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List of works by Kevin Pelphrey

A Computational Account of Optimizing Social Predictions Reveals That Adolescents Are Conservative Learners in Social Contexts

scientific article published on 18 December 2017

Abstract 121: Whole-Brain Intrinsic Connectivity in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis.

scientific article published in April 2017

Abstract 24: Two Locus Inheritance of Non-Syndromic Midline Craniosynostosis Via Rare SMAD6 and Common BMP2 Alleles.

scientific article published in April 2017

Abstract 83: Frustration and Emotional Regulation in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis: an fMRI Study.

scientific article

Abstract QS54: What is the Difference Between Sagittal with Metopic and Isolated Sagittal Craniosynotosis? A Whole Brain Intrinsic Connectivity and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study.

scientific article published in April 2018

Abstract: Altered Brain Functional Connectivity Varies By Form of Craniosynostosis.

scientific article published in September 2017

Abstract: Functional Network Development in Sagittal Craniosynostosis Treated with Whole Vault Cranioplasty


Action representation in the superior temporal sulcus in children and adults: An fMRI study

scientific article published on June 4, 2012

Action understanding in the superior temporal sulcus region

scientific article

Altered brain connectivity in sagittal craniosynostosis

scientific article

An integrative neural model of social perception, action observation, and theory of mind

scientific article published on 3 February 2015

An unbiased Bayesian approach to functional connectomics implicates social-communication networks in autism

scientific article

Annual Research Review: Understudied populations within the autism spectrum - current trends and future directions in neuroimaging research

scientific article published on 19 January 2017

Anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorders: guided investigation of social cognitive endophenotypes

scientific article

Autism and Related Disorders

Autism spectrum disorder: sniffing out a new biomarker

scientific article published in August 2015

Autistic traits are associated with diminished neural response to affective touch

scientific article published on January 20, 2012

Bayesian Community Detection in the Space of Group-Level Functional Differences

scientific article published on 2 March 2016

Brain Development: Neural Signature Predicts Autism's Emergence

scientific article published on February 21, 2012

Brain Mechanisms for Interpreting the Actions of Others From Biological-Motion Cues

scientific article

Brain Mechanisms for Processing Affective (and Nonaffective) Touch Are Atypical in Autism

scientific article

Brain activation evoked by perception of gaze shifts: the influence of context

scientific article

Brain activity evoked by the perception of human walking: controlling for meaningful coherent motion.

scientific article published in July 2003

Brain mechanisms for prepulse inhibition in adults with Tourette syndrome: initial findings

scientific article

Brain mechanisms for processing affective touch

scientific article published on 29 November 2011

Brain mechanisms for processing direct and averted gaze in individuals with autism

scientific article published in December 2011

Brain mechanisms for representing what another person sees

scientific article

Brain mechanisms for social perception: lessons from autism and typical development

scientific article published in December 2008

Brain mechanisms of plasticity in response to treatments for core deficits in autism

scientific article published on January 2013

Brain mechanisms underlying the impact of attachment-related stress on social cognition

scientific article

Brain regions for perceiving and reasoning about other people in school-aged children

scientific article published on July 2009

Brain responses to biological motion predict treatment outcome in young adults with autism receiving Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training: Preliminary findings

scientific article published on 29 March 2017

Building a social neuroscience of autism spectrum disorder

scientific article published on January 2014

Cerebellar contributions to biological motion perception in autism and typical development

scientific article

Charting a Course for Autism Biomarkers

scientific article published in August 2017

Charting the typical and atypical development of the social brain

scientific article

Children's memory for pain

scientific article

Controlled scanpath variation alters fusiform face activation

scientific article

Cortical Activation during Action Observation, Action Execution, and Interpersonal Synchrony in Adults: A functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Study

scientific article published on 5 September 2017

Cortical integration of audio-visual speech and non-speech stimuli

scientific article

Cortical morphological markers in children with autism: a structural magnetic resonance imaging study of thickness, area, volume, and gyrification

scientific article

Cortical representations of symbols, objects, and faces are pruned back during early childhood

scientific article

Data management in clinical research: Synthesizing stakeholder perspectives

scientific article

Developing connections for affective regulation: Age-related changes in emotional brain connectivity

