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List of works by Mahdi Jalili

A Global Optimization Approach Based on Opinion Formation in Complex Networks

scientific article

A New Metric to Find the Most Vulnerable Node in Complex Networks

scientific article

A Novel Clustering Index to Find Optimal Clusters Size With Application to Segmentation of Energy Consumers

scientific article

A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Limited and Big Data Modeling With Application in Industry 4.0

scientific article

A Novel Mixed Cascade Finite-Time Switching Control Design for Induction Motor

scientific article

A Probabilistic Graph-Based Method to Improve Recommender System Accuracy

scientific article

A Temporal Clustering Approach for Social Recommender Systems

scientific article

A Time-Aware Recommender System Based on Dependency Network of Items

scientific article

A fuzzy logic based estimator for respondent driven sampling of complex networks

scientific article

A hybrid method of link prediction in directed graphs

scientific article

A lower bound for algebraic connectivity based on the connection-graph-stability method

scientific article

A multi-objective genetic algorithm for text feature selection using the relative discriminative criterion

scientific article

A new chaotic network model for epilepsy

scientific article

A new class of generalized continuous robust control algorithm for arbitrary order systems

scientific article

A new metric for measuring infleunce of nodes in cooperative frequency control of distributed generation systems

scientific article

A novel multivariate filter method for feature selection in text classification problems

scientific article

A novel optimization method based on opinion formation in complex networks

scientific article

A probabilistic model to resolve diversity–accuracy challenge of recommendation systems

scientific article

A simple consensus algorithm for distributed averaging in random geographical networks

scientific article

A trust-aware recommendation method based on Pareto dominance and confidence concepts

scientific article

A trust-aware recommender algorithm based on users overlapping community structure

scientific article

AN NMF-Based Community Detection Method Regularized with Local and Global Information

scientific article

Accurate and Novel Recommendations

scientific article

Alpha rhythm and hypofrontality in schizophrenia

scientific article

An Evolutionary Based Multi-Objective Filter Approach for Feature Selection

scientific article

An imputation-based matrix factorization method for improving accuracy of collaborative filtering systems

scientific article

An opinion formation based binary optimization approach for feature selection

scientific article

Analysis of cascaded failures in power networks using maximum flow based complex network approach

scientific article

Application of Deep Learning Long Short-Term Memory in Energy Demand Forecasting

scientific article

Appropriate time to apply control input to complex dynamical systems

scientific article published on 16 December 2020

Arbitrary-Order Continuous Finite-Time Sliding Mode Controller for Fixed-Time Convergence

scientific article

Attenuated asymmetry of functional connectivity in schizophrenia: a high-resolution EEG study

scientific article published on 22 January 2010

Cascade PI-continuous second-order sliding mode control for induction motor

scientific article

Cascaded failures in weighted networks

scientific article published on 25 October 2011

Cascading Failure Tolerance of Modular Small-World Networks

scientific article

Cluster-Based Collaborative Filtering for Sign Prediction in Social Networks with Positive and Negative Links

scientific article

Coevolution of opinion formation and network dynamics in complex networked systems

scientific article

Collaborative Deep Forest Learning for Recommender Systems

scientific article

Collective behavior of interacting locally synchronized oscillations in neuronal networks

scientific article

Comment on "Rewiring networks for synchronization" [Chaos 18, 037105 (2008)].

scientific article published in June 2009

Community Detection in Signed Networks: the Role of Negative ties in Different Scales

scientific article published on 23 September 2015

Community Structure and Information Cascade in Signed Networks

scientific article

Connectedness of users–items networks and recommender systems

scientific article

Constructing brain functional networks from EEG: partial and unpartial correlations.

