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List of works by Elena Gnani

A Low-Field Mobility Model for Bulk and Ultrathin-Body SOI p-MOSFETs With Different Surface and Channel Orientations


A Low-Field Mobility Model for Bulk, Ultrathin Body SOI and Double-Gate n-MOSFETs With Different Surface and Channel Orientations—Part I: Fundamental Principles


A Low-Field Mobility Model for Bulk, Ultrathin Body SOI and Double-Gate n-MOSFETs With Different Surface and Channel Orientations—Part II: Ultrathin Silicon Films


An Investigation on Effective Mobility in Nanowire FETs under Quasi-Ballistic Conditions


Analysis of HCS in STI-based LDMOS transistors


Analytical model of thin-body InGaAs-on-InP MOSFET low-field electron mobility for integration in TCAD tools


Ballistic ratio and backscattering coefficient in short-channel NW-FETs

Band Structure Effects on the Current-Voltage Characteristics of SNW-FETs

Can Interface Traps Suppress TFET Ambipolarity?

Characterization and modeling of electrical stress degradation in STI-based integrated power devices

Computational Study of the Ultimate Scaling Limits of CNT Tunneling Devices

DC and small-signal numerical simulation of graphene base transistor for terahertz operation


Dual-Metal-Gate InAs Tunnel FET With Enhanced Turn-On Steepness and High On-Current

Effective Mobility in Nanowire FETs Under Quasi-Ballistic Conditions


Effects of Channel Orientations, High-? Gate Stacks and Stress on UTB-FETs: A QDD Simulation Study

Effects of High-$\kappa$ (HfO$_2$) Gate Dielectrics in Double-Gate and Cylindrical-Nanowire FETs Scaled to the Ultimate Technology Nodes

Explanation of the Rugged LDMOS Behavior by Means of Numerical Analysis

Exploiting Negative Differential Resistance in Monolayer Graphene FETs for High Voltage Gains

Graphene Base Transistors: A Simulation Study of DC and Small-Signal Operation


Graphene base heterojunction transistor: An explorative study on device potential, optimization, and base parasitics


Graphene nanoribbons FETs for high-performance logic applications: Perspectives and challenges

Graphene-Base Heterojunction Transistor: An Attractive Device for Terahertz Operation


High-frequency analog GNR-FET design criteria

article published in 2011

Impact of crystallographic orientation and impurity scattering in Graphene-Base Heterojunction Transistors for Terahertz Operation


Investigation of the Transport Properties of Silicon Nanowires Using Deterministic and Monte Carlo Approaches to the Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation

Mode Space Approach for Tight Binding Transport Simulation in Graphene Nanoribbon FETs

Mode Space Approach for Tight-Binding Transport Simulation in Graphene Nanoribbon FETs

Optimization and Analysis of the Dual n/p-LDMOS Device

Optimization of a Pocketed Dual-Metal-Gate TFET by Means of TCAD Simulations Accounting for Quantization-Induced Bandgap Widening

Optimization of n- and p-type TFETs Integrated on the Same ${\rm InAs}/{\rm Al}_{x}{\rm Ga}_{1-x}{\rm Sb}$ Technology Platform

Phonon-scattering effects in CNT-FETs with different dimensions and dielectric materials

Physical Model of the Junctionless UTB SOI-FET

Physically-based unified compact model for low-field carrier mobility in MOSFETs with different gate stacks and biaxial/uniaxial stress conditions


Physics-Based Analytical Model for HCS Degradation in STI-LDMOS Transistors


Physics-based analytical model of nanowire tunnel-FETs

Quantum-mechanical analysis of the electrostatics in silicon-nanowire and carbon-nanotube FETs

Quasi-Ballistic Transport in Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors


Quasi-ballistic transport in nanowire field-effect transistors


Semianalytical Model of the Subthreshold Current in Short-Channel Junctionless Symmetric Double-Gate Field-Effect Transistors


Simulation study of graphene nanoribbon tunneling transistors including edge roughness effects


Simulations of Graphene Base Transistors With Improved Graphene Interface Model


Steep-slope nanowire field-effect transistor (SS-NWFET)


TCAD Simulation of Hot-Carrier and Thermal Degradation in STI-LDMOS Transistors


TCAD analysis of the leakage current and breakdown versus temperature of GaN-on-Silicon vertical structures

TFET Inverters With n-/p-Devices on the Same Technology Platform for Low-Voltage/Low-Power Applications

Temperature Dependence of the Threshold Voltage Shift Induced by Carrier Injection in Integrated STI-Based LDMOS Transistors


Theoretical foundations of the quantum drift-diffusion and density-gradient models

Theory of the Junctionless Nanowire FET

Tight-binding and effective mass modeling of armchair carbon nanoribbon FETs

Tight-binding and effective mass modeling of armchair graphene nanoribbon FETs