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List of works by Hong Hao

3D FEM Analysis of Pounding Response of Bridge Structures at a Canyon Site to Spatially Varying Ground Motions

3D meso-scale modelling of concrete material in spall tests

A Frobenius solution to the scaled boundary finite element equations in frequency domain for bounded media

A Mechanism of Hot-spots Formation at the Crack Tip of Al-PTFE under Quasi-static Compression



A Simplified Approach for Predicting Bridge Pier Responses Subjected to Barge Impact Loading


A Simplified Numerical Method for Blast Induced Structural Response Analysis

A Special Issue on Protection of Structures against Hazards

A Study of Corrolink Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) to Windborne Debris Impacts

A Two-Step Numerical Method for Efficient Analysis of Structural Response to Blast Load

A Unified Characteristic Theory for Plastic Plane Stress and Strain Problems

A case study of interior low-frequency noise from box-shaped bridge girders induced by running trains: Its mechanism, prediction and countermeasures

A full coupled numerical analysis approach for buried structures subjected to subsurface blast

A new method for progressive collapse analysis of RC frames under blast loading

A parametric study on the evaluation of ductility demand distribution in multi-degree-of-freedom systems considering soil–structure interaction effects

A review of recent research advances on structural health monitoring in Western Australia


A simplified statistic-based procedure for gas dispersion prediction of fixed offshore platform

A study of RC bridge columns under contact explosion

scholarly article by Sujing Yuan et al published November 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

A study of concrete slabs with steel wire mesh reinforcement under close-in explosive loads

scholarly article by Jun Li et al published December 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

A study of variability and applicability of various signal processing techniques in structural system identification

scholarly article by C Bao et al published 2013 in Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

A three-phase soil model for simulating stress wave propagation due to blast loading

Additional afterburning energy value to simulate fully confined trinitrotoluene explosions

An efficient method to derive statistical mechanical properties of concrete reinforced with spiral-shaped steel fibres in dynamic tension

An experimental and numerical study of reinforced ultra-high performance concrete slabs under blast loads

Analysis of Coupled Lateral-Torsional-Pounding Responses of One-Storey Asymmetric Adjacent Structures Subjected to Bi-Directional Ground Motions Part I: Uniform Ground Motion Input


Analysis of Coupled Lateral-Torsional-Pounding Responses of One-Storey Asymmetric Adjacent Structures Subjected to Bi-Directional Ground Motions Part II: Spatially Varying Ground Motion Input


Analysis of discontinuous bifurcations for elasto-plastic geomaterials with effect of damage

Analysis of fragment size and ejection velocity at high strain rate

Analysis of imperfect column buckling under intermediate velocity impact

Analysis of seismic pounding between adjacent buildings

Analysis on green building materials— Humidity adjusting materials

Analytical Modeling of Traffic-Induced Ground Vibrations


Anisotropic dynamic damage and fragmentation of rock materials under explosive loading

Application of wavelet packet transform in subsea pipeline bedding condition assessment

Arch responses to correlated multiple excitations


Assessment of structure damage to blasting induced ground motions

Axial Impact Resistance of FRP-Confined Concrete

Basalt scale-reinforced aluminium foam under static and dynamic loads

article published in 2018

Behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer-strengthened reinforced concrete beams under static and impact loads

Behaviour of ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete columns subjected to blast loading

Blast mitigation performance of cladding using square dome-shape kirigami folded structure as core

Bond slip modelling and its effect on numerical analysis of blast-induced responses of RC columns


Bridge Condition Assessment Under Moving Loads Using Multi-sensor Measurements and Vibration Phase Technology


Building Pounding Damages Observed during the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake

scholarly article by Bipin Shrestha & Hong Hao published April 2018 in Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities

Building vibration to traffic-induced ground motion


Chamber wall damage induced by a contained explosion

scientific article published in 2004

Characterisation of underground blast-induced ground motions from large-scale field tests

Characteristics of Free Air Blast Loading Due to Simultaneously Detonated Multiple Charges

Characteristics of stress waves recorded in small-scale field blast tests on a layered rock–soil site

Characteristics of surface ground motions induced by blasts in jointed rock mass

Civil structure condition assessment by FE model updating:


Comparison study of coupling effects of explosive charge on ground vibrations

Compressive behaviour of tungsten fibre reinforced Zr-based metallic glass at different strain rates and temperatures

scholarly article by Gang Chen et al published August 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Condition Assessment of Shear Connectors in Slab-Girder Bridges via Vibration Measurements


