scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scholarly article by J.L. Davis et al published 2014 in Journal of Glaciology
scientific article
scientific article
scholarly article
scholarly article by Meredith Nettles published in 2010
scientific article published on 25 September 2003
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published in 2021
scientific article published on 25 June 2015
scholarly article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article
article by A. Foster et al published 16 September 2014 in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
scholarly article by KIRA G. OLSEN & Meredith Nettles published December 2017 in Journal of Glaciology
scientific article
scholarly article by Richard M. Allen published 2002 in Journal of Geophysical Research
scholarly article
scientific article
scholarly article by Stephen A. Veitch & Meredith Nettles published 9 October 2012 in Journal of Geophysical Research
scholarly article by Meredith Nettles et al published 30 December 2008 in Geophysical Research Letters
scientific article
scientific article published in February 2017
scientific article
article published in 2012
scientific article
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About Paulina