Greek stage production of Rani Sarma's play, 2006/07
Greek stage production of Arkas' play, 2008/09
Greek stage production of Payne's play, 2013/14
Greek stage production of Schneider's play, 1997/98
Greek stage production of Lorca's play "The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden", 1997/98
Greek stage production of Aristophanes' comedy, 2011/12
Greek stage production of Marlowe's play, 1999/2000
Greek stage production of Beckett's play, 2000/01
Greek stage production of Ravenhill's play "Some Explicit Polaroids", 2001/02
Greek stage production based on anthology "O koinos logos", 1996/97
Greek stage production of Harrower's play
Greek stage production based on anthology "O koinos logos", 2012/13
Greek stage production based on anthology "O koinos logos", 2004/05
Greek stage production of Hatzor's play, 2008/09
Greek stage production of Stephens' play, 2007/08
Greek stage production of D.C. Jackson's play, 2012/13
Greek stage production of A. Matesis' play, 1999/00
Greek stage production of Kelly's play, 2010/11
Greek stage production of Shakespeare's play, 2005/06
Greek stage production of Strindberg's play, 2000/01
Greek stage production of Mamet's play, 2004/05
Greek stage production of Kroetz's play, 2011/12
Greek stage production of McDonagh's play, 2003/04
Greek stage production of Bärfuss' play, 2005/06
Greek stage production of Evripides' tragedy, 2009/10
Greek stage production of Tziolis' play, 2005/06
Greek stage production of Chekhov's play, 2002/03
Greek stage production of Christidis' play, 1998/99
Greek stage production of Büchner's play, 2004/05
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