Confidence-based quantitative risk analysis for offshore accidental hydrocarbon release events

Control of wave-induced vibrations on floating production systems


Critical review of Molkov’s phenomenological model and variable stretch/turbulence function

Crushing behaviours of folded kirigami structure with square dome shape

scholarly article by Zhejian Li et al published May 2018 in International Journal of Impact Engineering




Damage Assessment of Two-Way RC Slab Subjected to Blast Load Using Mode Approximation Approach

Damage Detection of Shear Connectors Based on Power Spectral Density Transmissibility

Damage Identification Scheme Based on Compressive Sensing

Damage Identification and Optimal Sensor Placement for Structures under Unknown Traffic-Induced Vibrations


Damage Identification of Shear Connectors with Wavelet Packet Energy: Laboratory Test Study

Damage Identification of Steel Beams Using Local and Global Methods

Damage assessment of a two-span RC slab using wavelet analysis

Damage assessment of masonry infilled RC frames subjected to blasting induced ground excitations

Damage assessment of reinforced concrete beams including the load environment

Damage assessment of shear connectors with vibration measurements and power spectral density transmissibility


Damage detection in bridge structures under moving loads with phase trajectory change of multi-type vibration measurements


Damage detection of shear connectors under moving loads with relative displacement measurements

scholarly article by Jun Li & Hong Hao published August 2015 in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Damage detection using artificial neural network with consideration of uncertainties

scholarly article by Norhisham Bakhary et al published November 2007 in Engineering Structures

Damage evaluation of the steel tubular column subjected to explosion and post-explosion fire condition

Damage identification of slab–girder structures: experimental studies

Damage identification of structures with uncertain frequency and mode shape data

article by Yong Xia et al published 2002 in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

Derivation of 3D masonry properties using numerical homogenization technique

Design Earthquake Ground Motion Prediction for Perth Metropolitan Area with Microtremor Measurements for Site Characterization

scholarly article by Jonathan Z. Liang et al published 30 September 2009 in Journal of Earthquake Engineering

Detection of delamination between steel bars and concrete using embedded piezoelectric actuators/sensors

Detection of minor damage in structures with guided wave signals and nonlinear oscillator

Development and application of a relative displacement sensor for structural health monitoring of composite bridges

Development of P-I diagrams for FRP strengthened RC columns


Development of a New Fence Type Blast Wall for Blast Protection: Numerical Analysis


Development of a New Nonbuckling Segmented Brace


Development of a Simplified Numerical Method for Structural Response Analysis to Blast Load


Devices for protecting bridge superstructure from pounding and unseating damages: an overview

Discussion on the suitability of concrete constitutive models for high-rate response predictions of RC structures

scholarly article by Jian Cui et al published August 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Distinctive and fuzzy failure probability analysis of an anisotropic rock mass to explosion load

Distributed Structural Damage Generated by High-Frequency Ground Motion

Domino-type progressive collapse analysis of a multi-span simply-supported bridge: A case study

Ductility spectra of reinforced concrete structures subjected to far-field seismic excitations

Dynamic Assessment of Shear Connection Conditions in Slab-Girder Bridges by Kullback-Leibler Distance

Dynamic Assessment of Shear Connectors in Composite Bridges with Ambient Vibration Measurements


Dynamic Buckling of Simply Supported Columns under Axial Slamming

article published in 1999

Dynamic Fracture in Brittle Solids at High Rates of Loading

Dynamic Response of Rigid Blocks to Simultaneous Horizontal and Vertical Ground Shock

Dynamic analyses of operating offshore wind turbines including soil-structure interaction

Dynamic assessment of shear connectors in slab–girder bridges

Dynamic assessment of undersea pipeline bedding condition

Dynamic buckling and post-buckling of imperfect columns under fluid–solid interaction

Dynamic characteristics of submarine pipelines and experimental validation of a bedding condition assessment approach based on mode-shape curvatures

Dynamic compressive behaviour of spiral steel fibre reinforced concrete in split Hopkinson pressure bar tests

Dynamic material model of annealed soda-lime glass

scholarly article by Xihong Zhang et al published March 2015 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Dynamic response analysis of rock mass with stochastic properties subjected to explosive loads

Dynamic response and damage analysis of masonry structures and masonry infilled RC frames to blast ground motion

Dynamic response of rubberized concrete columns with and without FRP confinement subjected to lateral impact

Dynamic responses and failure modes of bridge columns under vehicle collision


Dynamic tensile behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete with spiral fibres