scientific article published on October 23, 2010

Development of brain mechanisms for processing affective touch

scientific article published on 04 February 2014

Development of neural systems for processing social exclusion from childhood to adolescence

scientific article

Development of visuospatial short-term memory in the second half of the 1st year

scientific article published in September 2004

Developmental changes in category-specific brain responses to numbers and letters in a working memory task

scientific article

Developmental continuity and change in responses to social and nonsocial categories in human extrastriate visual cortex

scientific article

Developmental neuroscience of time and number: implications for autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities

scientific article published on October 2011

Differential brain responses to social exclusion by one's own versus opposite-gender peers

scientific article published on 7 October 2011

Disrupted action perception in autism: Behavioral evidence, neuroendophenotypes, and diagnostic utility

scientific article published on May 27, 2011

Dissociable brain mechanisms for processing social exclusion and rule violation

scientific article published on October 23, 2010

Dissociating the Neural Correlates of Experiencing and Imagining Affective Touch

scientific article

Distinct neural bases of disruptive behavior and autism symptom severity in boys with autism spectrum disorder

scientific article

EEG captures affective touch: CT-optimal touch and neural oscillations

scientific article published on 5 February 2018

Enhanced neural responses to rule violation in children with autism: a comparison to social exclusion

scientific article

Equivalent neural responses in children and adolescents with and without autism during judgments of affect

scientific article published on 21 August 2013

Erratum to: Social Inclusion Enhances Biological Motion Processing: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study

scientific article published in January 2015

Experimental manipulation of face-evoked activity in the fusiform gyrus of individuals with autism

scientific article

FOXG1-Dependent Dysregulation of GABA/Glutamate Neuron Differentiation in Autism Spectrum Disorders

scientific article (publication date: 16 July 2015)

Face processing without awareness in the right fusiform gyrus

scientific article

Faces evoke spatially differentiated patterns of BOLD activation and deactivation

scientific article published in May 2003

Friend or foe? Brain systems involved in the perception of dynamic signals of menacing and friendly social approaches

scientific article published in January 2008

Functional imaging of numerical processing in adults and 4-y-old children

scientific article published on 11 April 2006

Grasping the intentions of others: the perceived intentionality of an action influences activity in the superior temporal sulcus during social perception

scientific article published in December 2004

Hemodynamic signals of mixed messages during a social exchange

scientific article

Heterogeneity of neural mechanisms of response to pivotal response treatment

scientific article published on March 2015

How grossed out are you? The neural bases of emotion regulation from childhood to adolescence

scientific article

Improvements in social and adaptive functioning following short-duration PRT program: a clinical replication

scientific article published in November 2014

Individual differences in personality predict how people look at faces

scientific article

Infants' observation of tool-use events over the first year of life

scientific article published on 10 August 2016

Inter-Parietal White Matter Development Predicts Numerical Performance in Young Children

scientific article published on December 2011

Interacting with the National Database for Autism Research (NDAR) via the LONI Pipeline workflow environment

scientific article

Intranasal Oxytocin Enhances Connectivity in the Neural Circuitry Supporting Social Motivation and Social Perception in Children with Autism

scientific article

Intranasal oxytocin and the neural correlates of infant face processing in non-parent women

scientific article published on 8 August 2017

Intranasal oxytocin decreases cross-frequency coupling of neural oscillations at rest

scientific article

Introduction to a special section of developmental social cognitive neuroscience

scientific article published in July 2009

Neural Correlates of Animacy Attribution Include Neocerebellum in Healthy Adults

scientific article

Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Aggression in Children and Adolescents: Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial Within the National Institute for Mental Health Research Domain Criteria Construct of Frustrative Non-Reward

scientific article published on 19 January 2016

Neural Mechanisms of Improvements in Social Motivation After Pivotal Response Treatment: Two Case Studies

