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List of works by Bernard Verdcourt

(1102) Proposal to Conserve Ammannia octandra (Lythraceae) with a Conserved Type

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

(1226) Proposal to Reject the Name Dolichos pubescens L. (Leguminosae)

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

(1239-1240) Proposals to Conserve the Name Polypodium cordifolium with a Conserved Type, and to Reject P. auriculatum, in Order to Stabilize Nomenclature in Nephrolepis (Oleandraceae or Nephrolepidaceae)

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

(1250) Proposal to Conserve the Name Falkia (Convolvulaceae) with a Conserved Spelling

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

(1291-1292) Proposals to Conserve the Names Myrica and Gale (Myricaceae) with Conserved Types

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

(1298-1299) Proposals to Conserve the Names Phaseolus helvolus with a Conserved Type and Spelling, and Strophostyles against Phasellus (Leguminosae)

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

(1300) Proposal to Conserve the Gender of Sapindus (Sapindaceae) as Masculine

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

(1535) Proposal to Conserve the Name Eugenia bukobensis Engl. (Myrtaceae) with a Conserved Type

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

(1566) Proposal to Change the Authorship of Eriosema, nom. cons. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) and to Delete Euriosma Desv., nom. rej.

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)

(304) Proposal for the Retypification of 3910 Dolichos L. by Dolichos trilobus L. pro parte

scientific article (publication date: April 1970)

(827) Proposal to Conserve 7148 Chascanum E. Mey. (1838) against Plexipus Rafin. (1837) (Verbenaceae)

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

(924) Proposal to Conserve the Name Vitex payos (Lour.) Merr. with a New Type (Verbenaceae)

scientific article (publication date: February 1989)

(958) Proposal to Conserve the Name Mimosa pigra L. with a Conserved Type (Spermatophyta: Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

A Confusion in Priva (Verbenaceae)

scientific article

A Conspectus of Polysphaeria (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

A Conspectus of Polysphaeria (Rubiaceae): Addendum

scientific article published in 1981

A Flora of the Ferns and Herbaceous Flowering Plants of Upland Kenya

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt & A. D. Q. Agnew published 1975 in Kew Bulletin

A Guide to Museum Pest Control

scientific article published in 1990

A Key to the East African Species of Disperis (Orchidaceae) with Two New Species

scientific article

A Manual of New Guinea Legumes

scientific article published in 1980


scientific article published in 1966


scientific article published in 1965


scientific article published in 1962

A New Combination in Adiantum (Adiantaceae)

scientific article published in 1991

A New Combination in Heinsia (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

A New Combination in Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae)

scientific article

A New Combination in Oxyrhynchus (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1978

A New Combination in Rapona (Convolvulaceae)

scientific article

A New Combination in Tournefortia (Boraginaceae)

scientific article

A New Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) from Kenya

scientific article published in 1985

A New Genus Nogalia (Boraginaceae: Heliotropioideae) from Somaliland and Southern Arabia

scientific article

A New Genus of Annonaceae from the East African Coastal Forests

scientific article

A New Genus of Leguminosae-Phaseoleae

scientific article published in 1970

A New Genus of Meliaceae from Eastern Africa.

scientific article

A New Name for Cyphostemma pachypus Verdc. (Vitaceae)

scientific article published in 1986

A New Name for Pentas geophila (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

A New Name for a Mascarene Psychotria (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

A New Name for a New Guinea Albizia (Leguminosae)

scientific article published in 1977

A New Name for an East African Species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae)

scientific article

A New Name in Psathura (Rubiaceae-Psychotrieae (= Psathureae))

scientific article

A New Plantain from East Africa

scientific article

A New Species of Alistilus (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) from Madagascar

scientific article published in 1981

A New Species of Basananthe Peyr. (Passifloraceae) from Kenya

scientific article published in 1998

A New Species of Ceratonia (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) from Arabia and the Somali Republic

scientific article published in 1980

A New Species of Chassalia (Rubiaceae-Psychotrieae) from the Mascarenes

scientific article published in 1983

A New Species of Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) from Tanzania

scientific article published in 2003

A New Species of Disperis (Orchidaceae) from Zambia

scientific article published in 1977

A New Species of Ficus (Moraceae) from Uganda

scientific article

A New Species of Foetidia (Lecythidaceae) from Africa

scientific article

A New Species of Garcinia L. (Guttiferae), from Tanzania

scientific article published in 2006

A New Species of Grassland Psychotria (Rubiaceae) from Africa

scientific article

A New Species of Hildebrandtia (Convolvulaceae) from the Somali Republic

scientific article

A New Species of Maniltoa (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) from New Guinea

