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List of works by Panu Ruotsalainen

-Decay branching ratios measured by -ray tagging

A Recoil-Beta Tagging Study of N = Z nucleus [sup 66]As

A charge plunger device to measure the lifetimes of excited nuclear states where transitions are dominated by internal conversion

article by L. Barber et al published November 2020 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

A new differentially pumped plunger device to measure excited-state lifetimes in proton emitting nuclei

Advances at TRIUMF-ISAC and decay of neutron-rich Cd studied with GRIFFIN

scientific article

Anomalous transition strength in the proton-unbound nucleus I 56 53 109

Backbending in the pear-shaped Th90223 nucleus: Evidence of a high-spin octupole to quadrupole shape transition in the actinides

scholarly article

Characterizing the atomic mass surface beyond the proton drip line viaα-decay measurements of theπs1/2ground state of165Re and theπh11/2isomer in161Ta

scholarly article

Chirality of Nd135 reexamined: Evidence for multiple chiral doublet bands

scientific article

Collective excitations in the transitional nucleiRe163andRe165

scholarly article

Combined in-beam electron andγ-ray spectroscopy ofHg184,186

scholarly article

Comparison of gamma-ray coincidence and low-background gamma-ray singles spectrometry

scientific article published on 18 October 2011

Competing single-particle and collective states in the low-energy structure of113I

scholarly article

Complete set of proton excitations in Cs119

scientific article

Confirming band assignments in 167ytterbium with gamma-gamma-electron triple-coincidence spectroscopy

scientific article

De-excitation of the strongly coupled band in Au177 and implications for core intruder configurations in the light Hg isotopes

scholarly article

Decay and Fission Hindrance of Two- and Four-Quasiparticle K Isomers in ^{254}Rf

scientific article published on 24 September 2015

Decay of a 19− isomeric state in Lu156

scholarly article

Deformation of the proton emitterCs113from electromagnetic transition and proton-emission rates

scholarly article

Delayed or absent π(h11/2)2 alignment in Xe111

scientific article

Detailed spectroscopy of Bi195

scholarly article

Detailed spectroscopy ofBi193

scholarly article

Direct observation of theBa114→Xe110→Te106→Sn102tripleα-decay chain using position and time correlations

scholarly article

Discovery of 157W and 161Os

E0 transition strengths in 110Pd

Electromagnetic transition strengths in52109Te

scholarly article

Enhancing the sensitivity of recoil-beta tagging

Erratum: Backbending in the pear-shaped Th90223 nucleus: Evidence of a high-spin octupole to quadrupole shape transition in the actinides [Phys. Rev. C 95, 034304 (2017)]

scientific article

Erratum: Chirality of Nd135 reexamined: Evidence for multiple chiral doublet bands [Phys. Rev. C 100 , 024314 (2019)]

scientific article

Erratum: Quasiparticle alignments andα-decay fine structure of175Pt[Phys. Rev. C89, 024316 (2014)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review C

Erratum: Spectroscopy ofAt201including the observation of a shears band and the29/2+isomeric state [Phys. Rev. C91, 024324 (2015)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review C

Evidence for octupole collectivity in $$^{172}{\mathrm {Pt}}$$

scientific article

Evidence of oblate-prolate shape coexistence in the strongly-deformed nucleus 119Cs

scientific article

Evolving collective structures in the transitional nucleiW162andW164

scholarly article

Excited states in Ra217 populated in the α decay of Th221

scientific article

Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclideTa158

scholarly article

Experimental evidence for transverse wobbling bands in Nd 136

scientific article published on 2 March 2022

Experimental investigation of the 0 2 + band in Sm 154 as a β-vibrational band

Experimental study of12+isomers inAt199,201

scholarly article

Exploring the boundaries of the nuclear landscape: α -decay properties of Pa211

scientific article

Fine structure in the α decay of Lu156 and Ta158

scientific article

Fine structure in the α decay of high-spin isomers in Lu155 and Hf156

scholarly article

First candidates for γ vibrational bands built on the [505]11/2− neutron orbital in odd- A Dy isotopes

scientific article

First identification of rotational band structures inRe9175166

scholarly article

First observation of excited states inHg17595

scholarly article

First observation of excited states of173Hg

scholarly article

First prompt in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of a superheavy element: the256Rf