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Neural bases for impaired social cognition in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders

scientific article published on 28 November 2007

Neural basis of eye gaze processing deficits in autism

scientific article

Neural mechanisms of behavioral change in young adults with high-functioning autism receiving virtual reality social cognition training: A pilot study

scientific article published on 8 March 2018

Neural signatures of autism

scientific article

Neural specialization for speech in the first months of life

scientific article

Neural systems for cognitive reappraisal in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

scientific article

Neuroanatomical substrates of social cognition dysfunction in autism

scientific article

Neurogenetic analysis of childhood disintegrative disorder

scientific article

Normalization of brain morphology after surgery in sagittal craniosynostosis

scientific article published on 18 December 2015

Occipitotemporal activation evoked by the perception of human bodies is modulated by the presence or absence of the face

scientific article published on 20 March 2006

Oxytocin Enhances the Neural Efficiency of Social Perception

Oxytocin enhances brain function in children with autism

scientific article published on 02 December 2013

Perceived causality influences brain activity evoked by biological motion

scientific article

Perception of dynamic changes in facial affect and identity in autism

scientific article

Perspective: Brain scans need a rethink

scientific article published in November 2012

Physiology and functioning: Parents' vagal tone, emotion socialization, and children's emotion knowledge

scientific article published on 19 May 2008

Pivotal response treatment prompts a functional rewiring of the brain among individuals with autism spectrum disorder

scientific article published on 11 August 2016

Polysensory interactions along lateral temporal regions evoked by audiovisual speech

scientific article published in October 2003

Recent advances in understanding the neural bases of autism spectrum disorder

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

Regional brain activation evoked when approaching a virtual human on a virtual walk

scientific article published in November 2005

Regulatory brain development: balancing emotion and cognition

scientific article

Research review: Constraining heterogeneity: the social brain and its development in autism spectrum disorder

scientific article

Revisiting regression in autism: Heller's dementia infantilis. Includes a translation of Über Dementia Infantilis

scientific article

School-aged children exhibit domain-specific responses to biological motion

scientific article

Sensitive period for a multimodal response in human visual motion area MT/MST

scientific article

Sex and gender differences in autism spectrum disorder: summarizing evidence gaps and identifying emerging areas of priority

scientific article

Sex differences in the development of brain mechanisms for processing biological motion

scientific article

Social Inclusion Enhances Biological Motion Processing: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study

scientific article published on September 2, 2012

Social, reward, and attention brain networks are involved when online bids for joint attention are met with congruent versus incongruent responses

scientific article published on 17 September 2013

Socially tuned: Brain responses differentiating human and animal motion

scientific article published on September 26, 2011

Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging of autism

scientific article

Structural neural phenotype of autism: preliminary evidence from a diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics

scientific article published on 28 July 2011

Tactile perception in adults with autism: a multidimensional psychophysical study

scientific article

Taking an "intentional stance" on eye-gaze shifts: a functional neuroimaging study of social perception in children

scientific article

Temporal dynamics reveal atypical brain response to social exclusion in autism

scientific article published on July 1, 2011

The Implications of Social Neuroscience for Social Disability

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

The Need for a Broader Approach to Emotion Regulation Research in Autism

scientific article published on January 12, 2012

The association between 2D:4D ratio and cognitive empathy is contingent on a common polymorphism in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR rs53576).

scientific article published on 16 April 2015

The autism brain imaging data exchange: towards a large-scale evaluation of the intrinsic brain architecture in autism

scientific article

The influence of prior knowledge and repeated questioning on children's long-term retention of the details of a pediatric examination

scientific article published in March 2006

The neural development of an abstract concept of number

scientific article

The posterior superior temporal sulcus is sensitive to the outcome of human and non-human goal-directed actions

scientific article

The superior temporal sulcus differentiates communicative and noncommunicative auditory signals

scientific article published on 23 February 2012

Three systems of insular functional connectivity identified with cluster analysis

scientific article published on November 19, 2010

Trait-level temporal lobe hypoactivation to social exclusion in unaffected siblings of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders

scientific article published on 30 April 2015

Two locus inheritance of non-syndromic midline craniosynostosis via rare SMAD6 and common BMP2 alleles

scientific article

Unlike adults, children and adolescents show predominantly increased neural activation to social exclusion by members of the opposite gender

scientific article published on 23 November 2015

Visual scanning of faces in autism

scientific article published in August 2002

When strangers pass: processing of mutual and averted social gaze in the superior temporal sulcus

scientific article published in September 2004

White Matter Abnormalities in Autism and Unaffected Siblings

scientific article published on 25 September 2015

Working Memory in Infancy

scientific article published on January 1, 2003

fNIRS detects temporal lobe response to affective touch

scientific article published on January 17, 2013