scientific article published in 1982

A New Species of Mitriostigma (Rubiaceae: Gardenieae) from Tanzania

scientific article

A New Species of Nectaropetalum (Erythroxylaceae) from Tanzania

scientific article

A New Species of Ophrestia H. M. L. Forbes (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) from Zambia

scientific article

A New Species of Otiophora (Rubiaceae) from Burundi

scientific article

A New Species of Palaquium Blanco (Sapotaceae) from Ceylon

scientific article

A New Species of Tricliceras (Turneraceae)

scientific article

A New Species of Uvaria (Annonaceae) from Tanzania

scientific article

A New Species of Vigna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) from Bolivia

scientific article

A New Species of Vitex (Verbenaceae) from Tanzania

scientific article

A New Species of Zehneria Endl. (Cucurbitaceae) from Tanzania

scientific article

A New Subgenus of Stictocardia (Convolvulaceae)

scientific article published in 1990

A New Subspecies of Uvaria (Annonaceae) from Ethiopia and Kenya

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1984 in Kew Bulletin

A New Variety of Galium ossirwaense (Rubiaceae-Rubieae)

scientific article published in 1975

A New Variety of Lelya prostrata (Rubiaceae-Hedyotideae)

scientific article

A New Variety of Nectaropetalum kaessneri Engl. (Erythroxylaceae) from Kenya

scientific article published in 1978

A Note on Mucuna schlechteri Harms (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1980

A Note on Nymphaea zenkeri Gilg (Nymphaeaceae)

scientific article published in 1989

A Note on Stenochlaena (Pteridophyta: Blechnaceae) in Africa

scientific article published in 1992

A Note on the Supposed Occurrence of a Species of Gleditsia (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) in New Guinea

scientific article published in 1979

A Note on the Type of Paxiodendron ulugurense (Monimiaceae)

scientific article published in 1986

A Pollen Survey of Tapiphyllum (Rubiaceae: Vanguerieae)

scientific article published in 1987

A Proposal concerning Glycine L.

scientific article (publication date: 1966)

A Reappraisal of the Grevea (Montiniaceae) Growing on the Kenya Coast

scientific article

A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon, Vol. 7

scientific article published in 1992

A Revision of Certain African Genera of Herbaceous Rubiaceae V.: A Revision of the Genus Pentas Bentham Together with a Key to Related Genera

scientific article

A Revision of Certain African Genera of herbaceous Rubiaceae I. The Genus Pentanisia Harvey

scientific article

A Revision of Certain African Genera of herbaceous Rubiaceae II. The Genus Otomeria Benth. and the New Genus Batopedina Verdcourt

scientific article

A Revision of Certain African Genera of herbaceous Rubiaceae III. The Genus Virectaria Brem.

scientific article

A Revision of Certain African Genera of herbaceous Rubiaceae IV. Notes on the Genera Parapentas Brem., Tapinopentas Brem., and Otiophora Zucc.

scientific article

A Revision of Macrotyloma (Leguminosae)

scientific article published in 1983

A Revision of Psophocarpus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1978

A Revision of the African Species of Carphalea Juss. (=Dirichletia Klotzsch) (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

A Revision of the Genus Otiophora Zucc. (Rubiaceae).

scientific article

A Solution to the Problem of Hibiscus zeylonica L. (Malvaceae)

scientific article published in 2007

A Suggested Identity of Ipomoea cuspidata D. Don

scientific article published in 1970

A Synopsis of the Genus Chazaliella. (Rubiaceae-Psychotrieae)

scientific article

A further collection of Tomichia hendrickxi (Verdcourt) (Hydrobiidae) from the Belgian Congo

scientific article published in 1960

A new name for a species of Gulella

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 17 no. 4, 1953

A new operculate genus from East Africa — Elgonocyclus (Mollusca, Cyclophoridae), a preliminary diagnosis

scientific article published in 1982

A new species of Chlamydarion (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Urocyclidae) from Kenya

scientific article published in 2004

A new species of Erythrophysa E. Mey. ex Arn. (Sapindaceae) from Ethiopia

scientific article published in July 1962

A new species of Gulella Pfr. (Gastropoda Pulmonata, Streptaxidae) from NE. Tanzania