Dynamics of steel offshore platforms under ship impact

scholarly article by Joao Travanca & Hong Hao published August 2014 in Applied Ocean Research

Effect of High Speed Rail Transit and Impact Loads on Ballast Degradation

Effect of abutment excitation on bridge pounding

Effect of crumb rubber on mechanical properties of multi-phase syntactic foams

Effect of porosity on the properties of strain localization in porous media under undrained conditions

Effect of the plastic hinge and boundary conditions on the impact behavior of reinforced concrete beams

scholarly article by Thong M. Pham & Hong Hao published April 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Effectiveness of using pipe-in-pipe (PIP) concept to reduce vortex-induced vibrations (VIV): Three-dimensional two-way FSI analysis

scholarly article by Hamid Matin Nikoo et al published January 2018 in Ocean Engineering

Effectiveness of using rubber bumper and restrainer on mitigating pounding and unseating damage of bridge structures subjected to spatially varying ground motions

Effects of Curing Conditions and Sand-to-Binder Ratios on Compressive Strength Development of Fly Ash Geopolymer


Effects of a Single Open Joint on Energy Transmission Coefficients of Stress Waves with Different Waveforms


Effects of random variations of soil properties on site amplification of seismic ground motions

Energy appproach in performance-based seismic design of steel moment resisting frames for basic safety objective

Energy dissipation in high-energy ship-offshore jacket platform collisions

scholarly article by Joao Travanca & Hong Hao published January 2015 in Marine Structures

Enhancing fiber/matrix bonding in polypropylene fiber reinforced cementitious composites by microbially induced calcite precipitation pre-treatment

Estimation of Strong Ground Motions in Southwest Western Australia with a Combined Green's Function and Stochastic Approach


Estimation of failure probabilities of RC frame structures in Singapore to the simulated largest credible ground motion

Estimation of strong seismic ground motion for engineering use in Perth Western Australia


Evaluation of Bridge Load Carrying Capacity Using Updated Finite Element Model and Nonlinear Analysis

Evaluation of Gas Explosion Overpressures at Configurations with Irregularly Arranged Obstacles

Evaluation of dynamic vehicle axle loads on bridges with different surface conditions

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Strengthening Intervention by CFRP on MRWA Bridge No. 3014

Experimental Investigation of Structural Response to Generalized Ground Shock Excitations

Experimental Study of Dynamic Material Properties of Clay Brick and Mortar at Different Strain Rates

Experimental Tests of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams under Drop-Weight Impacts

Experimental and computational Fluid Dynamics study of separation gap effect on gas explosion mitigation for methane storage tanks

Experimental and numerical study of basalt fiber reinforced polymer strip strengthened autoclaved aerated concrete masonry walls under vented gas explosions

Experimental and numerical study of basalt fibre cloth strengthened structural insulated panel under windborne debris impact

Experimental and numerical study of boundary and anchorage effect on laminated glass windows under blast loading

Experimental and numerical study of composite lightweight structural insulated panel with expanded polystyrene core against windborne debris impacts

Experimental and numerical study of unreinforced clay brick masonry walls subjected to vented gas explosions

scholarly article by Zhan Li et al published June 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Experimental and numerical study on steel wire mesh reinforced concrete slab under contact explosion

Experimental and three-dimensional finite element method studies on pounding responses of bridge structures subjected to spatially varying ground motions


Experimental confirmation of some factors influencing dynamic concrete compressive strengths in high-speed impact tests

Experimental evaluation of quasi-static and dynamic compressive properties of ambient-cured high-strength plain and fiber reinforced geopolymer composites

Experimental investigation of dynamic post-buckling characteristics of rectangular plates under fluid-solid slamming

Experimental investigation of monolithic tempered glass fragment characteristics subjected to blast loads

Experimental investigation of spatially varying effect of ground motions on bridge pounding

Experimental investigation of the behaviour of spiral steel fibre reinforced concrete beams subjected to drop-weight impact loads

Experimental investigation of the response of precast segmental columns subjected to impact loading

scholarly article by Xihong Zhang et al published September 2016 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Experimental investigation of ultra-high performance concrete slabs under contact explosions

scholarly article by Jun Li et al published July 2016 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Experimental investigations and numerical simulations of multi-arch double-layered panels under uniform impulsive loadings

scholarly article by Wensu Chen & Hong Hao published January 2014 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Experimental investigations of dynamic compressive properties of roller compacted concrete (RCC)

