grocery Delivery of Healthy Foods to Pregnant Young Women With Low Incomes: Feasibility and Acceptability Mixed Methods Study

scientific article published on 24 December 2020

Group Motivational Interviewing to Promote Adherence to Antiretroviral Medications and Risk Reduction Behaviors in HIV Infected Women

scientific article published on July 1, 2011

Healthy Body/Healthy Spirit: a church-based nutrition and physical activity intervention

scientific article published in October 2002

Healthy Pregnancies Project: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community Intervention to Reduce Tobacco Use among Alaska Native Women

scientific article published on 12 December 2020

How best to measure implementation of school health curricula: a comparison of three measures


How major restaurant chains plan their menus: the role of profit, demand, and health

scientific article published in May 2007

Identifying the Most Autonomy-Supportive Message Frame in Digital Health Communication: A 2x2 Between-Subjects Experiment

scientific article published on 30 October 2019

Impact of portion-size control for school a la carte items: changes in kilocalories and macronutrients purchased by middle school students

scientific article published on January 2008

Implementation of a pilot school-site cholesterol reduction intervention

scientific article published in February 1989

Improving Breast Cancer Surgical Treatment Decision Making: The iCanDecide Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article

Improving measurement methods for behavior change interventions: opportunities for innovation

scientific article published on 31 October 2006

Improving secondary stroke self-care among underserved ethnic minority individuals: a randomized clinical trial of a pilot intervention

scientific article published on December 8, 2012

Improving the school food environment: results from a pilot study in middle schools

scientific article published on March 2007

Increasing donor designation through black churches: results of a randomized trial

scientific article published in June 2012

Influence of school organizational characteristics on the outcomes of a school health promotion program

scientific article

Intervention Effects of "Girls on the Move" on Increasing Physical Activity: A Group Randomized Trial

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Interviewer effects in public health surveys

scientific article

Keepin' it R.E.A.L.!: program description and results of baseline assessment

scientific article published on February 2002

Keepin' it R.E.A.L.!: results of a mother-adolescent HIV prevention program

scientific article published in January 2006

Knowledge about smoking, reasons for smoking, and reasons for wishing to quit in inner-city African Americans.

scientific article published on January 1998

Long-term engagement in smoking cessation counseling among rural smokers

scientific article published in November 2007

Low validity of a seven-item fruit and vegetable food frequency questionnaire among third-grade students

scientific article published in January 1997

Maternal characteristics that predict a preference for mandatory adolescent HPV vaccination

scientific article published on February 1, 2011

Methodologic and design issues in patient-centered e-health research

scientific article

Motivational Interviewing for encouraging quit attempts among unmotivated smokers: study protocol of a randomized, controlled, efficacy trial.

scientific article

Motivational Interviewing: moving from why to how with autonomy support

scientific article published on March 2, 2012

Motivational interviewing and dietary counseling for obesity in primary care: an RCT

scientific article

Motivational interviewing for pediatric obesity: Conceptual issues and evidence review

scientific article published on December 2006

Motivational interviewing in community-based research: experiences from the field

scientific article

Motivational interviewing in health promotion: it sounds like something is changing

scientific article

Motivational interviewing to enhance nicotine patch treatment for smoking cessation among homeless smokers: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on March 19, 2013

Motivations for firearm possession and storage practices among urban young adults: differences between parents and non-parents

scientific article published on 10 September 2020

National patterns in human papillomavirus vaccination: An analysis of the National Survey of Family Growth

scientific article published on February 1, 2012

OMG do not say LOL: obese adolescents' perspectives on the content of text messages to enhance weight loss efforts

scientific article published on August 25, 2011

Obesity intervention among African-American children and adolescents

scientific article

Occasional Cigarette Smokers: Cue for Harm Reduction Smoking Education

journal article; published in Addiction Research & Theory in 2000

Organ Donation Attitudes Among Individuals With Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease

scientific article published on 25 July 2018

Organ Donation Attitudes and Practices among African Americans: An Adapted Measurement Instrument.

scientific article published on January 2016

Outcomes from the Body & Soul Clinical Trials Project: a university-church partnership to improve African American enrollment in a clinical trial registry

scientific article

Pathway to health: cluster-randomized trial to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among smokers in public housing

scientific article published on 01 March 2007

Patient Experience during the Support, Educate, Empower Glaucoma Coaching Program to Improve Medication Adherence: A Pilot Study

scientific article published on 07 May 2020

Patient-Reported Needs Following a Referral for Colorectal Cancer Screening

scientific article published on 13 December 2018

Patterns in children's fruit and vegetable consumption by meal and day of the week

scientific article published in June 1997

Peer Leaders Increase Organ Donor Designation Among Members of Historically African American Fraternities and Sororities.