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 59 no. 4/6, 1996

A new species of Vitrina (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vitrinidae) from Kenya with a discussion of the genus in East Africa

scientific article published in 2005

A synopsis of the section Primigulella Pilsbry of Gulella Pfr. (Mollusca, Streptaxidae)

scientific article published in 1956


scientific article published in 1993

Abnormalities in the Radula of Drymaeus virgulatus (Fér.)

scientific article published in 1950

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

scientific article published in 1995

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

scientific article published in 2002

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

scientific article published in 1988

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

scientific article published in 2000

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

scientific article published in 2009

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew XXXV. Miscellaneous Records

scientific article published in 2004

Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: XXXI. Miscellaneous Records

scientific article published in 1993

African Orchids: XXXI. New Taxa of Disperis from East and Central Africa

scientific article

Afropunctum seminium (Morelet, 1873) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Euconulidae) in Guinea, West Africa

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 67 no. 4/6, 2004

Ammannia coccinea Rottb. (Lythraceae) in Africa

scientific article published in 1994

An Enumeration of the Rhamnaceae in the East African Herbarium with the Description of a New Species of Lasiodiscus

scientific article

An Oak Spring Pomona. A Selection of the Rare Books on Fruit in the Oak Spring Garden Library

scientific article published in 1992

An early collection of Gabbiella rosea Mandahl-Barth, 1968 (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Bithyniidae)

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 68 no. 4/6, 2004

Bibliography of Radulae Figures of the British and Dutch Non-marine Mollusca

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 15 no. 3/4, 1951

Biological Nomenclature

scientific article published in 1974

Blumea Supplement 7. Flowers of Annonaceae: Morphology, Classification, and Evolution

scientific article published in 1993

Chloranthaceae: Hedyosmum in Flora Neotropica

scientific article published in 1989

Confirmation of the Identity of Cassia sabak Del. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae)

scientific article published in 1988

Corrections and Additions to the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa: Convolvulaceae': I

scientific article

Corrections and Additions to the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa: Convolvulaceae': II: The Identity of Ipomoea mahonii C. H. Wright

scientific article published in 1969

Corrections and Additions to the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa: Convolvulaceae': III

scientific article

Corrections and Additions to the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa: Convolvulaceae': IV

scientific article

Corrections and Additions to the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa: Convolvulaceae': V

scientific article published in 1982

Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien Ed. 2. Band 17a IV Angiospermae: Ordnung Ranunculales Fam. Ranunculaceae

scientific article (review) published in 1996

Dolichos trilobus (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) in Arabia

scientific article published in 1981

East African Poisonous Plant

scientific article published in 1972

East African Vegetation

scientific article published in 1975

East African slugs of the family Urocyclidae. Parts III & IV, The genus Trichotoxon

Nairobi: Printed by D.A. Hawkins Ltd. for the East Africa Natural History Society, [1961].

Emphysetes udzungwensis, a most remarkable new genus and species of slug from the Udzungwa Mountains in southern Tanzania (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Urocyclidae)

scientific article published in 2003

Eriosema in the New World

scientific article published in 1972

Field Guide to Eucalypts. Volume 1. South-Eastern Australia

scientific article published in 2000

Flora Malesiana, Series 1 Spermatophyta Volume 11(2)

scientific article published in 1995

Flora Neotropica

scientific article published in 1973

Flora of Tropical East Africa, Nymphaeaceae

Flore des plantes ligneuses du Rwanda

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt & G. Troupin published 1984 in Kew Bulletin

Flore du Rwanda, Spermatophytes

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt & G. Troupin published 1979 in Kew Bulletin

Further Notes on Dipogon lignosus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1982

Galium Glaciale Krause (Rubiaceae) and Its Allies in Eastern Africa

scientific article

Gigasiphon humblotianum (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae: Bauhinieae) as a Drift Seed

scientific article published in 1982

Guide to the Prices of Antiquarian and Secondhand Botanical Books (1979-1982)

scientific article published in 1985

Hadleigh Great Wood. The Wildlife and History of Belfairs Nature Reserve

scientific article published in 1990


scientific article published in 1965

Identity of Calanda K. Schum. and Otocephalus Chiov. (Rubiaceae, Knoxieae)

scientific article published in 1981

John S. Gibbons - 1851-? - Collectors in East Africa - 5

biographical article published in 1981

Le cabinet de curiosites de Thoutmosis III. Orientalia Lovaniensia Annalecta 36

scientific article published in 1992

Lectotypification of Sida asiatica L. (Malvaceae)