Experimental investigations of fabric material against projectile impacts

Experimental study of concrete damage under high hydrostatic pressure

Experimental study of dynamic buckling of plates under fluid–solid slamming

Experimental study of dynamic compressive properties of fibre reinforced concrete material with different fibres

Experimental study of dynamic post-buckling characteristics of columns under fluid–solid slamming

Experimental study of flexural behaviour of RC beams strengthened by longitudinal and U-shaped basalt FRP sheet

Experimental study of laminated glass window responses under impulsive and blast loading


Experimental study of precast segmental columns with unbonded tendons under cyclic loading

Experimental study on relative displacement responses of bridge frames subjected to spatially varying ground motion and its mitigation using superelastic SMA restrainers


Experimental study on subsea pipeline bedding condition assessment using wavelet packet transform

article published in 2013

Experimental study on the behavior of precast segmental column with domed shear key and unbonded Post-Tensioning tendon under impact loading

article published in 2018

FEM Calibrated ARMAX Model Updating Method for Time Domain Damage Identification

Failure Behaviors of Oriented Strand Board Material under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loads

Failure analysis of corrugated panel subjected to windborne debris impacts

Failure and impact resistance analysis of plain and fiber-reinforced-polymer confined concrete cylinders under axial impact loads

Fatigue reliability evaluation of deck-to-rib welded joints in OSD considering stochastic traffic load and welding residual stress


Field Testing of Fence Type Blast Wall for Blast Load Mitigation

Finite element modelling of mesoscale concrete material in dynamic splitting test

article published in 2016

Flexural behaviour of precast segmental concrete beams internally prestressed with unbonded CFRP tendons under four-point loading

Fuzzy-random probabilistic analysis of rock mass responses to explosive loads


Gas explosion analysis of safety gap effect on the innovating FLNG vessel with a cylindrical platform

Generation of probabilistic displacement response spectra for displacement-based design

Ground motion modeling for multiple-input structural analysis

Ground‐Motion Spatial Variation Effects on Circular Arch Responses


Guest Editorial

Guided wave propagation and spectral element method for debonding damage assessment in RC structures

Health monitoring of joint conditions in steel truss bridges with relative displacement sensors


Homogenization of Masonry Using Numerical Simulations

Identification of Minor Structural Damage Based on Electromechanical Impedance Sensitivity and Sparse Regularization

Identification of de-bonding between steel bars and concrete using wavelet techniques: Comparative study

Impact Behavior of FRP-Strengthened RC Beams without Stirrups

Impact response and energy absorption of single phase syntactic foam

Improved damage identification in bridge structures subject to moving loads: Numerical and experimental studies

article by Jun Li et al published September 2013 in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

Improved decentralized structural identification with output-only measurements

scientific article published in July 2018

Inelastic analysis of steel frames with reduced beam sections

Influence of Fibre Shapes on Dynamic Compressive Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Influence of Ground Motion Duration on Responses of Concrete Gravity Dams


Influence of Higher Modes on Strength and Ductility Demands of Soil–Structure Systems

Influence of Uncertain Source Parameters on Strong Ground Motion Simulation with the Empirical Green's Function Method

Influence of brittle shear damage on accuracy of the two-step method in prediction of structural response to blast loads

scholarly article by Jun Li & Hong Hao published April 2013 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Influence of end friction confinement on impact tests of concrete material at high strain rate

scholarly article by Yifei Hao et al published October 2013 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Influence of global stiffness and equivalent model on prediction of impact response of RC beams

scholarly article by Thong M. Pham & Hong Hao published March 2018 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Influence of ground motion spatial variation, site condition and SSI on the required separation distances of bridge structures to avoid seismic pounding

Influence of ground motion spatial variations and local soil conditions on the seismic responses of buried segmented pipelines


Influence of irregular topography and random soil properties on coherency loss of spatial seismic ground motions

Influence of micro basalt and recycled macro polypropylene hybrid fibre on physical and mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete

scientific article published in 2023

Influence of the concrete DIF model on the numerical predictions of RC wall responses to blast loadings


Integrated ARMA model method for damage detection of subsea pipeline system

Internal and external pressure prediction of vented gas explosion in large rooms by using analytical and CFD methods

Investigation of ultra-high performance concrete slab and normal strength concrete slab under contact explosion

Laboratory Test on Dynamic Material Properties of Annealed Float Glass

Laboratory Tests and Numerical Simulations of CFRP Strengthened RC Pier Subjected to Barge Impact Load