scientific article published on 28 September 2017

Perceived environments as physical activity correlates and moderators of intervention in five studies.

scientific article published in September 2006

Performance of a short percentage energy from fat tool in measuring change in dietary intervention studies

scientific article published in January 2008

Personalized behavior change program for glaucoma patients with poor adherence: a pilot interventional cohort study with a pre-post design

scientific article published on 23 July 2018

Perspectives on Oncology-Specific Language During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

scientific article published on 06 August 2020

Physician attitudes about cost consciousness for breast cancer treatment: differences by cancer sub-specialty

scientific article published on 26 September 2018

Physician- and nurse-assisted smoking cessation in Harlem

scientific article published on 01 April 1995

Pilot Trial of an Emergency Department-based Intervention to Promote Child Passenger Safety Best Practices

scientific article published on 19 February 2019

Plasma cholesterol levels of 6585 children in the United States: results of the know your body screening in five states

scientific article published on 01 December 1989

Potential Biases Introduced by Conflating Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Colorectal Cancer Screening Surveillance

scientific article

Presence of diabetes risk factors in a large U.S. eighth-grade cohort.

scientific article published on February 2006

Prevalence and correlates of smokeless tobacco use among grade 8-11 school students in South Africa: a nationwide study

scientific article published in April 2014

Prevalence and correlates of substance use among high school students in South Africa and the United States

scientific article published on 29 August 2007

Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of INEBRIA: New York, NY, USA, September 14–15, 2017.

scientific article published on 14 September 2017

Process evaluation of an effective church-based diet intervention: Body & Soul

scientific article published on 15 December 2006

Progress in decreasing cigarette smoking.

scientific article published on January 1991

Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption among members of black churches, Michigan and North Carolina, 2008-2010.

scientific article published on January 2013

Psychological distress among Ugandan adolescents living with HIV: Examining stressors and the buffering role of general and religious coping strategies

scientific article published on 11 April 2016

Psychometric properties of a brief measure of autonomy support in breast cancer patients

scientific article published on 9 July 2015

Psychosocial mediation of fruit and vegetable consumption in the body and soul effectiveness trial

scientific article published in July 2006

Psychosocial predictors of fruit and vegetable consumption in adults a review of the literature

scientific article published on June 2008

Pushing the envelope for cultural appropriateness: does evidence support cultural tailoring in type 2 diabetes interventions for Mexican American adults?

scientific article

REAL men: a group-randomized trial of an HIV prevention intervention for adolescent boys

scientific article published on 26 April 2007

Race moderates the effects of Motivational Interviewing on smoking cessation induction

scientific article published on 18 August 2019

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests Awareness in HINTS 2007: Sociodemographic and Numeracy Correlates


Racial/ethnic differences in clinical trial enrollment, refusal rates, ineligibility, and reasons for decline among patients at sites in the National Cancer Institute's Community Cancer Centers Program.

scientific article published on 10 December 2013

Randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of offering postvisit decision support and assistance in obtaining physician-recommended colorectal cancer screening: the e-assist: Colon Health study-a protocol study

article by Jennifer Elston Lafata et al published 7 January 2019 in BMJ Open

Randomized Controlled Trial of Group-Based Culturally Specific Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Among African American Smokers

scientific article published on 15 July 2016

Randomized controlled effectiveness trial of reciprocal peer support in heart failure

scientific article published on 06 February 2013

Randomized trial using hair stylists as lay health advisors to increase donation in African Americans

scientific article published on January 1, 2010

Rapid Increases in Overweight and Obesity Among South African Adolescents: Comparison of Data From the South African National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey in 2002 and 2008

scientific article published on November 28, 2011

Rates and correlates of risky firearm behaviors among adolescents and young adults treated in an urban emergency department

scientific article published on 11 November 2019

Recommendations for prevention of childhood obesity

scientific article published on December 2007

Reducing paediatric overweight and obesity through motivational interviewing: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in the AAP PROS research network

scientific article published on 28 July 2020

Reducing the harm of a failed drug control policy

scientific article published on 01 October 1999

Reliability and Validity of the Commitment to Physical Activity Scale for Adolescents

scientific article published on 05 January 2016

Response to Letter Written by Shelly Cummings, MS, CGC of Myriad Genetics Laboratories, Inc. Regarding the Paper, “Racial and Ethnic Differences in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests Awareness in HINTS 2007: Sociodemographic and Numeracy Correlates.?