Half-lives of neutron-richCd128–130

scientific article

Halo-induced large enhancement of soft dipole excitation of 11 Li observed via proton inelastic scattering

scientific article

High-Kfour-quasiparticle states inGd138

scholarly article

High-spin spectroscopy of 140Nd

scholarly article

High-spin states of 218Th

scientific article

High-statistics $\beta $-decay Measurements at TRIUMF-ISAC and the Transition from the $8\pi $ Spectrometer to GRIFFIN

scientific article

Highly deformed bands in Nd nuclei: New results and consistent interpretation within the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky formalism

scientific article

Identification of a dipole band above theIπ=31/2−isomeric state inPb189

scholarly article

Identification of isomeric states in theN=73neutron-deficient nuclei132Pr and130La

scholarly article

Identification of new transitions feeding the high-spin isomers in139Nd and140Nd nuclei

scholarly article

Identification of theJπ=1−state inRa218populated viaαdecay ofTh222

scholarly article

In-beam internal conversion electron spectroscopy with the SPICE detector

scientific article

In-beam spectroscopy with intense ion beams: Evidence for a rotational structure in246Fm

scholarly article

In-beam γ -ray and electron spectroscopy of Md249,251

scientific article

In-beamγ-ray spectroscopy of theN=85isotones159W and160Re

scholarly article

Investigation of [sup 246]Fm : in-beam spectroscopy at the limits

Investigation of high-Kstates in252No

scholarly article

Isomer-tagged differential-plunger measurements in proton-unbound 144Ho

Isomer-tagged differential-plunger measurements in54113Xe

scholarly article

Isomeric 13/2+ state in Fr201

scientific article

Isomeric 132+ (νi132−1) state in Th211

scientific article

Isospin symmetry in B(E2) values: Coulomb excitation study of Mg21

scientific article

K Isomer in [sup 252]No

Lifetime Measurements of Excited States in ^{172}Pt and the Variation of Quadrupole Transition Strength with Angular Momentum

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Lifetime measurement in the proton-unbound nucleus [sup 109]I

Lifetime measurement of the first excited2+state in108Te

scholarly article

Lifetime measurement of the first excited2+state inTe112

scholarly article

Lifetime measurements and shape coexistence inDy144

scholarly article

Lifetime measurements in the transitional nucleus138Gd

scholarly article

Lifetime measurements inRe166: Collective versus magnetic rotation

scholarly article

Lifetime measurements of excited states in 169,171,173Os: Persistence of anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional rare earth nuclei in the presence of a decoupled i13/2 valence neutron

scientific article

Lifetime measurements of excited states in W162 and W164 and the evolution of collectivity in rare-earth nuclei

scholarly article

Lifetime measurements of lowest states in the πg7/2⊗νh11/2 rotational band in I112

scientific article

Lifetime measurements of yrast states in $$^{\mathbf {178}}$$Pt using the charge plunger method with a recoil separator

scientific article

Lifetime measurements probing triple shape coexistence in175Au

scholarly article

Lifetimes of low-lying excited states in Kr503686

scholarly article

Low-lying electromagnetic transition strengths in Pt180

scholarly article

Multiple chiral bands in $$^{137}$$Nd

Neutron excitations in Ba119

scientific article

New developments on the recoil distance doppler-shift method

Nuclear Structure at the Extremes; In-beam γ-ray Spectroscopy of [sup 180]Pb

Oblately deformed isomeric proton-emitting state inLu151

scholarly article

Octupole correlations in the structure of02+bands in theN=88nuclei150Sm and152Gd

scholarly article

Population of a low-spin positive-parity band from high-spin intruder states in 177Au: The two-state mixing effect

scientific article

Production and investigation of neutron-rich Osmium isotopes with and around N=126 using gas flow transport method

scholarly article by K Novikov et al published 14 May 2014 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Production cross section and decay study of Es243 and Md249

scientific article

Prompt and delayed spectroscopy ofAt199

scholarly article

Prompt gamma ray-spectroscopy ofN= 50 fission fragments

Promptγ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich124Cd

Proton emission from an oblate nucleus 151Lu

Publisher’s Note: Decay and Fission Hindrance of Two- and Four-QuasiparticleKIsomers inRf254[Phys. Rev. Lett.115, 132502 (2015)]

scientific article published on 16 October 2015

Quasiparticle alignments andα-decay fine structure of175Pt

scholarly article

Recoil distance method lifetime measurement of the 21+ state in Sr94 and implications for the structure of neutron-rich Sr isotopes

scholarly article

Recoil distance method lifetime measurements at TRIUMF-ISAC using the TIGRESS Integrated Plunger