Laboratory test and numerical simulation of laminated glass window vulnerability to debris impact

scholarly article by Xihong Zhang et al published May 2013 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Laboratory test and numerical study of structural insulated panel strengthened with glass fibre laminate against windborne debris impact

Laboratory tests and numerical simulations of barge impact on circular reinforced concrete piers

Limit angular velocity of rotating disc with unified yield criterion

Local Shear Connectors Damage Detection for a Concrete-Steel Composite Beam Using Acceleration Time Series

Local Site Effect on Seismic Response of Coupled Transmission Tower-Line System


Localization of free-spanning damage using mode shape curvature

Long term vibration monitoring of an RC slab: Temperature and humidity effect




Mechanical properties and behaviour of concrete reinforced with spiral-shaped steel fibres under dynamic splitting tension

Mechanical properties of ambient cured high strength hybrid steel and synthetic fibers reinforced geopolymer composites

Mechanical properties of ambient cured high-strength plain and hybrid fiber reinforced geopolymer composites from triaxial compressive tests

Medium- and High-Frequency Vibration Characteristics of a Box-Girder by the Waveguide Finite Element Method


Mesh size effect in numerical simulation of blast wave propagation and interaction with structures

Mesoscale modelling and analysis of damage and fragmentation of concrete slab under contact detonation

scholarly article by X.Q. Zhou & Hong Hao published December 2009 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Mesoscale modelling of concrete reinforced with spiral steel fibres under dynamic splitting tension

Mesoscale modelling of concrete tensile failure mechanism at high strain rates

Mesoscale modelling of dynamic tensile behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete with spiral fibres

Mesoscale modelling of fibre reinforced concrete material under compressive impact loading

Micro-seismic event detection and location in underground mines by using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and deep learning

scholarly article by Linqi Huang et al published November 2018 in Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

Micro-seismic monitoring in mines based on cross wavelet transform

Modeling and Simulation of Spatially Correlated Ground Motions at Multiple Onshore and Offshore Sites

Modeling of simultaneous ground shock and airblast pressure on nearby structures from surface explosions

Modeling of wave propagation induced by underground explosion

article published in 1998

Modelling and simulation of spatially varying earthquake ground motions at sites with varying conditions

scholarly article by Kaiming Bi & Hong Hao published July 2012 in Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Modelling damage potential of high-frequency ground motions

Modelling of Guided Wave Propagation with Spectral Element: Application in Structural Engineering

Modelling of compressive behaviour of concrete-like materials at high strain rate

Modelling of shear keys in bridge structures under seismic loads

article published in 2015

Multi-Sided Pounding Response of Bridge Structures with Non-Linear Bearings to Spatially Varying Ground Excitation

Multi-hazard resistance capacity of precast segmental columns under impact and cyclic loading

Multi-stage identification scheme for detecting damage in structures under ambient excitations

Multiple excitation effects on response of symmetric buildings

Multiple-station ground motion processing and simulation based on smart-1 array data


Nonlinear finite element analysis of barge collision with a single bridge pier

Numerical Analysis of Blast-Induced Stress Waves in a Rock Mass with Anisotropic Continuum Damage Models Part 1: Equivalent Material Property Approach

Numerical Analysis of Blast-Induced Stress Waves in a Rock Mass with Anisotropic Continuum Damage Models Part 2: Stochastic Approach

Numerical Analysis of Concrete Material Properties at High Strain Rate Under Direct Tension

Numerical Analysis of FRP-Composite-Strengthened RC Panels with Anchorages against Blast Loads

Numerical Analysis of Lateral Inertial Confinement Effects on Impact Test of Concrete Compressive Material Properties

Numerical Evaluation of Energy Absorption in Ship-Offshore Fixed Platform Collisions

Numerical Evaluation of the Influence of Aggregates on Concrete Compressive Strength at High Strain Rate

Numerical Investigation of Effects of Water Saturation on Blast Wave Propagation in Soil Mass

Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Compressive Behaviour of Rock Materials at High Strain Rate

Numerical Modelling of Masonry Wall Response to Blast Loads

Numerical Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Exterior Wall Response to Blast Loading

Numerical Simulation of Barge Impact on a Continuous Girder Bridge and Bridge Damage Detection

Numerical Simulations of Stiffened Multi-Arch Double-Layered Panels Subjected to Blast Loading

Numerical Studies on the Blast-Resistant Capacity of Stiffened Multiple-Arch Panel