scientific article published in June 2011

Controllability of complex networks: Choosing the best driver set

scientific article

Cooperative secondary frequency control of distributed generation: The role of data communication network topology

scientific article

Correlation of cascade failures and centrality measures in complex networks

scientific article

Demand Response Planning Tool using Markov Decision Process

scientific article

Designing Observer-Type Controller for Containment of Discrete-Time Linear MASs Over Signed Graph

scientific article

Detection of Community Structures in Networks With Nodal Features based on Generative Probabilistic Approach

scientific article

Diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease based on EEG source localization and a standardized realistic head model

scientific article

Directed Functional Networks in Alzheimer's Disease: Disruption of Global and Local Connectivity Measures

scientific article published on 9 June 2016

Discovering dominant pathways and signal-response relationships in signaling networks through nonparametric approaches.

scientific article published on 2 August 2013

Discovering the structure of cascade propagation in power grids

scientific article

Discriminating early stage AD patients from healthy controls using synchronization analysis of EEG

scientific article

Distributed Rigidity Recovery in Distance-Based Formations Using Configuration Lattice

scientific article

EEG-based functional brain networks: Hemispheric differences in males and females

scientific article

EEG-based functional brain networks: does the network size matter?

scientific article

EEG-based functional networks in schizophrenia

scientific article published on 20 May 2011

Effect of disconnection of generation units on the rate of change of frequency in distributed power systems

scientific article

Effective augmentation of networked systems and enhancing pinning controllability

scientific article

Effects of leaders and social power on opinion formation in complex networks

scientific article

Efficient rewirings for enhancing synchronizability of dynamical networks.

scientific article published in September 2008

Enhancement of Synchronizability in Networks with Community Structure through Adding Efficient Inter-Community Links

scientific article

Enhancing Pinning Controllability of Complex Networks Through Link Rewiring

scientific article

Enhancing precision of Markov-based recommenders using location information

scientific article

Enhancing response coordination through the assessment of response network structural dynamics.

scientific article published on 15 February 2018

Enhancing stability of cooperative secondary frequency control by link rewiring

scientific article

Enhancing synchronizability of diffusively coupled dynamical networks: a survey

scientific article published on July 2013

Enhancing synchronizability of weighted dynamical networks using betweenness centrality

scientific article published on 14 July 2008

Error and attack tolerance of small-worldness in complex networks

scientific article

Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Recommender Algorithms: A Survey

scientific article

Failure tolerance of motif structure in biological networks

scientific article

Failure tolerance of spike phase synchronization in coupled neural networks

scientific article published on September 1, 2011

Finding the Most Influential Nodes in Pinning Controllability of Complex Networks

scientific article

Fixed-time Converging Terminal Surface with Non-singular Control Design for Second-order Systems

scientific article

Fractional PI pinning synchronization of fractional complex dynamical networks

scientific article

Functional Brain Networks: Does the Choice of Dependency Estimator and Binarization Method Matter?

scientific article published on 15 July 2016

Graph theoretical analysis of Alzheimer's disease: Discrimination of AD patients from healthy subjects

scientific article

Growing highly synchronizable scale-free networks

scientific article

Hybrid Recommender Systems based on Content Feature Relationship

scientific article

Identification of influential users in social network using gray wolf optimization algorithm

scientific article

Identification of influential users in social networks based on users’ interest

scientific article

Immunizing complex networks with limited budget

scientific article

Improved Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Through Similarity Prediction

scientific article

Improving exploration property of velocity-based artificial bee colony algorithm using chaotic systems

scientific article

Inference of Hidden Social Power Through Opinion Formation in Complex Networks

scientific article

Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

scientific article

Influence maximization of informed agents in social networks

scientific article

Influence of network-based structural and power diversity on research performance

scientific article

Influential node ranking in social networks based on neighborhood diversity

scientific article

Information Spread and Topic Diffusion in Heterogeneous Information Networks

scientific article published on 22 June 2018

Information cascades in complex networks

scientific article

Large-scale global optimization through consensus of opinions over complex networks

article published in 2013

Link prediction in multiplex online social networks.

scientific article published on 8 February 2017

Mesoscopic analysis of online social networks: the role of negative ties

scientific article published on 29 October 2014

Multivariate Synchronization Analysis of Brain Electroencephalography Signals: A Review of Two Methods

scientific article

Nationwide Prediction of Drought Conditions in Iran Based on Remote Sensing Data

scientific article

Network biology: Describing biological systems by complex networks: Comment on "Network science of biological systems at different scales: A review" by M. Gosak et al.