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Luo-English Botanical Dictionary of Plant Names and Uses

scientific article published in 1973

Manostachya staelioides (Rubiaceae-Hedyotideae) New to East Africa

scientific article published in 1980

Melchiora Kobuski and Melchioria Penzig & Saccardo

scientific article published in 1969

Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden

scholarly book review published in 1973

Miscellaneous Notes on New Guinea Leguminosae: Archidendron and Mucuna

scientific article published in 1978

Moringa: A Correction

scientific article published in 1958


scientific article published in 1960


scientific article published in 1967


scientific article published in 1966


scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1 January 1956 in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 32 no. 1-2, January 1956


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 29 no. 5, August 1952


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 29 no. 1, September 1951


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 32 no. 6, December 1957


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 30 no. 1-2, May 1953


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 30 no. 4-5, December 1953

Nature's Government. Science, Imperial Britain and the 'Improvement' of the World

article published in 2001

New Combinations in African Myricaceae

scientific article

New Combinations in African Sapindaceae

scientific article published in 1996

New Sectional Names in Spermacoce and a New Tribe Virectarieae (Rubiaceae)

scientific article published in 1975

New Species of Rhynchosia Lour. (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae-Cajaninae) from the Flora Zambesiaca Area

scientific article

New Species of Rubiaceae-Psychotrieae from Tanzania

scientific article

New Taxa of East African Annonaceae

scientific article

New Taxa of Leguminosae from New Guinea

scientific article published in 1977

New Taxa of Leguminosae from Papua New Guinea

scientific article

New Taxa of Leguminosae-Papilionoideae from Cameroun

scientific article published in 1978

New Taxa of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) from East Africa and Australia

scientific article published in 1980

New Taxa of Rytigynia (Rubiaceae-Vanguerieae)

scientific article

New and Interesting Records of African Flowering Plants.

scientific article

New and Little-Known Taxa of Merremia Hall. f. (Convolvulaceae) from North-East Africa

scientific article

Notes from the East African Herbarium: IV.

scientific article published in 1956

Notes from the East African Herbarium: V

scientific article

Notes from the East African Herbarium: V: A Correction

scientific article published in 1958

Notes from the East African Herbarium: VI

scientific article published in 1958

Notes from the East African Herbarium: VII

scientific article

Notes from the East African Herbarium: VIII

scientific article published in 1958

Notes from the East African Herbarium: X

scientific article

Notes from the East African Herbarium: XI

scientific article

Notes from the East African Herbarium: XII

scientific article

Notes from the East African Herbarium: XIII

scientific article published in 1962

Notes from the East African Herbarium: XIV

scientific article published in 1963

Notes from the East African Herbarium: XV

scientific article published in 1964

Notes from the East African Herbarium: XVI

scientific article published in 1964

Notes on African Gardenia (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

Notes on African Rubiaceae

scientific article published in 1981

Notes on African Rubiaceae

scientific article

Notes on African Rubiaceae: Leptactina and Cuviera

scientific article

Notes on African Rubiaceae: Vanguerieae

scientific article

Notes on Dipogon and Psophocarpus (Leguminosae)

scientific article (publication date: October 1968)

Notes on East African Annonaceae

scientific article

Notes on East African Land and Freshwater Snails. 8. The rediscovery of Trochozonites (Zonitotrochus) adoxa Connolly (Gastropoda, Helicarionidae)

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 27 no. 5/6, 1963

Notes on East African land and freshwater snails, 12-15

scientific article published in 1982

Notes on East African land and freshwater snails. 11. Miscellaneous records from Kenya and Tanzania including the description of two new species

scientific article published in 1978

Notes on East African land ans freshwater snails. 11. Miscellaneous records from Kenya and Tanzania including the description of two new species. Errata

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1978 in Basteria

Notes on Ipomoea L.

scientific article (publication date: April 1958)

Notes on Kenya Land and Freshwater Snails. 5. Records of Vertiginidae and Valloniidae from Kenya, Zanzibar, and Tanganyika

scientific article published in 1958

Notes on Kenya Land and Freshwater Snails. 6. The Genus Afropunctum Haas in Kenya and Uganda

scientific article published in 1959

Notes on Kenya Land and Freshwater Snails. 7. Variation in Gulella pilula (Preston) (Streptaxidae)

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1961 in Basteria

Notes on Kenya Land- and Freshwater Snails. 4. A note on the distribution of the subgenus Psichion of Trachycystis

scientific article published in 1953

Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails. 10. Variation in the Gulella ugandensis complex (Streptaxidae)