Results of go girls: a weight control program for overweight African-American adolescent females

scientific article published on October 2005

Results of the TeachWell worksite wellness program

scientific article published on 01 February 1998

Results of the healthy body healthy spirit trial

scientific article published in July 2005

Risk factor distribution among sociodemographically diverse African American adults

scientific article

School policy: what helps to reduce teenage smoking?

scientific article published in August 2003

School-based obesity prevention. Population versus high-risk interventions

scientific article

School-based substance use prevention programs: why do effects decay?

scientific article published on 01 July 1993

Screening experiments and the use of fractional factorial designs in behavioral intervention research

scientific article published on 12 June 2008

Screening practices of family physicians: a comparison of STFM and AAFP members

scientific article published on 01 September 1987

Self-affirmation alters the brain's response to health messages and subsequent behavior change

scientific article

Smokers eligible for a clinical trial. Correlates of not returning for randomization

scientific article published in October 2000

Smoking Characteristics and Comorbidities in the Power To Quit Randomized Clinical Trial for Homeless Smokers

scientific article published on May 15, 2012

Smoking cessation, smoking reduction, and delayed quitting among smokers given nicotine patches and a self-help pamphlet

scientific article published in June 2003

Smoking characteristics of a homeless population

scientific article published in December 2002

Smoking dependence across the levels of cigarette smoking in a multiethnic sample.

scientific article

Smoking prevalence in Harlem, New York

scientific article

Smoking reduction practices among African American smokers

scientific article

Smoking status as a vital sign

scientific article

Social Determinants of Health, Cost-related Nonadherence, and Cost-reducing Behaviors Among Adults With Diabetes: Findings From the National Health Interview Survey.

scientific article

Social Media Intervention to Promote Smoking Treatment Utilization and Cessation Among Alaska Native People Who Smoke: Protocol for the Connecting Alaska Native People to Quit Smoking (CAN Quit) Pilot Study

scientific article published on 22 November 2019

Social cognitive factors associated with mother-adolescent communication about sex.

scientific article published in January 2000

Social desirability trait influences on self-reported dietary measures among diverse participants in a multicenter multiple risk factor trial

scientific article published in January 2008

Social support and peer norms scales for physical activity in adolescents

scientific article

Social-cognitive predictors of fruit and vegetable intake in children

scientific article published on 01 May 1997

Solutions to Address Diabetes-Related Financial Burden and Cost-Related Nonadherence: Results From a Pilot Study

scientific article published in April 2017

Stroke Health and Risk Education (SHARE): design, methods, and theoretical basis

scientific article

Stroke health and risk education (SHARE) pilot project: feasibility and need for church-based stroke health promotion in a bi-ethnic community.

scientific article

Structure of problem and positive behaviors in African American youths

scientific article published on 01 August 1995

Studies of Tobacco Smoking and Control

Study design and baseline description of the BMI2 trial: reducing paediatric obesity in primary care practices

scientific article

Study protocol: CareAvenue program to improve unmet social risk factors and diabetes outcomes- A randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 07 January 2020

Successful recruitment of minorities into clinical trials: The Kick It at Swope project

scientific article published in August 2003

Survey Response Styles, Acculturation, and Culture Among a Sample of Mexican American Adults

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

Tailored mobile phone text messages as an adjunct to obesity treatment for adolescents

scientific article published on October 19, 2010

Tailored print communication and telephone motivational interviewing are equally successful in improving multiple lifestyle behaviors in a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Tailoring a fruit and vegetable intervention on ethnic identity: results of a randomized study

scientific article

Tailoring a fruit and vegetable intervention on novel motivational constructs: results of a randomized study.

scientific article published in April 2008

Ten unanswered questions regarding comprehensive school health promotion.