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

Normalized Similarity Index: An adjusted index to prioritize article citations

scientific article

On fast terminal sliding-mode control design for higher order systems

scientific article

Optimal pinning controllability of complex networks: dependence on network structure

scientific article published on 5 January 2015

Optimization of Communication Network Topology in Distributed Control Systems Subject to Prescribed Decay Rate

scientific article published on 18 July 2019

Optimization of echo state networks for drought prediction based on remote sensing data

scientific article

Optimization of synchronizability in complex spatial networks

scientific article

Optimizing Dynamical Network Structure for Pinning Control

scientific article

Percolation of heterogeneous flows uncovers the bottlenecks of infrastructure networks

scientific article

Performance recovery of undirected formations subject to failures in communication links

scientific article

Phase synchronizing in Hindmarsh–Rose neural networks with delayed chemical coupling

scientific article

Precision Position Tracking for Piezoelectric-Driven Motion System Using Continuous Third-Order Sliding Mode Control

Prediction of Iran's annual electricity demand: Artificial intelligence approaches

scientific article

Properties of functional brain networks correlate with frequency of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

scientific article

Psychogenic seizures and frontal disconnection: EEG synchronisation study

scientific article published on 14 March 2011

Purchase Prediction and Item Suggestion based on HTTP sessions in absence of User Information

scientific article

QANet: Tensor Decomposition Approach for Query-Based Anomaly Detection in Heterogeneous Information Networks

scientific article

Ranking Nodes in Signed Social Networks

scientific article

Recommender Systems for Social Networks Analysis and Mining: Precision Versus Diversity

scientific article

Recommender systems based on collaborative filtering and resource allocation

scientific article

Resiliency of EEG-Based Brain Functional Networks

scientific article published on 21 August 2015

Resiliency of cortical neural networks against cascaded failures.

scientific article published in August 2015

Revenue maximization in social networks through discounting

scientific article

Rewiring dynamical networks with prescribed degree distribution for enhancing synchronizability

scientific article published in December 2010

Robust Pinning Synchronization of Complex Network with Non-linear Coupling using Switching Control

scientific article

Robust Second-Order Consensus Using a Fixed-Time Convergent Sliding Surface in Multiagent Systems

scientific article published on 30 October 2018

Roles of node dynamics and data network structure on cooperative secondary control of distributed power grids

scientific article


scientific article

Selective load reduction in power grids in order to minimise the effects of cascade failures

scientific article

Shortest Paths in Multiplex Networks

scientific article published on 12 May 2017

Sign prediction in social networks based on tendency rate of equivalent micro-structures

scientific article

Sign prediction in social networks based on users reputation and optimism

scientific article

Social power and opinion formation in complex networks

scientific article

Spike phase synchronization in delayed-coupled neural networks: Uniform vs. non-uniform transmission delay

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

Spike phase synchronization in multiplex cortical neural networks

scientific article

Statistical Link Label Modeling for Sign Prediction: Smoothing Sparsity by Joining Local and Global Information

scientific article

Structural covariance of superficial white matter in mild Alzheimer's disease compared to normal aging.

scientific article

Synchronization of EEG: bivariate and multivariate measures

scientific article published in March 2014

Synchronizing Hindmarsh-Rose neurons over Newman-Watts networks.

scientific article published in September 2009

TCARS: Time- and Community-Aware Recommendation System

scientific article

Target controllability with minimal mediators in complex biological networks

scientific article published on 06 September 2020

Topography of EEG multivariate phase synchronization in early Alzheimer's disease

scientific article published on 5 September 2008

Topology and vulnerability of the Iranian power grid

scientific article

Voltage Control in Distributed Generation Systems Based on Complex Network Approach

scientific article

Which Generation Unit Should be Selected as Control Leader in Secondary Frequency Control of Microgrids?

scientific article