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1970 in Basteria

Notes on Kenya land and freshwater snails. 9. A rediscovery of Microstele iredalei (Preston)

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1968 in Basteria

Notes on Kenya land- and freshwater snails

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1952 in Basteria

Notes on Malesian Chloranthaceae

scientific article published in 1985

Notes on Mascarene Rubiaceae

scientific article

Notes on Trapa for the 'Flora of Southern Africa'

scientific article published in 1986

Notes on a sinistral specimen of Nesopupa bisulcata (Jickeli) (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Vertiginidae) from Kenya

scholarly article by A C Van Bruggen & Bernard Verdcourt published 1993 in Basteria

Notes on some East African Gulellae

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 17 no. 3, 1953

Notes on the African Genus Cremaspora (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

Notes on the Genus Bersama in Africa

scientific article published in 1950

Notes on the Genus Grevea Baill. (Montiniaceae)

scientific article published in 1973

Notes on the Tropical African Canellaceae

scientific article

Oldenlandia echinulosa (Rubiaceae) K. Schum.: A Correction

scientific article

On the Typification of Heliotropium supinum L. (Boraginaceae)

scientific article published in 1987

Peuplement rural et amenagements hydroagricoles dans la moyenne vallee de l'Euphrate fin VIIe - XIXe Siecle

scientific article published in 2002

Poisonous Plants of Australia

scientific article published in 1976

Pollen Morphology in the Genera Merremia and Operculina (Convolvulaceae) and Its Taxonomic Significance

scientific article

Radulae as an Aid to the Identification of the Zonitidae

scientific article published in 1951

Redoute's Fairest Flowers

scientific article published in 1988

Remarks on the Classification of the Rubiaceae

scientific article published in 1958

Rotheca (Labiatae) Revived: More New Combinations

scientific article

Rubiacees nouvelles pour la "Flora Zambesiaca"

scientific article


scientific article


scientific article published in 1974

Spongers of the Plant World

scientific article published in 1972

Studies in the Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Hedysareae (Sensu Lato) for the "Flora Zambesiaca": 3

scientific article published in 1973

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': I

scientific article

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': II

article published in 1970

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': III

scientific article published in 1970

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': IV

scientific article published in 1970

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': V

scientific article published in 1971

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Hedysareae (Sensu Lato) for the 'Flora Zambesiaca': 2

scientific article published in 1972

Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Hedysareae for the 'Flora Zambesiaca': I

scientific article published in 1971

Studies in the Rubiaceae-Rubioideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': II

scientific article

Studies in the Rubiaceae: Rubioideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': I

scientific article

Subuliniscus adjacens Connolly (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Subulinidae) on Mt. Kenya, East Africa

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1998 in Basteria

Svensonia Moldenke Congeneric with Chascanum E. Mey. (Verbenaceae)

scientific article

Syllabus de la flore du Rwanda. Spermatophytes

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt & Georges Troupin published 1972 in Kew Bulletin


scientific article published in 1960


scientific article published in 1966


scholarly article in Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 35 no. 1, April 1962

The Correct Name for the Bambara Groundnut

scientific article published in 1980

The Correct Name for the Southern Indian and Sri Lankan Species of Sarcandra Gardner (Chloranthaceae)

scientific article published in 1984

The Demise of Two Geocarpic Legume Genera

scientific article (publication date: May 1978)

The Family Endodontidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in East Africa

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 16 no. 4, 1952

The Fruit of Sanrafaelia rufonammari Verdc. (Annonaceae)

scientific article published in 2001

The Generic Position of Vigna speciosa (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae)

scientific article published in 1978

The Genus Cardiochlamys Oliv. (Convolvulaceae)

scientific article

The Genus Eugenia L. (Myrtaceae) in East Africa

scientific article

The Genus Metaporana (Convolvulaceae) in Madagascar

scientific article

The Genus Uvariodendron (Engl. & Diels) R. E. Fries (Annonaceae) in East Africa

scientific article

The Identities of Dolichos trilobus L. and Dolichos trilobatus L.

scientific article (publication date: April 1968)

The Identity of Anchusa zeylanica Vahl ex Hornemann (Boraginaceae)

scientific article published in 1988

The Identity of Anthospermum mazzocchii-alemannii Chiov. (Rubiaceae)

scientific article published in 1983

The Identity of Chassalia clusiifolia DC.