Numerical Study of Corrugated Metal Panels Subjected to Windborne Debris Impacts

Numerical analysis of concrete material properties at high strain rate under direct tension

scholarly article by Yifei Hao et al published January 2012 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical analysis of dynamic buckling of rectangular plates subjected to intermediate-velocity impact

Numerical analysis of prestressed reinforced concrete beam subjected to blast loading

Numerical analysis of steel tubular member response to ship bow impacts

scholarly article by Joao Travanca & Hong Hao published February 2014 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical analysis of the stability of abandoned cavities in bench blasting

scientific article published in 2017

Numerical and Theoretical Study of Concrete Spall Damage under Blast Loads

Numerical and experimental study of steel wire mesh and basalt fibre mesh strengthened structural insulated panel against projectile impact

Numerical derivation of averaged material properties of hollow concrete block masonry

Numerical derivation of homogenized dynamic masonry material properties with strain rate effects

scholarly article by Xueying Wei & Hong Hao published March 2009 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical derivation of pressure–impulse diagrams for prediction of RC column damage to blast loads

scholarly article by Yanchao Shi et al published November 2008 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical investigation of the behavior of precast concrete segmental columns subjected to vehicle collision

Numerical prediction of blast-induced stress wave from large-scale underground explosion

Numerical prediction of concrete slab response to blast loading

scholarly article by X.Q. Zhou et al published October 2008 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical prediction of rock mass damage due to accidental explosions in an underground ammunition storage chamber

Numerical prediction of statistical masonry wall fragment distribution induced by blast loading

Numerical simulation of a cable-stayed bridge response to blast loads, Part I: Model development and response calculations


Numerical simulation of a cable-stayed bridge response to blast loads, Part II: Damage prediction and FRP strengthening

Numerical simulation of blast wave interaction with structure columns

Numerical simulation of pounding damage to bridge structures under spatially varying ground motions

Numerical simulation of structural response and damage to simultaneous ground shock and airblast loads

Numerical simulation of structural responses on a sand layer to blast induced ground excitations


Numerical simulation of underground explosions

Numerical simulation on the effectiveness of using viscoelastic materials to mitigate seismic induced vibrations of above-ground pipelines

Numerical simulations of the performance of steel guardrails under vehicle impact

Numerical studies on the seismic responses of bridge structures with precast segmental columns


Numerical study of a new multi-arch double-layered blast-resistance door panel

scholarly article by Wensu Chen & Hong Hao published May 2012 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical study of characteristics of underground blast induced surface ground motion and their effect on above-ground structures. Part I. Ground motion characteristics

article published in 2005

Numerical study of characteristics of underground blast induced surface ground motion and their effect on above-ground structures. Part II. Effects on structural responses


Numerical study of concrete spall damage to blast loads

scholarly article by Jun Li & Hong Hao published June 2014 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Numerical study of precast segmental column under blast loads

Numerical study of sandwich panel with a new bi-directional Load-Self-Cancelling (LSC) core under blast loading

Numerical study of structural progressive collapse using substructure technique

Numerical study of the influences of pressure confinement on high-speed impact tests of dynamic material properties of concrete

Numerical study on the seismic performance of precast segmental concrete columns under cyclic loading

On the effectiveness of rotational friction hinge damper to control responses of multi-span simply supported bridge to non-uniform ground motions


Optimal blast wall layout design to mitigate gas dispersion and explosion on a cylindrical FLNG platform

Optimum lateral load pattern for seismic design of elastic shear-buildings incorporating soil-structure interaction effects

Parametric study of laminated glass window response to blast loads

Parametric study of seismic performance of super-elastic shape memory alloy-reinforced bridge piers

Passive vibration control of cylindrical offshore components using pipe-in-pipe (PIP) concept: An analytical study


Performance of an innovative self-centering buckling restrained brace for mitigating seismic responses of bridge structures with double-column piers


Performance of composite structural insulated panel with metal skin subjected to blast loading

Performance of structural insulated panels with rigid skins subjected to windborne debris impacts – Experimental investigations

Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy-Reinforced Bridge Piers Considering Residual Deformations

Piezoelectric impedance based damage detection in truss bridges based on time frequency ARMA model

Plastic hinges and inertia forces in RC beams under impact loads

scholarly article by Thong M. Pham & Hong Hao published May 2017 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Plastic limit analysis of a clamped circular plate with unified yield criterion