Recoil-decay tagging spectroscopy of74162W88

scholarly article

Recoil-decay tagging study of205Fr

scholarly article

Recoil-βtagging study of theN=Znucleus66As

scholarly article

Reduced transition probabilities along the yrast line in W166

scholarly article

Rich band structure and multiple long-lived isomers in the odd-odd Cs118 nucleus

scientific article

SPectrometer for Internal Conversion Electrons (SPICE) at TRIUMF-ISAC

Search for the terminating27−state inNd140

scholarly article

Shape coexistence at the proton drip-line: First identification of excited states inPb180

scholarly article

Shape coexistence in Hg178

scientific article

Shell evolution approaching the N=20 island of inversion: Structure of Mg29

scholarly article

Shell-structure and pairing interaction in superheavy nuclei: rotational properties of the z=104 nucleus ^{256}rf

scientific article published on 3 July 2012

Signatures of enhanced octupole correlations at high spin in Nd136

scholarly article

Single-particle and collective excitations in the transitional nucleus 166Os

scientific article

Single-particle states and parity doublets in odd- Z Ac 221 and Pa 225 from α -decay spectroscopy

scientific article published on 2 March 2022

Spectroscopy of Kr70 and isospin symmetry in the T=1 fpg shell nuclei

scholarly article

Spectroscopy of low-spin states in Dy157 : Search for evidence of enhanced octupole correlations

scientific article

Spectroscopy of proton-rich66Se up toJπ=6+: Isospin-breaking effect in theA=66isobaric triplet

scholarly article

Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient nucleusOs16791

scholarly article

Spectroscopy of the proton drip-line nucleus203Fr

scholarly article

Spectroscopy of193Bi

Spectroscopy ofAt201including the observation of a shears band and the29/2+isomeric state

scholarly article

Spectroscopy ofHf161from low to high spin

scholarly article

Spectroscopy ofHo144using recoil-isomer tagging

scholarly article

Spectroscopy on the proton drip-line: Probing the structure dependence of isospin nonconserving interactions

scholarly article

Spin-dependent evolution of collectivity in Te112

scholarly article

Stability of the heaviest elements: K isomer in No250

scientific article

Study of Intermediate-spin States of $^{98}$Y

Study of excited states and observation of collective level structures in the odd–odd nucleus $${}^{194}$$Bi

TPEN: A Triple-foil differential Plunger for lifetime measurements of excited states in Exotic Nuclei

scientific article

Testing microscopically derived descriptions of nuclear collectivity: Coulomb excitation of 22Mg

scientific article

The GRIFFIN facility for Decay-Spectroscopy studies at TRIUMF-ISAC

scientific article

The jurogam 3 spectrometer

scientific article

Tilted precession bands in Nd135

scientific article

Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability: The new isotopes 240 Es and 236 Bk

scientific article published in January 2017

Transition probability studies in175Au

X(5) critical-point symmetries in138Gd

α -decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones Ra218 and Th220 : Mitigation of α -particle energy summing with implanted nuclei

scientific article

α -spectroscopy studies of the new nuclides Pt165 and Hg170

scientific article

αdecay of theπh11/2isomer inIr164

scholarly article

β and γ bands in N=88 , 90, and 92 isotones investigated with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian based on covariant density functional theory: Vibrations, shape coexistence, and superdeformation

scientific article

γ-Ray Spectroscopy at the Limits: First Observation of Rotational Bands inLr255

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

γ-ray spectroscopy approaching the limits of existence of atomic nuclei: A study of the excited states ofPt168andPt169

scholarly article