scientific article published in 1982

The Identity of Clerodendrum eupatorioides Bak. from Cameroon

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1989 in Kew Bulletin

The Identity of Clerodendrum kibwesense Moldenke (Verbenaceae)

scientific article published in 1990

The Identity of Clerodendrum manettii Vis. (Verbenaceae)

scientific article published in 1989

The Identity of Clerodendrum micranthum Gilli

scientific article published in 1990

The Identity of Diodia angolensis S. Moore (Rubiaceae)

scientific article published in 1993

The Identity of Dolichos hirtus Andrews

scientific article (publication date: October 1967)

The Identity of Dolichos ufiomensis Heering (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1996

The Identity of Galium aparinoides Forssk. (Rubiaceae)

scientific article published in 1973

The Identity of Glycine minima Willd. (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae)

scientific article published in 1982

The Identity of Lepipogon Bertol.f. (Rubiaceae)

scientific article published in 1986

The Identity of Mitratheca richardsonioides (Rubiaceae)

scientific article

The Identity of Ophiorrhiza lanceolata Forsk

scientific article

The Identity of Papilionopsis stylidioides (Leguminosae)

scientific article published in 1977

The Identity of Premna macrodonta Bak.

scientific article published in 1988

The Identity of Psychotria madandensis S. Moore (Rubiaceae)

scientific article published in 1987

The Identity of Two New Guinea Plant Names (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae & Sapindaceae)

scientific article published in 1977

The Identity of Vigna strophiolata Piper (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae)


The Identity of the Common East African Species of Craterispermum Benth. (Rubiaceae) with Some Other Notes on the Genus

scientific article published in 1973

The Locality of Gladiolus pusillus (Iridaceae) in Tanzania: A Correction

scientific article published in 1998

The Names of the Morning Glories Cultivated and Naturalised in East Africa

scientific article (publication date: October 1957)

The Occurrence of Erythrina droogmansiana (Leguminosae) in East Africa

scientific article

The Polygamous Species of the Genus Galium (Rubiaceae), Section Lophogalium, of Mexico and Southwestern United States

scientific article published in 1974

The Typification of Nymphaea lotus L.

scientific article published in 1989

The Variation of Sida rhombifolia L. (Malvaceae) in East Africa

scientific article published in 2004

The status of the genus Polyalthia Blume (Annonacese) in Africa

scholarly article in Adansonia nouvelle série, vol. 9 no. 1, 1969

Three Corrections to the Flora of Tropical East Africa

scientific article

Three Noteworthy Species of Disperis (Orchidaceae) Unrecorded for East Africa

scientific article

Trachygystis (Dendrotrichia) sylvicola, a new subgenus and species from Rhodesia (Mollusca, Gastropoda Pulmonata: Endodontidae)

scientific article published in 1965

Trichodesma inaequale Edgeworth (Boraginaceae), a Species of Africa and India

scientific article published in 1989

Tropical African Aloes

scientific article published in 1967

Tropical African Plants: XXX

scientific article

Two New Combinations in Leguminosae

scientific article published in 1988

Two New Species of Galium (Rubiaceae: Rubieae) from Tropical East Africa

scientific article

Two New Species of Mimosoideae-Leguminosae from New Guinea

scientific article published in 1979

Two New Species of Pentanisia Harvey from Kenya Colony Together with a Key to Distinguish the Species Which Occur in the Colony

scholarly article by Bernard Verdcourt published 1951 in Kew Bulletin

Two New Taxa of Guttiferae from East Africa

scientific article

Two Synonymies in Boraginaceae

scientific article published in 1989

Two new species of Curvella Chaper (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Subulinidae) from the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania

scientific article published in 2002

Two new taxa of land snails of the genera Kalidos and Ampelita from Madagascar (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)

scholarly article in Basteria, vol. 70 no. 4/6, 2006

Typification of the Subdivisions of Ipomoea L. (Convolvulaceae) with Particular Regard to the East African Species

scientific article (publication date: June 1957)

Uganda Grasses

scientific article

Ultrastructural Characters of the Pollen Grains of African Annonaceae and Their Significance for the Phylogeny of Primitive Angiosperms

scientific article published in 1982

Une combinaison nouvelle dans Rytigynia (Rubiaceae-Vanguerieae)

scientific article

Validity of Species Names Published by Forsskal and Aublet

scientific article (publication date: August 1984)

Vigna unguiculata (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae): A Correction

scientific article published in 1977