Post-blast capacity of ultra-high performance concrete columns

Pounding Damage to Buildings and Bridges in the 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake

scholarly article by Nawawi Chouw & Hong Hao published June 2012 in International Journal of Protective Structures

Pounding Response of Adjacent Buildings Subjected to Spatial Earthquake Ground Excitations

scholarly article by Hong Hao et al published April 2000 in Advances in Structural Engineering

Prediction of airblast loads on structures behind a protective barrier

scholarly article by X.Q. Zhou & Hong Hao published May 2008 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Prediction of fragment size and ejection distance of masonry wall under blast load using homogenized masonry material properties

scholarly article by Ming Wang et al published June 2009 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Prediction of the impact force on reinforced concrete beams from a drop weight



scholarly article by Zhong-Xian Li et al published October 2008 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Preliminary Study of Sandwich Panel with Rotational Friction Hinge Device against Blast Loadings

Propagation characteristics of blast-induced shock waves in a jointed rock mass

Pull-out behaviour of spiral-shaped steel fibres from normal-strength concrete matrix

Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of basalt fibre reinforced polymer

Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet

RC Column Failure Probabilities to Blast Loads

Reliability Analysis of RC Columns and Frame with FRP Strengthening Subjected to Explosive Loads

Reliability analysis of direct shear and flexural failure modes of RC slabs under explosive loading

Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete slabs under explosive loading

Required separation distance between decks and at abutments of a bridge crossing a canyon site to avoid seismic pounding

Research at the University of Western Australia on structure protections against blast and impact loads


Response of a Rc Bridge in WA to Simulated Spatially Varying Seismic Ground Motions

Response of a frame structure on a canyon site to spatially varying ground motions

Response of a transmission tower-line system at a canyon site to spatially varying ground motions


Response of multiply supported rigid plate to spatially correlated seismic excitations

Response of two-way eccentric building to nonuniform base excitations

Responses of Masonry Infill Walls Retrofitted with CFRP, Steel Wire Mesh and Laminated Bars to Blast Loadings


Review of Concrete Structures Strengthened with FRP Against Impact Loading

Review of bolted inter-module connections in modular steel buildings


Review of the current practices in blast-resistant analysis and design of concrete structures


Safe Scaled Distance for Masonry Infilled RC Frame Structures Subjected to Airblast Loads

Scaled-Distance Relationships For Chamber Blast Accidents in Underground Storage of Explosives

Seismic Fragility Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges with Chloride Induced Corrosion Subjected to Spatially Varying Ground Motions

Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Thimphu, Bhutan

scholarly article by Kinzang Thinley et al published September 2017 in International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

Seismic Response Analysis of Multiple-Frame Bridges with Unseating Restrainers considering Ground Motion Spatial Variation and SSI

Seismic Response Analysis of Transmission Tower-Line System on a Heterogeneous Site to Multi-Component Spatial Ground Motions

Seismic Response of Asymmetric Structures to Multiple Ground Motions

Seismic Response of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Arch Bridge to Spatially Varying Ground Motions Including Local Site Effect

Seismic Response of a Steel Trussed Arch Structure to Spatially Varying Earthquake Ground Motions Including Site Effect

scholarly article by Feng-Long Bai et al published December 2010 in Advances in Structural Engineering

Seismic fragility analyses of sea-crossing cable-stayed bridges subjected to multi-support ground motions on offshore sites

Seismic performance of RC frames designed for three different ductility levels

article published in 2001

Seismic performance of reinforced concrete frame buildings in Bhutan based on fuzzy probability analysis

scholarly article by K. Thinley & Hong Hao published January 2017 in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Seismic response analyses and performance assessment of masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frame buildings in Bhutan without and with soft storey

scholarly article by Kinzang Thinley & Hong Hao published 26 July 2016 in Advances in Structural Engineering

Seismic response of multi-span simply supported bridges to a spatially varying earthquake ground motion

scholarly article by Giovanna Zanardo et al published 2002 in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

Sensitivity of impact behaviour of RC beams to contact stiffness

scholarly article by Thong M. Pham et al published February 2018 in International Journal of Impact Engineering

Sensor Placement for Structural Damage Detection considering Measurement Uncertainties

Significance of SSI and non-uniform near-fault ground motions in bridge response II: Effect on response with modular expansion joint

Significance of SSI and nonuniform near-fault ground motions in bridge response I: Effect on response with conventional expansion joint

Simplified multiple equations' inverse problem of vented vessels subjected to internal gas explosions

Simplified seismic resistant design of base isolated single pylon cable-stayed bridge