scientific article published on April 1993

The Case Against 'the Case Against Childhood Cholesterol Screening'

scientific article published on June 12, 1991

The Feasibility and Acceptability of the Developing Real Incentives and Volition for Exercise (DRIVE) Program: A Pilot Study for Promoting Physical Activity in African American Women

scientific article published on 08 July 2020

The Healthy Pregnancies Project: Study protocol and baseline characteristics for a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a community intervention to reduce tobacco use among Alaska Native pregnant women

scientific article published on 28 January 2019

The Heterogeneity of MI Interventions Studies for Treatment of Obesity

scientific article published on 22 October 2018

The Impact of the Support, Educate, Empower Personalized Glaucoma Coaching Pilot Study on Glaucoma Medication Adherence

scientific article published on 30 April 2020

The Know Your Body program: a review of evaluation studies

scientific article published on January 1993

The Most Common Barriers to Glaucoma Medication Adherence: A Cross-Sectional Survey

scientific article

The Promise of Tailoring Incentives for Healthy Behaviors

scientific article published in January 2016

The Relationship Between Psychosocial Correlates and Physical Activity in Underserved Adolescent Boys and Girls in the ACT Trial

scientific article published on February 1, 2011

The association between ethnic identity and condom use among young men in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

scientific article published on 12 June 2014

The association between ethnic identity and sexual coercion among young men in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

scientific article published on 6 December 2011

The development, reliability, and validity of a risk factor screening survey for urban minority junior high school students

scientific article

The relation between body mass index and plasma total cholesterol in a multiracial sample of US schoolchildren

scientific article published on 01 December 1990

The relationship between breakfast habits and plasma cholesterol levels in schoolchildren

scientific article published on February 1991

The role of comprehensive school-based interventions. The results of four know your body studies

scientific article published on 01 January 1991

The social legacy of AIDS: fertility aspirations among HIV-affected women in Uganda


Tobacco Use, Quitting Behavior, and Health Characteristics Among Current Electronic Cigarette Users in a National Tri-Ethnic Adult Stable Smoker Sample

scientific article

Tobacco smoking, cancer and social class

scientific article published on January 1, 1997

Tobacco use and preferences for wellness programs among health aides and other employees of an Alaska Native Health Corporation in Western Alaska

scientific article (publication date: 18 March 2017)

Toward systematic integration between self-determination theory and motivational interviewing as examples of top-down and bottom-up intervention development: autonomy or volition as a fundamental theoretical principle

scientific article published on March 2, 2012

Translating an adolescent smoking cessation program into policy and practice in an Australian context

scientific article published on 16 June 2008

Twenty-Two Health Promotion Pioneers

scientific article published in September 2015

Understanding tailoring in communicating about health

scientific article

Understanding the Role of Message Frames on African-American Willingness to Participate in a Hypothetical Diabetes Prevention Study

scientific article published on 27 July 2017

Underweight, overweight and obesity among South African adolescents: results of the 2002 National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey

scientific article

Unplanned quitting in a triethnic sample of U.S. smokers.

scientific article

Use of signal detection methodology to identify subgroups of dietary supplement use in diverse populations

scientific article

User-centered Design of the eyeGuide: A Tailored Glaucoma Behavior Change Program.

scientific article published on 19 April 2016

Using Motivational Interviewing to Promote Adherence to Antiretroviral Medications: A Pilot Study

scientific article published on March 1, 2003

Using Text Messaging, Social Media, and Interviews to Understand What Pregnant Youth Think About Weight Gain During Pregnancy

scientific article published on 01 April 2019

Using motivational interviewing to promote adherence to antiretroviral medications: a randomized controlled study

scientific article

Validation of PIN 3 physical activity survey in low-income overweight and obese young mothers

scientific article

Validation of the one pass measure for motivational interviewing competence

scientific article published on 14 January 2015

Validation of three food frequency questionnaires and 24-hour recalls with serum carotenoid levels in a sample of African-American adults

scientific article published in December 2000

Validity and reliability of a modified qualitative dietary fat index in low-income, overweight, African American adolescent girls

scientific article published in December 2000

Validity and reliability of qualitative dietary fat index questionnaires: a review

scientific article

Validity of a modified CHAMPS physical activity questionnaire among African-Americans

scientific article published in September 2003

Vitalum study design: RCT evaluating the efficacy of tailored print communication and telephone motivational interviewing on multiple health behaviors

scientific article

Web-Based Program Exposure and Retention in the Families Improving Together for Weight Loss Trial

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Web-Based Tailored Messaging to Increase Vaccination: A Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article published on 12 October 2020

When intraclass correlation coefficients go awry: a case study from a school-based smoking prevention study in South Africa

scientific article published on 18 February 2010

“Girls on the Move” intervention protocol for increasing physical activity among low-active underserved urban girls: a group randomized trial

scientific article published on May 15, 2013