Simulation of Spatially Varying Seafloor Motions Using Onshore Earthquake Recordings

scholarly article by Chao Li et al published September 2018 in Journal of Engineering Mechanics

Simulation of multi-support depth-varying earthquake ground motions within heterogeneous onshore and offshore sites

scholarly article by Chao Li et al published July 2018 in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

Simulation of structural response under high-frequency ground excitation

Some special phenomena and preliminary interpretations about measured strain signals from high-speed impact tests

Source identification of microseismic events in underground mines with interferometric imaging and cross wavelet transform

Spallation of reinforced concrete slabs under contact explosion

Specimen shape and size effects on the concrete compressive strength under static and dynamic tests

Spectral Element Model Updating for Damage Identification Using Clonal Selection Algorithm

Spectral Element Modelling of Wave Propagation with Boundary and Structural Discontinuity Reflections


Stability of Simple Beam Subjected to Multiple Seismic Excitations

Static and dynamic material properties of CFRP/epoxy laminates

Static and dynamic mechanical properties of expanded polystyrene

Statistical Analysis of Anisotropic Damage of the Bukit Timah Granite

Statistical damage identification of structures with frequency changes

Stiffness Assessment through Modal Analysis of an RC Slab Bridge before and after Strengthening

Stochastic dynamic analysis of marine risers considering Gaussian system uncertainties

Stochastic seismic response analysis of buried onshore and offshore pipelines

Strain Transfer Analysis of Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensor

Strength reduction factor for MDOF soil-structure systems

Structural damage detection based on the reconstructed phase space for reinforced concrete slab: Experimental study

Structural damage identification based on autoencoder neural networks and deep learning

scholarly article by Chathurdara Sri Nadith Pathirage et al published October 2018 in Engineering Structures

Structural damage identification with power spectral density transmissibility: numerical and experimental studies

Structural response of modular buildings – An overview

Structural response recovery based on improved multi-scale principal component analysis considering sensor performance degradation

Structure Damage Detection Using Neural Network with Multi-Stage Substructuring

Study of SSI and non-uniform ground motion effect on pounding between bridge girders

Study of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry walls under vented gas explosions

Study of concrete damage mechanism under hydrostatic pressure by numerical simulations

Study on the long-hole raising technique using one blast based on vertical crater retreat multiple deck shots

scientific article published in 2018

Substructural interface force identification with limited vibration measurements


Substructure damage identification based on wavelet-domain response reconstruction

Substructuring Technique for Damage Detection Using Statistical Multi-Stage Artificial Neural Network

scholarly article by Norhisham Bakhary et al published August 2010 in Advances in Structural Engineering

Synthesis of high strength ambient cured geopolymer composite by using low calcium fly ash

article by Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan et al published October 2016 in Construction and Building Materials

The Effect of Anchorages on FRP Strengthening of RC Walls to Resist Blast Loads

The effect of concrete shear key on the performance of segmental columns subjected to impact loading

The mechanical properties of Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) at high strain rates

article published in 2015

The mechanical properties of ionoplast interlayer material at high strain rates

article published in 2015

The response of glass window systems to blast loadings: An overview

The use of a non-probabilistic artificial neural network to consider uncertainties in vibration-based-damage detection


Theoretical Investigation of Bridge Seismic Responses with Pounding under Near-Fault Vertical Ground Motions


Theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of seismic motions at seafloor

Theoretical study of dynamic elastic buckling of columns subjected to intermediate velocity impact loads

Three-dimensional finite element modelling of rocking bridge piers under cyclic loading and exploration of options for increased energy dissipation

Time-varying system identification using a newly improved HHT algorithm

Time-varying system identification using variational mode decomposition

Torsional response of building structures to spatial random ground excitations

Transient dynamic fracture analysis using scaled boundary finite element method: a frequency-domain approach

Using multiple tuned mass dampers to control offshore wind turbine vibrations under multiple hazards

Using pipe-in-pipe systems for subsea pipeline vibration control


Using vibration phase space topology changes for structural damage detection


Vented Methane-air Explosion Overpressure Calculation—A simplified approach based on CFD

Vibration-Based Damage Detection of Pipeline System by HHT Method


Vibration-based Damage Detection of Structures by Genetic Algorithm


Vibration-based structural health monitoring of offshore pipelines: numerical and experimental study


Vulnerability Analyses of Structural Insulated Panels with OSB Skins Strengthened by Basalt Fiber Cloth Subjected to Windborne Debris Impact